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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Unit 9. Period 56:. SPEAK , LISTEN.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Look at these pictures. What should we do to prepare for a typhoon?.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Wednesday, March 23rd 2011. English 9. Unit 9. Natural disasters Period 56:. Speak & Listen. I. Speak 1. Vocabulary - a ladder (n): c¸i thang - leak (n): lç thñng, dét - a latch(n): c¸i chèt cöa - damage (v) : ph¸ hñy, lµm háng - tie (v): buéc, trãi - block (v): ng¨n c¶n, h¹n chÕ , - roller(n): con l¨n, trôc l¨n.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> *. Check (v) what preparations you think should be made for a typhoon.. 1. Buying some canned food √ 2. Buying a dog 3. Painting the house 4. Buying candles, matches 5. Hiring some video movies 6. Filling all buckets with water 7. Buying a ladder 8. Washing your blankets 9. Fixing the leak in the roof 10. Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes 11. Inviting some friends over for a dinner 12. Checking all the window and door latches. - buying canned f«dµkgakfakhkdjgj. x x √ x √ √ x √ √ x √.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> 3.Match the preparations with reasons Preparations. Reasons. 1. Buying some canned food. a. There may be a power cut.. 2. Buying candles, matches. b. The roof may be damaged by the typhoon. c. There must be strong wind blowing. d. The water pipes may be damaged by the typhoon. e. Just in case we need to fix the roof. f. The market may be closed and no food will be available.. 3. Filling all buckets with water 4. Buying a ladder 5. Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes 6. Checking all the window and door latches. 1b 2c 3 d 4e 5f.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> Ba I think we should. buy some canned food before a typhoon. What for?. Yes. That’s good idea!. Ma i. Yes, I think so. / I agree with you. The market will be closed and no food will be available What about buying a ladder? Just in case we need to fix the roof..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> 3.Match the preparations with reasons Preparations. Reasons. 1. Buying some canned food. a. There may be a power cut.. 2. Buying candles, matches. b. The roof may be damaged by the typhoon.. 3. Filling all buckets with water 4. Buying a ladder 5. Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes 6. Checking all the window and door latches. c. There must be strong wind blowing. d. The water pipes may be damaged by the typhoon. e. Just in case we need to fix the roof. f. The market may be closed and no food will be available..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> Eg: A. I think we should fill all buckets with water before a typhoon. B. I agree with you.The water pipes may be damage by the typhoon. A.I think we need check all the widow and door latches. B. Why do we need to do that? A. Because there must be strong wind blowing. …….
<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> 3.Match the preparations with reasons Preparations. Reasons. 1. Buying some canned food 2. Buying candles, matches 3. Filling all buckets with water 4. Buying a ladder 5. Tying the roof to the ground with pegs and ropes 6. Checking all the window and door latches. a. There may be a power cut. b. The roof may be damaged by the typhoon. c. There must be strong wind blowing. d. The water pipes may be damaged by the typhoon. e. Just in case we need to fix the roof. f. The market may be closed and no food will be available..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Look at these pictures.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Answer the questions.. 1. In which country do earthquakes occur frequently? 2. What happens if there is an earthquake? 3. Have any earthquakes occurred in Viet Nam recently? Where? 4.What should we do to prepare for an earthquake?.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> “An expert is giving a talk on how to live with earthquakes. Please guess the missing words first.”. Living with earthquakes. Heavy fixtures, furniture, and appliances: * Place heavy books on the (1)………………………………… * Block the rollers on your (2)……….and (3)…………………. Flying glass: * Check the (4)…………….. * Don’t put your bed near (5)………………… Earthquake drill: * Stay (6)………. * Sit under the (7)……………………………..or (8)…… * Stand in the corner of (9)……………………………. a. strong table e. a window guess: 1-. 2-. b. bottom shelf of the book shelf. c. inside. f. washing machine. h. bridge. 4 - 5 - 6- 7 - 8- 9-. g. doorway. listen: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. d. mirrors i. the room.
<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Please listen and check your prediction. Living with earthquakes Heavy fixtures, furniture, and appliances: bottom shelf of the bookshelf * Place heavy books on the(1)…………………………………… fridge washing machine * Block the rollers on your(2)……….and(3)…………………... Flying glass: mirrors * Check the(4)…………….. a window * Don’t put your bed near(5)………………… Earthquake drill: inside * Stay(6)………. strong table doorway * Sit under the(7)……………………..or(8)……………… the room * Stand in the corner of (9)……………………….
<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> Answer these questions 1. Why do we have to block the rollers on the fridge and washing machine? We have to block the rollers on the fridge and washing machine to prevent them from moving. 2. Where should we sit when earthquake happen? We should sit under a strong table. 3. What is the first thing to remember? The first thing to remember is to stay inside..
<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> DISCUSSION. If you live in an earthquake, what should you do? Eg: - We should stay inside. - We should check the mirrors in the bathroom. ….
<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Wednesday, March 23rd 2011. English 9. Unit 9. Natural disasters Period 56:. Speak & Listen. I. Speak 1. Vocabulary -a ladder(n): c¸i thang – a latches(n): c¸i chèt cöa – tie(v) buéc, trãi – roller(n): con l¨n, trôc l¨n -Leak(n):lç thñng, dét - damage(v): ph¸ hñy ,lµm háng –block(v): ng¨n c¶n. 2. What preparations you think should be made for a typhoon? 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11 3. Matching 1. f 2. a 3. d 4. e 5. b 6. c 4. Practice speaking.. II. Listen 1. Complete the table. Living with earthquake * What should we do to prepare for an earthquake?. III. Homework. - Learn the new words by heart - Make dialogue and write sentences you should and shouldn ’t do in an earthquake - Prepare next lesson. Unit 9. Lesson 3. Read.
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