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Unit 1 My friends

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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Week: 02 (From September 12th, 2016 to September 17th, 2016) Date of preparation: Monday, September 5, 2016 Period: 03 Date of teaching: LESSON PLAN Unit1: MY FRIENDS (cont.) Part: Speak and listen. I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe a person in the picture or other people and introduce people. - Focus on speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. - Loving how to describe a person in the picture or other people. 2. Capacity can be formed and developed for students: Communication, cooperation, solving difficult problems and creation. II. Preparation of document and medium in teaching: - Teacher: Pictures, cassette player, posters. - Students: Book, Textbook. III. Students’ activities: 1.Warm up: Content Student’s and teacher’s activities Teacher asks students some questions. -What do they look like? Students observe the pictures and read the adjectives in -What are they wearing? the table. Students practice the dialogue in pairs. 2. Knowledge formation activities: Content Student’s and teacher’s activities Speak: Pre-speaking: New words: Teacher explains some words. - Blond (adj): vàng hoe - Fair (adj): vàng nhạt - Take turn (v): thay phiên Students work in pairs. - Build (n): vóc váng - Slim (adj): mảnh khảnh - Straight (adj): thẳng Students practice the pictures a, b, c, d. - Curly (adj): quăn - Bald (adj): hói While-speaking: Students practice in front of class. 1.Read the dialogue: 2.Now take turns to make similar dialogue. Use the adjective in the table. Students write the answers on the board. P1: This person is . . . . . . and . . . . . . he/she has . . . . . . hair. P2: Is this . . . . . . ? P1: Yes ./ Yes . That’s . . . . . . Listen: Pre-listening: Read the conversation a, b, c, d. While-listening:. Teacher helps students correct the answers and practice. Teacher introduces the dialogue which students will listen..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> a. H. Hello, Nam. N. Morning, Hoa. H. Nam, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my cousin, Thu. N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Thu. T. Nice to meet you too, Nam. b. K. Miss Lien, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my mother. Miss L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Mrs.Vi. Mrs.V. The pleasure is all mine. Miss. Miss L. Oh, There is the principal. Please excuse me, Mrs.Vi, but I must talk to him. Mrs.V. Certainly. c. Ba. Bao, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my grand mother. Bao. Hello, ma’am. G. Hello, young man. Ba. Bao is my class-mate, grand mother. G. What was that? Ba. Class-mate ! Bao is my class-mate. G. I see. d. Mr.L. Isn’t that Lan’s father, my dear? Mrs.L. I’m not sure. Go and ask him. Mr.L. Excuse me. Are you Mr.Thanh? Mr.T. Yes, I am. Mr.L. I’m Lam, Nga’s father. Mr.T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ? Answer keys: a. H. . . ., I’d like you to meet . . .. N. Nice to meet you , . . .. b. K. . . ., I’d like you to meet . . .. Miss L. It’s a pleasure to meet you ,. . .. c. Ba. . . . , come and meet . . .. d. Mr.T. How do you do ?. Teacher explains. Students listen to the tape. Students listen to the tape again. Teacher explains.. Students listen to the tape and complete the dialogues.. Students listen and write the answers on the board. Teacher helps students correct mistakes. Students write the answers into exercise book. Students listen to the tape again. Students practice in front of class. Students practice the dialogues in front of class.. Post-listening: Practice the dialogues 3. Consolidation: Listen to the conversations 4. Apply: Make the same dialogues with your friends. 5. Disquisition and extention activities: Prepare:Unit1: MY FRIENDS (cont.) Part: Read at page 13. IV.Experiences:. Week: 02 Date of preparation: Monday, September 5, 2016 Period: 04 Date of teaching:. (From September 12th, 2016 to September 17th, 2016).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> LESSON PLAN Unit1: MY FRIENDS (cont.) Part: Read. I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe character, favorite of Ba’s friends - Focus on speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. - Describing character, favorite of Ba’s friends. 2. Capacity can be formed and developed for students: Communication, cooperation, solving difficult problems and creation. II. Preparation of document and medium in teaching: - Teacher: Pictures, cassette player, posters. - Students: Book, Textbook. III. Students’ activities: 1.Warm up: Content Student’s and teacher’s activities How many close friends does Ba have? What are Teacher asks students some questions to introduce the they like? What do they like? What do they enjoy new lesson. doing in their freetime? Do they all have the same Students read the paragraph silently and answer the favorite activities? questions. 2. Knowledge formation activities: Content Student’s and teacher’s activities Read: Pre-reading: Teacher helps students to read the text. New words: - Character (n): tính nết, tính cách - Sociable (adj): dễ chan hoà Teacher reads and puts the new words. - Extremely (adj): vô cùng, hết sức - Generous (adj): rộng lượng - Orphanage (n): viện mồ coi Students give the meaning words. - Grade (n): điểm số - Reserve (v): kính đáo  open (v) Teacher reads model. - Star (n): ngôi sao - Peace (n) : hoà bình , thanh bình Students repeat. - Quiet (adj): yên tỉnh - Joke (n): chuyện đùa Students read the text themselves. - Sense of humor : tính hài hước - Annoy (v): làm khó chịu While-reading: Students read the text in front of class. 1.Choose the best answer and write: Students read silently the text and check for the answer a–A; b–C; c–B; d–D to complete the sentences. 2.Answers: a. Ba feels lucky having a lot of friends. Students work in pairs. b. Bao is the most sociable. c. Khai likes reading. Students ask and answer in front of class. d. A bad thing about Ba’s jokes is sometimes his jokes annoy his friends. e. Bao spends his freetime doing volunteer work at a Students write the answers on the board. local orphanage. f. Student’s answer. Teacher corrects the answers..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> (the same or different character) Post-reading: Give some information about your close friends.. Students copy the answers into exercise book.. 3. Consolidation: Talk about your close friends. 4. Apply: Learn by heart new words. 5. Disquisition and extention activities: Prepare:Unit1: MY FRIENDS (cont.) Part: Write at page 15. IV.Experiences:. Week: 02 (From September 12th, 2016 to September 17th, 2016) Date of preparation: Monday, September 5, 2016 Period: 05 Date of teaching: LESSON PLAN Unit1: MY FRIENDS (cont.) Part: Write. I. Objectives: 1. Knowledge, skills, attitude: - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe yourself or close friend. - Focus on speaking, reading, listening and writing skills. - Getting and describing yourself or close friend. 2. Capacity can be formed and developed for students: Communication, cooperation, solving difficult problems and creation. II. Preparation of document and medium in teaching: - Teacher: Pictures, cassette player, posters. - Students: Book, Textbook. III. Students’ activities: 1.Warm up: Content Student’s and teacher’s activities Talk about your friends (name, age, character, Teacher says something about the students. description, address, family, friends, . . .) 2. Knowledge formation activities: Content Student’s and teacher’s activities Write: Pre-writing: Students read the information about Tam. 1.Read the information about Tam New words: Students explain some words. - Appearance (n): mô tả - Prompt (n): gợi ý Students work themselves. While-writing: 2.Fill in a similar form for your partner . Use the. Students talk them in front of class..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> following question as prompts: a.What’s his / her name? b.How old is he / she? c.What does he / she look like? d.What is he / she like? e.Where does he / she live? f.Who does he / she live with? g.Who is / are his / her friend(s)?. Teacher explains how to write a paragraph. Students write about close friends. Students work themselves. Students write the topic on the board.. Post-writing: 3.Now. Write a paragraph about your partner:. Teacher corrects mistakes if necessary.. 3. Consolidation: Write about your partner / a class-mate. 4. Apply: Write a paragraph about your close friends. 5. Disquisition and extention activities: Prepare: Unit1: MY FRIENDS (cont.) Part: Language focus at page 16. IV.Experiences:. Cái nước, ngày . . . tháng . . . năm 2016 Signature of leader.

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