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Class: 11/ ……
Subject: English
Choose the best answer A, B, C or D
Question 1: Yuri Gagarin lifted off into space aboard the Vostok 1.
A. attracted
B. occurred
C. launched
D. reacted
Question 2: Despite the bad weather, he ________ get to the airport in time.
A. might
B. was able to
C. couldn't
D. could
Question 3: Did you see the men__________ I received the letter?
A. from whom
B. to whom
C. Ø
D. to that
Question 4: The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.
A. free
B. busy
C. relaxed
D. comfortable
Question 5: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. watched
B. hoped
C. reached
D. managed
Question 6: An/ A__________ is a person who is trained for traveling in a spacecraft.

A. engineer
B. scientist
C. astronaut
D. technician
Question 7: No one is illegal, ________?
A. is one
B. are they
C. is he
D. isn’t one
Question 8: I like the book ____ you lent me last week.
A. who
B. x (nothing)
C. when
D. where
Question 9: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting
You and I went there together, weren’t we
A. and
B. went
C. together
D. weren’t
Question 10: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting
I’m very hungry and thirsty now. I could ate a horse and drink an ocean.
A. drink
B. thirsty
C. hungry
D. ate a horse
Question 11: The fire spread quickly, but luckily, everybody _________escape.
A. couldn’t
B. was able to
C. were able to

D. was not able to
Question 12: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. wrestling
B. athlete
C. appreciate
D. freestyle
Question 13: I’m not the man ____ you are looking for?
A. whom
B. who
C. x (nothing)
D. all are correct
Question 14 : ____ I first met my girlfriend.
A. It was in London that
B. It was in London where
C. It was London that
D. It was London which
Question 15: Choose the word that has different stress pattern from that of the other words.
A. usually
B. accompany
C. envelope
D. album
Question 16: The students__________for the train are good ones.
A. to be waited
B. to wait
C. waiting
D. waited
Question 17: It was Tom ____ to help us.
A. comes
B. who came
C. to come

D. that come
Question 18: He seldom goes to the library, ________?
A. isn’t he
B. doesn’t he
C. does he
D. is he
Question 19: Their efforts were much _________when they won two gold medals in bodybuilding and
A. expended
B. appreciated
C. considered
D. required
Question 20: Choose the word that has different stress pattern from that of the other words.
A. collect
B. admire
C. hobby
D. extinct
Question 21: __________in 2001 that the World Trade Centre was destroyed.
A. What was
B. It was
C. It is
D. Which is
Question 22: This is a picture in the newspaper of a high jumper ____ leg was seriously hurt.
A. that
B. whose
C. who
D. whom
Question 23: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. eats
B. meets

C. robs
D. sits
Question 24: The man ______ we're going to see is a millionaire.
A. he/ whom/ x
B. that / whose/ x
C. which/ that / x
D. that / whom/ x
Question 25: Gagarin became the first person to eat and drink in zero gravity. It means _________.
A. experiment
B. spacecraft
C. conquest
D. weightlessness
Question 26: Nobody went to the party, __________?
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A. did he
B. didn’t they
C. didn’t he
D. did they
Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best fits the statements about the passage:
My favorite sport is swimming. I learned to swim when I was five and I have been to the swimming pool at
least twice a week ever since.
You do not need much special equipment if you want to learn to swim - only a pair of swimming trunks if
you are a boy, or a swimming costume and a cap if you are a girl. When you start you may like to use a ring
or some water-wings.
How can you learn to swim? It is best to learn when you are still quite young and some parents even
taught their six-month-old babies to swim. It is just a good idea just to play ground in the pool for a while
until you get used to being in the water. Try to find a good teacher. You must learn to keep your balance in
the water and then your teacher will show how to move your arms and legs so that you move along smoothly

and easily. As soon as you feel confident in the pool you will quickly start making good progress.
Most people learn the breaststroke first and then go on to backstroke and crawl. After that, you can
learn to dive. Diving is probably what I like doing most when I go to the pool. I am particularly interested in
swimming faster than anyone else but I love trying to dive as gracefully as possible.
Swimming is not an expensive sport and it is very good for all the muscles in your body, I would
recommend anyone at any age to take up swimming as a hobby.
Question 27. According to the writer.........
A. it costs a lot to learn to swim.
B. one must buy a lot of special equipment for swimming practice.
C. one must use a water-wing for swimming practice.
D. special equipment doesn't matter a lot when one learns to swim.
Question 28. The writer advises us to..........
A. learn to dive before practicing swimming.
B. learn to swim under a trainer's guidance.
C. start learning to swim since the age of six.
D. to keep our arms and legs from moving along in the water.
Question 29. The writer likes to..........
A. practice hard so as to become a fast swimmer. B. practice diving as gracefully as possible.
C. play around in the water only.
D. take part in a swimming contest.
Question 30: The writer recommends us to.........
A. learn to swim when we are old.
B . develop our muscles.
C. go swimming twice a week.
D. find a good swimming teacher.
II. Rewrite the following sentences as directed
1.He loves all the people. He invited them to his wedding. ( using a relative clause)
2 My father gave me a lot gifts on my wedding day.(using the cleft sentence structure)
It …………………………………………………………………………………….

3.Everyone has a book ,……………………….?(Put in the question tags)
4. David Robert Joseph Beckham/ born/ Leytonstone, England/ 2 nd May 1975( Make sentence from words
5. 1989/he/ join/ Manchester United’s schoolboy squad. ( Make sentence from words given)

-------------------------------------------------------- HẾT ---------Trang 2/9 - Mã đề thi 570

Class: 11/ ……
Subject: English
I. Rewrite the following sentences as directed
1.He’ll never forget the people. He met them at his girlfriend ‘s birthday party. ( using a relative clause)
2.My sister helps me with my homework.(using the cleft sentence structure)
It …………………………………………………………………………………….
3.Give me a hand ,……………………….?(Put in the question tags)
4. David Robert Joseph Beckham/ born/ Leytonstone, England/ 2 nd May 1975( Make sentence from words
5. 1989/he/ join/ Manchester United’s schoolboy squad. ( Make sentence from words given)
II. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D
Question 1: ____ I first met my girlfriend.
A. It was in London that
B. It was in London where
C. It was London which

D. It was London that
Question 2: Nobody went to the party, __________?
A. did they
B. didn’t they
C. didn’t he
D. did he
Question 3: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. hoped
B. watched
C. reached
D. managed
Question 4: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting
I’m very hungry and thirsty now. I could ate a horse and drink an ocean.
A. hungry
B. thirsty
C. ate a horse
D. drink
Question 5: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. meets
B. sits
C. eats
D. robs
Question 6: __________in 2001 that the World Trade Centre was destroyed.
A. Which is
B. It was
C. What was
D. It is
Question 7: Gagarin became the first person to eat and drink in zero gravity. It means _________.
A. spacecraft
B. weightlessness

C. conquest
D. experiment
Question 8: Yuri Gagarin lifted off into space aboard the Vostok 1.
A. launched
B. attracted
C. occurred
D. reacted
Question 9: Did you see the men__________ I received the letter?
A. Ø
B. to that
C. to whom
D. from whom
Question 10: The fire spread quickly, but luckily, everybody _________escape.
A. was not able to
B. was able to
C. couldn’t
D. were able to
Question 11: Despite the bad weather, he ________ get to the airport in time.
A. couldn't
B. was able to
C. might
D. could
Question 12: He seldom goes to the library, ________?
A. does he
B. doesn’t he
C. isn’t he
D. is he
Question 13: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting
You and I went there together, weren’t we
A. together

B. went
C. weren’t
D. and
Question 14: The man ______ we're going to see is a millionaire.
A. he/ whom/ x
B. that / whose/ x
C. which/ that / x
D. that / whom/ x
Question 15: It was Tom ____ to help us.
A. that come
B. to come
C. who came
D. comes
Question 16: No one is illegal, ________?
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A. is one
B. are they
C. is he
D. isn’t one
Question 17: Choose the word that has different stress pattern from that of the other words.
A. collect
B. extinct
C. hobby
D. admire
Question 18: I’m not the man ____ you are looking for?
A. who
B. whom
C. all are correct

D. x (nothing)
Question 19: The students __________for the train are good ones.
A. to wait
B. to be waited
C. waiting
D. waited
Question 20: Choose the word that has different stress pattern from that of the other words.
A. usually
B. album
C. accompany
D. envelope
Question 21: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. freestyle
B. appreciate
C. athlete
D. wrestling
Question 22: A/An__________ is a person who is trained for traveling in a spacecraft.
A. scientist
B. technician
C. engineer
D. astronaut
Question 23: This is a picture in the newspaper of a high jumper ____ leg was seriously hurt.
A. that
B. who
C. whose
D. whom
Question 24: Their efforts were much _____when they won two gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards.
A. considered
B. expended
C. appreciated

D. required
Question 25: I like the book ____ you lent me last week.
A. who
B. when
C. where
D. x (nothing)
Question 26: The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.
A. comfortable
B. relaxed
C. busy
D. free
III. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best fits the statements about the passage:
My favorite sport is swimming. I learned to swim when I was five and I have been to the swimming pool at
least twice a week ever since.
You do not need much special equipment if you want to learn to swim - only a pair of swimming trunks if
you are a boy, or a swimming costume and a cap if you are a girl. When you start you may like to use a ring
or some water-wings.
How can you learn to swim? It is best to learn when you are still quite young and some parents even taught
their six-month-old babies to swim. It is just a good idea just to play ground in the pool for a while until you
get used to being in the water. Try to find a good teacher. You must learn to keep your balance in the water
and then your teacher will show how to move your arms and legs so that you move along smoothly and
easily. As soon as you feel confident in the pool you will quickly start making good progress.
Most people learn the breaststroke first and then go on to backstroke and crawl. After that, you can learn to
dive. Diving is probably what I like doing most when I go to the pool. I am particularly interested in
swimming faster than anyone else but I love trying to dive as gracefully as possible.
Swimming is not an expensive sport and it is very good for all the muscles in your body, I would
recommend anyone at any age to take up swimming as a hobby.
Question 27. The writer likes to..........
A. practice hard so as to become a fast swimmer. B. practice diving as gracefully as possible.
C. play around in the water only.

D. take part in a swimming contest.
Question 28. The writer recommends us to.........
A. learn to swim when we are old.
B develop our muscles.
C. go swimming twice a week.
D. find a good swimming teacher.
Question 29. According to the writer.........
A. it costs a lot to learn to swim.
B. one must buy a lot of special equipment for swimming practice.
C. one must use a water-wing for swimming practice.
D. special equipment doesn't matter a lot when one learns to swim.
Question 30. The writer advises us to..........
A. learn to dive before practicing swimming.
B. learn to swim under a trainer's guidance.
C. start learning to swim since the age of six.
D. to keep our arms and legs from moving along in the water.
--------------------------------------------------------- HẾT ----------

Trang 4/9 - Mã đề thi 570

Class: 11/ ……
Subject: English
I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D
Question 1: The man ______ we're going to see is a millionaire.
A. he/ whom/ x
B. that / whose/ x
C. which/ that / x

D. that / whom/ x
Question 2: Choose the word that has different stress pattern from that of the other words.
A. album
B. envelope
C. accompany
D. usually
Question 3: __________in 2001 that the World Trade Centre was destroyed.
A. Which is
B. What was
C. It was
D. It is
Question 4: An/A__________ is a person who is trained for traveling in a spacecraft.
A. technician
B. scientist
C. astronaut
D. engineer
Question 5: Yuri Gagarin lifted off into space aboard the Vostok 1.
A. occurred
B. launched
C. reacted
D. attracted
Question 6: Did you see the men__________ I received the letter?
A. from whom
B. to that
C. to whom
D. Ø
Question 7: Gagarin became the first person to eat and drink in zero gravity. It means _________.
A. conquest
B. experiment
C. weightlessness

D. spacecraft
Question 8: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. athlete
B. freestyle
C. appreciate
D. wrestling
Question 9: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. hoped
B. watched
C. reached
D. managed
Question 10: Nobody went to the party, __________?
A. didn’t they
B. didn’t he
C. did he
D. did they
Question 11: The students __________for the train are good ones.
A. waiting
B. to wait
C. to be waited
D. waited
Question 12: The fire spread quickly, but luckily, everybody _________escape.
A. was able to
B. were able to
C. was not able to
D. couldn’t
Question 13: I’m not the man ____ you are looking for?
A. x (nothing)
B. all are correct
C. who

D. whom
Question 14: It was Tom ____ to help us.
A. to come
B. that come
C. who came
D. comes
Question 15: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting
You and I went there together, weren’t we
A. together
B. went
C. weren’t
D. and
Question 16: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. robs
B. sits
C. meets
D. eats
Question 17: He seldom goes to the library, ________?
A. is he
B. isn’t he
C. does he
D. doesn’t he
Question 18: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting
I’m very hungry and thirsty now. I could ate a horse and drink an ocean.
A. drink
B. hungry
C. thirsty
D. ate a horse
Question 19: No one is illegal, ________?
A. is one

B. are they
C. is he
D. isn’t one
Question 20: Despite the bad weather, he ________ get to the airport in time.
A. might
B. could
C. was able to
D. couldn't
Question 21: The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.
A. free
B. relaxed
C. comfortable
D. busy
Question 22: Choose the word that has different stress pattern from that of the other words.
A. extinct
B. hobby
C. collect
D. admire
Question 23: Their efforts were much ______when they won two gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards.
A. considered
B. appreciated
C. required
D. expended
Question 24: I like the book ____ you lent me last week.
A. who
B. when
C. x (nothing)
D. where
Question 25: ____ I first met my girlfriend.
A. It was in London that

B. It was London that
C. It was in London where
D. It was London which
Question 26: This is a picture in the newspaper of a high jumper ____ leg was seriously hurt.
A. that
B. who
C. whose
D. whom
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II. Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best fits the statements about the passage:
My favorite sport is swimming. I learned to swim when I was five and I have been to the swimming pool at
least twice a week ever since.
You do not need much special equipment if you want to learn to swim - only a pair of swimming trunks if
you are a boy, or a swimming costume and a cap if you are a girl. When you start you may like to use a ring
or some water-wings.
How can you learn to swim? It is best to learn when you are still quite young and some parents even taught
their six-month-old babies to swim. It is just a good idea just to play ground in the pool for a while until you
get used to being in the water. Try to find a good teacher. You must learn to keep your balance in the water
and then your teacher will show how to move your arms and legs so that you move along smoothly and
easily. As soon as you feel confident in the pool you will quickly start making good progress.
Most people learn the breaststroke first and then go on to backstroke and crawl. After that, you can learn to
dive. Diving is probably what I like doing most when I go to the pool. I am particularly interested in
swimming faster than anyone else but I love trying to dive as gracefully as possible.
Swimming is not an expensive sport and it is very good for all the muscles in your body, I would
recommend anyone at any age to take up swimming as a hobby.
Question 27: According to the writer.........
A. it costs a lot to learn to swim.
B. one must buy a lot of special equipment for swimming practice.

C. one must use a water-wing for swimming practice.
D. special equipment doesn't matter a lot when one learns to swim.
Question 28: The writer advises us to..........
A. learn to dive before practicing swimming.
B. learn to swim under a trainer's guidance.
C. start learning to swim since the age of six.
D. to keep our arms and legs from moving along in the water.
Question 29: The writer likes to..........
A. practice hard so as to become a fast swimmer.
B. practice diving as gracefully as possible.
C. play around in the water only.
D. take part in a swimming contest.
Question 30: The writer recommends us to.........
A. learn to swim when we are old.
B develop our muscles.
C. go swimming twice a week.
D. find a good swimming teacher.
II. Rewrite the following sentences as directed
1.My brother helped me with my exercises.(using the cleft sentence structure)
It …………………………………………………………………………………….
2. 1989/he/ join/ Manchester United’s schoolboy squad. ( Make sentence from words given)
3.The woman is very beautiful. Her son is my close friend. ( using a relative clause)
4. David Robert Joseph Beckham/ born/ Leytonstone, England/ 2 nd May 1975( Make sentence from words
5.There are a lot of students in our class ,……………………....…….?(Put in the question tags)
----------- HẾT ----------

Trang 6/9 - Mã đề thi 570

Class: 11/ ……
Subject: English
Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best fits the statements about the passage:
My favorite sport is swimming. I learned to swim when I was five and I have been to the swimming pool at
least twice a week ever since.
You do not need much special equipment if you want to learn to swim - only a pair of swimming trunks if
you are a boy, or a swimming costume and a cap if you are a girl. When you start you may like to use a ring
or some water-wings.
How can you learn to swim? It is best to learn when you are still quite young and some parents even taught
their six-month-old babies to swim. It is just a good idea just to play ground in the pool for a while until you
get used to being in the water. Try to find a good teacher. You must learn to keep your balance in the water
and then your teacher will show how to move your arms and legs so that you move along smoothly and
easily. As soon as you feel confident in the pool you will quickly start making good progress.
Most people learn the breaststroke first and then go on to backstroke and crawl. After that, you can learn to
dive. Diving is probably what I like doing most when I go to the pool. I am particularly interested in
swimming faster than anyone else but I love trying to dive as gracefully as possible.
Swimming is not an expensive sport and it is very good for all the muscles in your body, I would
recommend anyone at any age to take up swimming as a hobby.
Question 1: The writer likes to..........
A. practice hard so as to become a fast swimmer. B. practice diving as gracefully as possible.
C. play around in the water only.
D. take part in a swimming contest.
Question 2: According to the writer.........
A. it costs a lot to learn to swim.
B. one must buy a lot of special equipment for swimming practice.

C. one must use a water-wing for swimming practice.
D. special equipment doesn't matter a lot when one learns to swim.
Question 3: The writer recommends us to.........
A. learn to swim when we are old.
B develop our muscles.
C. go swimming twice a week.
D. find a good swimming teacher.
Question 4: The writer advises us to..........
A. learn to dive before practicing swimming.
B. learn to swim under a trainer's guidance.
C. start learning to swim since the age of six.
D. to keep our arms and legs from moving along in the water.
Question 5: I like the book ____ you lent me last week.
A. who
B. when
C. where
D. x (nothing)
Question 6: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting
You and I went there together, weren’t we
A. and
B. together
C. weren’t
D. went
Question 7: A/An__________ is a person who is trained for traveling in a spacecraft.
A. technician
B. astronaut
C. engineer
D. scientist
Question 8: Choose the word that has different stress pattern from that of the other words.
A. accompany

B. usually
C. album
D. envelope
Question 9: Gagarin became the first person to eat and drink in zero gravity. It means _________.
A. conquest
B. weightlessness
C. experiment
D. spacecraft
Question 10: Yuri Gagarin lifted off into space aboard the Vostok 1.
A. launched
B. reacted
C. attracted
D. occurred
Question 11: The fire spread quickly, but luckily, everybody _________escape.
A. couldn’t
B. was able to
C. were able to
D. was not able to
Question 12: This is a picture in the newspaper of a high jumper ____ leg was seriously hurt.
A. whose
B. that
C. whom
D. who
Question 13: Despite the bad weather, he ________ get to the airport in time.
A. might
B. was able to
C. couldn't
D. could
Question 14: Nobody went to the party, __________?
A. did he

B. didn’t he
C. did they
D. didn’t they
Question 15: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. freestyle
B. wrestling
C. athlete
D. appreciate
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Question 16: : The man ______ we're going to see is a millionaire.
A. he/ whom/ x
B. that / whose/ x
C. which/ that / x
D. that / whom/ x
Question 17: __________in 2001 that the World Trade Centre was destroyed.
A. It was
B. It is
C. Which is
D. What was
Question 18: Did you see the men__________ I received the letter?
A. from whom
B. Ø
C. to whom
D. to that
Question 19: Their efforts were much ______when they won two gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards.
A. required
B. expended
C. appreciated

D. considered
Question 20: Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting
I’m very hungry and thirsty now. I could ate a horse and drink an ocean.
A. hungry
B. thirsty
C. drink
D. ate a horse
Question 21: The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied.
A. relaxed
B. comfortable
C. free
D. busy
Question 22: I’m not the man ____ you are looking for?
A. x (nothing)
B. whom
C. all are correct
D. who
Question 23: No one is illegal, ________?
A. is one
B. are they
C. is he
D. isn’t one
Question 24: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. watched
B. hoped
C. managed
D. reached
Question 25: The students __________for the train are good ones.
A. to be waited
B. waiting

C. waited
D. to wait
Question 26: Choose the word that has different stress pattern from that of the other words.
A. hobby
B. admire
C. extinct
D. collect
Question 27: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. robs
B. sits
C. meets
D. eats
Question 28: ____ I first met my girlfriend.
A. It was in London where
B. It was London which
C. It was in London that
D. It was London that
Question 29: It was Tom ____ to help us.
A. comes
B. to come
C. who came
D. that come
Question 30: He seldom goes to the library, ________?
A. is he
B. does he
C. isn’t he
D. doesn’t he
III. Rewrite the following sentences as directed
1. 1989/he/ join/ Manchester United’s schoolboy squad. ( Make sentence from words given)

2. A car can be expensive. It has all the latest improvement. ( using a relative clause)
The car……………………………………………………………………………………………..
3.I’m a good student,……………………….?(Put in the question tags)
4. David Robert Joseph Beckham/ born/ Leytonstone, England/ 2 nd May 1975( Make sentence from words
5. Doing homework keeps me occupied.(using the cleft sentence structure)
It …………………………………………………………………………………….
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