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Giao an Tieng Anh 4 tuan 13

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week 13: Date of preparing: Period 49:. Unit 8: What subjects do you have today? Lesson 1: Part 3, 4, 5. I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to use the words and phrases related to the topic School subjects to practice listening, writing and let’s sing II. Language focus: - New words: subject, late, run, Math, Science, IT, Vietnamese, Art, Music - Model sentences: What subjects do you have? I have… III. Resources: Books, posters, flash cards, puppets, CD, smart pen, …. IV. Procedures: Steps Learning activities Language focus Models - Spend a few minutes revising the What subjects do previous lesson. Call a few pairs to the 1. Warm front of the class to ask and answer the up question What subjects do you have to. you have to day? I have…,. day? I have…, using the actual subjects. - Sts are going to listen to three dilogues. - Listening. about school subjects and tick the correct. Key: 1b, 2a, 3c. Groups Pairs. pictures. - Have them look at the pictures. Ask. Whole. them what these subjects are called in. class. English. Have sts point to the pictures 2. Listen and sy aloud the names of the subjects in & tick. English. Check understanding.. Ins Pairs Groups. - Play the recording three times for ps to listen, do the task and check their answers. - Get ps to swap and check their answers. 3. Look. before cheking as a class. - Sts are going fill the gaps of the sentences with different days of the week and the subjects they have.. - Practice vocabulary, stucture and.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> and write.. 4. Let’s sing. - Have them look at the pictures to identify the days of week and the subjects they have on each day. Tell them that the days and subjects are writen in Vietnamese. Ask them what these days and subjects are called in English. Check understanding. - Ask sts to find appropriate words to complete the sentences under each picture. - Give sts time to do the task. - Get ps to swap and check, write the correct answers on the board for ps to copy down into their notebook. - Tell pupils that they are going to sing the song What day is it today? Teach the song, following the procedure in Teaching the unit components in Instruction. - Have read each line of the lyrics aloud. Check comprehension. - Play the recording all the way through. Ask ss to do choral and individual repetition of the song line by line. - When ss are familiar with the tune, ask a group of four of the class. One group sings the first three lines and other sing the last four lines. Then the class sings the song What day is it today? Together and claps hands. - Spend a few minutes revising the. function. Keys: 1 Monday, vietnameses, Science and English, 2 Wednesday, has Math, IT and Music, 3 Friday, have Math, Science and Art. Whole class Ins Whole class. What day is it today?. 5. Home- previous lesson by having the class sing link the song What day is it today? *Evaluation:. Ins Pairs Groups Whole class. Whole class. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Week 13: Date of preparing:. Unit 8: What subjects do you have today? Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to asking and answering about when someone has a subject, using When do you have…? I have it on… II. Language focus: - New words: studying, lesson, on - Model sentences: When do you have…? I have it on… III. Resources: Books, posters, flash cards, puppets, CD, smart pen, …. IV. Procedures: Language Steps Learning activities Models focus - Spend a few minutes revising the What day is it 1. Warm Whole previous lesson by having the class sing the today? up class song What day is it today? -Tells sts that they are going to read a story in which sts ask and answer questions. Whole. about their timetables.. class. - give them a few seconds to look at the 2. Look,. Ins. pictures and read the text. Get them to. Pairs. identify the characters and the setting of the. listen &. convesation by asking Who’s this? What. reapeat. are they doing? What are they talking. Groups Whole class. about? - Play the recording more than once. - Play the recording again for sts to listen. 3. Point & say. and repeat - Sts are going to practise the question and. - New words:. answer When do you have Science? And I. studying,. have it on…. lesson, on. - Asks sts to look at the timetable. Ask. - Model. them to identify the names of the four sts in sentences: the first column and the days when these. When do you. sts have Science. Check comprehension.. have…? I. Whole class Ins.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> - Point to the first row of the table and get a have it on… st to ask When do you have Science? And another to answer I have it on Mondays. Pairs. and Thursdays. Repeat the procedure with. Groups. the othe rows in the table.. Whole. - Ask them to work in pairs and ask and. class. answer the question, using the given the text in the bubbles and the information in the timetable.. 4. Let’s talk. - Call a few pairs to act out the exchanges. - Sts are going to revise what they have. - Practice. learnt in lesson 1 and 2. get them to work. vocabulary,. Ins. in pairs and ask ans answer the three. structure and. Pairs. questions. Remind them to answer with. function.. Groups. facts about themselves.. - Calls a few pairs to act out their conversation - Encourage sts to observe and give comments in English. - Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by gating the class to play 5. slap the board, using the days of the week Home- and the word English. Then ask sts When do you have English? Remind sts to answer link with information from their actual English timetable. *Evaluation:. Whole class. Whole class. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Week 13: Date of preparing: Period 51:. Unit 8: What subjects do you have today? Lesson 2: Part 4, 5, 6..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to asking and answering about when someone has a subject some more, using When do you have…? I have it on… II. Language focus: - New words: PE, tomorrow - Model sentences: Review III. Resources: Books, posters, flash cards, puppets, CD, smart pen, …. IV. Procedures: Language Models Steps Learning activities focus To lead in the Whole - Spend a few minutes revising the lesson class previous lesson by getting the class to play In 1. slap the board, using the days of the week Pairs Warm and the word English. Then ask sts When Groups up do you have English? Remind sts to answer Whole with information from their actual English class timetable. - Tells sts that they are going to listen to four dilogues about different PE timetables. Whole. and number them in the order they hear. 2. Listen &. class. - Ask them to look at the pictures and. In. identify the days where thre is a PE lesson.. Pairs. - have sts read aloud the days before. Groups. number. playing the recording. Whole. - Plays the recording more than once.. class. - Gets sts to swap and check their answers before checking as a class. - Sts are going to complete the sentences,. - Practice. using the given timetable.. vocabulary,. class. and. - Give them a few seconds to look at the. stucture and. In. write.. timetable and read the text. Then check. function.. 3. Look. Whole. Pairs.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> comprehension by asking When does the pupil have English?. Groups. - Set a time limit for the task and offer. Whole. help.. class. - Check the answers as a class and call or. 4. Let’s play. 5. Homelink. two sts to read aloud the completed text.. - Sts are going to do the puzzle by writing. - Practice. the names of the school subjects.. vocabulary,. - Asks sts to look at the word SUBJECTS. stucture and. and the row of boxes 1 to 5. have sts think. function.. Whole class. about the names of the subjects bearing one. In. letter of the word SUBJECTS and complete Key:. Pairs. the puzzle, using one letter per box. Do. 1Science,. Groups. number 1 as an example: SCIENCE.. 2Music,. Whole. - Ask sts to work in pairs to discuss the. 3English,. possible answers. Go around offering help.. 4Vietnamese4,. - Call on some of them to say the answers.. 5Maths. - Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by organising a Slap the board game using the words for school. subjects. *Evaluation:. class. Whole class In. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Week 13: Period 52:. Unit 8: What subjects do you have today? Lesson 3: Part 1, 2, 3. I. Objectives At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to practice the sounds of the letters ct and cts in the words subject and subjects respectively. II. Language focus.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> - New words: Review - Model sentences: Review ct subject English is my favourite subject. cts subjects What subjects do you have today? III. Resources: Books, posters, flash cards, puppets, CD, smart pen, …. IV. Procedures: Steps. Learning activities. Language. Models. focus 1. Warm. - Spend a few minutes revising the. up. previous lesson by organizing a Slap the. Group. board game using the words for school subjects. - Sts are going to practice saying the. Phonics. Listen &. sounds of the letters s and sw in the words. letter ct and. repeat. sing and swim respectively. Put the. cts. 2.. phonics letter ct and cts on the board and. Whole class In Pairs. say them a few times.. Groups. - Asks sts to read in choral and individual. Whole. repetition.. class. - Play the recording for sts to listen and 3. Listen & tick.. repeat a long. - Sts are going to listen to the recording. - Practice. and tick the correct boxes.. vocabulary,. - give them a few seconds to read the. structure. sentences in silence and guess the words. and. to fill the gaps.. function. - Have sts listen to the recording tick the appreciate boxes. Then ask them to fill the gaps with subject or subjects. - Get ps to work in pairs. Check as a class. Key; 1subjects, 2subject, 3subjects,. Whole class In Pairs Groups Whole class.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> 4.. 4subject - Sts are going to say What subjects do. Whole. Let’s. you have today? chant. following the. chant.. procedure in Teaching the unit. What. components in Instruction.. subjects do. - Play the recording a few times for sts to. you have. Groups. do choral and individual repetition. Show. today?. Whole. sts to chant and do the actions.. class In Pairs. class. - Gets sts work in pairs or groups to sit face to face and practice chanting and doing actions. - Calls two groups of three to the front of the class to chant and do actions. The rest 5.. of the class claps along to the rhythm. - When you come back home, please tell. Home-link your mother or father or your friends. Whole class. about what you have said or what you have done at school. *Evaluation: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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