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<span class='text_page_counter'>(1)</span>Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Hưng Yên Trường THPT Hùng Vương. Kiểm tra mot tiet so 2- Năm học 2017 -2018 Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 Ban CB Thời gian: 45 phút Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10A . . . 01. ; / = ~. 10. ; / =. 19. ; / = ~. 28. ; / = ~. 02. ; / = ~. 11. ; / = ~. 20. ; / = ~. 29. ; / = ~. 03. ; / = ~. 12. ; / = ~. 21. ; / = ~. 30. ; / = ~. 04. ; / = ~. 13. ; / = ~. 22. ; / = ~. 31. ; / = ~. 05. ; / = ~. 14. ; / = ~. 23. ; / = ~. 32. ; / = ~. 06. ; / = ~. 15. ; / = ~. 24. ; / = ~. 33. ; / = ~. 07. ; / = ~. 16. ; / = ~. 25. ; / = ~. 34. ; / = ~. 08. ; / = ~. 17. ; / = ~. 26. ; / = ~. 35. ; / = ~. 09. ; / = ~. 18. ; / = ~. 27. ; / = ~ Mã đề: 156. I. chooes tthe mistake Câu 1. Mrs. Steven, along with her coursins from Mexico, are planning to attend the festiviyies A B C D Câu 2. blue grass music is somewhat differen with other types of country music A B C D Câu 3. my uncle Elias, that is a restaurent owner, often buys fish from boats that are dock at a local pier. A B C D II. chose the best answer Câu 4. Tim and Tom are talking about tom's hat. Tom says. "what your hat nice is! " and Tim replies A. thank you, that's a nice compliment B. no problem C. not at all D. you are welcome Câu 5. John will have finished his project when we arrive next month A. --> his project will has been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh B. --> his project have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh C. --> his project will have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh D. --> his project will have finished when we arrive next month by Jonh Câu 6. He regrets................................. too much on computer. A. spend B. spent C. to spend D. spending Câu 7. The doctor advised me............................... exercise every morning. A. done B. to do C. doing D. did Câu 8. There's plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You………….decide now. A. mustn't B. needn't C. shouldn't D. can't Câu 9. a doctor is a person......................... look after patient A. which B. who C. that D. who/that Câu 10. They find it is very difficult........................ the lesson A. understanding B. to understand C. understood D. understanded Câu 11. They practise................................. English every day. A. speaking B. to speak C. speaks D. spoken.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(2)</span> Câu 12. there are a lot of houses and building.................... in the earthquake A. had been destroyed B. have been destroyed C. had destroyed III. pronunciation Câu 13. A. endangered B. parked C. watched Câu 14. A. tooth B. foot C. food Câu 15. A. table B. today C. play. D. has been destroyed D. stopped D. school D. part. IV. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete this postcard. Technology, general term for the processes by (16)_______ human beings fashion tools and machines to increase (17)_______ control and understanding of the material (18)_______ . The term is derived from the Greek words tekhnē, which refers to an art or craft, and logia, (19)_______ an area of study; thus, technology means, literally, the study, or science, of crafting. Many historians of science argue not only that technology is an essential condition of advanced, industrial civilization (20)_______ also that the rate of technological change has developed its (21)_______ momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now (22)_______ to appear at a rate that increases geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural systems , frequently with unexpected social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive process. Câu 16. A. which B. whom C. that D. what Câu 17. A. the B. their C. its D. . his Câu 18. A. environment B. atmosphere C. air D. surroundings Câu 19. A. telling B. reading C. meaning D. saying Câu 20. A. and B. but C. so D. or Câu 21. A. private B. own C. having D. possessive Câu 22. A. love B. want C. seem D. like V. Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit Câu 23. At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the disabled children as they did not believe that their children could learn anything at all. A. report B. rumor C. trust D. say Câu 24. Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education. A. suggestion B. offer C. opportunity D. supply VI. Read the passage carefully, then choose the one best answer, a, b, cord. For the last few months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and watch television. I had begun feeling, bored with this and so, last weekend I though I would do something different. I rang up several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day. I was really excited as I hadn't been to London since I was ten. We decided to go by coach as this was by far the cheapest means of transport that was available even though it meant that we needed to get up very early. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park. In the afternoon two of us went shopping and the others went to the theater. We met up again at 6:30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho. The meal was really good but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected. We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our coach left. Câu 25. Why did they decide to go by coach? A. Because other means of transport were more expensive. B. Because it was available. C. Because it was one of the most efficient means of transport. D. Because they wanted to start early..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(3)</span> Câu 26. It can be inferred from the text that A. they missed the coach and had to take a taxi back. B. the coach had already left when they got to the station. C. they nearly missed the coach because of the meal. D. they didn't enjoy the meal in the restaurant very much. Câu 27. He felt so excited about going to London because A. he went there ten years ago. B. he hadn't been there for ten years. C. he hadn't been there before. D. he hadn't been there for a long time. Câu 28. Which of the following is true? A. They had lunch in a small restaurant. B. They all went shopping before going to theater. C. They left the city at 6:30 p.m. D. They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch. Câu 29. According to the passage the writer A. went to London with some of his friends. B. feels bored with his life. C. usually spends his weekend at home. D. has lived in London for ten years. Câu 30. What did the writer do at home? A. He/she read the newspaper and watch TV B. He/ She bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park C. He/ She wanted to see some of the famous buildings D. He/ She went shopping VII. chooes the OPPOSITE in meaning to the underline words Câu 31. In Tra Bong District, Quang Ngai province, the class began seven years ago with a mix of children, some dumb, deaf or suffering a lisp and others mentally retarded. A. strong B. garrulous C. heavy D. loud Câu 32. Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education. A. opportunity B. offer C. supply D. suggestion Câu 33. he can't hear what you say A. read B. answer C. deaf D. complyment VIII. stress Câu 34. A. cohesion B. graphic C. librarian D. engineer Câu 35. A. summarize B. moderate C. generous D. democracy. Listening Listen and fill the blanks Cuc Phuong, the first national park in Vietnam, was officially opened in 1960. it is located …36………… km south west of Hanoi spanning Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa provinces. The …37………… square kilometre . Park attracts tourists and scientists alike. In.. .38………….., nearly 100,000 visitors made their way to Cuc Phuong. Many come to see the work being done to protect endangered species. According to scientists, there are about ..39…………… different species of flora and …40…………. species of fauna..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(4)</span> Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Hưng Yên Trường THPT Hùng Vương. Kiểm tra mot tiet so 2- Năm học 2017 -2018 Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 Ban CB Thời gian: 45 phút Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10A . . . 01. ; / = ~. 10. ; / = ~. 19. ; / = ~. 28. ; / = ~. 02. ; / = ~. 11. ; / = ~. 20. ; / = ~. 29. ; / = ~. 03. ; / = ~. 12. ; / = ~. 21. ; / = ~. 30. ; / = ~. 04. ; / = ~. 13. ; / = ~. 22. ; / = ~. 31. ; / = ~. 05. ; / = ~. 14. ; / = ~. 23. ; / = ~. 32. ; / = ~. 06. ; / = ~. 15. ; / = ~. 24. ; / = ~. 33. ; / = ~. 07. ; / = ~. 16. ; / = ~. 25. ; / = ~. 34. ; / = ~. 08. ; / = ~. 17. ; / = ~. 26. ; / = ~. 35. ; / = ~. 09. ; / = ~. 18. ; / =. 27. ; / = ~ Mã đề: 190. I. stress Câu 1. A. moderate Câu 2. A. engineer. B. summarize B. graphic. C. generous C. librarian. D. democracy D. cohesion. II. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete this postcard. Technology, general term for the processes by (3)_______ human beings fashion tools and machines to increase (4)_______ control and understanding of the material (5)_______ . The term is derived from the Greek words tekhnē, which refers to an art or craft, and logia, (6)_______ an area of study; thus, technology means, literally, the study, or science, of crafting. Many historians of science argue not only that technology is an essential condition of advanced, industrial civilization (7)_______ also that the rate of technological change has developed its (8)_______ momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now (9)_______ to appear at a rate that increases geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural systems , frequently with unexpected social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive process. Câu 3. A. what B. which C. whom D. that Câu 4. A. the B. its C. their D. . his Câu 5. A. environment B. surroundings C. atmosphere D. air Câu 6. A. saying B. reading C. meaning D. telling Câu 7. A. and B. but C. so D. or Câu 8. A. possessive B. having C. own D. private Câu 9. A. like B. love C. want D. seem Câu 10. A. part B. table C. today D. play Câu 11. A. stopped B. parked C. watched D. endangered Câu 12. A. tooth B. food C. foot D. school II. chooes tthe mistake Câu 13. my uncle Elias, that is a restaurent owner, often buys fish from boats that are dock at a local pier. A B C D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(5)</span> Câu 14. blue grass music is somewhat differen with other types of country music A B C D Câu 15. Mrs. Steven, along with her coursins from Mexico, are planning to attend the festiviyies A B C D III. chose the best answer Câu 16. Tim and Tom are talking about tom's hat. Tom says. "what your hat nice is! " and Tim replies A. you are welcome B. thank you, that's a nice compliment C. no problem D. not at all Câu 17. a doctor is a person......................... look after patient A. who B. who/that C. that D. which Câu 18. They find it is very difficult........................ the lesson A. to understand B. understood C. understanded D. understanding Câu 19. John will have finished his project when we arrive next month A. --> his project have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh B. --> his project will have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh C. --> his project will have finished when we arrive next month by Jonh D. --> his project will has been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh Câu 20. there are a lot of houses and building.................... in the earthquake A. have been destroyed B. had been destroyed C. had destroyed D. has been destroyed Câu 21. The doctor advised me............................... exercise every morning. A. doing B. did C. done D. to do Câu 22. There's plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You………….decide now. A. needn't B. mustn't C. shouldn't D. can't Câu 23. They practise................................. English every day. A. spoken B. speaking C. to speak D. speaks Câu 24. He regrets................................. too much on computer. A. spend B. spent C. spending D. to spend IV. chooes the OPPOSITE in meaning to the underline words Câu 25. Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education. A. opportunity B. offer C. suggestion D. supply Câu 26. he can't hear what you say A. complyment B. deaf C. answer D. read Câu 27. In Tra Bong District, Quang Ngai province, the class began seven years ago with a mix of children, some dumb, deaf or suffering a lisp and others mentally retarded. A. heavy B. strong C. loud D. garrulous V. Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit Câu 28. Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education. A. suggestion B. supply C. offer D. opportunity Câu 29. At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the disabled children as they did not believe that their children could learn anything at all. A. rumor B. report C. say D. trust VI. Read the passage carefully, then choose the one best answer, a, b, cord. For the last few months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and watch television. I had begun feeling, bored with this and so, last weekend I though I would do something different. I rang up several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day. I was really excited as I hadn't been to London since I was ten. We decided to go by.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(6)</span> coach as this was by far the cheapest means of transport that was available even though it meant that we needed to get up very early. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park. In the afternoon two of us went shopping and the others went to the theater. We met up again at 6:30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho. The meal was really good but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected. We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our coach left. Câu 30. Why did they decide to go by coach? A. Because it was one of the most efficient means of transport. B. Because it was available. C. Because other means of transport were more expensive. D. Because they wanted to start early. Câu 31. According to the passage the writer A. has lived in London for ten years. B. went to London with some of his friends. C. feels bored with his life. D. usually spends his weekend at home. Câu 32. What did the writer do at home? A. He/ She wanted to see some of the famous buildings B. He/ She bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park C. He/ She went shopping D. He/she read the newspaper and watch TV Câu 33. Which of the following is true? A. They left the city at 6:30 p.m. B. They all went shopping before going to theater. C. They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch. D. They had lunch in a small restaurant. Câu 34. It can be inferred from the text that A. they missed the coach and had to take a taxi back. B. the coach had already left when they got to the station. C. they nearly missed the coach because of the meal. D. they didn't enjoy the meal in the restaurant very much. Câu 35. He felt so excited about going to London because A. he went there ten years ago. B. he hadn't been there for a long time. C. he hadn't been there for ten years. D. he hadn't been there before.. Listening Listen and fill the blanks Cuc Phuong, the first national park in Vietnam, was officially opened in 1960. it is located …36………… km south west of Hanoi spanning Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa provinces. The …37………… square kilometre . Park attracts tourists and scientists alike. In.. .38………….., nearly 100,000 visitors made their way to Cuc Phuong. Many come to see the work being done to protect endangered species. According to scientists, there are about ..39…………… different species of flora and …40…………. species of fauna..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(7)</span> Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Hưng Yên Trường THPT Hùng Vương. Kiểm tra mot tiet so 2- Năm học 2017 -2018 Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 Ban CB Thời gian: 45 phút Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10A . . . 01. ; / = ~. 10. ; / = ~. 19. ; / = ~. 28. ; / = ~. 02. ; / = ~. 11. ; / = ~. 20. ; / = ~. 29. ; / = ~. 03. ; / = ~. 12. ; / =. 21. ; / = ~. 30. ; / = ~. 04. ; / = ~. 13. ; / = ~. 22. ; / = ~. 31. ; / = ~. 05. ; / = ~. 14. ; / = ~. 23. ; / = ~. 32. ; / = ~. 06. ; / = ~. 15. ; / = ~. 24. ; / = ~. 33. ; / = ~. 07. ; / = ~. 16. ; / = ~. 25. ; / = ~. 34. ; / = ~. 08. ; / = ~. 17. ; / = ~. 26. ; / = ~. 35. ; / = ~. 09. ; / = ~. 18. ; / = ~. 27. ; / = ~ Mã đề: 224. I. Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit Câu 1. At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the disabled children as they did not believe that their children could learn anything at all. A. trust B. say C. report D. rumor Câu 2. Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education. A. offer B. supply C. suggestion D. opportunity Câu 3. A. moderate B. summarize C. generous D. democracy Câu 4. A. cohesion B. librarian C. graphic D. engineer II. chose the best answer Câu 5. John will have finished his project when we arrive next month A. --> his project have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh B. --> his project will have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh C. --> his project will has been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh D. --> his project will have finished when we arrive next month by Jonh Câu 6. They practise................................. English every day. A. speaking B. speaks C. to speak D. spoken Câu 7. a doctor is a person......................... look after patient A. that B. which C. who D. who/that Câu 8. There's plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You………….decide now. A. shouldn't B. can't C. mustn't D. needn't Câu 9. He regrets................................. too much on computer. A. spent B. spend C. spending D. to spend Câu 10. there are a lot of houses and building.................... in the earthquake A. had destroyed B. have been destroyed C. had been destroyed D. has been destroyed Câu 11. Tim and Tom are talking about tom's hat. Tom says. "what your hat nice is! " and Tim replies A. not at all B. thank you, that's a nice compliment.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(8)</span> C. you are welcome D. no problem Câu 12. They find it is very difficult........................ the lesson A. understanding B. understood C.understanded Câu 13. The doctor advised me............................... exercise every morning. A. did B. doing C. done. D. to understand D. to do. III. Read the passage carefully, then choose the one best answer, a, b, cord. For the last few months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and watch television. I had begun feeling, bored with this and so, last weekend I though I would do something different. I rang up several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day. I was really excited as I hadn't been to London since I was ten. We decided to go by coach as this was by far the cheapest means of transport that was available even though it meant that we needed to get up very early. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park. In the afternoon two of us went shopping and the others went to the theater. We met up again at 6:30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho. The meal was really good but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected. We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our coach left. Câu 14. Which of the following is true? A. They left the city at 6:30 p.m. B. They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch. C. They had lunch in a small restaurant. D. They all went shopping before going to theater. Câu 15. What did the writer do at home? A. He/ She bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park B. He/ She went shopping C. He/she read the newspaper and watch TV D. He/ She wanted to see some of the famous buildings Câu 16. He felt so excited about going to London because A. he hadn't been there for a long time. B. he hadn't been there before. C. he hadn't been there for ten years. D. he went there ten years ago. Câu 17. It can be inferred from the text that A. they didn't enjoy the meal in the restaurant very much. B. they nearly missed the coach because of the meal. C. the coach had already left when they got to the station. D. they missed the coach and had to take a taxi back. Câu 18. Why did they decide to go by coach? A. Because they wanted to start early. B. Because other means of transport were more expensive. C. Because it was available. D. Because it was one of the most efficient means of transport. Câu 19. According to the passage the writer A. usually spends his weekend at home. B. has lived in London for ten years. C. went to London with some of his friends. D. feels bored with his life. IV. chooes the OPPOSITE in meaning to the underline words Câu 20. In Tra Bong District, Quang Ngai province, the class began seven years ago with a mix of children, some dumb, deaf or suffering a lisp and others mentally retarded..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(9)</span> A. strong B. heavy C. garrulous D. loud Câu 21. Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education. A. suggestion B. opportunity C. offer D. supply Câu 22. he can't hear what you say A. complyment B. read C. deaf D. answer VI. stress Câu 23. A. foot B. school C. food D. tooth Câu 24. A. stopped B. watched C. endangered D. parked Câu 25. A. part B. table C. today D. play V. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete this postcard. Technology, general term for the processes by (26)_______ human beings fashion tools and machines to increase (27)_______ control and understanding of the material (28)_______ . The term is derived from the Greek words tekhnē, which refers to an art or craft, and logia, (29)_______ an area of study; thus, technology means, literally, the study, or science, of crafting. Many historians of science argue not only that technology is an essential condition of advanced, industrial civilization (30)_______ also that the rate of technological change has developed its (31)_______ momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now (32)_______ to appear at a rate that increases geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural systems , frequently with unexpected social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive process. Câu 26. A. what B. that C. which D. whom Câu 27. A. its B. the C. . his D. their Câu 28. A. air B. environment C. surroundings D. atmosphere Câu 29. A. reading B. saying C. meaning D. telling Câu 30. A. and B. or C. so D. but Câu 31. A. possessive B. having C. private D. own Câu 32. A. seem B. want C. like D. love VI. chooes tthe mistake Câu 33. my uncle Elias, that is a restaurent owner, often buys fish from boats that are dock at a local pier. A B C D Câu 34. Mrs. Steven, along with her coursins from Mexico, are planning to attend the festiviyies A B C D Câu 35. blue grass music is somewhat differen with other types of country music A B C D. Listening Listen and fill the blanks Cuc Phuong, the first national park in Vietnam, was officially opened in 1960. it is located …36………… km south west of Hanoi spanning Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa provinces. The …37………… square kilometre . Park attracts tourists and scientists alike. In.. .38………….., nearly 100,000 visitors made their way to Cuc Phuong. Many come to see the work being done to protect endangered species. According to scientists, there are about ..39…………… different species of flora and …40…………. species of fauna..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(10)</span> Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Hưng Yên Trường THPT Hùng Vương. Kiểm tra mot tiet so 2- Năm học 2017 -2018 Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 Ban CB Thời gian: 45 phút Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10A . . .. 01. ; / = ~. 10. ; / = ~. 19. ; / = ~. 28. ; / = ~. 02. ; / = ~. 11. ; / = ~. 20. ; / = ~. 29. ; / =. 03. ; / = ~. 12. ; / = ~. 21. ; / = ~. 30. ; / = ~. 04. ; / = ~. 13. ; / = ~. 22. ; / = ~. 31. ; / = ~. 05. ; / = ~. 14. ; / = ~. 23. ; / = ~. 32. ; / = ~. 06. ; / = ~. 15. ; / = ~. 24. ; / = ~. 33. ; / = ~. 07. ; / = ~. 16. ; / = ~. 25. ; / = ~. 34. ; / = ~. 08. ; / = ~. 17. ; / = ~. 26. ; / = ~. 35. ; / = ~. 09. ; / = ~. 18. ; / = ~. 27. ; / = ~ Mã đề: 258. I. Read the passage carefully, then choose the one best answer, a, b, cord. For the last few months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and watch television. I had begun feeling, bored with this and so, last weekend I though I would do something different. I rang up several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day. I was really excited as I hadn't been to London since I was ten. We decided to go by coach as this was by far the cheapest means of transport that was available even though it meant that we needed to get up very early. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park. In the afternoon two of us went shopping and the others went to the theater. We met up again at 6:30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho. The meal was really good but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected. We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our coach left. Câu 1. Why did they decide to go by coach? A. Because other means of transport were more expensive. B. Because they wanted to start early. C. Because it was one of the most efficient means of transport. D. Because it was available. Câu 2. What did the writer do at home? A. He/ She went shopping B. He/ She bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park C. He/she read the newspaper and watch TV D. He/ She wanted to see some of the famous buildings Câu 3. Which of the following is true? A. They left the city at 6:30 p.m. B. They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch. C. They all went shopping before going to theater. D. They had lunch in a small restaurant..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(11)</span> Câu 4. He felt so excited about going to London because A. he hadn't been there for a long time. B. he went there ten years ago. C. he hadn't been there before. D. he hadn't been there for ten years. Câu 5. It can be inferred from the text that A. they didn't enjoy the meal in the restaurant very much. B. they missed the coach and had to take a taxi back. C. the coach had already left when they got to the station. D. they nearly missed the coach because of the meal. Câu 6. According to the passage the writer A. has lived in London for ten years. B. usually spends his weekend at home. C. feels bored with his life. D. went to London with some of his friends. II. stress Câu 7. A. summarize B. generous C. democracy D. moderate Câu 8. A. cohesion B. engineer C. librarian D. graphic II. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete this postcard. Technology, general term for the processes by (9)_______ human beings fashion tools and machines to increase (10)_______ control and understanding of the material (11)_______ . The term is derived from the Greek words tekhnē, which refers to an art or craft, and logia, (12)_______ an area of study; thus, technology means, literally, the study, or science, of crafting. Many historians of science argue not only that technology is an essential condition of advanced, industrial civilization (13)_______ also that the rate of technological change has developed its (14)_______ momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now (15)_______ to appear at a rate that increases geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural systems , frequently with unexpected social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive process. Câu 9. A. whom B. what C. that D. which Câu 10. A. their B. its C. the D. . his Câu 11. A. atmosphere B. environment C. surroundings D. air Câu 12. A. meaning B. telling C. reading D. saying Câu 13. A. and B. or C. but D. so Câu 14. A. having B. possessive C. private D. own Câu 15. A. like B. want C. seem D. love III. Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit Câu 16. At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the disabled children as they did not believe that their children could learn anything at all. A. rumor B. trust C. report D. say Câu 17. Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education. A. offer B. suggestion C. opportunity D. supply IV. chooes tthe mistake Câu 18. blue grass music is somewhat differen with other types of country music A B C D Câu 19. Mrs. Steven, along with her coursins from Mexico, are planning to attend the festiviyies A B C D Câu 20. my uncle Elias, that is a restaurent owner, often buys fish from boats that are dock at a local pier. A B C D.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(12)</span> V. pronunciation Câu 21. A. school Câu 22. A. stopped Câu 23. A. part. B. food B. watched B. play. C. tooth C. endangered C. today. D. foot D. parked D. table. VI. chose the best answer Câu 24. Tim and Tom are talking about tom's hat. Tom says. "what your hat nice is! " and Tim replies A. no problem B. thank you, that's a nice compliment C. you are welcome D. not at all Câu 25. there are a lot of houses and building.................... in the earthquake A. had destroyed B. have been destroyed C. has been destroyed D. had been destroyed Câu 26. The doctor advised me............................... exercise every morning. A. did B. doing C. to do D. done Câu 27. They practise................................. English every day. A. speaking B. spoken C. speaks D. to speak Câu 28. John will have finished his project when we arrive next month A. --> his project will have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh B. --> his project will have finished when we arrive next month by Jonh C. --> his project will has been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh D. --> his project have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh Câu 29. They find it is very difficult........................ the lesson A. to understand B. understanding C. understood D. understanded Câu 30. There's plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You………….decide now. A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. shouldn't Câu 31. He regrets................................. too much on computer. A. spending B. to spend C. spent D. spend Câu 32. a doctor is a person......................... look after patient A. who B. which C. that D. who/that VI. chooes the OPPOSITE in meaning to the underline words Câu 33. he can't hear what you say A. complyment B. answer C. read D. deaf Câu 34. Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education. A. offer B. supply C. suggestion D. opportunity Câu 35. In Tra Bong District, Quang Ngai province, the class began seven years ago with a mix of children, some dumb, deaf or suffering a lisp and others mentally retarded. A. heavy B. garrulous C. loud D. strong. Listening Listen and fill the blanks Cuc Phuong, the first national park in Vietnam, was officially opened in 1960. it is located …36………… km south west of Hanoi spanning Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa provinces. The …37………… square kilometre . Park attracts tourists and scientists alike. In.. .38………….., nearly 100,000 visitors made their way to Cuc Phuong. Many come to see the work being done to protect endangered species. According to scientists, there are about ..39…………… different species of flora and …40…………. species of fauna..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(13)</span> Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Hưng Yên Trường THPT Hùng Vương. Kiểm tra mot tiet so 2- Năm học 2017 -2018 Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 Ban CB Thời gian: 45 phút Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10A . . .. 01. ; / = ~. 10. ; / = ~. 19. ; / = ~. 28. ; / = ~. 02. ; / = ~. 11. ; / = ~. 20. ; / = ~. 29. ; / = ~. 03. ; / =. 12. ; / = ~. 21. ; / = ~. 30. ; / = ~. 04. ; / = ~. 13. ; / = ~. 22. ; / = ~. 31. ; / = ~. 05. ; / = ~. 14. ; / = ~. 23. ; / = ~. 32. ; / = ~. 06. ; / = ~. 15. ; / = ~. 24. ; / = ~. 33. ; / = ~. 07. ; / = ~. 16. ; / = ~. 25. ; / = ~. 34. ; / = ~. 08. ; / = ~. 17. ; / = ~. 26. ; / = ~. 35. ; / = ~. 09. ; / = ~. 18. ; / = ~. 27. ; / = ~ Mã đề: 292. I. chose the best answer Câu 1. John will have finished his project when we arrive next month A. --> his project will have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh B. --> his project have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh C. --> his project will have finished when we arrive next month by Jonh D. --> his project will has been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh Câu 2. Tim and Tom are talking about tom's hat. Tom says. "what your hat nice is! " and Tim replies A. thank you, that's a nice compliment B. no problem C. not at all D. you are welcome Câu 3. They find it is very difficult........................ the lesson A. understood B. understandin C. to understand D. understanded Câu 4. a doctor is a person......................... look after patient A. which B. who C. that D. who/that Câu 5. There's plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You………….decide now. A. mustn't B. can't C. needn't D. shouldn't Câu 6. He regrets................................. too much on computer. A. spent B. to spend C. spend D. spending Câu 7. there are a lot of houses and building.................... in the earthquake A. has been destroyed B. had been destroyed C. have been destroyed D. had destroyed Câu 8. The doctor advised me............................... exercise every morning. A. doing B. did C. to do D. done Câu 9. They practise................................. English every day. A. to speak B. speaks C. speaking D. spoken II. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete this postcard. Technology, general term for the processes by (10)_______ human beings fashion tools and machines to increase (11)_______ control and understanding of the material (12)_______ . The term is derived from.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(14)</span> the Greek words tekhnē, which refers to an art or craft, and logia, (13)_______ an area of study; thus, technology means, literally, the study, or science, of crafting. Many historians of science argue not only that technology is an essential condition of advanced, industrial civilization (14)_______ also that the rate of technological change has developed its (15)_______ momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now (16)_______ to appear at a rate that increases geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural systems , frequently with unexpected social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive process. Câu 10. A. which B. what C. that D. whom Câu 11. A. the B. their C. its D. . his Câu 12. A. surroundings B. air C. atmosphere D. environment Câu 13. A. saying B. meaning C. reading D. telling Câu 14. A. or B. but C. so D. and Câu 15. A. having B. private C. own D. possessive Câu 16. A. love B. want C. like D. seem Câu 17. A. graphic B. cohesion C. engineer D. librarian Câu 18. A. moderate B. generous C. democracy D. summarize III. Read the passage carefully, then choose the one best answer, a, b, cord. For the last few months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and watch television. I had begun feeling, bored with this and so, last weekend I though I would do something different. I rang up several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day. I was really excited as I hadn't been to London since I was ten. We decided to go by coach as this was by far the cheapest means of transport that was available even though it meant that we needed to get up very early. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park. In the afternoon two of us went shopping and the others went to the theater. We met up again at 6:30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho. The meal was really good but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected. We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our coach left. Câu 19. Why did they decide to go by coach? A. Because other means of transport were more expensive. B. Because it was available. C. Because they wanted to start early. D. Because it was one of the most efficient means of transport. Câu 20. It can be inferred from the text that A. they missed the coach and had to take a taxi back. B. they nearly missed the coach because of the meal. C. they didn't enjoy the meal in the restaurant very much. D. the coach had already left when they got to the station. Câu 21. Which of the following is true? A. They all went shopping before going to theater. B. They had lunch in a small restaurant. C. They left the city at 6:30 p.m. D. They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch. Câu 22. What did the writer do at home? A. He/ She went shopping B. He/she read the newspaper and watch TV C. He/ She wanted to see some of the famous buildings D. He/ She bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park Câu 23. He felt so excited about going to London because.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(15)</span> A. he went there ten years ago. B. he hadn't been there for a long time. C. he hadn't been there for ten years. D. he hadn't been there before. Câu 24. According to the passage the writer A. feels bored with his life. B. usually spends his weekend at home. C. has lived in London for ten years. D. went to London with some of his friends. IV. chooes tthe mistake Câu 25. my uncle Elias, that is a restaurent owner, often buys fish from boats that are dock at a local pier. A B C D Câu 26. Mrs. Steven, along with her coursins from Mexico, are planning to attend the festiviyies A B C D Câu 27. blue grass music is somewhat differen with other types of country music A B C D V. Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit Câu 28. Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education. A. supply B. suggestion C. offer D. opportunity Câu 29. At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the disabled children as they did not believe that their children could learn anything at all. A. trust B. report C. say D. rumor VI. chooes the OPPOSITE in meaning to the underline words Câu 30. In Tra Bong District, Quang Ngai province, the class began seven years ago with a mix of children, some dumb, deaf or suffering a lisp and others mentally retarded. A. garrulous B. strong C. heavy D. loud Câu 31. Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education. A. opportunity B. supply C. offer D. suggestion Câu 32. he can't hear what you say A. complyment B. answer C. read D. deaf VIII. pronunciation Câu 33. A. food B. foot C. tooth D. school Câu 34. A. stopped B. watched C. parked D. endangered Câu 35. A. today B. part C. play D. table. Listening Listen and fill the blanks Cuc Phuong, the first national park in Vietnam, was officially opened in 1960. it is located …36………… km south west of Hanoi spanning Ninh Binh, Hoa Binh and Thanh Hoa provinces. The …37………… square kilometre . Park attracts tourists and scientists alike. In.. .38………….., nearly 100,000 visitors made their way to Cuc Phuong. Many come to see the work being done to protect endangered species. According to scientists, there are about ..39…………… different species of flora and …40…………. species of fauna..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(16)</span> Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Hưng Yên Trường THPT Hùng Vương. Kiểm tra mot tiet so 2- Năm học 2017 -2018 Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 Ban CB Thời gian: 45 phút Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10A . . .. Đáp án mã đề: 156 01. C; 02. B; 03. A; 04. A; 05. C; 06. D; 07. B; 08. B; 09. D; 10. B; 11. A; 12. B; 13. A; 14. B; 15. D;16. A; 17. B; 18. A; 19. C; 20. B; 21. B; 22. C; 23. C; 24. C; 25. A; 26. C; 27. D; 28. D; 29. C; 30. A; 31. B; 32. A; 33. C; 34. D; 35. D; Đáp án mã đề: 190 01. D; 02. A; 03. B; 04. C; 05. A; 06. C; 07. B; 08. C; 09. D; 10. A; 11. D; 12. C; 13. A; 14. B; 15. C; 16. B; 17. B; 18. A; 19. B; 20. A; 21. D; 22. A; 23. B; 24. C; 25. A; 26. B; 27. D; 28. D; 29. D; 30. C; 31. D; 32. D; 33. C; 34. C; 35. B; Đáp án mã đề: 224 01. A; 02. D; 03. D; 04. D; 05. B; 06. A; 07. D; 08. D; 09. C; 10. B; 11. B; 12. C; 13. D; 14. B; 15. C; 16. A; 17. B; 18. B; 19. A; 20. C; 21. B; 22. C; 23. A; 24. C; 25. A; 26. C; 27. D; 28. B; 29. C; 30. D; 31. D; 32. A; 33. A; 34. C; 35. B; Đáp án mã đề: 258. 01. A; 02. C; 03. B; 04. A; 05. D; 06. B; 07. C; 08. B; 09. D; 10. A; 11. B; 12. A; 13. C; 14. D; 15. C; 16. B; 17. C; 18. B; 19. C; 20. A; 21. D; 22. C; 23. A; 24. B; 25. B; 26. C; 27. A; 28. A; 29. A; 30. C; 31. A; 32. D; 33. D; 34. D; 35. B; Đáp án mã đề: 292 01. A; 02. A; 03. C; 04. D; 05. C; 06. D; 07. C; 08. C; 09. C; 10. A; 11. B; 12. D; 13. B; 14. B; 15. C; 16. D; 17. C; 18. C; 19. A; 20. B; 21. D; 22. B; 23. B; 24. B; 25. A; 26. C; 27. B; 28. D; 29. A; 30. A; 31. A; 32. D; 33. B; 34. D; 35. B;. !! pronunciation.. ** ## endangered.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(17)</span> ## watched ## parked ## stopped ** ## part ## play ## table ## today ** ## foot ## food ## school ## tooth !! stress ** ## engineer ## cohesion ## graphic. ## librarian ** ## democracy ## moderate ## summarize ## generous !! chose the best answer ** There’s plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You………….decide now. ## needn't ## shouldn't ## mustn't ## can't ** John will have finished his project when we arrive next month ## --> his project will have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh ## --> his project will has been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh ## --> his project will have finished when we arrive next month by Jonh ## --> his project have been finished when we arrive next month by Jonh ** He regrets................................. too much on computer. ## spending ## to spend ## spend ## spent ** The doctor advised me............................... exercise every morning. ## to do ## doing ## did ## done ** They practise................................. English every day..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(18)</span> ## speaking ## speaks ## to speak ## spoken ** They find it is very difficult........................ the lesson ## to understand ## understanding ## understood ## understanded ** there are a lot of houses and building.................... in the earthquake ## have been destroyed ## has been destroyed ## had destroyed ## had been destroyed ** a doctor is a person......................... look after patient ## who/that ## who ## which ## that ** Tim and Tom are talking about tom's hat. Tom says. "what your hat nice is! " and Tim replies ## thank you, that's a nice compliment ## you are welcome ## not at all ## no problem !! chooes tthe mistake ** Mrs. Steven, along with her coursins from Mexico, are planning to attend the festiviyies ## 3 ** my uncle Elias, that is a restaurent owner, often buys fish from boats that are dock at a local pier. ## 1 ** blue grass music is somewhat differen with other types of country music ## 2 !! chooes the OPPOSITE in meaning to the underline words ** he can't hear what you say ## deaf ## read ## answer ## complyment ** Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of. a chance to give their children an education. ## opportunity ## offer ## supply ## suggestion ** In Tra Bong District, Quang Ngai province, the class began seven years ago with a mix of children, some dumb, deaf or suffering a lisp and others mentally retarded. ## garrulous ## loud ## heavy ## strong !! Select the synonym of the following bold and underlined word in each sentence in the unit.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(19)</span> ** Their parents were forced to work on farms all day to make money for their family, which robbed them of a chance to give their children an education. ## opportunity ## offer ## supply ## suggestion ** At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the disabled children as they did not believe that their children could learn anything at all. ## trust ## say ## report ## rumor !! Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete this postcard. Technology, general term for the processes by #.# human beings fashion tools and machines to increase #.# control and understanding of the material #.# . The term is derived from the Greek words tekhnē, which refers to an art or craft, and logia, #.# an area of study; thus, technology means, literally, the study, or science, of crafting. Many historians of science argue not only that technology is an essential condition of advanced, industrial civilization #.# also that the rate of technological change has developed its #.# momentum in recent centuries. Innovations now #.# to appear at a rate that increases geometrically, without respect to geographical limits or political systems. These innovations tend to transform traditional cultural systems , frequently with unexpected social consequences. Thus technology can be conceived as both a creative and a destructive process. ** ## which ## that ## whom ## what ** ## their ## the ## its ## . his ** ## environment ## air ## atmosphere ## surroundings ** ## meaning ## saying ## telling ## reading ** ## but ## and ## or ## so ** ## own ## private ## possessive ## having ** ## seem ## like.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(20)</span> ## want ## love !! Read the passage carefully, then choose the one best answer, a, b, cord. For the last few months I have spent every Saturday in my flat and have done nothing more exciting than work at home, read the newspapers and watch television. I had begun feeling, bored with this and so, last weekend I though I would do something different. I rang up several of my friends and we decided to go to London for the day. I was really excited as I hadn't been to London since I was ten. We decided to go by coach as this was by far the cheapest means of transport that was available even though it meant that we needed to get up very early. Once in London we decided to take a sightseeing tour as we wanted to see some of the famous buildings. After the tour we bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park. In the afternoon two of us went shopping and the others went to the theater. We met up again at 6:30 p.m. and went to a small restaurant in Soho. The meal was really good but, unfortunately, it took much longer than we had expected. We had to get a taxi back to the coach station. Luckily, we got there just two minutes before our coach left. ** What did the writer do at home? ## He/she read the newspaper and watch TV ## He/ She went shopping ## He/ She bought some sandwiches and ate them in a small park ## He/ She wanted to see some of the famous buildings ** According to the passage the writer ## usually spends his weekend at home. ## went to London with some of his friends. ## has lived in London for ten years. ## feels bored with his life. ** He felt so excited about going to London because ## he hadn't been there for a long time. ## he hadn't been there before. ## he hadn't been there for ten years. ## he went there ten years ago. ** Why did they decide to go by coach? ## Because other means of transport were more expensive. ## Because it was available. ## Because they wanted to start early. ## Because it was one of the most efficient means of transport. ** Which of the following is true? ## They made a sightseeing tour of London and then had lunch. ## They all went shopping before going to theater. ## They had lunch in a small restaurant. ## They left the city at 6:30 p.m. ** It can be inferred from the text that ## they nearly missed the coach because of the meal. ## they didn't enjoy the meal in the restaurant very much. ## the coach had already left when they got to the station. ## they missed the coach and had to take a taxi back..

<span class='text_page_counter'>(21)</span> Sở GD-ĐT Tỉnh Hưng Yên Trường THPT Hùng Vương. Kiểm tra mot tiet so 2- Năm học 2016 -2017 Môn: Tiếng Anh 10 Ban CB Thời gian: 45 phút Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 10A . . . Đáp án mã đề: 156 01. - - = -. 10. - / -. 19. - - = -. 28. - - - ~. 02. - / - -. 11. ; - - -. 20. - / - -. 29. - - = -. 03. ; - - -. 12. - / - -. 21. - / - -. 30. ; - - -. 04. ; - - -. 13. ; - - -. 22. - - = -. 31. - / - -. 05. - - = -. 14. - / - -. 23. - - = -. 32. ; - - -. 06. - - - ~. 15. - - - ~. 24. - - = -. 33. - - = -. 07. - / - -. 16. ; - - -. 25. ; - - -. 34. - - - ~. 08. - / - -. 17. - / - -. 26. - - = -. 35. - - - ~. 09. - - - ~. 18. ; - - -. 27. - - - ~. 01. - - - ~. 10. ; - - -. 19. - / - -. 28. - - - ~. 02. ; - - -. 11. - - - ~. 20. ; - - -. 29. - - - ~. 03. - / - -. 12. - - = -. 21. - - - ~. 30. - - = -. 04. - - = -. 13. ; - - -. 22. ; - - -. 31. - - - ~. 05. ; - - -. 14. - / - -. 23. - / - -. 32. - - - ~. 06. - - = -. 15. - - = -. 24. - - = -. 33. - - = -. 07. - / - -. 16. - / - -. 25. ; - - -. 34. - - = -. 08. - - = -. 17. - / - -. 26. - / - -. 35. - / - -. 09. - - - ~. 18. ; - -. 27. - - - ~. 01. ; - - -. 10. - / - -. 19. ; - - -. 28. - / - -. 02. - - - ~. 11. - / - -. 20. - - = -. 29. - - = -. 03. - - - ~. 12. - - =. 21. - / - -. 30. - - - ~. Đáp án mã đề: 190. Đáp án mã đề: 224.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(22)</span> 04. - - - ~. 13. - - - ~. 22. - - = -. 31. - - - ~. 05. - / - -. 14. - / - -. 23. ; - - -. 32. ; - - -. 06. ; - - -. 15. - - = -. 24. - - = -. 33. ; - - -. 07. - - - ~. 16. ; - - -. 25. ; - - -. 34. - - = -. 08. - - - ~. 17. - / - -. 26. - - = -. 35. - / - -. 09. - - = -. 18. - / - -. 27. - - - ~. 01. ; - - -. 10. ; - - -. 19. - - = -. 28. ; - - -. 02. - - = -. 11. - / - -. 20. ; - - -. 29. ; - -. 03. - / - -. 12. ; - - -. 21. - - - ~. 30. - - = -. 04. ; - - -. 13. - - = -. 22. - - = -. 31. ; - - -. 05. - - - ~. 14. - - - ~. 23. ; - - -. 32. - - - ~. 06. - / - -. 15. - - = -. 24. - / - -. 33. - - - ~. 07. - - = -. 16. - / - -. 25. - / - -. 34. - - - ~. 08. - / - -. 17. - - = -. 26. - - = -. 35. - / - -. 09. - - - ~. 18. - / - -. 27. ; - - -. 01. ; - - -. 10. ; - - -. 19. ; - - -. 28. - - - ~. 02. ; - - -. 11. - / - -. 20. - / - -. 29. ; - - -. 03. - - =. 12. - - - ~. 21. - - - ~. 30. ; - - -. 04. - - - ~. 13. - / - -. 22. - / - -. 31. ; - - -. 05. - - = -. 14. - / - -. 23. - / - -. 32. - - - ~. 06. - - - ~. 15. - - = -. 24. - / - -. 33. - / - -. 07. - - = -. 16. - - - ~. 25. ; - - -. 34. - - - ~. 08. - - = -. 17. - - = -. 26. - - = -. 35. - / - -. Đáp án mã đề: 258. Đáp án mã đề: 292.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(23)</span> 09. - - = -. 18. - - = -. 27. - / - -.

<span class='text_page_counter'>(24)</span>
