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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Period: 1. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. REVISION THE 7TH FORM I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Review all main what they have studied in the 7th form - Practice doing some exercises II. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalk, paper test... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages Presentation (25’). Steps/Activities I. Tenses (Write on bb ) -Suggested questions: How many tenses have you studied? What are they? What is active/ passive sentence? How to change an active into passive? … 1. Present tenses: simple/ cont./ perfect Ex. - Nam goes to school everyday. - He is writing a letter. - They have built that house for 3 months. 2. Past : simple/ cont Ex. - My mother bought me a new shirt yesterday. - We were having dinner when Lan came yesterday. 3. Future : simple/ cont. Ex. - We will travel to HN next weekend. - We will be traveling by this time next month. II. Passive voice (Write on bb ) 1. Active: Someone does something. 2. Passive: Something is done (by agent) Ex. - The cat eats the mouse. => The mouse is eaten by the cat. - Lan does her homework everyday. => Lan’s homework is done everyday. III. Main structures(Write on bb ) 1. although + a clause of concession => despite + N-phrase/ V-ing Ex. - Although he is poor, he is the best student in our class. =>Despite being poor, he is the best student …….. 2. used to + V = usually + V-ed/ V2 (past habit) Ex. My father used to smoke a lot but now he isn’t any more. 3. be/ get + used to + V-ing (present habit) Ex. Lan is used to getting up early. 4. Degree of comparisons. Work arrangement Class work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Practice (18’). Production ( 2’ ) Homework (1’). a. Equality: as …. As b. Comparative: er…than/ more …..than c. Superlative: the …est / the most … …………. -Students practice doing different exercises I. Correct verbs form/ tense ( Hang on the poster) 1. There (be) 3 accidents on this street in the past 3 days. 2. Is this the first time you (visit) our beautiful country? 3. Scientists (find) cures for many illnesses in the last 50 years. 4. My uncle's health (improve) since he (leave) India. 5. I (buy) a new shirt last week but I (not wear) it yet. 6. I (not see ) Lan since we (leave) school. II. Change into passive( Hang on the poster) 1. She read the letter many times last night.  _____________ 2. Hoa met Tim at the market yesterday. ___________________________ 3. She didn’t introduce me to her mother. _______________________ 4. My father planted this tree.  ________________________________ 5. Thu helped him do his homework. __________________________ 6. They didn’t invite me to the birthday party.  __________________ 7. they built that house in 1972  _________________________________ 8. Mr. Smith has taught us French for two year. --> __________________________________ 9. They didn’t look after the children properly. -->___________________________________ 10. Nobody swept this street last week. -->____________________________________ III. Rewrite sentences with: although/ despite ( Hang on the poster) 1. She felt sick. She went to work. (although) => 2. I was really tired. I couldn’t sleep. (even though) => 3. He is very rich. He isn’t happy. (although) => 4. She couldn’t answer the question. She is very intelligent. (though) => 5. He tried. He was not successful. (though) => 6. His life is hard. He determined to study well. (although) => -Ss retell main contents. Individual work. Pair work. Group work. Individual work Listen and copy. - Review all by yourself -Prepare: Unit 1. Lesson1. Getting started Period: 2. Date of planning: ……/……/…….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 1: Getting Started–IT’s right up my street. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" leisure activities" - Listen and read for specific information about different leisure activities - Practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages. Steps/Activities. Presentatio n (7’). - Ask Ss to give the meaning of the words “leisure activities" - Ss guess what the conversation of Mai, Phuc & Nick might be about - Ask Ss to observe the picture & answer the questions.(Show the picture) Suggested questions: What can you see in the picture? Why do you think Mai, Phuc & Nick are there? What are they holding? What are they talking about? Can you guess what they like doing in their free time?.... Practice (25’). Work arrangements Individual work. Pair work 1. Circle the correct answer ( Show the poster )(1aP7) -Play the recording -Ss listen and choose the correct answer : 1. bookstore 2. book 3. dog 4. craft kit 5. folk music 6. Vietnamese 2. Tick the boxes the leisure activities Mai, Phuc & Nick have ( Draw on bb)(1bP7) -Ask Ss to listen again , then complete the table: Phuc Mai Nick Pet training x Making crafts x Reading x x Listening to music x Playing sports x x Helping parents with DIY x x projects Learning languages x 3. Answer(Write on bb) (1cP7) -Elicit the meanings of these two expressions 1. check out sth: means to examine sth or get more information about it in order to be sure that it is suitable. Pair work. Teacher-Ss.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 2. right up one’s street: if sth is right up your street, it is the type of thing that you are interested in or that you enjoy doing Ex. This job seems right up your street. 4.Matching : (Books )(2P7) -Ask Ss to write the words/phrases under each picture, then listen together to check their answers. 1. playing computer games 2. playing beach games 3. doing DIY 4. texting 5. visiting museum 6. making crafts 5.Complete these sentences with the adjectives you’ve discussed. ( Show the poster )(3P7) -Tell Ss to look for surrounding key words in order to complete the task. Production Note that “good” and “ satisfied” fit both items 1 and 5. (10’) 1. satisfied 2. relaxing/ exciting 3. fun 4. boring 5. good 1.Discuss:Talking with parners about your leisure times (Write on bb) -Ask Ss to work in groups to talk with parners about their leisure activities. Consolidati -You can use these suggested WH- questions: What ?/Where?/How on often?/When?/Who?/Why?/How?) (2’) Homework (1’). -Ss practice saying as many words about leisure activities as possible Ex. playing board games/ reading….. Individual work. Pair work. Group work. Individual work Listen and copy. -Prepare: Unit 1. Lesson 2. A closer look 1. Period: 3. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 2: A Closer look 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" leisure activities".

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> - Use verbs of liking that are followed by gerunds/ to –infinitives - Pronounce words containing the clusters /br/ and /pr/ correctly in isolation and in context II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages Presentation (5’). Steps/Activities *Voc.(Write on bb) - socialize (v) : hßa nhËp x· héi (explanation). Work arrangements Teacher-Ss. - communicate (v) : giao tiÕp (explanation) *Set the scene: ( show the picture of pie chart ) ( 1P8) -What is the pie chart about? Where can you find the information? -What do the different coloured sections of the chart refer to? -How are these sections calculated? -What does the ‘Note’ tell you? -What does the ‘Source’ tell you? Practice (25’). Pair work 1.Look at the following pie chart on leisure activities in the US and answer the questions: ( show the picture of pie chart )(1P8) -Ask Ss to answer the questions that follow the chart *Answer: 1. In 2012, people in the USA spent 5.1 hours a day on sport & leisure activities. 2. The main activities they did include watching TV, socializing & communicating, reading participating in sports, exercise & recreation, using computer for leisure and thinking. 3. The 3 most common activities were watching TV, socializing & communicating and using computer for leisure. 2.Complete the table with information from the pie chart: (Hang on the chart )(2P8) -Have Ss to coplete the table. Ex:relaxing comes from the verb relax with –ing added, and it refers to the activity). Name of activity Verb Name of activity Verb Relaxing relax socializing Socialize Using Use communicatingC communicate Thinking think Watching watch ……. 3.Look at the words.Match them to the category(Books) (3P8) -Ask Ss to cover the category labels. -T may elicit answers from Ss by asking questions, for example:. Individual work. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Production (14’). Homework (1’). What is the common verb we often use with these? How can we use this verb to describe the activity? Who do we often do these with? Where do we often do these? Etc. *Key: 1.e 2.b 3.f 4.a 5.d 6.h 7.c 8.g 1.Complete the words (Books)(5P9) -Ask Ss to complete the words under the pictures -Play the recording and ask them to listen & check (tape) 1. /br/ : bridge, bracelet, bread, broccoli, …. 2. /pr/ : apricot, princess, president, present… 2.Listen and repeat(Books) -Ask them to repeat the sentences and tick /br/ & /pr/ (tape) *Auto script: 1.She loves making apricot jam. 2.My dad likes making bread in his free time. 3.Hien is our club president. 4.Mai keeps all her bracelets in a beautiful box. 5.You will need a brush if you want to paint your room. 6.This is a wonderful present. Thanks so much.. Individual work. Individual work. Listen and copy. -Prepare: Unit 1. Lesson 3. A closer look 2. Period: 4. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 3: A Closer look 2 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" leisure activities" - Use verbs of liking that are followed by gerunds/ to –infinitives - Practice doing exercises with verbs of liking II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD....

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures. Stages. Steps/Activities. Presentati *Vocabulary (Write on bb) on - adore (v) thích, tôn sùng, yêu thiết tha…(explanation) (10’) - detest (v) ghét cay ghét đắng (antonym) - fancy (v) mến, thích (synonym) *Grammar ( Write on bb) - Give the form & its functions of gerunds Verbs of liking + gerunds/ to V ex. She loves going out with her friends. = She loves to go out with her friends. (If we want to follow a verb with another action, we must use a gerund or an infinitive// some verbs are followed by only gerunds: enjoy; fancy; detest…) Practice 1.Underline verbs that are followed by a gerund (in getting started): (25’) ( books )(1P9) -Read or play the recording in GETTING STARTED for Ss to listen and ask them to underline the verbs of liking followed by gerunds or toinfinitives that they find in the text. Love to watch ; enjoy listening ; liked reading 2.Tick the box ( books)(2P9) Ask Ss to tick the box individually then compare the answers with their partners. -Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. Followed by V-ing Followed by V-ing/ toV Love X ẹnjoy X Detest X Prefer X Fancy X *Auto script: 1.I love eating spicy food. 2.I love to eat spicy food. 3.Jane enjoys running. 4.Phong detests doing DIY. I prefer reading poetry. I prefer to read poetry. 5.Do you fancy watching TV? 3.Write the correct form of the verbs ( poster )(3P10) => 1. making 2. to watch/ watching 3. skateboarding 4. to learn/ learning 5. sitting 4.Write about you ( notebooks)(4P10) -Ask Ss to write sentences about what they like and dislike doing in their. Work arrangements T- Whole class. Individual work. Pair work. Pair work Individual work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Productio n (9’) Homewor k ( 1’). free time, begining with the following , then share what they have written with their partner I adore................................ I love.................................... I fancy......................................... I don’t mind...................................... I don’t like............................................ I detest................................................ 5.There are 6 grammar mistakes in Duc’e-mail .Can you find and correct them? ( books )(5aP10) -Ask Ss to study the Duc’s e-mail, find out 6 mistakes then correct 1. like do =>like to do/ like doing 2. enjoy do=>enjoy doing 3. like have=> like to have/ having 4. mind to do=> mind doing 5. hate spend=> hate to spend/ spending 6. love eat=> love eating/ love to eat -Ask Ss to answer the questions related to the e-mail 6.Answer the questions : ( poster )(5bP10) *Key: -The activities Duc mentions in his e-mail are: playing video games, watching TV, going to the park, playing football, helping his parents, doing homework, and eating out with his family. -The two activities he enjoys the most are playing football with his friends, and eating out with his family.. Group work. Pair work. Individual work Listen and copy. Write a similar email to tell your friend about your free time -Ask Ss to write a similar e-mail to tell their friend about their free time , using the verbs of liking + gerunds or verbs of liking + to-infinitives (based on the questions in Act.5b) -Prepare: Unit 1. Lesson 4. Communication Period: 5. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 4:Communication I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talking about good and bad sides of leisure activities. - Practice reading a forum for friends around the world to share how they spend their free time - Language practice: to be hooked on sth; to be addicted to sth. => For better understanding of how to spend time for leisure activities. Ss are aware of taking part in good and useful leisure activities. - Practice doing exercises in Group work, pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV.Procedures: Stages Presentati on (10’). Practice (20’). Steps/Activities *Voc: (Write on bb) - window shopping = đi chơi ngắm đồ bày bán ở cửa hàng (explanation) - to be hooked on sth: bị mắc vào.., ham mê vào.. (explanation) - to be addicted to sth: bị nghiện làm … (explanation) - To sound + adj ( weird / strange / challenging…) (explanation) -netlingo (n) ngôn ngữ dùng để giao tiếp trên mạng (example) *Structure: (Write on bb) When you give your opinion about something you can use: - I find something/ doing sthing + adj - I think that something / doing sthing is + adj Ex: I find cooking interesting I think that playing computer game is relaxing 1.Read the following article on the magazine…and find out what they like doing in their free time.(books) (1P11) - Ss read, remember and try to say aloud. - Ss in each team takes turns to say aloud. 2.Can you understand the abbreviations in the text…(2P11) 2 moro tomorrow WBU What about you? J4F Just for fun DYLI Do you like it? … …. Note: These abbreviations are informal language that is used on line and in texting message. - add some more abbreviations you know, then write a short text or Production message in which you use your abbreviations & send to each other – if (14’) time left 1.Find the information from the text to complete the table.(poster) (3P11) - Ask Ss to read the forum more closely, then complete the table as directed Who? Emily. What activity is mentioned? - Hanging out with friends ( window shopping) - working as a volunteer. What does he/she think of it? She loves it.. Work arrangements T-Whole class. Individual work Pair work. Pair work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Hang Linn. Cloud watching She adores it. It is easy. Going to the community She loves it. center, painting, dancing and doing drama Minh - Playing football He likes it. It’s fun. Pairwork - helping his aunt in running cooking classes Manuel - playing computer games He’s addicted to it. Homework Listen and - doing judo It’s ok (1’) 2.Work with your partner and put the activities in 3 in order from the copy most interesting to the most boring. Then compare the ideas with other pairs. -Prepare: Unit 1. Lesson 5.Skills 1. Period: 6. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 5:Skills 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Reading for general and specific information about the positive and negative effects of using computers. (Scanning, skimming). - Practice speaking by giving fact or opinion about using computers and mobile phone for leisure activities. - Revise tenses of verbs; asking/ giving for an opinion. => For better understanding of how to spend time for leisure activities. - Practice doing exercises in Group work/ pair work/ individual II. Teaching aid: Textbook, teacher’s book, chalks…. III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV.Procedures Stages. Steps/Activities. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> PreReading (15’). *Voc:(Write on bb) - play truant/ hooky: trốn học đi chơi (explanation) -virtual (a): thực tế, thực sự (explanation) - ban – ned (v): cấm (~ sb from doing sth / sth) (example) - rely on (v): dựa vào (~ sth / doing sth) (mime) - exist – ed (v): tồn tại (explanation). Teacher-Ss. *Pre-questions: (Write on bb) -Do you have a computer at home? What do you use the computer for? What do you use the mobile phone for? What are the benefits of using computer or mobile phone? What are the harmful things it may bring us?... Benefits - a fast and convenient way to get and send information. WhileReading (17’). Bad affects - It’s harmful to your eyes - You feel tired and dizzy / You are short sighted/ neglect your study / play - For entertainment, communication, truant/ play hooky.. education - Waste of time and money… Individual work 1. Read the text and choose the correct answers.(books)(2P12) - Ask Ss to look at the picture & guess what they are going to read (a student named Quang) & try to guess what is Quang’s story about , then explain the choice . Pairwork Key: 1 B 2. C 2. Write the qs for the answers based on information from the text (books) (3P12) Key: 1. Is Quang’s garden real? 2. What is the problem with using technology in your free time? Pairwork 3. What leisure activities do teenagers do these days? 4. What are the benefits of using the computer? 3. Quang and his parents are talking about how he should spend his free time .Decide which statementsare from Quang and which are from Quang’s parents. *Give instruction - Ask Ss some questions: What do you think about playing computer games? (I think computer games train my mind and memory) ? Do you agree with your friend? (I agree, but you shouldn’t spend much time on it.) …………. - I think/ My opinion is that / As far as I'm concerned… Speaking for myself … In my opinion…/ Personally, I think… I'd say that… Agree Disagree.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> - Of course.. That's different. /. - You're absolutely right. / Yes, I agree./ I think so too. / That's a good point.. I don't agree with you./ However, …. - Exactly. / I don't think so either. / So do I. /I'd go along with that./ That's true. Key: Go out and play a sport. It’s good for you!. Quang’s parents. I think computer games train my mind and my memory. Quang. My English is much better because I surft the net. Quang Sitting for too long in front of the computer makes your eyes tired. I’ve made lots of friends from the game network.. You see your real friends less and less. PostReading (12’). Group work. Quang Homework (1’). Quang’s parents. Quang Role- play: What’s the solution? Q: I believe that my E is much better because I surf the Internet. Q’ P: I don’t agree with you. Go out and play with your friends is much better. T: I agree with you Q. However, you shouldn’t spend much time on surfing the Net. It’s not good for your eyes. -Prepare: Unit 1. Lesson 6.Skills 2. Listen and copy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Period: 7. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 6:Skills 2 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Practice writing to discuss an opinion about leisure activities. - Practice listening for specific information about way of spending time with friends. - Language practice: Organizing one’s ideas… - Group-work, pair-work skills. => For being aware of spending time on leisure activities II. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalks, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. Stages Pre-listening (10’). Steps/Activities 1. Voc.(Write on bb) - suggest – ed (v): gợi ý (explanation) - basically (adv): về cơ bản, cơ bản (explanation) - physical health: sức khỏe thể chất (example). Work arrangement s Teacher-Ss.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> -hang out (v) = window shopping ( synonym) 2. What do you usually do with your friends in your free time? (Ask) (1P13) - We play badminton/ football/ listen to music… - I hang out/ go window shopping/ eat out with friends… Whilelistening (20’). Post-listening (14’). 1. Listen to the radio programme and answer the questions. (books) (2P13) -Tell Ss that they are going to a radio programme. Ask them to look at the questions and underline the key words before T plays the recording. *Key: 1. The topic of this week’s program is hanging out with your friends. 2. There are 2 main ways: hanging out indoors or outdoors. Audio script: In this week’s programme we’ll share with you some cool ways to hang out with your best friends after a busy week at school. Basically you can hang out indoors or outdoors. If you like staying indoors, ask your parents if you can invite one or two friends over. Make some popcorn! Watch a movie! It’s more comfortable than going to a cinema! Or if you’re feeling creative, you can make crafts together. You’ll feel satisfied once you finish something. If you fancy being outdoors, play some sports together. Football, badminton, biking…you name it! Or it can simply be a relaxing walk in the park. All these activities are good for your physical health. Do you prefer something more exciting? Go downtown and d some people watching. It’s fun. If you like something more organized, go to cultural centres, libraries, and museums. Educate yourself while having fun! 2. Listen again and complete the table.(poster) (3P13) - You listen again & complete the table *Key: 1. movies 2. cinema 3. crafts 4.sports 5. physical health 6. people 7. cultural centre 3. Complete the following paragraph with the words in purple box. (books) (4P13) Key: 1. In my opinion,/ I believe 2. Firstly 3. Secondly 4. Besides/ Also / In addition 5. For these reasons/ In short / As I have noted Write a short passage about giving an opinion *Organizing your ideas. - Introducing your opinion: In my opinion,.. I believe. Pairwork. Pairwork. Pairwork. Group work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> Homework (1’). - Explain your opinion: Firstly, secondly , thirdly… , finally. - Concluding / summarizing your opinion: For these reasons, …/ In short,… / As I have noted,… Sample: I believe the best leisure activity for teenagers is any group activity. This could be a hobby group or even volunteering. Firstly, teenagers like to feel that they belong t a group. Secondly, being part of a group helps teenagers make friends. Friendships are very important to teenagers. In addition to, they will make friends with people who have the same interests as them. For these reasons, I think group activity is the best for teenagers.. Listen and copy. -Prepare: Unit 1. Lesson 7.Looking back and project Period: 8. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES Lesson 7:Looking back & project I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Knowledge: Revise the knowledge they’ve learnt about the topic “Leisure activities” - Skills: Practice reading, speaking & writing skills (Ind. PW, GW) - Attitude: Co-operation & aware of spending time on leisure activities II. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalks, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV.Procedures: Stages Presentation (10’). Practice (20’). Steps/ Activities I/Vocabulary: 1. Which one is the odd one out?(books)(1P14) 1. DJY 2. hanging out 3. hospital 4. detest 5. boring 6. computer 2. Rearrange the letters to find the name of the activities.(books) (2P14) 1. socializing with friends. 4. doing DJY 2. relaxing 5. using computers 3. communicating with friends 6. making crafts II/Grammar: * Verbs of liking + V-ing / To V 1. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs (books) (3P14). Work arrangements Individual work. Individual work. Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Production (14’). Homework (1’). - Ask Ss to retell how to use verbs of liking/ … Key: 1. working 2. to learn / learning 3. seeing 4. doing 5. meeting 6. play 2. Complete the following sentences with your own ideas.(books) (4P14) 1. My best friend doesn’t mind cooking and doing the housework. 2. Do you fancy making crafts in your free time? 3. My father used to hate driving in busy street but now he likes doing it. 4. I love caring for trees and flowers in the garden. 5. My cousin detests going out on cold days. 3. Choose the most suitable words / phrases to fill the gaps.(books ) (5P14) Key: 1. Firstly 2. Secondly 3. Thirdly 4. In addition 5. In short * Choose from the leisure activities in this unit.Explain why you think so.(books) (6P14) -Allow Ss plenty of time to do this task. For each activity they choose, they should be able to give at least one reason that led them to the decision *Project: Join our leisure activity. (books) (P15) -Ask Ss to make a poster: Plan a trip to the countryside/ Prepare for a picnic to Mau Son Mountain/ Visit a museum… (free doing – Can do as homework) -Explain that Ss are going to make a poster to promote a group leisure activity. For example, one student can think about how to explain the activity, while another can think of reasons why their classmates should sign up to do this activity, etc -Prepare: Unit 2. Lesson 1 Getting started. Individual work. Individual work. Pairwork. Group work. Listen and copy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> Period: 9. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 1: Getting Started–IT’s harvest time. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" life in the countryside" - Listen and read for specific information about an unsual lifestyle in the countryside - Practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages Presentatio n (10’). Practice (24’). Steps/ Activities 1.Vocabulary: -Use different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia)  harvest time (n) : mùa gặt  buffalo-drawn cart (n): xe trâu kéo  herd (v) : chăn dắt ( gia súc )  envious(a) : ghen tị  explore (v) : khám phá * Checking vocab : recall 2.Listen and read: ? Look at the picture on page 6 - Answer the questions individually. What is the conversation about? Which season is harvest time in? What do you think the countryside is like at harvest time? What do the farmers do? What do the children do? 1. True or False (poster)(1a P17) - Play the recording twice.. Work arrangement s Teacher-Ss. Pairwork Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> Key: 1T 2F. 3F 4T. 5T. 2. Answer the following questions(books) (1b. P17) 1.He’s in the countryside. 2.Right on his first day there 3.It’s a big and colourful 4.His grandfather. 5.He means that he wishes he were in the countryside too. 3. Comlete the sentences with the words in the box (books)(1c P17) 1.colourful 2. move slowly 3. harvest time 4. paddy field 5. herding 6. buffalo-drawn cart 4. In groups , discuss and find out how Nguyen feels about his stay in the countryside.Tick (v) the appropriate box (1d P17) - Refer back to the conversation to find the expressions to support your ideas 1.He likes it. ‘…it’s more exciting than I expected.’ “It (the kite) looks great up there in the sky”. Production ‘It live more happily here, and there’s still a lot more to explore’. (10’). Homework (1’). 5.Match the activities with the pictures(books)(2 P17) - Run through all the words given. -Match each word with a sutable picture. 1.e 3.f 3.a 4.c 5.d 6.b 1.Can you think of some more things that children do in the countryside?Make a list (Write on bb) (3P17) -They climb trees -They go swimming in the river =They collect the fruits 2.Game :Countryside Charades -Prepare: Unit 2. Lesson 2: A closer look 1. Pairwork. Group work. Individual work. Individual work. Team work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> Period: 10. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 2: A Closer look 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" life in the countryside" - Pronounce words containing the clusters /bl/ and /cl/ correctly in isolation and in context II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages Prelistening (15’). Whilelistening (20’). Steps/Activities. Work arrangement s Teacher-Ss. 1.Vocab:(Write on bb) -Use different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia)  vast (a) : rộng lớn , bát ngát  nomadic (a): thuộc về du mục  blackberry(n): quả mâm xôi  hay(n) : cỏ khô  camel (n) : con lạc đà  herd (v) : chăn ( gia súc ) 2. Listen and repeat the words (tape)(1 P18) ? Listen and repeat all the words in part 1 P8 - Play the recording and let Ss listen - Play it again and pause for them to repeat each word. - Correct their pronunciation. 3. Put the words into groups (books)(2 P18) ? Work in pairs, putting the words in 1 into groups. - Get feedback and explain to Ss which words for the category Key: To describe… Words. Individual work. Pairwork. People. Friendly, brave, boring, nomadic, colourful. Life. Slow,hard, boring, nomadic, colourful. Scenery. Colourful, vast, peaceful. inconvenient,. peaceful,. 1. Match the nouns/noun phrases in the box with each verb(Write on bb)(3 P18). Pairwork.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> Make sure Ss understand the meanings of the verbs first. Key: ride: a horse, a camel put up: a tent, a pole collect: hay, water herd: the buffaloes, the cattle pick: wild flowers, apples 2.Use the words in 1 and 3 to complete the sentences(books) (4 P18) -Ask Ss to look at the sentences and decide if an adjective or a verb is missing. Ss then complete the sentences by themselves. Check the answers as a class. Key: 1. picking 2. inconvenient, collect 3. herd 4. ridden, brave 5. peaceful 6. nomadic 7. vast 8. put up, hard 3. /bl / and / cl /(tape) (5 P19) - Explain how to make the two sounds. ? Listen and repeat. Pay attentiion to the sounds /bl / and / cl/ 4.Listen and circle the words (tape)(6 P19) - Play the tape twice ? Work individually to circle the words . ? Check your answers in groups. - Have two students write on the board. - Correct Ss' mistakes if necessary. Key: blame claim class blast clue blue clock block blow close 5.Listen to the sentences and repeat (tape)(7P19) ? Look at part 7P8. Postlistening ? Listen and repeat sentence by sentence. (9’) ? Recognize the two sounds and underline them Homewo - Play the recording twice rk (1’) *Make sentences :Use the words you hear in 6P19 to make meaningful sentences -Prepare: Unit 2. Lesson 3: A closer look 2. Individual work. Class work Individual work. Class work. Individual work Listen and copy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> Period: 11. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 3: A Closer look 2 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" life in the countryside" - Use comparative forms of adverbs of manner - Practice doing comparative forms of adverbs of manner II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV.Procedures: Stages Presentation (15’). Steps/Activities. Work arrangement s. 1. Teaching vocab Teacher-Ss - Teacher uses different techniques to teach vocab (situation, realia) - Follow the seven steps of teaching vacab.  access to ( v) : tiếp cận  facility (n) : cơ sở vật chất  folk (n) : người thân  soundly (adv) : ngon lành ( ngủ)  generously ( adv) : hào phóng  optimistically ( adv ) : lạc quan * Checking vocab: Slap the board Individual 2. Review Comparative forms of adjectives:(books)(1 P19) work Remind Ss of comparative forms of adjectives learnt in previous lessons by asking questions like ‘ Which river is longer, the Mekong or the Red river?’‘Who is the tallest boy in our class?’ ? Read the paragraph and complete with a suitable comparative form of the adjectives provided. ? Work individually in 5 minutes. ? Share the answers with your partner. - Get feedback orally. Key: 1. higher 2. easier 3. better 4. more exciting Teacher-Ss 5. more convenient 6. happier 7. more friendly 8. fast 9. safer 10. best 3. Comparative forms of adverbs (Write on bb) T first revises the different use of an adjective and an adverbs T writes “Life in the city is slow (a)and He is moving slowly (adv)” but.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> Practice (24’). Production (10’). Homework (1’). “ He is moving more slowly than before”  Form: -For advs of manner ending in LY : more/less + adv + (than) -For advs of manner with the same form as adjs: fast-->faster ; hard --> harder ; early --> earlier late --> later 1. Complete the sentences with suitable comparative forms of advs in the box (2 P20) Key: 1.more slowly 2.more soundly 3.less traditionally 4.more generously 5.more healthily 2. Finish the sentences below with a suitable comparatives form of hard, early late, fast , well , badly (3 P20) Key: 1.better 2.faster 3.later 4.harder 5.worse 6.earlier 3. Underline the correct comparatives formsto complete the sentences(4P20 Have Ss do this exercise independently. T then checks the answers as a class ) Key 1 .more optimistically 2 .more popularly 3. less densely populated 4. more quickly 5. more easily 6 .better * Write the answers to the questions below (5P20) Ss do this exercise independently. Walk around and help Ss who have difficulty writing the answer. Ss then check their answers with a partner. Check as a class and write the correct sentences on the board, underlining the comparatives Key: 1.The countryside is more peaceful(than the city) 2.A computer works faster at calculus(than a human being) 3.Life in a remote area is harder(than that in a modern town) 4.Ho Cho Minh City is more expensive(than Hue). 5.A buffalo can plough better(than a horse).. -Prepare: Unit 2. Lesson 4:Communication. Pairwork. Pairwork. Individual work. Individual work. Listen and copy.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> Period: 12. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 4: Communication I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Giving their opinions about things - Practice reading some online posts from people all over the world. - Practice doing exercises in Group work, pair work II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures: Stages. Steps/Activities. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span> PreSpeaking (15’). Teacher-Ss. 1. Preteach the vocab: (Write on bb) . dig ( v) : đào. (picture). . honey (n) : mật (reality). . beehive (n) : tổ ong ( picture). . positive (a) : tích cực. (situation). . negative ( a) : tiêu cực. (situation). . neutral ( a) : trung tính. (situation). *Checking vocab : What and where WhileSpeaking (14’). 2. Read the posts on “Holidays in the Countryside”(books)(1p21) Explain that Ss are going to read some online posts from people all over Pairwork the world. Elicit from the Ss where these people . They are talking about their experiences of staying in the countryside. They all have very defferent opinions of the experience. Now ask Ss to read the posts. Check that everybody understands the meaning of each post before moving on. 1. What are the attitudes of these people towards their experiences? Tick (V) the appropriate box.(2p21). -Ask them to look for expressions which help them decide their answers. Key: Positive Neutral Negative Dennis from London. . Julie from Paris.  . Phirun from Phnom Penh Yumi from Ha Noi PostSpeaking (15’).  . Emi from Tokyo Lan from Ha Noi Bob from Hong Kong. Group work.  . *Work in groups.Reply to the posts in 1.Write down your replies(Papers).(3p21) -Put Ss into groups of between five and seven. Explain that now they have a change to reply each post with their own opinions. Hand out a piece of blank paper for each post. Have the groups write the name of each post at the top, e.g. Bob from London. Each student writes a short reply to a post and then passes the paper to the person on their left. They take the next paper from the person on their right. They read the reply and then add their.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(25)</span> Period: 13. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 5: Skills 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Reading for general and specific information about the nomadic life . - Practice speaking by discussing which things they like and dislike about life in the countryside - Practice doing exercises in Group work/ pair work/ individual II. Teaching aid: Textbook, teacher’s book, chalks…. III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV.Procedures: Stages. Steps/Activities. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(26)</span> PreReading (10’). Teacher-Ss. 1.Pre-teach the vocabulary:(Write on bb) . pasture = grassland (n) : đồng cỏ (picture). . ger (n) : lều của người du mục ( =circular tent : lều hình trụ ). . brave (a) : dũng cảm (situation). . diary products (n) : sản phẩm từ sữa (example). * Checking vocab : ROR 2.Set the scene : WhileReading (19’). -Ask Ss to look at the picture then give their ideas about life in the picture.. Pairwork. 1.Quickly read the passage and choose the most suitable heading A,B or C for each paragraph.(books) ( 1p22) -Ask Ss to read the headings first and make sure they understand their meanings.They then read each part of the passage and choose the correct heading for it. Key: 1. The importance of cattle to the nomads (B) 2. The nomads’home (C). Individual work. 3. Nomadic children’s lives (A) 2.Match the descriptions with the words/phrases from the passage. (books)(2p22) -Ask Ss to read the passage again and underline the words (a-e). They then try to guess the meanings of these words, based on the context. Ss complete the task independently. Individual Key: 1.b 2.d work 3.e. 4.a. 5.c. 3.Read the passage again and choose the best answer A,B,C or D. (books)(3p22) -Ss may be able to remember the main information of the passage without having to reread it. Ask them to read the questions and do the exercise Pairwork independently. T may guide Ss to look for key words which can help them find the part of the passage where the information for the answers is given. Key: PostReading (15’). 1.. 1.A. 2.C. 3.A. 4.B. 5.B 6.D. Work in pairs.Interview your partner to find out he/she likes/ doesn’t like about the life of the nomads.(4p23). Ss should individually refer to the passage and underline at least one thing.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(27)</span> Period: 14. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 6: Skills 2 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Practice writing their opinions about the changes in rural area. - Practice listening for specific information about changes in rural area. II. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalks, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV.Procedures: Stages PreListening (10’). WhileListening. Steps/Activities. 1.Voc: -brick house (n) : nhà bằng gạch (picture) -earthern house (n) : nhà bằng đất (picture) -oil lamp (n) : đèn dầu (picture) -stream (n) : suối (draw) 2.Guessing what changes a boy talking about in his village. -Ask Ss to think about some changes in his village.T writes on the board 1.Listen to a boy talking about changes in his village and tick(V) the changes he mentions. (1p23) Give Ss time to look at the changes (A-F). make sure that Ss understand the meanings of the words/phrases. T plays the recording and Ss tick the changes which are mentioned. Key: A…..…The roads in the village B……Electrical applicances in the homes C……Means of transport D….......Entertainment E……School F.......Visitors Audio script: I live in a mountain village. My parents often tell me stories about their life in the past. It’s not much like the village I can see nowadays. Some villagers now live in brick houses instead of earthen ones. Our houses are better equipped with electric fans and TVs. Thanks to the TV, we know more about life outside our village. We don’t use oil lamps any more. We have electric lights which are much brighter. More villagers are using motorcycles for transport instead of riding a horse or walking. We-village children-no longer have to walk a long way and cross a stream to get to school, which is dangerous in the rainy season. Now there’s a new school nearby. We also have more visitors from the city. They come to experience. Work arrangement s Teacher-Ss.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(28)</span> our way of life. 2.Listen again and say if the sentences are true (T) or false(F) (2p23) -earthen house : ngôi nhà bằng đất Give Ss to read the sentences. Ss listen to the recording again and check (T) or (F) Key: 1.F 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T 3.Listen again and answer the questions in no more than FOUR words. (3p23) Ask Ss to read the questions first. T plays the recording. Ss listen and decide what word/phrase to write down for the answer.Ask them to focus on the key words. Key: 1.His parents . 2. Life outside their village. 3. Nearby/Near the village . 4. The way of life. 1.What do you think?(4p23). PostListening. Homewor k. Ss can use this information and the example given in 4 to write their opinions about the changes. Ex: It’s good for the villagers to have TVs.They can now have more fun and learn more about different people and different places. 2.Discuss and find some changes in a rural area.Make notes of the changes.(5p23) A:The rural area changes so much now. B:Really?What is the change? A:People don’t use buffaloes for transport .They use motorbikes.They have running water, electricity and TVs at home. B: Anything else? A:The school is near the village .There is also hospital there. 3.Write a short paragraph about the changes.(6p23) Ss use their notes about the changes in a rural area to write a paragraph describing the changes.T can guide their writing by providing them with some key words/phrases like ‘The first change is…’ My hometown changes so much.The first change is life of local people .They have a better life because they have electricity ,TV, hospital, schools nearby the village.The second change is the people .There are more people and more houses here.The houses are more modern in brick not by soil any more.The last change is the place for children to play.There is a park in the village.. Period: 15. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Lesson 7: Looking back and project Stages. Steps/Activities. Work.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(29)</span> arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(30)</span> Presentatio n. 1.Use the words and phrases in the box to describe the pictures. Individual work (1p24). - You retell as many words related to the topics as possible Key: Picture a: peaceful, vast, quiet, pasture, paddy field Picture b: quiet, colourful, paddy field, harvest time, rice Picture c: peaceful, vast, quiet, nomadic life, inconvenient, ger, pasture, cattle, horses 2.Look at each picture and write a sentence describing what each person is doing.(2p24). Practice. Ss write the sentences in their full forms. T goes round while Ss are writing and helps them with any difficulties. When Ss have finished, T can choose some sentences and asks Ss to write them on the board. T gives feedback Suggested answers : 1. A boy is riding a horse 2. A man is herding his cattle/sheep. 3. A girl is picking apples (from an apple tree). 4. A boy is flying a kite. 5. The children are running around in the fields/countryside. 6. A woman is collecting water from the river. 1.Look at the pictures and complete the sentences , using suitable comparative forms of the adverbs in brackets.(3p24). Ss complete this taskindependently. They can then exchange their answers with a partner. T checks as a class. Key: 1.faster than 2.earlier than 3.better-than 4.more skillfully than 5.more beautifully-than 2.Read the situation and complete the sentences with suitable forms of the advs in brackets.(4p24). Production. Ask Ss to read the situations carefully and decide which two things are being compared. Ss may prefer to the completed sentences in 3 as a guide for this sentence completion. Ss complete the exercise independently and then compare their answers with a partner. T checks as a class. Key: 1…faster than a camel. 2…more happily than those in the city. 3…more heavily on the weather than people in many other.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(31)</span> Period: 16. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 3: PEOPLES OF VIETNAM Lesson 1: Getting started – At the Museum of Ethnology I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" cultural groups of Viet Nam" - Listen and read for specific information about cultural groups of Viet Nam - Practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages Presentatio n. Practice. Steps/Activities 1.Vocab:  ethnic (a) : (thuộc) dân tộc  ethnic group (n) : nhóm dân tộc  ethnic minority people (n) : người dân tộc thiểu số  custom (n) : phong tục , tập quán  discriminate (v) : phân biệt  museum of Ethnology(n) : bảo tàng Dân tộc học *Checking Vocab: Recall 2. Listen and read : *Set the scene : -Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 26 . a) Where are Duong and Nick now? b)What do they want to know? c)How many ethnic groups are there in VN? d)Which ethnic group has the largest population? e)Do the ethnic minority poeple have their own customs and traditons? 1.Find the opposite of these words in the conversation:(1ap27). Key: 1. interesting 2. largest 3. minority 4. southern 2.Read the conversation again and answer the questions:(1bp27) -Ask Ss to listen and read then check their answer .. Key: 1. They are in the Museum of Ethonology. 2. They want to know about the ethnic groups of Viet Nam. 3. There are 54 ( ethnic groups ). 4. The Viet (or Kinh) have the largest population.. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(32)</span> 5. Yes, they do. 3.Find the following expressions in the conversation:(1cp27). -Tell Ss to refer back to the conversation to find the expessions: Key: 1.Used as a reply, agreeing with what sb has just said,or emphasizing that it is correct. 2. How + adj/adv : used to show a strong reaction to sth. 3. Used to show you understand what someone said. 4. Used to show that you think something is great. 4.Work in pairs , using the expressions to make short role-plays: (1dp27) Ex: A: Some groups live in mountainous regions. B: How interesting! 5. Use the words and phrases in the box to label each picture:. Ss work in pairs and label each picture. Then let Ss read each word/phrase correctly. Check and correct their pronunciation. Key: 1. five-coloured stickey rice 2. terraced fields 3. festival 4. folk dance 5. Open-air market 6. Musical instrument 7. costume 8. stilt house 6.Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases in the box:(3p27). Production. Ss do the task by themselves. After that they swap their answers with a partner. T corrects as a class. Then let them repeat the words/phrases in chorus. Key: 1.ethnic 2.heritage site 3.stilt houses 4.festivals 5.member 6.terraced fields. Homework. Work in pairs. Ask and answer, using these cues. Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. T gives correction. T may call on some pairs to talk before the class. Key: 1. Which ethnic group has the smallest population? 2. Do the Hmong have their own language? 3. Where do the Coho live? 4. What colour is the Nung’s clothing? 5. Which group has a ;arger population, the Tay or the Thai? 6. Whose arts are displayed at a museum in Da Nang?. Game: Quick quiz.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(33)</span> Period: 17. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 3: PEOPLES OF VIETNAM Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" cultural groups of Viet Nam" - Use The simple present - Pronounce words containing the clusters /sk/, /sp/, and /st/correctly in isolation and in context II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages Prelistening. Steps/Activities 1.Vocab:  insignificant (a) : không quan trọng  complicated (a) : phức tạp , rắc rối  shawl (n) : khăn choàng  waterwheel (n ) : bánh xe nước  local speciality ( n) : đặc sản  spicy (a) : cay *Checking vocab : Slap the board 2.Match the adjectives in A with their opposites in B:(1p28). Ss work in pairs to match the adjectives with their opposites. T elicits the answers from the class. Key: 1.d 2.c 3.g 4.a 5.f 6.e 7.b 3.Use the words from 1 to complete the sentences: ( 2p28). Ss work individually to do the task. Some Ss may write the answers on the board. Check their answers. Key: 1.written 2.traditional 3.important 4.simple, basic. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(34)</span> 5.rich 4.What word is for each picture: (3p28). Whilelistening. Ss work in pairs and discuss what the words is for each picture. Check the answers with the class. Key: 1.ceremony 2.pagoda 3.temple (Ly Son) 4.waterwheel (in the north) 5.shawl (of the Thai women) 6.basket (of the Sedang) 1.Listen and repeat the following words:(4p28). Play the recording and Ss repeat. T may pause the recording to drill difficult items. Play the recording as many times as necessary. Correct Ss ‘ pronounciation. 2.Listen and put them in the right column:(5p28). Play the recording again. Ss listen carefully and put the words in the right columns. /sk/. skateboard School Basket task. /sp/. Speech Display Crisp Space. /st/. Stamp First Station Instead. 3.Listen and read the following sentences.Then underline the words with the sounds /sk/ , /sp/ , /st/. Play the recording two or three times (or more if necessary). Help Ss recognize all the words with /sk/,/sp/,or /st/, then underline them as assigned. Postlistening. Homewor k. Key: 1. The Hmong people I met in Sa Pa speak English very well. 2. You should go out to play instead of staying here. 3. This local speciality is not very spicy. 4. Many ethnic minority students are studying at boarding schools. 5. Most children in far-away villages can get schooling. Make up sentences with the words in part 6 P28 Teacher gets students to make up sentnces with the words in part 6p28. Period: 18. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 3: PEOPLES OF VIETNAM Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(35)</span> - Use the lexical items related to the topic" cultural groups of Viet Nam" - Ask and answer different question types; Use articles a, an, the - Practice doing Wh-questions; articles a, an, the II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures. Stages Presentatio n. Steps/Activities 1.Vocab:  simply (a,adv) : đơn giản  minitor (n) : lớp trưởng  multicultrural (a) : đa văn hóa  striking (a) : nổi bật  open-air market (n) : chợ trời  diverse (a) : đa dạng *Checking vocab : What and where 2.Review Wh-words : -What is used for a thing: What is it? -Who is used for a person.Whose has the same meaning but it is always followed by a noun: Who were you talking to? Whose car is that? -Why is used for a reason : Why were you late? -When is used for a time or date : When did you started working here? -Which is used for a choice : Which do you prefer , tea or coffee? -Where is used for a place : Where do you live? -How is used for an amount or the way : How much does it cost? How do I get to the station? 3.Articles : a , an and the a). Mạo từ "A/AN" đứng trước danh từ số ít, đếm được, không xác định. - A đứng trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng các phụ âm như r, m, n, l, b, c, d, g, h… EX: a book a car a table a glass - AN đứng trước danh từ bắt đầu bằng một nguyên âm như: a, o, e, u, i EX: an apple an egg an inkpot an orange b). Mạo từ "The" đứng trước danh từ đã được xác định EX: The book which you gave me is interesting. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(36)</span> Practice. The students in this class are hard-working “The” cũng được dùng trước: - Danh từ mà người nói, người nghe đều biết rõ EX: My father is working in the garden - Danh từ được nhắc lại trong câu EX: There are many trees in the garden. The trees are having fruit - Danh từ chỉ mặt trời, mặt trăng, trái đất, sông, suối, núi, tòa nhà, khách sạn, rạp hát, trường học, câu lạc bộ, báo chí, công viên… EX: The earth moves around the sun - Tính từ chỉ lớp người. Động từ theo sau chia ở số nhiều EX: We should help the poor - Tính từ ở hình thức so sánh nhất EX: He is the most famous student - Danh từ trong một số nhóm từ thông dụng EX: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, in the street, all the year round… 1.Write questions for these answers: (2p29). Ss work in groups or in pairs and write questions for the answers given Suggested answers: 1.Who is living in the house? 2.How many children do they have? 3.Do the grandparents stay at home? 4.How often does Mrs Pha go shopping? 5.How far is Vang’s boarding school?/How far is the town? 6.When does Vang go home (every week) ? 7.How do they live? 8.Would they like to live( in a modern flat) in the city? 2.Use the right questions : (3p29). Ss work individually to complete the task Key: 1.Who 2.Which 3.Which 4.Which. 5.What. 3.Make questions and answer them: (4p29). Let Ss work in pairs. Questions: 1.Who does the shopping in your family? 2.Who is the principal of our school? 3.Which subject do you like better, English or maths? 4.What is the most important festival in Viet Nam?.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(37)</span> 5.Which ethnic group has a larger population, the Khmer or the Cham? Answers: 1-2-3: (Ss’s own answers) 4.The Lunar New Year 5.The Khmer:1,260,600 (The Cham: 161,700) 4.Underline the correct article to finish the sentences:(5p30) Production. Ss work individually to do the task Key: 1 .a 2. the 3. the 4. the 5. the. 6. a. 4.Insert a, an or the : (6p30). Ask some Ss to read the passage sentence by sentence.Ss work individually to do the task Key: 1.a 2.a/the 3.the 4.an/the 5.the 6.an. Homework. Period: 19. Game : Lucky numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Make questions for the underlined words or phrases: 1. The dictionary is 200,000dong. ........................................................................................... 2. I made it from a piece of wood. .......................................................................................... 3.LN 4. She bought it at the shop over there. ......................................................................................................... 5. No, I wasn’t. (I was tired after the trip.) ................................................................................................................... 6. It took her three hours to finish the composition. ................................................................................................................... 7.LN 8.LN 9. I need a phone card to phone my parents. ..................................................................................................................... 10. It’sabout 1,500 km from Hue to Ho Chi Minh City. .............................................................................................................. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/…….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(38)</span> UNIT 3: PEOPLES OF VIETNAM Lesson 4: Communication I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about the life of ethnic groups -Ask and answer different question types. - Practice doing exercises in Group work, pair work II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages Prespeaking. Whilespeaking. Steps/Activities 1.Vocab :  hunt (v) : săn bắt  terraced field (n) : ruộng bật thang  Mekong Delta ( n) : đồng bằng sông Mê kông  Central Highlands (n) : Tây Nguyên *Checking vocab : ROR 1.Quiz: (1p31). Ss work in pairs to do the quiz. T checks and gives explanation Key: 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 6. A 2.Where do these ethnic groups mainly live?(2p31). Ss work in groups. Let them discuss and then write down the ethnic groups in the correct boxes. Postspeaking. Homewor k. Key: Northwest region : Viet, Hmong , Lao Northeast region : Viet, Hmong , Nung , Tay Red River Delta : Viet The Central Highlands: Viet, Bahnar , Brau , Ede , Giarai , Sedang Mekong River Delta : Viet , Cham , Khmer Talking :Choose one group and talk about them (3p31). Write on the board subjects that Ss can talk about in relation to these groups. Elicit these subjects if possible: -location -lifestyle -costumes -foods -festivals/ceremonies -marriage/weddings… The Viet live everywhere in the country.They have the largest population. They have many kinds of food from North to South. They often celebrate many festivals during the year . They have the traditional costum : Ao Dai, Ao Ba Ba.. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(39)</span> Period: 20. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 3: PEOPLES OF VIETNAM Lesson 5: Skills 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Reading for general and specific information about a passage about the life of ethnic group - Practice speaking by giving facts about one ethnic group in Vietnam. - Practice doing exercises in Group work/ pair work/ individual II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages Prereading. Whilereading. Steps/Activities 1.Vocab :  experienced (a) : đầy kinh nghiệm  sticky rice ( n) : xôi  weave cloth (v) : đan vải  ornament (n) : trang sức  worship ancestor (v) : thờ cúng tổ tiên  alternating song (n) : bài hát giao duyên *Checking vocab : Recall 2.Pre-questions : -Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 32 : a. Which ethnic group is that? b. Where do the Thai people live? c.What is their population? 1. Read the text and check your answers: (1p32). T asks Ss to read the passage and checks the answers . 2.Complete each sentence with a word from the text:(2p32) Key : 1)farmers 2) bamboo 3) stilt 4)songs 5)ceremonies 3.Comprehension questions : (3p32). Key: 1. Yes,they do 2. Their main food is rice. 3. It is well-known for being unique, coulourful and strong. 4. Thai women do. 5. They worship their ancestors. Post-. Speaking: 4p32. -Divide the class into two groups, each preparing to talk about one. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(40)</span> reading. Homewor k Period: 21. ethnic group(The Bru-Van Kieu people and the Kmer people) -Ask some volunteers to present to the rest of the class. Kmer people have a population of about 1,260,600 people.They mostly live in province of Mekong Delta. Their language is Mon-Kmer group and the writing system.They grow rice , raise cattle and poultry , make sugar for living .They have 2 main festivals : Chaul Chnam Thmey ( New Year )and Greeting-the-Moon festival. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 3: PEOPLES OF VIETNAM Lesson 6: Skills 2 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Practice writing the recipe for a traditional dish. - Practice listening for specific information about a traditional dish - Group-work, pair-work skills. II. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalks, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach ….. IV. Procedures Stages Prelistening. Whilelistening. Steps/Activities 1.Vocab :  root (n ) : rễ  rince ( v) : vo  drain (v) : vắt khô  turmeric (n) : nghệ  shredded coconut (n) : dừa xay *Checking vocab : ROR 2.Set the scene :(1p33) -Ask Ss to look at the picture on p.33 and answer pre-questions: a)Do you like sticky rice? b)When do we traditionally have sticky rice? 1.Listen and tick (v) true (T) or false(F) :(2p33). Play the recording once or twice. Ask Ss to listen carefully and tick True or False according to what they hear in the passage Key: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F Audio script: Five-couloured sticky rice is an important traditional dish of many ethnic minorities in the northern mountainous regions. People call the dish five-coloured sticky rice because it has five coulours:. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(41)</span> red,yellow,green,purple and white. The things that create the colours are not chemicals but natural roots and leaves. The five colours of the dish represent five elements of life according to Vietnamese beliefs: yellow is earth, red is fire, green is plants, white is metal, and purple or black is water. People believe that these five elements create harmony between heaven and earth. Five-coloured sticky rice is usually made and enjoyed at Tet, in festivals and ceremonies, on special occasions, and whenever the family has guests. 2.Listen again and complete the sentences:. Postlistening. Homewor k. Play the recording again. Ss write down the words as they listen. Play the recording again for them to check. T correct as a class. Key: 1.mountainous 2.purple 3.natural 4.plants 5.ceremonies Writing: 4,5p33. Tell Ss to read the notes carefully Have Ss write full sentences to show the steps to cook the rice. Make sure that they use proper connectors first/firstly, second/secondly… and pay attention to spelling and punctuation. T may collect some Ss’ writing papers and mark them, then give comments to the class Sample cooking steps: This delicious dish is really easy to make. First, you need to soak the rice in water for at least five hours. Then rinse the rice and drain it well. Next, add the turmeric extract and mix it well. Then wait for 10 minutes. After that, add the coconut and salt. Remember to mix it well. Finally, steam the rice for 30 minutes. Check that it is fully cooked. You can serve this dish with chicken.. Period: 22. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 3: PEOPLES OF VIETNAM Lesson 7: Looking back and project I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Knowledge: Revise the knowledge they’ve learnt about the topic “Peoples of Vietnam” - Skills: Practice reading, speaking & writing skills (Ind. PW, GW) - Attitude: Co-operation & aware of spending time on leisure activities II. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalks, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach ….. IV. Procedures.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(42)</span> Stages. Steps/Activities. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(43)</span> Presentatio n. I/Vocab: 1.Complete the sentences with the words /phrases from the box: (1p34). -Ask one student to read the words aloud first and make sure all of the Ss know their meanings.Then let them do the task individually Key: 1.cutural groups 2.communal , activities 3.costumes, diverse 4.ethnic 5.unique 2.Use the correct form of the words in bracketsto finish the sentences: (2p34). Let Ss repeat the words as a class to practice pronunciation. Next,Ss can complete this exercise individually. Key:. Practice. 1.cutural 2.peacful 3.richness 4.diversity 5.traditional. II/Grammar: 1.Make questions for underlined parts in the passage:(3p34). Let Ss read the passage aloud. Clarify any difficulties. Ss do the task in pairs Key: 1. What are these houses built on? 2. Where is the entrance? 3. Which house is the largest, tallest and most elaborate building in the village? 4. What is it used for? 5. Who can sleep in this house? 2.Each sentence has an error.Find and correct it : (4p34). Tell Ss to read the sentences carefully and try to find the error relating to articles in each sentence. Ss can work individually Key: 1.a->the 2.a->the 3.an->the 4.the semi-nomadic life->a semi-nomadic life 5.an->the 3.Fill each gap with a, an , the : (5p34). Ss complete this task individually. T gives correction 1.an 2.a 3.the 4.the 5.the 6.the III/Communication: Game : Cultural knowledge Challenge(6P35) Production. Ss work in pairs. Let them recall what they have learnt about the cultural groups of Viet Nam. Ss take turns to ask each other questions about the topic. The person asking can look at the book. The first person to get five correct answers is the winner. Suggested questions : -What is the population of the largest ethnic group?-About 74 million.It’s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(44)</span> the Viet or the Kinh -What is the population of the smallest group?-It’s Odu group -How many ehnic groups do our country have?-54 ethnic groups -Where is the Museum of Ethology?-It’s in Ha Noi IV/Project: (HW). Homework. -Ss work in groups. Give Ss about five minutes to discuss the question I like the costume of the Pathen most .They are so colorful and elaborate (công phu) . They have costumes including : the short blouse , long skirt , scarves , hood ( nón đội). -Ss work independently. Encourage them to use imagination and make their own costume designs ( at home, or in class if possible, and with the materials available). Tell them to be creative.. Period: 23. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. REVIEW 1( Units 1-2-3) Lesson 1: Language(Pronunciation,Vocabulary, Grammar, Everyday English) The aim of this review is to revise what Ss have studied and practiced in units 1, 2 and 3. T may ask Ss what they have learnt so far in terms of language and skills. Summarise their answers and add some more information if necessary. Encourage Ss to recall and speak out as much as possible.. I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: -Revise pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, everyday English about leisure activities, life in the countryside, peoples of Vietnam. II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures. Stages Warm-up Activities. Steps/Activities Chatting : Which costumes of ethnic groups do you like best ? Why? PRONUNCIATION 1.Listen and repeat the words or phrases (1P36). Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(45)</span> T plays the recording and Ss repeat. Pause and correct Ss’ pronunciation 2.Listen to the sentences and underline the words with /sk/, /sp/, /st/ , /pr/, /bl/ and / cl/ (2P36). Play the recording two or more times Key: 1.I used to climb trees when I was small. 2.How can we improve our speaking skills? 3.How annoying, the stadium has closed! 4.I want to buy a blue skirt for my mother. 5.‘ On a dark day, I saw a witch riding a broom in the sky…’ VOCABULARY 3.Write theses words or phrases into pairs of opposites (3P36). Ss do the task individually and then share their answers with a partner Key: peaceful – noisy hard – easy boring – exciting forget – remember traditional – modern country life – city life love – hate majority – minority 4.Put a verb in the correct form to complete the sentences (4P36). Ss do this exercise individually. Key 1.like/enjoy, listening, visiting 2.forget 3.flying/to fly 4.mind,to do/doing 5.playing/to play GRAMMAR 5.Complete the sentences with the correct comparative form of adverbs from the adjectives in brackets (5P36). Ss do this individually and compare their answers with a partner Key: 1.later 2.more 3.more fluently 4.better 5.more simply 6.faster 7.more carefully 6.Fill with a, a, or the (6P36). Ss do the task individually Key: 1.a 2.an 3.the 4.the 5.the 6.a EVERYDAY ENGLISH 7.Match A with B (7P37). Ss do the task individually Key: 1.b 2.e 3.a 4.c 5.d Homewor k. Do Test yourself in the Workbook..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(46)</span> Prepare: Review 1: Skills Period: 24. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. REVIEW 1( Units 1-2-3) Lesson 1: Skills(Reading, Speaking, Listening, Writing) I. Objectives. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to revise reading, speaking, listening and writing about leisure activities, life in the countryside, peoples of Vietnam. II. Teaching aids: - A CD and a CD player. III. Procedure Stages. Steps/ Activities. Warm-up. Chatting : What are your family members like to do in their free time ? READING 1.Tick T or F (1bP37). Activities. Ss read the letter once or twice. T clarifies anything they do not understand fully. Key: 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 2.Write questions for underlined phrases(1bP37). Ss do the exercises in pairs. T corrects as a class Key: 1. Which museum does Kim love to visit on Saturday afternoon? 2. How many (clay and store) objects are ondisplay at the museum? 3. What can you learn in this museum/Da Nang Museum? SPEAKING 3.Talk about what your family members like to do in their free time(22P37). Ss work in pairs.Encourage them to talk as much as possible, using the verbs of liking they have learnt LISTENING 4.Listen and choose the correct answer(3P37). Play the recording once or twice. Ss listen and choose their answers.. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(47)</span> Key: 1.B 2.A 3.A 4.C 5.B Audio script: Life in the English countryside According to a recent survey by Country Life magazine, about 80 percent of Britain’s population dream of living in the countryside. In fact the countryside of England today shows the wealth of landowners and those who can afford to escape the busy and noisy city life. English village communities are often small and close. They are warm and usually welcoming. Maggie, who lives in North Yorkshire, says: “ Village life is wonderful and safe for the kids. There is a great sense of community here. It is more relaxing and you can’t tell who has money and who doesn’t”. People in the English countryside use private transport more, and the environment hasn’t been spoilt much. WRITING 5.Write a paragraph giving your opinion about life in the countryside(4P37). have Ss brainstorm ideas about life in the countryside: advantages, disavantages, what they like and dislike, etc… Sample writing: In my opinion, life in the countryside has many good points. Firstly, country folk are friendlier than city folk. Secondly, life is slower and simpler than in the city. The food is fresher and the air is cleaner. Finally, there are lots of traditional activities that we can do in the countryside such as horse-riding, swimming in the river or kite-flying. For these reasons, I like country life. Homewor k. Period: 25. Do Test yourself in the Workbook. Prepare for the 45 minutes test.. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 4: OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Lesson 1: Getting started – A lesson on customs and traditions I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" customs and traditions" - Listen and read for specific information about customs and traditions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(48)</span> - Practice listening and speaking with the lexical items related to the topic II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages. Steps/Activities. Presentatio n. 1.Vocab:  accept (v) : chấp nhận  spread (v) : lan truyền  generation (n) : thế hệ  table manner (n) : phép tắc ăn uống  custom (n) : phong tục  tradition (n) : truyền thống  complement (n) : lời khen *Checking vocab : Slap the board 2.Listen and read : *Set the scene : -Ask Ss to open their books and look at the picture and the phrase. Practice. under Getting started. Ask them some questions: Who can you see in the picture? What do you think the people in the picture are talking about? -Play the recording and have Ss follow along. Ss can compare their answers with the information in the dialogue and add some more details to their answers 1.Find a word/phrase that means:(1ap39). Ss work independently to find the words with the given meanings in the dialogue. Quickly write the correct answers on the board. Key: 1.accepted 2.generations 3.spot on 4.sharp 5.social 6.table manners 2.True or False (1b P39) Run through the statements. ? Work individually. ? Share answers with your partner. - Teacher gives feedback.. Key: 1.T 2.F( There are also social ones.). Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(49)</span> 3.T 4.F( There are a lot of customs for table manners in the UK) 3.Comprehension questions: (1cP39). Have Ss read the questions to make sure they understand them.ask them to answer by reading the dialogue again. Key: 1.It’s eating dinner at 7 p.m. sharp. 2.He’s surprised. 3.They both refer to doing something that develops over time. 4.A custom is something accepted. A tradition is something special and is passed down through the generations. 5.They should find information about a custom or tradition. 4.Fill in the missing words:(1dP39). Ss do this in pairs. Ask for Ss’ answers and their explanations Key: 1.have to: It’s an obiligation – you have no choice 2.should: It’s a suggestion or advice – it would be best to follow it. 5.Match the pictures with the customs and traditions :(2aP39). Ss do this activity in pairs Key: 1.g 2.c 3.f 4.h 5.e 6.a 7.b 8.d 6.Write C(custom) or T(tradition) under each picture:(2bP39). Production. Homework. Period: 2 6. Individually Ss decide if the pictures show customs or traditions and compare their answers in pairs.Have some Ss give the answers to the class and explain their choice. Suggested answers: 1.C 2. C or T 3. C 4.T 5.C 6.C 7. T 8. C or T Game: Customs and traditions experts (3P39). Organise a competition for this activity. Ss work in groups of five or six. Set a time limit of five minutes. Ss write down as many local customs and traditions as possible. The group with the most customs and traditions is the winner.. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/…….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(50)</span> UNIT 4: OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Lesson 2: A closer look 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" customs and traditions" -Use expressions with “custom” and “ tradition” - Pronounce words containing the clusters /spr/ and /str/ correctly in isolation and in context II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages Presentatio n. Steps/Activities 1.Vocab:  sponge cake(n) : bánh xốp  filmstrip (n) : đoạn phim  offspring (n) : con cái  straw (n) : ống hút  frustrated (a) = angry : giận dữ . spray(v ): xịt. *Checking vocab: ROR 2. Watch out Practice. Draw Ss’ attention to the Watch out! Box. Explain to them the words ‘custom’ and tradition’ can be countable or uncountable 1.Matching (A) and (B) to make meaningful sentences:(1P40). Have Ss look at the table in the book andcomplete the exercise individually Key: 1.e 2.d 3.a 4.g 5.b 6.c 7.f 2.Read full sentences in 1and complete the expressions:(2P40). Have Ss read the sentences in 1 again and complete the expressions Key: 1.custom 2.tradition 3.according 4.tradition 5.with 6.of 7.doing 3.Make sentences using any of the expressions in 2(3P40). Ask Ss to work in groups to do this activity Key: 1) .... Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(51)</span> 2) It’s the custom to wait until the guests finish eating before leaving the dinner table. 3) There is a tradition for adults to touch children’s head 4) According to the tradition , people decorate their houses on special occasions. 5) Women break the tradition of shaking stranger’s hands. 4.Complete sentences with your own ideas :(4P40). Ss individually complete the sentences with their own ideas. Production. Homework. 1) .......family members get together on Tet holiday 2) .......not decorating the house on Tet holiday 3) ........we always have dinner at night together 4) .........doing exercises in the morning 5) .........,adults give lucky money to children on Tet holiday 1.Complete the words:(5P40) -Ask Ss complete individually and then listen and repeat the words 1)straw 2)street 3)spring 4)spray 5)astronaut 6)frustrated 7)espresso 8)newsprint 2.Listen and circle the words with/spr/ and underline the words with /str/ Ask Ss to do the task individually first.. Then play the recording for them to check the answer and repeat the words. Play the recording as many times as necessary. 1)strictly 2)strangers,spread 3)streets 4)filmstrip 5)offspring. Period: 27. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 4: OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Lesson 3: A closer look 2 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use the lexical items related to the topic" customs and traditions" - Use should and shouldn’t correctly and appropriately to give advice - Express obligation and necessity using the correct form of have to. II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV.Procedure:.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(52)</span> Stages. Steps/Activities. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(53)</span> Presentatio n. 1.Vocab: . respect (v ) : kính trọng. . permision (n) : sự xin phép. . tip (v) : boa. . advice (n) : lời khuyên. . confusing (a) : bối rối. . slippers (n) : dép. *Checking vocab : What and where 2.Should-Shouldn’t . We use should and shouldn't to give advice or to talk about what we think is right or wrong.. . You should means something like I think it is a good idea for you to do it.. . You shouldn't means something like I think it is a bad idea for you to do it.. . Should is used to express the opinion of a speaker and often follows I think or I don't think.. 3.Have to Practice. We use have to + infinitive to talk about obligation, things that are necessary to do, or to give advice about things that are a good idea to do.. 1.Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t: (1P41). Ask Ss to look at the pictures and quickly describe what they see Key: 1.should. 2.shouldn’t. 3.should. 4.shouldn’t. 5.should. 2.Match the situation in (A) and advice in (B) : (2P41). Have Ss read the situations in A to make sure they understand them. Ss do this activity in pairs Key:. 1.b. 2.c. 3.e. 4.d. 5.a. 3.Complete with the correct form of have to : ( 3P42). Ss do this exercise individually.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(54)</span> Period: 28. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 4: OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Lesson 4: Communication I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Talk about Britain table manners and compare them with those in Viet Nam. - Practice doing exercises in Group work, pair work II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages Prespeaking. Steps/Activities 1.Vocab:  prong (n) : cái chĩa  cutlery (n) : bộ đồ ăn  tray (n) : cái mâm , khay  mat (n) : chiếu  palm (n): lòng bàn tay  host/hostess (n) chủ nhà (nam)/ bà chủ *Checking : What and where 2.Discuss the differences between 2 pictures: (1P43). - In the first picture, people are sitting on the mat to have the meal. In the second picture, they are sitting around the dinning table. - In the first picture, people are using rice bowls and chopsticks. In the second picture, they are using cutlery. … 3. Read sentences about table manners in Britain .Write T/F(2P43) Whilespeaking. 1.Listen to Nick giving a presentation on table manners in Britain and check your answers (3P43). Key: 1. F (You hold the folk in the left hand and the knife in the right) 2. T 3. F (There is also a spoon and a fork for dessert.) 4. T 5. F ( You should never use your own cutlery to take more food from the serving dish spoon) 6. F ( You should break off the bread with your hands ) 7. F ( Guests have to wait until the host or hostess starts eating.). Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(55)</span> 8. T. Audio script: In the UK we eat around the dining table. We follow lots of table manners. Firstly, we use cutlery – you know, knives, forks and spoons – to eat most of the food. We hold the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right. You should hold the handle of the knife in your palm and your fork in the other hand with the prongs pointing downwards. There is also a spoon and a fork for dessert. When you finish eating, you should place your knfe and fork with the prongs upwards on your plate. Secondly, you should never use your own cutlery to take more food from the serving dish – use the serving spoon. Now if there’s bread on the table, you can use your hands to take a piece. Then break off a small piece of bread and butter it. Thirdly, if you are a guest, you have to wait intil the host or hostess starts eating and you should ask another person to pass the food. Next, never chew with your mouth open and don’t talk with food in your mouth… 2.Discuss if you follow these table manners in your family (4P43). In pairs Ss discuss if they know the same table manners in their family. They may add some more Postspeaking. 1.You are Minh .You invite Jessica to dinner at your home .Play the following roles( 5 P43). Ss work in pairs and role-play call some pairs to act out the conversation in front of the class Give praise and feedback on Ss’ conversations. Homewor k. Period: 29. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 4: OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Lesson 5: Skills 1 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:  - Reading for general and specific information about family customs and traditions.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(56)</span> - Practice speaking by giving facts about family customs and traditions - Practice doing exercises in Group work/ pair work/ individual II. Teaching aid: Textbook, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV. Procedures Stages. Steps/Activities 1.Vocab :  dish (n) : món ăn  lasagne (n) : món ăn Ý  sense of belonging (n) : cảm giác thân thuộc *Cheching vocab : ROR 2.Set the scene : -Ask Ss to look at the three pictures and anwer the questions in pairs. Whilereading. Suggested answers: Picture 1: A family is celebrating a birthday. Picture 2: People are making Chung cake. Picture 3: A family is at an amusement park. 1.Is she writing about her family or her society?(2P44). Ask Ss to read the passage quickly and tell if Mi is writing about her family or her society Key: She’s writing about her family 2.Write A,B,C in the blank(3P44). T may model with the first statement. Ss work individually then compare their answers with a classmate before giving the answers to T. Key: 1.C 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 6. B 3.Comprehension questions : (4P44). Post-. Ss read the passage again to answer 1.They are: having lunch together on the second day of Tet, spending Sunday together, and celebrating her grandparents’ wedding anniversary on the first Sunday of October. 2.They usually go to the cinema or go for a picnic together. 3.They don’t remember. 4.They made five-coloured sticky reice served with grilled chicken. 5.They live family customs and traditions because they. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(57)</span> reading. provide a sense of belonging. *Speaking: 1.Discuss the questions:(5P44). Homewor k. In pairs, Ss take turns to ask each other the three questions about their own family customs and traditions 2.Interview another pair to get their answers to the questions:(6P44). Now two pairs of Ss join together. One pair interviews the other. One S interviews and the other notes down the answers in the table. Then, the second pair interviews the first pair. Period: 30. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 4: OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Lesson 6: Skills 2 I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Practice writing a description of a traditional Japanese dance. - Practice listening to get specific information about a traditional dance of an ethnic II. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalks, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV.Procedure: Stages. Steps/Activities. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(58)</span> Prelistening. Whilelistening. 1.Vocab :  spiritual (a) : tinh thần , tâm linh  conical hat (n) : cái nón lá  ancient (a) : cổ truyền  clockwise (adv) : theo chiều kim đồng hồ  counter- clockwise (adv) : ngược chiều kim đồng hồ  reunite (v) : đoàn tụ *Checking vocab : Slap the board 2.Set the scene :(1P45). Ss look at the picture and share what they know about this tradition with a partner--> The xoe dance 1.Complete the table :(2P45). Tell Ss that they are going to listen to Mai’s presentation on the xoe dance and complete the table. Play the recording 1. happy and wealthy 2. private gatherings 3. 30 4. the circle dance 5. social 6. fire 7. the music 8. culture and lifestyle 2.T / F : (3P45). Ss decide if the sentences are true of false. If they meet any difficulty doing this, play the recording again 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T Postlistening. Homewor k. 1.Make complete sentences :(4P45). Ss work in pairs and make sentences using the given information The Obon dance is a traditional Japanese dance.People have the honor of their ancestors.The Obon festival takes places in mid-Autumn in many regions of Japan and in mid-July in other regions.There are many forms in different regions .The most typical form is circle dance .People make a circle around a yagura , a high wooden stage ;some dancers move clockwise , and some counter-clockwise.This is one of the most important traditions . A lot of people come back to reunite with their families during the Obon festival. 2.Write a description of the Obon dance:(5P45). Ss write their descriprion individually based on the sentences they have made, beginning with the given sentence T may collect some Ss’ work to mark at home. Period: 31. There is a tradition in Japan that people perform the Obon dance during the Obon festival.The festival happens in mid-Autumn in many regions of Japan .There are many different forms of Obon dance in different regions .In order to perform it , people make a circle around a yagura, a high wooden stage ; some dancers move clochwise, and some counterclockwise.I really like this dance. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/…….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(59)</span> UNIT 4: OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Lesson 7: Looking back and project I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Knowledge: Revise the knowledge they’ve learnt about the topic “customs and traditions” - Skills: Practice reading, speaking & writing skills (Ind. PW, GW) - Attitude: Co-operation & aware of spending time on leisure activities II. Teaching aid: Textbook, chalks, stereo, CD... III. Methods: Communicative approach, audio-lingual method, 3p, ESA, lexical approach …. IV.Procedure: Stages. Steps/Activities. Work arrangement s.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(60)</span> Presentatio n. I/Vocab : 1.Complete with the words from the box : (1P46). Ss do this activity individually 1. respect 2. workshipping 3. wrap 4. host 5. cutlery 6. generations 2.Write sentences : (2P46). 2Ss do this activity individually 1) There is a tradition that people usually visit the pagoda in the mid-month 2) According to tradition , people get together on Tet holidays 3) People follow the tradition of visiting relatives on Tet holidays 4) People break the tradition by not decorating houses on Tet holidays 5) My family has the custom of having dinner together. 3.Complete the wordwebs with customs and traditions:(3P46). Within three or five minutes, Ss write down as many family and social customs and traditions in the wordwebs as possible *Family customs and traditions :have dinner together,go to the cinema at weekends,visit relatives at weekends, celebrate birthday of family member. *Social customs and traditions : visit pagoda, decorate houses for Tet, bring presents when visit someone’s house. Practice. II/Grammar: 1.Complete with should or shouldn’t :(4P46). Within three or five minutes, Ss write down as many family and social customs and traditions in the wordwebs as possible Key: 1. shouldn’t wait 2. shouldn’t use 3. shouldn’t break 4. should follow 5. shouldn’t touch 2.Underline the mistake and correct it in each sentence:(5P46). Ss underline one mistake in each sentence and correct it Key: 1.has to->have to 2.should->shouldn’t 3.have to has->have to have 4.should to-.should 5.have avoid->have to avoid Production. III/ Communication : Game : what should I do?. Or: Ss work in groups, discuss and write down the advice for all the scenarios on a big piece of paper. When time is up, they present the results to the class. Afterwards, the class votes for the best advice. Ex: -I have been invited to dinner with a British family --> You should go there on time -I’m going to visit a pagoda in Viet Nam.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(61)</span>  Pronunciation words containing the clusters /spr/ and /str/ correctly in isolation and in context  Use the lexical items related to the topic ‘customs and traditions’  Use should and shouldn’t correctly and appropriately to give advice  Express obligation and necessity using the correct form of have to  Ask about and describe different customs and traditions  Read for specific information about family customs and traditions  Listen to get specific information about a traditional dance of an ethnic  Write a description of a traditional Japanese dance. Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content. Not e.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(62)</span> - Ask Ss to guess what the picture - T-Whole class might show or what the conversation might be about. - Ask Ss questions about the picture. - Play the dialogue and has Ss follow along. Ss may track the dialogue with their fingers as they listen to the recording.. - Ask Ss to complete the task - Individual individually or in pairs. work - Check answers and ask Ss to use each item in a sentence.. - Ask Ss to read the conversation again and complete the table. -Write the table on the board while Ss are working individually. - Correct the exercise as a class by asking Ss to come to the board and tick the correct column.. - Individual work. - Ask Ss to look at the pictures.As a class Ss can call out which word they think matches each picture. - Ask Ss to write the words below each picture. - Play the recording and Ss repeat. - Correct the exercise with the whole class.. - Individual work. - Have Ss rank the health problems from the most common to the least common and share with a partner.. - Pair-work. - Listen and repeat. * Presentation: Guess what the picture might show or what the conversation might be about. Questions:  What can you see in the picture?  What time is it?  What do you think about the people in the picture are talking about?  Who do you think is healthier? * Practice: 1. Listen and read a. Can you find a word or phrase that mean: … Key: 1. Zooniverse 2. I don’t feel like it 3. Sound down 4. Putting on weight 5. Won’t take no for an answer b. Read the conversation again. Who want to do the following things? Key: 1. Phong 2. Phong 3. Nick 4. Nick 5. Phong 2. Match the health problems in the box with the pictures. Then listen and repeat. Key: 1. e 2. f 3. d 4. c 5. b 6. a - Which problems do you think are the most common with your classmate? - Rank the problems from the most.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(63)</span> - Encourage Ss to give reasons for their ranking. - Ask one student to read through the list of advice aloud. - Encourage Ss to mimic advice. - Ask Ss to complete the matching individually and then correct.. common to the least common.. - Individual work. - Ask Ss to look at the picture and - Group-work answer the questions. - Correct their answers. 3. Can you match the correct advice with each person. Key: 1. c 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. a * Production: 4. Game Take a card with a health problem or piece of advice. Walk around and try to find the person with the card that matches yours. *Homework: - Write the answer in your notebook. - Prepare next lesson (A closer look 1).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(64)</span> Week: 04 Period: 11. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: HEALTH Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can pronounce correctly the sounds /f/ and /v/ in isolation and in context. II. Language Focus: 1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic health issues. 2. Structures: - Imperatives with more and less - Compound sentences III. Method: Communicative approach IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, picture. V. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. - Write have a/an, have, and feel on the board. - Ask Ss to read the words from the first column. - Write the words in a word web around have a/an. Repeat this for the new two columns. - Teach the noun “patient” to make sure that Ss are familiar with it. - Ask Ss to do the exercise individually. - Correct the exercise as a class.. Ss’ Activities. - T whole class. * Presentation: Vocabulary 1. Write the problem below the picture of each patient. Key: 1. 2. 3. 4.. Flu Sunburn Allergy Tired/ weak. - Individual work. - Ask Ss tocomplete the - Individual exercise individually. work - Correct the exercise as a class.. - Model the role-play in the book with a student.. Content. * Practice: 2. Now, read the doctor’s notes about his patients and fill in the missing words. Key: 1. (a) sunburn 2. (the) flu 3. Tired, temperature 4. Sick, stomachache 5. Sore throat 3. Role-play the meeting with the doctor. Use the cues in 1, 2 or your own health problems.. Not e.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(65)</span> - Divide class into pairs. Encourage Ss to think about how each person feels and will act. Give them 5 minutes to practice. - Ask some pairs perform their role-play for the class. - Ask the class comprehension questions about what they just saw. - Ask four Ss to model the example conversation. - Divide class into groups and ask them to talk about a health problem.. - Drill the sounds /f/ and /v/ and asking Ss to think of any words they know with these sounds in them. - Write Ss ideas on the board. Say the words in 5 and ask Ss to repeat. - Play the recording and have Ss circle the words they hear. - Ask Ss to listen to the sentences once and repeat. - Ask Ss to circle the words with /f/ and /v/ sounds. - Have Ss listen to the recording again and give the correct answers to the entire class.. - Pair-work. (page 18). - Answer the questions. Questions: - What was Mai’s problem? - What advice did doctor Thao have?. - T whole class - Group-work. - T-Whole class - Listen and repeat. 4. Choose a health problem. Work in groups. Tell your group about the last time you had that problem. Example: A: I had flu 2 weeks ago. B: Me too! I felt so weak. C: Oh. I had a sore throat yesterday. D: I had toothache. I think I ate too many sweets.  Pronunciation /f/ and /v/ 5. Listen and circle the word you hear. Key: 1. Fat ferry 2. Vast 3. Vault 4. Save 5. Leave. - Individual work - T whole class. * Production: 6. Listen and circle the word(s) with the /f/ or /v/ sounds. Then say the sentences. Key: 1. Fat, food 2. Have, felt 3. Fatter 4. Having, lifestyle 5. Give *Homework: - Learn vocabulary by heart. - Practice the sounds /f/ and /v/ more. - Prepare next lesson (A closer look 2).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(66)</span>

<span class='text_page_counter'>(67)</span> Week: 04 Period: 12. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: HEALTH Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can use Imperatives with more and less and compound sentences correctly and appropriately. II. Language Focus: 1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic health issues. 2. Structures: - Imperatives with more and less - Compound sentences III. Method: Communicative approach IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, pictures. V. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content. - Give Ss simple classroom commands. Eg: stand up, sit down, open your book… - Write the word IMPERATIVE on the board and explain to Ss that the imperative can be use for direct commands, orders or suggestions. - Ask Ss to red the yellow box. Check their comprehension by asking some comprehension questions. - Ask Ss to look at the four pictures and call on Ss to tell the class what they see. Divide Ss into pairs and ask pairs to give advice to each person in the picture.. - T-Whole class. * Presentation:  Grammar Imperatives with more and less.. - Answer the questions.. Questions  When I feel tired, should I sleep more or less?  What should I do if I am doing poorly in school?  What should I do if I want to lose weight? Put on weight?. - Ask Ssto look at the yellow box again. - Ask Ss to think about which six health tips are the most important to teens. - Have Ss discuss their ideas in pairs or groups of three.. - Group-work. - Pair-work. 1. Look at the pictures. Which health tips from the box above would you give each of these people?(page 19) (Students’ answers). * Practice: 2. Top health tips for teens Look at the health tips in the yellow box. Which six do you think are the most important to you and your classmates? Explain why?. Not e.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(68)</span> - Ask Ss to read through the Teen Health website individually and complete the headings. - Ask Ss if the ideas from the class and the ideas from the website are the same. - Encourage class discuss here about why some pieces of advice are more important than others.. - Individual work. - T whole class. - Ask Ss to read the first - Answer paragraph of the yellow box and ask a question. - Ask Ss to read the second paragraph of the yellow box and ask a question again. - Divide class up into 3 large groups. The 1st group is “Independent Clause 1”, the 2nd group is “Conjunction”, and the 3rd group is ”Independent Clause 2”. The whole class reads the table aloud. Each group chorally chants their part of the sentence when T calls out the name of their group.. - Ask Ss to complete the exercise individually. - Correct the exercise as class.. - Individual work. - Ask Ss to complete the exercise individually. - Correct the exercise as class.. - Individual work. 3. Look at the article on the Teen Health website. Fill in the blanks to complete their top six health tips. Key: 1. Do more exercise! 2. Sleep more 3. Eat less junk food 4. Wash your hands more 5. Watch less TV 6. Spend less time playing computer games. Compound sentences - What do we call a sentence made by liking two simple sentences? => A compound sentence - What does a coordinating conjunction do? => It joins two simple sentences.. 4. Make compound sentences by joining the two simple sentences. Use the conjunction given. Remember to add comma. Key: 1. I want to eat some food, but I have a sore throat. 2. The Japanese eat healthily, so they live for a long time. 3. I feel tired, and I feel weak. 4. You can go and see the doctor, or you can go to bed now and rest. 5. Math the beginnings of the sentences with the picture that completes them..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(69)</span> Key: 1. 2. 3. 4. - Ask Ss to complete the exercise individually. - Call on some Ss to read the complete sentences.. - Individual work. d c a b. * Production: 6. Now, complete the second part of the compound sentences. 1. Hung washes his hands a lot, so… 2. David eats lots of junk food, and… 3. The doctor told Elena she should sleep more, or… 4. My sister plays computer games, but… *Homework: - Prepare next lesson (Communication). ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(70)</span> Week: 05 Period: 13. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: HEALTH Lesson 4: Communication I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can talk about health issues. II. Language Focus: 1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic health issues. 2. Structures: - Imperatives with more and less - Compound sentences III. Method: Communicative approach IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player. V. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. - Have Sslook at extra vocabulary. Ask Ss to look up the words in their dictionaries.. - T Whole class. - Write the words Healthy and Unhealthy on the board. Ask Ss brainstorm about things that are healthy or unhealthy.. Content * Presentation: Extra vocabulary: o Myth o Sushi o Vitamins o Sleeping in o Vegetarians. Healthy Unhealthy * Practice:. - Divide the class into pairs and ask them to complete the exercise. - Choose a few groups to share their answers their answers with the class. - Encourage Ss to explain their choices.. - Pair-work. 1. Work in pairs. Discuss and write F or M for each statement. Key: 1. F 2. M 3. F 4. F 5. M 6. M 2. Listen to the radio show about. Not e.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(71)</span> - Ask Ss to close their books, listen and take note. - Play the recording. - Have Ss open their books and correct their answers using their notes (or from memory). - Play the recording again for Ss to check a second time. - Ask Ss to do this activity in pairs. - Have a quick class poll and follow-up discussion.. - Individual work. heath facts or myths and check your answers in 1.. - Pair-work. 3. Discuss the following in groups.  Which sentence are you most surprised by? Why?  Do you know any health facts or myths in Viet Nam?. - Divide Ss into groups and have them complete the exercise.. - Group-work. 4. Work in groups. Think of some ideas about health that are true. Then think of some that are false. Example:  You can avoid disease by keeping yourself clean. (This is true)  You will turn orange when you eat a lot of oranges. (This is false). - Ask Ss to test another group to see how many of your health myths they can spot.. - Group-work. * Production: 5. Test another group to see how many of your health myths they can spot. *Homework: - Prepare next lesson: (Skill 1). Experiments: ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(72)</span> Week: 05 Period: 14. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: HEALTH Lesson 5: Skill 1 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can read and talk about health problems and advice. II. Language Focus: 1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic health issues. 2. Structures: - Imperatives with more and less - Compound sentences III. Method: Communicative approach IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player. V. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content * Presentation:. - Write the word CALORIE on the board. - Translate into Vietnamese if necessary. - Ask Ss brainstorm any words that they associate with CALORIE.. - Whole class CALORIE. - Ask Ss to guess what the reading will be about. - Ask Ss to complete the exercise. - Check and confirm the correct answers.. - Guess - Pair-work. - Put Ss in pairs and have them complete exercise 2. - Encourage Ssto write the meaning of the words as simply as possible and in their own words. - Elicit the meanings of the words from the different groups.. - Pair-work.  Reading 1. Quickly read the text. Match the correct headings with the paragraphs. Key: 1. b 2. a 3. c * Practice: 2. Find the following words/ phrases in the text. Discuss the meaning of each word with a partner. Then check the meaning. Key: o diet (n) – the food that you eat on a daily basis. o Expert – some who has study a lot about a subject or topic and understand it well.. Not e.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(73)</span> o Tip – an advice on how to do something quickly and successfully, usually from one’s own experience. o Junk food – usually convienience food like Mc Donald, KFC… o Stay in shape – be fit and healthy.. - Ask Ss to complete the exercise individually. - Correct the answers with the class.. - Individual work. - Draw attention to the table and explain that the activities are listed next to the number of calories use in one hour. - Put ss in groups of three and ask them to discuss the questions. - Ask Ss to complete the exercise individually. - Check and confirm the correct answers.. - Group-work. - Ask Ss to share their tables with the class.. - Individual work. - T whole class. 3. Now answer the following questions. Key: 1. A calorie is energy that help us do our everyday activities. 2. If we eat too many calories, we can get fat. 3. To stay healthy you need between 1,600 and 2,500 calories.  Speaking 4. Look at the table and discuss the following questions. (Page 22). 5. Choose two or three activities you like to do. Complete the table about those activities. o Activity o Number of hours (per day) o Total number of calories. * Production: 6. Present your table to the class. Try to include the following information. (Page 22 *Homework: - Prepare the next lesson : (Skill 2). Experiments: .............................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(74)</span> ............................................................................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(75)</span> Week: 05 Period: 15. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: HEALTH Lesson 6: Skill 2 I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can listen to get specific information about health problems and advice. II. Language Focus: 1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic health issues. 2. Structures: - Imperatives with more and less - Compound sentences III. Method: Communicative approach IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, poster. V. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. Content * Presentation:. - Draw the Olympic rings on the board and ask Ss what these represent. - Group-work - Brainstorm with Ss as a class different words that come to mind when Ss think of the Olympics. - Ask Ss to discuss the questions.. - Group-work. Olympics.  Listening 1. Look at the picture. Discuss the questions with a partner. 1. What sports do people do in the Olympics? 2. The Olympic sport below is sometimes called “the Ironman event”. Why?. Not e.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(76)</span> * Practice: 2. Listen to the interview with an ironman. Tick the problems he had as a child. Key: o Sick, allergy. - Play the recording. Ask Ss totick the problems an ironman had as a child. - Allow Ss share their answers before listening to the recording a final time to check. - Correct their answer. - Ask Ss to listen again and choose the right response.. - Individual work. - Individual work. 3. Listen to the interview again. What advice does he give about preparing for the event? Key: o Eat more healthy food o Sleep more o Do more exercises. - Ask Ss to complete the task individually. - Check and confirm the correct answer.. - Individual work.. 4.Are the following sentences true or false? Key: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T. - Divide the class into groups and give a time limit for discussion and feedback as a class. - Make sure Ss understand the word “triathlon” in the listening.. - Group-work. 5. Discuss in groups. (page 23). - Ask Ss to work individually to finish this activity. - Check and confirm the correct answer.. - T whole class.  Writing 6. Look at Dr. Law’s advice page. Can you match the problems with the answers? Key: 1. c 2. b 3. a To give advice, you can use: o You should… o You can… o It will be good if you… o Do something more/less….

<span class='text_page_counter'>(77)</span> - Ask Ss to work in pair to write a health problems and responses. - Ask some pairs to share their problems and response with the class.. - Pair-work. * Production: 7. Work in pairs. Choose one of the problems. Student A writes the problem, and student B writes the reply. *Homework: - Write in your exercise book. - Prepare next lesson : (Looking back).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(78)</span> Week: 06 Period: 16. Date of planning: ……/……/…… Date of teaching: ……/……/……. UNIT 2: HEALTH Lesson 7: Looking Back I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, students can review all what they have learnt in this unit. II. Language Focus: 1. Vocabulary: the lexical items related to the topic health issues. 2. Structures: - Imperatives with more and less - Compound sentences III. Method: Communicative approach IV. Teaching ads: Course book, CD player, pictures. V. Procedures: Teacher’s Activities. Ss’ Activities. - Ask ss to do this activity individually. - Encourage Ss to write down the answers. - Correct the exercise on the board to check spelling.. - Individual work. - Ask Ss what they see in each picture. - After a brief discussion, Ask ss to complete the exercise individually. - Correct as a class.. - Individual work. Content * Presentation:  Vocabulary 1. What health problems do you think each of these people has? Key: a. Sunburn b. Spots c. Put on weight d. Stomachache e. Flu 2. Write the health problem below each person. Key: 1. Spots 2. Putting on weight 3. Sunburn 4. Stomachache/ sick 5. Flu. Not e.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(79)</span> - Ask Ss to complete the task individually. - Check and confirm the correct answer.. - Individual work. - Ask Ss to do exercise 4in pairs. - Have Ss compare their answers with a partner. - Check their answers.. - Pair-work. - Ask Ss to divide Ss into pairs. - Pair-work - Ask one pair to come up and role-play the example in the book. - Ask Ss to create their own roleply from the sample problems in the book.. - Ask Ssto discuss the sentences in 6 in pairs. - Ask Ss to report back to the class. - Ask the class decide what’s true and what’s myth.. - Pair-work. * Practice:  Grammar 3. Complete the health tips below. Key: 1. Less 2. More 3. More 4. Go outside 5. Watch… TV 6. Do… exercise. 4. Draw a line to link the sentences and a coordinator to form meaningful sentences. Key: 1. I want to eat some junk food, but I am putting on weight. 2. I don’t want to be tired tomorrow, so I should go to bed early. 3. I have temperature, and I feel tired. 4. I can exercise every morning, or I can cycle to school.  Communication 5.Choose one of the following health problems .Role-play a discussion. Student A is the patient. Student B is the doctor. o Have sunburn o Have toothache o Have a cough and a runny nose o Putting on weight o Have an allergy * Production: 6. Discuss the following sentences about health with a partner. Do you think they are facts or myths? Finished! Now you can… *Homework: - Prepare next lesson : (Unit 3: Community Service.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(80)</span> Lesson 1: Getting Started). Giáoánnàyđượcbiênsoạnvà chia sẻmiễnphíbởiMinh Phạm. www.minh-pham.info.

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