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Unit 11 Sources of energy

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Instructor: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Tịnh Student: Nguyễn Thị Hồng Sâm. School: Ngo Gia Tu high school Class: 10B3. LESSON PLAN UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS. Lesson: Language Focus I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students (Ss) will be able to: - Help Ss pronounce exactly 2 sounds /t/ and /d/ - Help Ss master and use the conditional sentence type III - Use these structures correctly and appropriately to solve communicative tasks. II. Methods: Integrated, mainly communicative. III. Teaching aids: textbook, projector, handouts, and blackboard. IV. Procedures: Stages/time. Teacher’s activities. Students’ activities. Interactions. Activities 1: activities classroom. - Let Ss play a small game:. 1.Warm-up (5 minutes). + T divides the whole class into 2 + Ss close their books and listen to - T< -- > Ss groups: group A, B. the teacher’s + T prepares pies of paper that it explanation. - Work in + Ss look at the groups includes some words with sound /t/ pies of paper and and /d/. think. + The leader of + T asks member in two groups to each group goes to go to the board and write which the board and complete task. words are pronounced /t/, which words are pronounced /d/. + In 2 minutes, the group which has more correct and fast answers will be.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> the winner. Get, plant, dog, top, into, door, Cried, sit, Stopped, today, read, handle. KEY /t/: get, top, plant, stopped, today, sit, into. /d/: dog, door, cried, read, handle. 1. Lead in To understand more about new - Listen to the lesson. We are going to unit 11 teacher.. 2. Pronunciati national park, lesson: on (10 focus. minutes) 2. Presentation. language. a. : pronunciation /t/, /d/  Distinguishing sounds. - Pay attention to. - T: introduces some clusters such as the way to - T < -- > Ss - Whole class /t/, /d/. pronounce of T - T models each of these consonants Try to clusters for two times. T reminds Ss distinguish the how to pronounce clusters. sounds. - Read aloud two sounds /t/ and /d/ - Ask to Ss repeat. - Listen and repeat - T read the words in each column out loud and asks Ss to repeat after T. /t/ top teach laughed watched washed kissed liked. /d/ comedy radio scared legged learned - T < -- > Ss - whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> - Work pairs. 3. Practicing. in. - T asks S underline the words containing /t/ and /d/ and read aloud the given sentences. - T calls on some Ss to read the sentences. again. and. provides. corrective feedbacks.. 3. Grammar (27 minutes). 1.Lead-in: - Ask Ss to question: How many kinds of conditional sentences did you learn previous lesson? + There were two types as types 1 and types 2. - Lead to the lesson: today, we are going to learn new types. This is conditional sentences types 3. 2. Presentation: * Example: If Tom had studied his lesson. - Answer question. the - T< -- > Ss - Ss < -- >Ss - Individual. - Pay attention the situation. Had+ PP carefully, he would have done his test well.. Would have+ PP.  Tom would have done his test well if he had studied his lesson carefully. - Give Ss how to omit comma when transfer (If) in the middle. - Let Ss look the example and give comments about their usage and structure: - T feedbacks and gives usage and structure.. - Give comments about usage and structure - Write down the usage and structure on their notebook..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> + Structure: If clause S + had (not)+ V3ed if Tom had studied his lesson carefully. Main clause S + would/ could (not) + have + V3ed He would have. - Work pairs. in. - Go to the board and write again the structure.. done his test well.. + Usage: Express an unreal action in the past. - T ask Ss to go to the board and write again the structure. 3. Practice: Exercise1: - Ask Ss to complete the sentences based on the information given - Going around and give help if necessary. - Ask Ss to read aloud, others listen and correct. - Give feedbacks. - Do the task Expected answers: 1. had known Read loudly 2, had had their answer 3. would have gone 4. would have passed 5. could have enjoyed - T <-- > Ss 6. had known - Work in 7. had stopped individual 8. had called * Further practice - T ask Ss to use knowledge to do the exercise. * Exercise1.1 Choose the best option 1. A. opened B. knocked C. played D. occurred 2. A. Toxic B. Minority C. Feature D. Threaten 3. If I __the same problem you had as a child, I might not have succeeded in life as.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> well as you have. A. have B. would have C. had had D. should have 4. If my parents had not been so tired, they____ the film on TV. A. had watched B. would watched C. would have watched D. have watched 5. If Tom____ more salad, he wouldn’t have caught a cold. A. had eaten B. would have eaten C. had ate D. would eaten 6. If I had known you were asleep, I ___so much noise when I came in. A. didn’t make B. wouldn’t have made C. won’t make D. don’t make 7. If you_____ harder, you ________ your final exam. A. would worked/ had passed B. had worked/ would have passed C. had work/ would have passed D. had worked/ would passed 8. If you _______more carefully, the accident_______. A. had driven/ wouldn’t have happened B. Had drive/ wouldn’t have happen C. hadn’t driven/ wouldn’t have happened D. Had driven/ would have happen. Do the task.  Expected answers: 1-B, 2- C, 3- C, 4-C, 5- A, 6- B, 7- B, 8- A 4. homework (3 minutes). - Summarize the content of lesson. - Ask Ss to learn by heart structure and usage conditional sentence type 3 + Prepare the new lesson: exercise 2,3/120. - Ss write down the homework in their notebooks. - T < -- > Ss - Individual.

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