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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>…………………... SECONDARY SCHOOL THE SECOND WRITTEN TEST Name: ……………………………………. Subject: English 7 Class: ……………………………………. Time: 45 minutes ( Chương trình thí điểm ) "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MARK COMMENT Code of paper. A-LISTENING:. I. Listen to the interview with an ironman. Write the following sentences True (T) or False (F): (1.0 point) 1. He wanted to do sports because of his friends . 2. Taking up sports was easy. 3. He takes part in this event only in Viet Nam. 4. In this event, you swim, run, and climb. 5. This event uses more than 6000 calories.. B-USE OF LANGUAGE: 1. Find the word which has different sound in the part underlined. (1.25point) A. usually B. television C. leisue D. sugar 2.Odd one out A. a violin B.cello C.pupet D.piano 3. Mozart was one of the most famous __________ of classical music. A. composers B. artists C. singers D. makers 4. Americans are not forced to do volunteer work and they are not paid to do it _________. A. either B. too C. so D. neither 5. I _________________ this novel three or four times. I still enjoy it. A. read B. have read C. have readed D. am reading 6. We usually _____________ evening classes for street children. A. spend B. donate C. use D. provide 7.Give the correct form of the verb in the bracket. My sister wants to become an ___________ in the future.(act).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> 8. Give the correct tense of the verb in the bracket. (Nam/ fly) ____________________________ to Ha Noi yesterday?. 9.Complete the following sentences by using the cued pictures. Let’s help the ____________________ because they can’t move easily.. 10._________________ are the big problem for our community.. 12.My sister can play the _______________ very well. C.Reading 1.Read what Lewis says, decide the following statements are True or False “I love watching films. I usually go to the cinema every week. I used to go more often, because I used to write film reviews for the local newspaper, so I had to go and see all the latest films. I really enjoyed that, because I could watch lots of films, but I didn’t have to pay for it. However, I changed my job two years ago and after that I couldn’t find time to do the reviews any more. I don’t like watching romances or musicals. I like.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> films with a lot of action, like adventure films and westerns. I watch a lot of comedies, too. My favourite kind of films are science fiction films. I love all the great special effects. I still like going to the cinema because it’s great to watch films on the big screen, but nowadays I usually watch film at home on DVDs or on TV…” Statements: a.Lewis goes to the cinema once a month. b.He used to write reviews for a radio station. c.Romances and musicals are films he doesn’t like d.He likes science fiction films because of the special effects. 2.Read the passage and answer the questions One of the first novels in the history of literature was written in England in 1719. It was Robinson Crusoe written by Daniel Defoe. Daniel Defoe was born in London in the family of a rich man. When Daniel was a school boy, he began to write stories. After leaving school he worked in his father’s shop and wrote articles for newspapers. Defoe visited many countries and met many people. That helped him much in his writings. In 1719, when Defoe was sixteen years old, he wrote the novel Robinson Crusoe which made him famous. Defoe used in his book a true story about a sailor who lived on an island for twenty – eight years. People liked the novel in England and in many other countries. Daniel Defoe wrote other books but his novel Robinson Crusoe is the most famous. Defoe was not a rich man when he died in 1731. Questions: 1.Where was Daniel Defoe born? _____________________________________________ 2.Which of his novels made him famous? _______________________________________________________________________ _ 3.What was the novel about? _______________________________________________________________________ _ 4.When did he die? _______________________________________________________________________ __ D.Writing I/Do as directed 1.We donate blood. They donate blood. (using “too” or either” to combine the sentence).

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> _______________________________________________________________________ __ 2.Nam is shorter than my brother. (Use “not as …….. as”) Nam___________________________________________________________________ ___ II/ Write a short paragraph about things you can do to help the sick children. _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________.

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