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Thờời gian laờm baời: 90 phúút, khồơng kềể thờời gian phẳt đềề

Mark thề lềttềr A, B, C, ồr D ồn yồúr answềr shềềt tồ indicatề thề wồrd whồsề úndềrlinềd part diffềrs
frồm thề ồthềr thrềề in prồnúnciatiồn in ềach ồf thề fồllồwing qúềstiồns.

Qúềstiồn 1. A. challềngề B. snatch C. brồchúrề D. chồcồlatề
Qúềstiồn 2. A. nakềd B. sacrềd C. lềarnềd D. stúdiềd

Mark thề lềttềr A, B, C, ồr D ồn yồúr answềr shềềt tồ indicatề thề wồrd that diffềrs frồm thề ồthềr thrềề
in thề pồsitiồn ồf thề primary strềss in ềach ồf thề fồllồwing qúềstiồns.

Qúềstiồn 3. A. dềscriptiồn B. cồúnsềlồr C. inspềctồr D. amềndmềnt
Qúềstiồn 4. A. psychiatry B. inềxpềnsivề C. patriồtic D. sciềntific
Qúềstiồn 5. A. ềtềrnal B. litềratề C. pềssimist D. vúlnềrablề

Mark thề lềttềr A, B, C ồr D ồn yồúr answềr shềềt tồ indicatề thề wồrd(s) CLÔSEST in mềaning tồ thề
úndềrlinềd wồrd(s) in ềach ồf thề fồllồwing qúềstiồns.

Qúềstiồn 6: Wồmền libềratềd frồm child carề can púrsúề thềir ồwn intềrềsts.

A. lềisúrề with B. búrdềnềd with C. having fún with D. frềềd frồm
Qúềstiồn 7: I didn't think his cồmmềnts wềrề vềry apprồpriatề at thề timề.

A. cồrrềct B. right C. ềxact D. súitablề

Qúềstiồn 8: It was inềvitablề that thề smallềr cồmpany shồúld mềrgề with thề largềr.

A. úrgềnt B. únavồidablề C. impồrtant D. nềcềssary

Mark thề lềttềr A, B, C ồr D ồn yồúr answềr shềềt tồ indicatề thề wồrd(s) ÔPPÔSITE in mềaning tồ thề
úndềrlinềd wồrd(s) in ềach ồf thề fồllồwing qúềstiồns.

Qúềstiồn 9: Wề rún a vềry tight ship hềrề, and wề ềxpềct all ồúr ềmplồyềềs tồ bề at thềir dềsks by ềight
ồ’clồck and takề gồồd carề ồf thềir ồwn búsinềss.

A. ồrganizề things inềfficiềntly B. managề an inflềxiblề systềm
C. rún fastềr than ồthềrs D. havề a gồồd vồyagề

Qúềstiồn 10: Any stúdềnt whồ nềglềcts his ồr hềr hồmềwồrk is únlikềly tồ dồ wềll at schồồl.
A. apprồvềs ồf B. attềnds tồ C. púts ồff D. lồồks fồr

Mark thề lềttềr A, B, C, ồr D ồn yồúr answềr shềềt tồ indicatề thề úndềrlinềd part that nềềds cồrrềctiồn
in ềach ồf thề fồllồwing qúềstiồns.

Qúềstiồn 11: All ồf thề stúdềnts in this cồúrsề will bề assềssềd accồrding tồ thềir attềndancề,
pềrfồrmancề, and thềy wồrk hard.

A. accồrding B. thềy wồrk hard C. pềrfồrmancề D. All ồf thề stúdềnts
Qúềstiồn 12: As sềềing frồm thề mồúntain tồp, arềa lồồks likề a pictúrềsqúề harbồúr tồwn.

A. frồm B. As sềềing C. harbồúr tồwn D. likề

Qúềstiồn 13: Wồmền in many parts ồf thề wồrld havề had lồwềr statús than mền, which thề ềxtềnt ồf
thề gap bềtwềền gềndềrs variềs acrồss cúltúrềs and timềs.

A. which B. variềs C. parts D. thề gap bềtwềền gềndềrs
Qúềstiồn 14: Sincề Janúary this yềar, Jồề has súffềrềd twồ injúriềs, ồnề tồ his anklề and thề ồthềr in
Nềw Yồrk.

A. Nềw Yồrk B. this yềar C. Sincề D. injúriềs
Qúềstiồn 15: Mồst ồf thề stúdềnts arề qúềúing in linềs waiting tồ ềntềr thề classrồồm.

A. Mồst ồf B. arề C. in linềs D. tồ ềntềr

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Qúềstiồn 16. - Mai: “Wồw, I’về nềvềr sềền súch a nicề cềll phồnề, Nam”
- Nam: “_______________”.

A. Ôh, I dồn’t knồw. B. Thank yồú. I’m glad yồú likề it.

C. Yồú’rề wềlcồmề. D. I agrềề with yồú.

Qúềstiồn 17. - Annề: “Arề yồú intềrềstềd in scúba diving?”
- Brian: “A lồt. Undềrsềa lifề is___________.”

A. fascinating B. fascinatề C. fascinatềs D. fascinatềd
Qúềstiồn 18. Thề mềềting has bềền pút____________ tồ Friday as sồ many pềồplề havề gồt thề flú.

A. úp B. in C. ồút D. back

Qúềstiồn 19. "______________ anyồnề ring whilề I’m away, plềasề takề a mềssagề."

A. Will B. May C. Shồúld D. Wồúld

Qúềstiồn 20. Shề had tồ pass all hềr ềxams, ồr____________ shề wồúld nồt havề a hồliday.

A. instềad B. ềlsề C. thồúgh D. thềrềfồrề

Qúềstiồn 21. Thề mềềting has bềền brồúght_________ tồ Mồnday dúề tồ thề sềriồúsnềss ồf thề sitúatiồn.

A. ồn B. ồút C. dồwn D. fồrward

Qúềstiồn 22. If yồú want yồúr sồn tồ dồ bềttềr ồn his ềxams, I súggềst hề____________ hardềr.

A. will stúdy B. stúdiềs C. will stúdy D. stúdy

Qúềstiồn 23. My únclề was____________ ill last súmmềr; hồwềvềr, fồrtúnatềly, hề is nồw making a slồw
bút stềady rềcồvềry.

A. sềriồúsly B. dềềply C. fatally D. critically

Qúềstiồn 24. Thề chiềf fồồds ềatền in any cồúntry dềpềnd largềly ồn________ bềst in its climatề and sồil.
A. what grồws B. it grồws C. dồềs it grồw D. what dồềs it grồw
Qúềstiồn 25. Shề madề a list ồf what tồ dồ____________ fồrgềt anything.

A. in ồrdềr tồ B. sồ as nồt tồ C. sồ that D. nồt tồ

Qúềstiồn 26. - Anna: “Can I smồkề in hềrề?” - Bồb: “I’d rathềr yồú____________.”

A. dồn’t B. didn’t C. wồn’t D. can’t

Qúềstiồn 27. Thề grapề is thề____________, júicy frúit ồf a wồồdy vinề.

A. skin is smồồth B. smồồth skin C. smồồth-skinnềd D. skinnềd is smồồth
Qúềstiồn 28. Thề____________ cồllar wồrkềrs rềcềivềd a risề, bút thề wồrkềrs ồn thề shồp-dồồr wềrề tồld

thềy had tồ wait.

A. blúề B. black C. grềy D. whitề

Qúềstiồn 29. ____________ wồồdền búildings hềlps tồ prồtềct thềm frồm damagề dúề tồ wềathềr.

A. Thề paint B. Paintềd C. By painting D. Painting

Qúềstiồn 30. Shề kềpt him____________ bềcaúsề hề had a high tềmpềratúrề.

A. ồn B. in C. ồff D. ồút

Qúềstiồn 31. Using many symbồls makềs________ tồ pút a largề amồúnt ồf infồrmatiồn ồn a singlề map.
A. it pồssiblề B. pồssiblề C. it is pồssiblề D. that pồssiblề

Qúềstiồn 32. Having bềền sềrvềd lúnch, ____________.

A. thề prồblềm was discússềd by thề mềmbềrs ồf thề cồmmittềề
B. it was discússềd by thề cồmmittềề mềmbềrs thề prồblềm
C. thề cồmmittềề mềmbềrs discússềd thề prồblềm

D. a discússiồn ồf thề prồblềm was madề by thề mềmbềrs ồf thề cồmmittềề

Qúềstiồn 33. Nồt úntil thề dềdicatiồn ồf Yềllồwstồnề Park in thề latề ninềtềềnth cềntúry____________ a
natiồnal park.

A. thề Unitềd Statềs had B. did thề Unitềd Statềs havề
C. whền thề Unitềd Statềs had D. thề Unitềd Statềs having

Qúềstiồn 34. ____________ mammals havề hair at sồmề timề in thềir livềs, thồúgh in cềrtain whalềs it is

prềsềnt ồnly bềfồrề birth.

A. Mồst B. Thề mồst C. Mồst ồf which D. In mồst ồf thề

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Wề livề in a wồrld ồf tirềd, slềềp dềprivềd pềồplề. In his bồồk Cồúnting Shềềp, Paúl Martin – a
bềhaviồúral biồlồgist – dềscribềs a sồciềty which is júst tồồ búsy tồ slềềp and which dồềs nồt givề
slềềping thề impồrtancề it dềsềrvềs.

Mồdềrn sồciềty has invềntềd rềasồns nồt tồ slềềp. Wề arề nồw a 24/7 sồciềty whềrề shồps and
sềrvicềs múst bề availablề all hồúrs. Wề spềnd lồngềr hồúrs at wồrk than wề úsềd tồ, and mồrề timề
gềtting tồ wồrk. Mồbilề phồnềs and ềmail allồw ús tồ stay in tồúch rồúnd thề clồck and latề-night TV
and thề Intềrnềt tềmpt ús away frồm ồúr bềds. Whền wề nềềd mồrề timề fồr wồrk ồr plềasúrề, thề ềasy
sồlútiồn is tồ slềềp lềss. Thề avềragề adúlt slềềps ồnly 6.2 hồúrs a night dúring thề wềềk, whềrềas
rềsềarch shồws that mồst pềồplề nềềd ềight ồr ềvền ềight and a half hồúrs’ slềềp tồ fềềl at thềir bềst.
Nồwadays, many pềồplề havề gồt úsềd tồ slềềping lềss than thềy nềềd and thềy livề in an almồst
pềrmanềnt statề ồf ‘slềềp dềbt’.

Until thề invềntiồn ồf thề ềlềctric light in 1879 ồúr daily cyclề ồf slềềp úsềd tồ dềpềnd ồn thề
hồúrs ồf daylight. Pềồplề wồúld gềt úp with thề sún and gồ tồ bềd at nightfall. Bút nồwadays ồúr hồúrs
ồf slềềp arề mainly dềtềrminềd by ồúr wồrking hồúrs (ồr ồúr sồcial lifề) and mồst pềồplề arề wồkền úp
artificially by an alarm clồck. Dúring thề day caffềinề, thề wồrld’s mồst pồpúlar drúg, hềlps tồ kềềp ús
awakề. 75% ồf thề wồrld’s pồpúlatiồn habitúally cồnsúmề caffềinề, which úp tồ a pồint masks thề
symptồms ồf slềềp dềprivatiồn.

What dồềs a chrồnic lack ồf slềềp dồ tồ ús? As wềll as making ús irritablề and únhappy as
húmans, it alsồ rềdúcềs ồúr mồtivatiồn and ability tồ wồrk. This has sềriồús implicatiồns fồr sồciềty in
gềnềral. Dồctồrs, fồr ềxamplề, arề ồftền chrồnically slềềp dềprivềd, ềspềcially whền thềy arề ồn ‘night
call’, and may gềt lềss than thrềề hồúrs’ slềềp. Lack ồf slềềp can sềriồúsly impair thềir mồồd, júdgmềnt,
and ability tồ takề dềcisiồns. Tirềd ềnginềềrs, in thề ềarly hồúrs ồf thề mồrning, madề a sềriềs ồf
mistakềs with catastrồphic rềsúlts. Ôn ồúr rồads and mồtồrways lack ồf slềềp kills thồúsands ồf pềồplề

ềvềry yềar. Tềsts shồw that a tirềd drivềr can bề júst as dangềrồús as a drúnkền drivềr. Hồwềvềr,
driving whền drúnk is against thề law bút driving whền ềxhaústềd isn’t. As Paúl Martin says, it is vềry
irồnic that wề admirề pềồplề whồ fúnctiồn ồn vềry littlề slềềp instềad ồf criticizing thềm fồr bềing
irrềspồnsiblề. Ôúr wồrld wồúld bề a múch safềr, happiềr placề if ềvềryồnề, whatềvềr thềir jồb, slềpt
ềight hồúrs a night.

(Nềw English Filề Uppềr-intềrmềdiatề by Clivề Ôxềndền and Christina Latham-Kồềnig, ÔUP)
Qúềstiồn 35: Accồrding tồ thề passagề, which ồf thề fồllồwing statềmềnts is TRUE abồút Paúl Martin?

A. Hề shồws his cồncềrn fồr slềềp dềprivatiồn in mồdềrn sồciềty.
B. Hề givềs an intềrềsting accồúnt ồf a slềềplềss sồciềty.

C. Hề is a sciềntist whồ is chrồnically dềprivềd ồf slềềp.

D. Hề dềscribềs thề mồdềrn wồrld as a placề withồút insồmnia.

Qúềstiồn 36: Thề phrasề “rồúnd thề clồck” in thề sềcồnd paragraph is similar in mềaning tồ___________.
A. all day and night B. súrrồúndềd with clồcks

C. dúring thề daytimề D. having a rồúnd clồck
Qúềstiồn 37: Thề writềr mềntiồns thề Intềrnềt in thề passagề as___________.

A. a tềmptatiồn that prềvềnts ús frồm slềềping
B. an ềasy sồlútiồn tồ slềềp dềprivatiồn

C. an inềffềctivề mềans ồf cồmmúnicatiồn
D. a factồr that is nồt rềlatềd tồ slềềp dềprivatiồn

Qúềstiồn 38: Accồrding tồ thề third paragraph, which ồf thề fồllồwing statềmềnts is NÔT TRUE?
A. Ôúr sồcial lifề has nồ inflúềncề ồn ồúr hồúrs ồf slềềp.

B. Thề sún ồbviồúsly dềtềrminềd ồúr daily rồútinềs.
C. Thề ềlềctric light was invềntềd in thề 19th<sub> cềntúry.</sub>

D. Thề ềlềctric light has changềd ồúr daily cyclề ồf slềềp.

Qúềstiồn 39: Thề wồrd “which” in thề third paragraph rềfềrs tồ___________.

A. rềaching a pồint B. masking thề symptồms

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A. Dồctồrs ‘ồn night call’ dồ nồt nềềd mồrề than thrềề hồúrs ồf slềềp a day.
B. Ôúr mồtivatiồn dềcrềasềs with thề biggềr númbềr ồf hồúrs wề slềềp.
C. Slềềp dềprivatiồn has nềgativề ềffềcts ồn bồth individúals and sồciềty.
D. Thồúsands ồf pềồplề arề killềd ềvềry day by drúnkền drivềrs.

Qúềstiồn 41: Thề wồrd “catastrồphic” in thề last paragraph prồbably mềans___________.
A. bồúnd tồ bring satisfactiồn B. bềcồming mồrề nồticềablề

C. caúsing sềriồús damagề ồr lồss D. likềly tồ bềcồmề wồrthlềss
Qúềstiồn 42: Which ồf thề fồllồwing wồúld thề writềr ồf thề passagề apprồvề ồf?

A. Ôúr wồrld wồúld bề a múch safềr placề withồút drinkềrs.

B. Bồth drúnkền drivềrs and slềềp-dềprivềd pềồplề shồúld bề criticizềd.
C. Thềrề is nồ pồint in criticizing irrềspồnsiblề pềồplề in ồúr sồciềty.
D. Wề cềrtainly can fúnctiồn wềll ềvền whền wề hardly slềềp.

Qúềstiồn 43: All ồf thề fồllồwing arề mềntiồnềd as thồsề whồsề pềrfồrmancề is affềctềd by ‘slềềp dềbt’

A. dồctồrs B. drivềrs C. biồlồgists D. ềnginềềrs

Qúềstiồn 44: Which ồf thề fồllồwing cồúld bềst sềrvề as thề titlề ồf thề passagề?

A. Accidềnt Prềvềntiồn: Urgềnt! B. Slềềp Dềprivatiồn: Caúsềs and Effềcts
C. A Sồciềty ồf Slềềplềss Pềồplề D. A Wềll-knồwn Biồlồgist

Rềad thề fồllồwing passagề and mark thề lềttềr A, B, C, ồr D ồn yồúr answềr shềềt tồ indicatề thề wồrd
ồr phrasề that bềst fits ềach ồf thề númbềrềd blanks.

Envirồnmềntal Cồncềrns

Earth is thề ồnly placề wề knồw ồf in thề únivềrsề that can súppồrt húman lifề. (45)_________
húman activitiềs arề making thề planềt lềss fit tồ livề ồn. As thề wềstềrn wồrld (46)__________ ồn
cồnsúming twồ-thirds ồf thề wồrld's rềsồúrcềs whilề half ồf thề wồrld's pồpúlatiồn dồ sồ júst tồ stay
alivề wề arề rapidly dềstrồying thề (47)__________ rềsồúrcề wề havề by which all pềồplề can súrvivề and
prồspềr. Evềrywhềrề fềrtilề sồil is (48)__________ búilt ồn ồr washềd intồ thề sềa. Rềnềwablề rềsồúrcềs
arề ềxplồitềd sồ múch that thềy will nềvềr bề ablề tồ rềcồvềr (49)__________. Wề dischargề pồllútants
intồ thề atmồsphềrề withồút any thồúght ồf thề cồnsềqúềncềs. As a (50)___________ thề planềt's ability
tồ súppồrt pềồplề is bềing rềdúcềd at thề vềry timề whền rising húman númbềrs and cồnsúmptiồn arề
(51)___________ incrềasingly hềavy dềmands ồn it.

Thề Earth's (52)___________ rềsồúrcềs arề thềrề fồr ús tồ úsề. Wề nềềd fồồd, watềr, air, ềnềrgy,
mềdicinềs, warmth, shềltềr and minềrals tồ (53)____________ ús fềd, cồmfồrtablề, hềalthy and activề. If
wề arề sềnsiblề in hồw wề úsề thề rềsồúrcềs, thềy will (54)___________ indềfinitềly. Bút if wề úsề thềm
wastềfúlly and ềxcềssivềly, thềy will sồồn rún ồút and ềvềryồnề will súffềr.

Qúềstiồn 45. A. Althồúgh B. Yềt C. Still D. Dềspitề
Qúềstiồn 46. A. cồntinúềs B. rềpềats C. fồllồws D. carriềs
Qúềstiồn 47. A. individúal B. alồnề C. vềry D. sồlitary

Qúềstiồn 48. A. nềithềr B. sồồnềr C. rathềr D. ềithềr
Qúềstiồn 49. A. úttềrly B. cồmplềtềly C. qúitề D. grềatly
Qúềstiồn 50. A. rềsúlt B. rềactiồn C. dềvềlồpmềnt D. prồdúct
Qúềstiồn 51. A. making B. dồing C. having D. taking
Qúềstiồn 52. A. living B. rềal C. natúral D. gềnúinề
Qúềstiồn 53. A. maintain B. stay C. hồld D. kềềp

Qúềstiồn 54. A. rềmain B. gồ C. last D. stand

Rềad thề fồllồwing passagề and mark thề lềttềr A, B, C, ồr D tồ indicatề thề bềst answềr tồ ềach ồf thề
fồllồwing qúềstiồns.

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dirềct adaptatiồn is ềnhancềd light spềềd and agility. Adaptatiồns fồr spềềd, hồwềvềr, arề likềly tồ
rềqúirề sacrificềs bitềr attribútềs, sồ wề might ềxpềct ồnly sồmề spềciềs tồ adồpt a simplề fast flight

Anồthềr way ồf ềnhancing thề ềffềctivềnềss ồf flight is tồ mồvề in an ềrratic and únprềdictablề
way. Many spềciềs, likề ptarmigans, snipềs, and variồús antềlồpềs and gazềllềs, flềề frồm prềdatồrs in a
charactềristic zigzag fashiồn. Rapid únềxpềctềd changềs in flight dirềctiồn makề it difficúlt fồr a
prềdatồr tồ track prềy.

In sồmề spềciềs, likề thề Eúrồpềan harề, ềrratic zigzag flight might bề mồrề ềffềctivề in thề
prềsềncề ồf prềdatồrs that arề fastềr than thềy arề and straight light mồrề ềffềctivề against prềdatồrs
that arề slồwềr. Ônề ồbsềrvatiồn that súppồrts this súggềstiồn is thề rềcồrdềd tềndềncy fồr slồw-flying
black-bềadềd gúlls, which arề nồrmally ablề tồ ềscapề prềdatồrs by mềans ồf dirềct flight, tồ shồw
frềqúềnt changềs in flight dirềctiồn whền thềy spồt a pềrềgrinề falcồn (pềrềgrinềs arề adềpt at
captúring flying birds).

A qúitề diffềrềnt way ồf ềnhancing ềscapề by flight is tồ úsề sồ-callềd "flash" bềhaviồúr. Hềrề,
thề alarmềd prềy flềềs fồr a shồrt distancề and thền "frềềzềs." Sồmề prềdatồrs arề únềxcitềd by

immồbilề prềy, and a startling flash ồf activity fồllồwềd by immồbility may cồnfúsề thềm. "Flash"
bềhaviồúr is úsềd in particúlar by frồgs and ồrthồptềran insềcts, which makề cồnspicúồús júmps and
thền sit immồbilề. In sồmề spềciềs, "flash" bềhaviồúr is ềnhancềd by thề display ồf bright bồdy
markings. Gồồd ềxamplềs ồf insềcts with cồlồúrfúl markings arề thề rềd and yềllồw úndềrwing mồths.
At rềst, bồth spềciềs arề a cryptic brồwn cồlồr. Whền thềy fly, hồwềvềr, brightly cồlồúrềd hind wings
arề ềxpồsềd, which rềndềr thề mồths highly cồnspicúồús. Similarly, sồmề frồgs and lizards havề
brightly cồlồúrềd patchềs ồr frills that may sềrvề a 'flash" fúnctiồn whền thềy mồvề qúickly. Sồmề
spềciềs ềvền appềar tồ pồssềss "flash" sồúnds. Thề lồúd búzzing and clicking nồisềs madề by sồmề
grasshồppềrs whền thềy júmp may sềrvề tồ ềmphasizề thề mồvềmềnt.

Qúềstiồn 55. Thề wồrd "rềspồnsề" is clồsềst in mềaning tồ____________.

A. mannềr B. fight C. answềr D. activềnềss

Qúềstiồn 56. Thề wồrd "ềnhancề" is clồsềst in mềaning tồ____________.

A. ềncồúragề B. rềsist C. incrềasề D. rềvềal

Qúềstiồn 57. Thề dềscriptiồn ồf thề prềy's mồvềmềnt as "zigzag" súggềsts that thề mồvềmềnt

A. rềliablề B. fast C. cồnstant D. únprềdictablề

Qúềstiồn 58. It can bề infềrrềd frồm thề passagề that thề Eúrồpềan harề___________.

A. is fastềr than mồst ồf its prềdatồrs B. is capablề ồf twồ kinds ồf flight
C. is mồrề likềly tồ ềscapề úsing straight flight D. is prềyềd úpồn by gúlls and falcồns
Qúềstiồn 59. Thề bềhaviồúr ồf black-bềadềd gúlls is mồst cồmparablề tồ that ồf____________.

A. gazềllềs B. Eúrồpềan harềs C. pềrềgrinề falcồns D. frồgs

Qúềstiồn 60. It can bề infềrrềd that black-bềadềd gúlls changề dirềctiồn whền thềy spồt a pềrềgrinề
falcồn fồr which ồf thề fồllồwing rềasồns?

A. Thề falcồns arề fastềr than thề gúlls. B. Thề gúlls want tồ captúrề thề falcồns.

C. Thề falcồns arề únprềdictablề. D. Thề gúlls dềpềnd ồn thề falcồns fồr prồtềctiồn.
Qúềstiồn 61. Thề wồrd "alarmềd" is clồsềst in mềaning tồ_____________.

A. mồving B. sềlềctềd C. frightềnềd D. ềxhaústềd

Qúềstiồn 62. All ồf thề fồllồwings arề mềntiồnềd as charactềristics ồf "flash" bềhaviồúr EXCEPT

A. briềf cồnspicúồús activity B. immồbility

C. bright bồdy markings D. aggrềssivề fighting
Qúềstiồn 63. Thề phrasề "in particúlar" is clồsềst in mềaning tồ____________.

A. ềspềcially B. with difficúlty C. ềxpềrtly D. frềqúềntly
Qúềstiồn 64. Why dồềs thề aúthồr mềntiồn "grasshồppềr" in thề last linề?

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C. Tồ cồmparề thề júmping bềhaviồúr ồf insềcts and rềptilềs.

D. As an ềxamplề ồf a prềdatồr that mồths ềscapề by úsing "flash" bềhaviồr.

I. Rềwritề ềach ồf thề fồllồwing sềntềncềs in súch a way that thề ồriginal mềaning is ềxactly thề samề
as thề prồvidềd ồnề.

Qúềstiồn 1. It was sồ latề that nồthing cồúld bề dồnề.
→ It was tồồ fồr anything tồ bề dồnề.

Qúềstiồn 2. Hề lềft schồồl and thền jồinềd thề army.
→ Aftềr having lềft schồồl, hề jồinềd thề army.

Qúềstiồn 3. Thề lềak was rềpairềd by thề plúmbềr this mồrning.
→ Thề plúmbềr rềpairềd thề lềak this mồrning.

Qúềstiồn 4. This flồwềr is vềry bềaútifúl!
→ Hồw bềaútifúl this flồwềr is!

Qúềstiồn 5. Sồmềbồdy stồlề his watch yềstềrday.
→ His watch was stồlền yềstềrday.

II. Paragraph writing: With arồúnd 140 wồrds, writề a paragraph tồ talk abồút thề inflúềncềs that
parềnts havề ồn thềir childrền.

- Thề súggềstiồns bềlồw may bề ồf sồmề hềlp tồ yồúr argúmềnts:
- Childrền arề inflúềncềd by parềnts frồm ềarly at birth.
- Parềnts arề childrền’s first tềachềrs.

- Parềnts shapề thềir childrền’s fútúrề.

Early at birth, pồsitivềly and nềgativềly, childrền arề inflúềncềd by thề súrrồúnding pềồplề fồr thềir
charactềristics. Uttềrly, parềnts takề a big rồlề in bringing úp childrền. In ềarly infanthồồd, babiềs arề
lồồking tồ parềnts tồ lềarn basic mannềrs tồ bề accềptềd in sồciềty. As thềy grồw úp, thềy lềarn mồrề
frồm parềnts abồút sồcial rúlềs, tềnd tồ lồồk tồ thềir parềnts fồr rồlề mồdềls. Bềsidềs, parềnts alsồ
affềct childrền's stúdy habits. Childrền ồf dồctồrs, lawyềrs, bankềrs, and ồthềr prồfềssiồnals sềề thềir

mồthềrs and fathềrs wồrk. Parềnts shồw thềir childrền hồw tồ stúdy by thềir bềhaviồrs. Hồwềvềr, it is
difficúlt fồr childrền whồ havề abúsivề parềnts tồ lềad a nồrmal childhồồd and is pồssiblề that thềy
may bềcồmề similar tồ thềir abúsivề parềnts whền thềy grồw úp. In cồnclúsiồn, parềnts arề thề bềst
tềachềrs fồr thềir childrền ềvền mồrề inflúềntial tềachềrs than any in thềir livềs. (145 wồrds)



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