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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>BÀI 7. SUBJUNCTIVE CLAUSES - MỆNH ĐỀ GIẢ ĐỊNH I. The use of “as if/ as though”: (như thể là, cứ như là) các mệnh đề giả định với as if/ as though thường được chia làm hai loại cụ thể dưới đây: 1. The present sense: Nếu động từ ở mệnh đề dẫn được chia ở thì hiện tại (simple present), thì động từ ở mệnh đề giả định sẽ chia ở thì quá khứ đơn (simple past), động từ to be được chia là were với mọi chủ ngữ. S - V(simple present) - as if/ as though - S V(simple past) e.g. The old lady dresses as if it were winter even in the summer. (It is not winter.) hiện tại. quá khứ. Angelique walks as though she studied modelling. (She didn’t study modelling) hiện tại. quá khứ. He acts as though he were rich. (He is not rich) hiện tại. quá khứ. 2. The past sense: Nếu động từ ở mệnh đề dẫn được chia ở thì quá khứ (simple past), thì động từ ở mệnh đề giả định sẽ chia ở thì quá khứ hoàn thành (past perfect). S - V(simple past) - as if/ as though - S - V(past perfect) e.g. Betty talked about the contest as if she had won the grand prize. past simple. past perfect. (She didn’t win the grand prize.) Jeff looked as if he had seen a ghost. (She didn’t see a ghost.) past simple. past perfect. He looked as though he had run ten miles. (He didn’t run ten miles.) past simple. past perfect. Cả hai trường hợp giả định trên đều diễn tả những điều không thể diễn ra mà chỉ đơn giản là một giả định. II. The use of wish and hope: 1. Hope: mong muốn, hi vọng – Các hành động theo sau hope có thể diễn ra: e.g. I hope that they will come. (I don’t know if they are coming) (Tôi hi vọng họ sẽ tới) We hope that they came yesterday. (We don’t know if they came) (Tôi hi vọng là họ đã tới) 2. Wish: Mong muốn, ước muốn. Các hành động hoặc là chưa, hoặc là không thể diễn ra. a. Wish somebody something = chúc ai đó một điều gì đó: e.g. I wish him a happy birthday. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. b. Wish to infinitive = mong muốn làm một điều gì đó: e.g. I wish to have a happy birthday. We wish to become doctors. c. Mong muốn làm một điều gì đó sẽ diễn ra trong tương lai: S - wish - (that) - S* - could/ would/ -V Subject*: có thể là chính chủ thể, có thể là người khác. Eg. We wish that you could come to the party tonight. (You can’t come) I wish that you would stop saying that. (You probably won’t stop) She wish that she were coming with us. (She is not coming with us).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> d. Mong muốn về một điều gì đó đã không diễn ra ở hiện tại: S - wish - (that) - S* - V(simple past) S - wished - (that) - S* - V(past perfect) Eg. I wish that I had enough time to finish my homework. (I don’t have enough time) We wish that he were old enough to come with us. (He is not old enough) They wish that they didn’t have to go to class today. (They have to go to class) Subject*: có thể là chính chủ thể, có thể là người khác. e. Mong muốn về một điều gì đó đã không diễn ra ở quá khứ: S - wish - (that) - S - V(past perfect) S - wished - (that) - S* - V(past perfect)/could have - P2 e.g. I wish that I had washed the clothes yesterday. (I didn’t wash the clothes yesterday) She wish that she could have been there. (She couldn’t be there) We wish that we had had more time last night. (We didn’t have more time) III. Subjunctive cases with certain verbs, adjectives and nouns: Hình thức giả định với một số động từ, tính từ, danh từ: 1. For certain verbs: Một số động từ được theo sau bởi các mệnh đề giả định (không có sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ) được thực hiện theo công thức:. S – V – that – S – V(bare infinitive) Gồm các danh từ như: advise demand prefer require ask insist propose stipulat comman move recommen e d order d suggest decree request urge e.g. We urge that he leave now. (other form: We urge him to leave now) She asked that the man be punished. The judge insisted that the jury return a verdict immediately. The university requires that all its students take this course. The doctor suggested that his patient stop smoking. Congress has decreed that the gasoline tax be abolished. We proposed that he take a vacation. I move that we adjourn until this afternoon. Remember: sometimes should would be use in the indefinite clause after that as a suggestion or advice – Cần lưu ý rằng nhiều khi trong tiếng Anh-Anh (Bristish English) người ta dùng should với mệnh đề không xác định sau “that” như lời khuyên hay gợi ý như sau: e.g. We urge that he leave now. → We urge that he should leave now. She asked that the man be punished. → She asked that the man should be punished. The judge insisted that the jury return a verdict immediately. → The judge insisted that the jury should return a verdict immediately. The university requires that all its students take this course. → The university requires that all its students should take this course. The doctor suggested that his patient stop smoking. → The doctor suggested that his patient should stop smoking..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Congress has decreed that the gasoline tax be abolished. → Congress has decreed that the gasoline tax should be abolished. 2. For certain adjectives: Một số tính từ được theo sau bởi các mệnh đề giả định (không có sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ) được thực hiện theo công thức: Gồm các động từ như:S – V – adjectives – that – S – V(bare infinitive) advised necessary recommend urgent important obligator ed imperative mandatory y required proposed suggested e.g. It is necessary that he find the books. It was urgent that she leave at once. It has been proposed that we change the topic. It is important that you remember this question. It has been suggested that he forget the election. It was recommended that we wait for the authorities. 3. For certain nouns: Một số tính từ được theo sau bởi các mệnh đề giả định (không có sự hòa hợp giữa chủ ngữ và động từ) được thực hiện theo công thức: It - be - noun - that - S - V(bare infinitive) (any tense). e.g.. It is a recommendation from a doctor that the patient stop smoking. It was a necessity that you be ontime next time.. 4. For other cases: câu giả định dùng trong câu cảm thán, với các thế lực siêu nhiên,đức tin như: e.g. God save the queen! God be with you! = good bye (khi chia tay nhau) Curse this frog! - Hoặc: Come what may: dù có chuyện gì đi nữa. e.g. Come what may we will stand by you. - Hoặc: If need be: nếu cần thì e.g. If need be we can take another road. - Hoặc: if this be: giả định mà chính người nói chắc chắn là không có. e.g. If this be proven right, you would be considered innocent. IV. Subjunctive cases with “It is time”: Dạng giả định với “It is time” được thực hiện theo công thức sau:. It is time It is high time S– V(simple past) is about time It is time weItgot everything ready for the start. (In fact, we don’t get things. e.g. ready) It is about time the train arrived.. (In fact, the train doesn’t arrive). It is high time the results of the test were announced. (In fact, they aren’t announced) Note: Chú ý cấu trúc sau không phải là giả định:. It is time It is high time infinitives It is about time. for O – to.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> e.g. It is time for us to get everything ready for the start. (In fact, we have to get things ready now) It is about time for the train to arrive. (In fact, the train is arriving) It is high time for the results of the test to be announced. (In fact, they are going to be announced) V. Subjunctive cases with conditional sentences: Các câu điều kiện loai 2 (unreal present), và loại 3 (unreal past) cũng sử dụng hình thức giả định. (xem Bài 1. Conditional sentences - phần IV. Phrases vs. Clauses). BÀI TẬP THỰC HÀNH Exercise 1. Complete each of the following sentences with the right forms of the verbs shown in brackets. 1. He suggested that I___________ ready by eight o'clock. (to be) 2. We request that she___________ the window. (to open) 3. They demanded that he___________ the room. (to leave) 4. I will ask that she___________ me. (to accompany) 5. They recommended that he___________ to Bermuda. (to fly) 6. The request that we___________ ready to leave at six is a nuisance. (to be) 7. The recommendation that she___________ a holiday was carried out. (to take) 8. It is necessary that you___________ able to come with us. (to be) 9. They asked that we___________ standing. (to remain) 10. The requirement that he___________ work will be hard to meet. (to find) 11. It is important that he___________ everything he can. (to learn) 12. The demand that she___________ the report has been carried out. (to complete) 13. I wish I___________ the answers. (not to lose) 14. They wished they___________ the appointment. (not to forget) 15. He will wish he___________ us the book. (to show) 16. Will they wish we___________ them some food? (to give) 17. We wish it___________ yesterday. (to snow) 18. She wished she___________ the window. (not to open) 19. I wished I___________ the news. (to hear) 20. You wish you___________ what to do. (to know)ðIỀU ƯỚC VÀ CÁC THỂ GIẢ Exercise 2. Complete each of the following sentences with the right forms of the verbs shown in brackets. 1. I wish it___________ possible to finish the work tonight. (to be) 2. Will he wish he___________ ready? (to be) 3. She wished she___________ how to sing. (to know) 4. We wish they___________ to come with us. (to want) 5. You wished you___________ better. (to feel) 6. They will wish it___________ warmer. (to be) 7. Does he wish he___________ younger? (to be) 8. I wish I___________ the subject more interesting. (to find) 9. They wished she___________ the arrangements. (to make) 10. He will wish you___________ him. (to help) 11. She wishes the mail___________. (to come) 12. We wished they___________. (to hurry) 13. You will wish the door___________. (to open) 14. They wish we___________ for them. (to wait) 15. I wish you___________ to me. (to write) 16. Will she wish you___________ her? (to join).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 17. 18. 19. 20.. I wish he___________ here now. (to be) I wish that you___________ here yesterday. (to be) We wish you___________ tomorrow. (to come) You will wish you___________ earlier. (to leave). Exercise 3. Complete each of the following sentences with the right forms of the verbs shown in brackets. 1. If we were hitchhiking, you___________ to pick us up? (to stop) 2. If we waited for him, we___________ on time. (to be) 3. He___________ us know if we made a mistake? (to let) 4. I___________ to have a party if you were not there. (to want) 5. They wished he___________ with them the next day. (to come) 6. We wish you___________ yesterday. (to arrive) 7. I wish that he___________ us next year. (to visit) 8. She wishes that she___________ at home now. (to be) 9. You wish that he___________ you last week. (to help) 10. He will always wish he___________ rich. (to be) 11. The boy wished that he___________ the competition the next day. (to win) 12. She will wish she___________ the arrangements earlier. (to make) 13. I wish the weather___________ warmer now. (to be) 14. We always wished we___________ fluent in other languages. (to be) 15. They wish he___________ them next week. (to telephone) 16. Don't___________ out late. (to stay) 17. Please___________ ready on time. (to be) 18. Don't___________ about that. (to worry) 19. ___________ your own business! (to mind) 20. ___________ careful not to trip. (to be) Exercise 4: Find the ONE among the underlined and marked A, B, C, D in each of the following sentences that needs correcting: 1. Yesterday evening, while I was watching TV, Mai pays me a visit. A B C D 2. We went out for a walk after we had our dinner. A B C D 3. As soon as the next lecture will end, let’s leave. A B C D 4. Mr. Ba had a daughter who were born in 1950, but who died a few years later. A B C D 5. After they were playing cards, someone broke into the house. A B C D 6. The lion has long been a symbol of strength, power, and it is very cruel. A B C D 7. Nobody had known before the presentation that Sue and her sister will receive the awards for outstanding scholarships. A B C D 8. There is a really good explanation of my favorite field in the chapter two of that book. A B C D 9. He knows to repair the carburetor without taking the whole car apart. A B C D 10. Approximately one-fifth of a worker’s income to pay in taxes and social security. AB C D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> 11. The Green Garden Restaurant uses fresh produce on their dishes, much of which the owners grow in their own garden. A B C D 12. A city university professor reported that he discovers a vaccine which could prevent bird flu. A B C D 13. Factories discard waste that had polluted air and water, but factories give us jobs. A B C D 14. Do you want being woken up tomorrow morning? A B C D 15. That is a new circus which formed in 1992. A B C D 16. It is important that you turned off the heater every morning before you leave for class. A B C D 17. The children had such difficult time when they began school in their new neighborhood that their parents decided never to move again. A B C D 18. Those who had already purchased tickets were instructed to go to gate first at once. A B C D 19. The bridge was hitting by a large ship during a sudden storm last week. A B C D 20. The destruction of most of the city of London made by a fire in 1600s. A B C D Exercise 5: Find the ONE among the underlined and marked A, B, C, D in each of the following sentences that needs correcting: 1. The teacher got angry with him because he sometimes come to class late. A B C D 2. Up to now, there had been no woman being chosen the US president. A B C D 3. The mother had always took good care of her little son. A B C D 4. No matter what different, various music types have one thing in common: touching the hearts of the listeners. A B C D 5. The computer software industry is one of the most competitive markets in today’s technological advanced society. A B C D 6. An American woman not always shake hands when she is introduced to a man. A B C D 7. Peter has been written the composition for 3 hours and he has not finished yet. A B C D 8. We were a few minute late so the film was already started when we got to the cinema. A B C D 9. By the time the police come, the robber had run away..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> A B C D 10. Almost all the students were confusing because Ms. Kelly’s explanation was unclear. A B C D 11. Many news story which deal with TV and film personalities are often exaggerated. A B C D 12. A secretary told me an important file had left in the lunch room just the other day. A B C D 13. Why didn’t Peter go to school? What did happened to him? A B C D 14. I was listening to the radio when the door bell will ring. A B C D 15. Why are you so late? I am waiting here for you for more than one hour . A B C D 16. Phil never went to bed before he has finished his homework. A B C D 17. There are many different ways of comparing the economy of one nation with those of another. A B C D 18. A basic knowledge of social studies, such as history and geography, are considered a basic part of the education of every child. A B C D 19. So extensive the lakes are that they are viewed as the largest bodies of fresh water in the world. A B C D 20. I have learnt English for I was ten years old. A B C D Exercise 6: Find the ONE among the underlined and marked A, B, C, D in each of the following sentences that needs correcting: 1. Did you say that you will have a lot of things to do the following week? A B C D 2. When we arrived at the station, the train has already left. A B C D 3. The rings of Saturn are so distant to be seen from the Earth without a telescope. A B C D 4. Unless you don't have a quiet room, you will not be able to do any work. A B C D 5. Did your doctor recommend you that you will stop smoking? A B C D 6. Up to now, there had been no woman being chosen the US president. A B C D 7. The neighbors are having a party. They are making so much noise since 6 o’clock. I can’t sleep. A B C D 8. Don’t leave the house until I will get back. A B C D 9. With the victory over Germany in the final match, Brazil became the first team won the trophy five times..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> A B C D 10. Because of the long questions, Tom could not hardly finish the test on time. A B C D 11. I was walking along the pavement when I realized that there has been a man following me. A B C D 12. Human had struggled against weeds since the beginning of agriculture. A B C D 13. Mary said that she do jogging every morning. A B C D 14. At this time next week, Peter was working in London. A B C D 15. Never I have seen such a good film before. A B C D 16. This fridge is very old to keep things at a proper temperature. A B C D 17. A lunch of soup and sandwiches do not appeal to all of the students. A B C D 18. All the students are looking forward to spending their free time relax in the sun this summer. A B C D 19. Before the 1920s, no women will vote in the US. A B C D 20. Some students have always complain that they do not have enough money to spend. A B C D.

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