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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week : 04 2016 Period: 10 2016. Date of preparation: 06/ 09/ Date of teaching:. 12/ 09/. UNIT 2: MAKING ASRRANGEMENTS LESSON 4: WRITE I. OBJECTIVES: - After the lesson, students can write a telephone message. II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, posters III. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (7’) Check old lesson - Ask Ss to tell the form of the message they studied in lesson listen.. 2/ Pre-writing: (13’) - Teach some vocabulary. I. Vocabulary: 1. a customer (n): khách hàng 2. delivery service (n): dịch vụ giao hàng 3. stationary( n): V.P.P 4. pick Sb up : đón ai. 5. take a message (v): nhận tin nhắn - Check vocabulary: R.O.R. 3/ While-writing: (15’)  Activity 1: - Ask Ss to read the message then answer some questions. 1. When did the customer phone the Thang Loi Delivery Service? 2. Who did she want to speak? 3. Who took a message for Mr. Ha? 4. What is the customer’s name? - Ask Ss to give feedback.  Activity 2:. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Remind. Date: Time: For: Message: - Listen, repeat, then copy down.. - Do as directed. - Answer the questions. 1. May 12 2. Mr. Ha 3. Mr. Tam 4. Mrs. Lien - Give feedback..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> - Ask Ss to complete the passage. - Correct 1) phoned ; 2) May 12 ; 3) speak ;7)Mr. Ha 4) took ; 5) name ; 6) delivery ; 8) At 4/ Post-writing: (8’) - Ask Ss to work in 4 groups to write the telephone message.. - Correct. Thanh Cong Delivery Service Date: June 16 Time: After midday For: Mrs. Van Message: Mr. Nam called about his stationery order. He wanted you to call him at 8634082. Taken by: Mr. Toan 5/ Homework: (2’) - Have Ss: + Rewrite the message at home. + Prepare U2 : Language focus.. - Fill in the gaps in the passage on page 23. - Give the answer. - Read passage 2 on page 23 to get information and write the message. - Give the answer.. - Write assignments.. IV. COMMENT: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ............................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Week : 04 2016 Period: 11 2016. Date of preparation: 06/09/ Date of teaching:. 13/ 09/. UNIT 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS LESSON 5: LANGUAE FOCUS I. OBJECTIVES: - After the lesson, students will be able to talk about intentions with be going to and use adverbs of place. II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, computer III. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (7’) Pelmanism. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES. - Ask Ss to play in two teams. Outside. Inside. There. Here. - Play game. Upstairs. Down stairs. Dưới ở đó ở đây ở ở Trên lầu trong ngoài lầu - Lead to “adverb of place”: outside ><inside, there><here , upstairs>< downstairs. 2/ Exercises: (20’)  Practice 1: (p. 26) - Ask Ss to answer the questions: Who is hiding?and who is seeking? Where is tuan hiding? - Ask Ss to complete the speech bubbles. - Call Ss to correct. b. here c. downstairs d. outside e. there f. inside  Practice 2: (p. 25) - Explain and give structure and example. Be going to + V-inf : to talk about intentions Ex: Nga has a movie ticket.  She is going to see a movie. - Give the new words: * New words : 1. fishing rod : cần câu cá 2. action movies : phim hành động. - Read these adverbs.. - Guess the answer. - Complete the speech bubbles. - Present the answer.. - Pay attention.. - Read and take note..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> 3. invite sb to : mời ai làm gì - Elicit the sentences. a. go fishing b. read her new novel c. do his homework in Math d. see action movie on TV tonight e. go to her friend’s birthday party. - Write the sentences. a. They’re going to go fishing. b. She’s going to read her new novel. c. He’s going to do his home work in Math. d. He’s going to see movie action on TV tonight. e. She’s going to her friend’s birthday party..  Practice 3: (p. 25) - Give sub-board and explain the exercise.. What are you going to do on the weekend ?. - Work in pairs to get information, check ,  in “you” column.. Are you going to … you See a movie ? Play sports ? Meet your friends ? Help your partner ? Do your homework ? Watch TV ? - Ask Ss about themselves.. - Answer the questions basing their table information.. 3/ Consolidation: (15’) - Have Ss work in pairs to ask their partner, and. - Work in pairs.. complete “your partner column”.. What are you going to do on the weekend ? Are you going to … Your partner See a movie ? Play sports ? Meet your friends ? Help your partner ? Do your homework ? Watch TV ? - Call some pairs present their result. - Present in pairs. 4/ Homework: (3’) - Have Ss: - Write assignments. + Redo these exercises. + Prepare Unit 2 Making arrangement (getting started + listen and read). IV. COMMENT: .................................................................................................................................................. ...................................................................................................................................................

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> .................................................................................................................................................. ..................................... Week : 04 Date of preparation: 06/09/ 2016 Period: 12 Date of teaching: 14/09/ 2016. UNIT 3: AT HOME. LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED – LISTEN AND READ I. OBJECTIVES: - After the lesson, students will be able to give the advice with”have to, must, ought to” II. PREPARATIONS: Textbook, computer III. PROCEDURES: TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES 1/ Warm-up: (8’) Matching - Ask Ss to match the pictures with correct chores. I. Getting started. STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES - Match. a. Wash the dishes. b. Make the bed. c. Sweep the floor. d. Cook meals(breakfast / lunch / dinner). e. Tidy up. f. Feed the chickens.. - Ask Ss to read these chores. - Lead to the lesson.. - Read loudly. - Listen.. 2/ Presentation: (9’)  Activity 1: - Listen. - Present the situation: Mrs. Vui will be home late. She aks Nam to do some chores. - Repeat,read then copy down. - Give meaning of some new words by using real objects, pictures, translation. II. Listen and read: 1. Vocabulary :  cupboard ( n ) : tủ búp phê.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span>  steamer ( n ) : nồi hấp  sink ( n ) : bồn rửa  saucepan ( n ) : cái nồi  frying pan ( n ) : chảo rán  rice-cooker ( n ) : nồi cơm điện  stove (n): bếp lò - Check vocabulary: R.O.R - Give example, and explain the structures. 2. Structure: Muốn khuyên bảo hoặc bắt buộc ai đó làm gì Ex : You have to cook your self. Ought to S+ have to / has to + V-inf Must - Ask Ss: Can you guess what Nam has to do?  Activity 2: - Ask Ss to guess the statements True or False. 1. Mrs. Vui has to go and visit her friends after work. 2. Nam will have to cook dinner himself. 3. Mrs. Chi will go to the market and buy some fish and vegetables for Nam. - Have Ss listen and read the dialogue. - Get feedback. 1. F 2. T 3. F - Use the above sentences to explain the structures. 2. Structure: a. Modals: have to / ought to + V (bare-inf) b. Reflexive pronoun I – myself he – himself she – herself You – yourself / yourselves they – themselves we – ourvelves Đại từ phản thân được dùng để nhấn mạnh một chủ thể hoặc đối tượng tự gây ra, tạo ra hành động (thường đứng sau động từ hoặc sau giới từ “for”, “to”). 3/ Practice: (13’) - Ask Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs. - Call some pairs to practice the dialogue. - Have Ss work in groups to write the list. - Ask Ss to give correct answer. Nam has to: + cook dinner himself.. - Do as directed. - Listen and copy down.. - Close book, and guess. - Guess.. - Listen and read. - Give feedback. - Pay attention and take note.. - Practice the dialogue in pairs. - Present. - Work in groups to write the list. - Check the answer..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> + go to the market himself and buy fish and vegetables. + call aunt Chi and ask her to meet his mother at Grandma’s house. 4/ Production: (13’) - Ask Ss to choose the correct option. - Work individually. 1.Nam …… go to the market to buy food himself. a. have to b.has to c. haves d. haves to 2.Ha ought to ….. homework herself. a. do b. does c.doing d.to do 3. Can you do it ….? a. herself b. himself c. myself d. yourself - Educate Ss the chores they should do at home. - Listen to the teacher. 5/ Homework: (2’) - Have Ss: - Write assignments. + Learn by heart vocabulary and structures. + Prepare section: Speak. IV. COMMENT: .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................. ..........................................

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