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DE HSG 969

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Trương THCS………..

(Thơi gian 120 phut)
I. Circle the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. carol
B. habit
C. graze
D. match
2. A. sound
B. southern
C. drought
D. mountain
3. A. headache
B. character
C. stomach
D. challenging
4. A. ploughs
B. contacts
C. stops
D. talks
5. A. faced
B. wicked
C. fixed
D. wrapped
II. Circle the word that has the stress pattern different from the others.
1. A. deposit

B. festival
C. institute
D. resident
2. A. activity
B. electricity
C. simplicity
D. pollution
3. A. achievement
B. experiment
C. explanation
D. discovery
4. A. surprising
B. astonishing
C. amazing
D. interesting
5. A. interview
B. industry
C. essential
D. difficult
I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete each of the sentence. (2.0pts)
1. Milk bottles can be _______after being cleaned.
A. recycled
B. reused
C. broken
D. reduced
2. What a person wears _______ not as important as his behavior.
A. is
B. are
C. was

D. were
3. Your house has _________ nice furniture.
A. such
B. such a
C. so
D. towards
4. First prize was awarded ____________ Jackie Stevens, the smallest girl in the team.
A. with
B. on
C. to
D. for
5. Long was not feeling well so we gave him ________ to do.
A. fewer work
B. less work
C. little work
D. least works
6. My dog as well as my cats ________twice a day.
A. eat
B. eats
C. has eaten
D. have eaten
7. When I came into the class, I realized I knew _______.
A. them all
B. all them
C. they all
D. all of they
8. “Who broke the window?”- “__________.”
A. I am
B. I was. Thanks
C. I did. Sorry

D. I did. Excuse me
9. We _______for her for ten minutes.
A. wait
B. waited
C. are waiting
D. have been waiting
10. His father is not interested in tennis and __________.
A. he doesn’t, either B. so doesn’t he
C. neither does he D. neither is he
11. The little girl wasted half an hour _________for her picture book.
A. look
B. looking
C. to look
D. looked
12. He spent his whole life struggling __________ imperialism.
A. against
B. for
C. through
D. at
13. Your hair is long. Are you going to __________?
A. have it cutting
B. have cut it
C. be cutting it
D. have it cut
14. Would you like tea or coffee? – I __________drink tea than coffee.
A. would like
B. would prefer
C. would rather
D. would wish
15. I must think that matter over carefully before I answer you.

A. remember
B. decide
C. consider
D. memorize
16. He was ________that we turned off the TV set immediately.
A. so bad singer
B. such bad singer C. such bad a singer D. so bad a singer
17. I wish you _________that! It’s really annoying habit.
A. won’t do
B. couldn’t do
C. wouldn’t do
D. don’t do
18. “You look great in this new dress.” – “___________!”
A. With pleasure
B. Not at all
C. I am glad you like it
D. Do not say anything about it

19. The old museum is said _______ five years ago.
A. to have been built B. being built
C. to have built
D. to build
20. Excuse me! I’m learning my lesson. ___________ turning down your stereo a bit?
A. Would you please B. Would you mind C. Could you
D. Would you like
II. Put the correct form of verbs in brackets. (2.0pts)
1. John and I went for a walk. I (1.have) had trouble (2.keep) keeping up with him because he
(3.walk) was walking so fast.
2. A new bridge (4.build) is being built across the river. They (5.start) started building it last

month and the bridge (6.expect) is expected to open next year.
3. It is a cool autumn day today. The leaves (7. fall) are falling.
4. I didn’t know how (8.explain) to explain about the word to them.
5. I (9.not answer) haven’t answered her question for the last two months.
6. Why do you make him (10.pay) pay for the damage?
III. Put the correct form of words in brackets. (2.0pts)
1. If we don’t economize on electricity, there will be power cuts.
2. congratulations! You are offered the position.
3. In Britain education is compulsory between the ages of 5 and 16. (COMPEL)
4. I am reading an article talking about UFO appearance.
5. My new classmate is sociable, kind and generous.
6. There is no easy solution to this problem.
7. Could you straighten the picture over the sofa?
8. I believe in your products.
9. A lot of improvement
are produced yearly.
10. How many competitors entered the race?
I. Choose the best answer to complete the passage below. (2.0 pts)
Most Americans eat three meals (1) during the day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast
begins between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m, lunch between 11:00 a.m and noon, and dinner between 6:00

and 8:00 p.m. On Sundays "brunch" is a (2) combination of breakfast and lunch, typically
beginning at 11:00 a.m. Students often enjoy a "study break" or evening snack around 10:00 or
11:00 p.m. Breakfast and lunch tend to be light meals, with only one (3) course. Dinner is the
main meal.
(4) For breakfast Americans will eat cereal with milk which are often mixed (5) together in a
bowl, a glass of orange juice, and toasted bread or muffin with jam, butter, or margarine. Another
common breakfast meal is scrambled eggs or (6) an omelet with potatoes and breakfast meat
(bacon or sausage). People who are on (7) diet eat just a cup of yogurt. Lunch and dinner are
more (8) varied. When eating at a formal dinner, you may be overwhelmed by the number of
utensils. How do you (9) tell the difference between a salad fork, a butter fork, and a dessert fork?
Most Americans do not know the answer (10) either. But knowing which fork or spoon to use
first is simple: use the outermost utensils first and the utensils closest to the plate last.
1. A. in
B. for
C. on
D. during
2. A. addition
B. connection
C. combination
D. attachment
3. A. course
B. food
C. menu
D. goods
4. A. For
B. In
C. At
D. With
5. A. each other
B. together

C. one another
D. others
6. A. a
B. an
C. the
D. no article
7. A. holiday
B. engagement
C. diet
D. duty
8. A. vary
B. variety
C. varied
D. variously
9. A. say
B. talk
C. speak
D. tell
10. A. too
B. either
C. so
D. neither
II. Read the passage then choose the best answer. (2.0pts)
With increasing development and use of computer technology, there is a new disease to
worry about. Computer “viruses” program designed to sabotage computers, are infecting
computers in corporation homes and universities. These viruses spread exponentially, much like
biological contagion, and then disrupt the affected systems. This virus secretly attaches itself to

alter files. The damage is generally activated by using the computer’s clock. Then, any program

executed may be exposed to the virus including program spread through telephone connections.
Because of the increasing incidents of virus infiltration, businesses and agencies are becoming
wary of sharing software. Security policies need to be increased as immunity programs are being
1. Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A. Sharing software B. Stop the clock.
C. Be aware
D. Deleting files
2. The people most interested in reading this passage probably would be _________.
A. computers users
B. government workers
C. medical personnel
D. health researchers.
3. It is inferred that a company can best protect itself from the virus by_______.
A. not using shared software.
B. keeping clean
C. spreading programs by telephone.
D. setting the clock correctly
4. The virus is __________.
A. an insect
B. a program
C. a microbe
D. a disk
5. If the virus infects a computer, the result would probably be _______.
A. sick personnel
B. lost information C. dead telephones D. a broken computer
III. Fill in each blank with one appropriate word to complete the passage. (2.0pts)
Food plays an (1) important part in the development of nations. In countries (2) where
food is scarce, people have to spend most of their time getting enough to eat. This usually slows
down progress(3) because men have little time to devote to science, industry, government, (4)

and art. In nations where food is (5) plentiful and easy to get, men have more time to spend in
activities that (6) lead to progress and enjoyment of life. The problem of (7) providing good food
for everybody has not yet been solved. Many wars have been started (8) for food. But it is no
longer necessary to go to war like that. Nations are beginning to put scientific knowledge to work
for a (9) solution to their food problems. They work together in the Food and Agriculture
Organization of the United Nations (FAO) to help hungry nations (10) produce more food.
I. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. (2.0pts).
1. Is it all right if I take some photographs?
=>Would you mind if I took some photographs?
2. The weather is not good. They cannot climb up to the top of the mountain.
=>If the weather were good, they could climb up to the top of the mountain
3. We haven’t seen each other for over two years.
=>The last time we saw each other was over two years ago.
4. Even though I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
=>Much as I admire his courage, I think he is foolish.
5. It is thought that the prisoner was recaptured while drinking in a pub.
=>The prisoner is thought to have been recaptured while drinking in the pub
6. He was delighted to receive his aunt’s letter.
=>He was delighted that his aunt sent him a letter
7. You can try to get Tom to lend you his car but you won’t succeed.
=>There’s no point in trying to get Tom to lend you his car
8. Michael laughed when I told him the joke.
=>The joke (that/which) I told Michael made him laugh
9. Handicapped people find shopping in supermarkets difficult.

=> It is difficult for handicapped people to shop in supermarkets
10. When he is asked about his past, he hates it.
=> He hates being asked about his past

IV. Identify one mistake in each sentence, then correct it. (2.0pts)
1. She was waiting nervous in the waiting room for the interview.
2. He suggested that council tenants must be allowed to buy their houses.
3. I haven’t come back to London for my father last visited me.
4. Though having a job, she doesn’t make enough money to support her four children.
5. The sooner you leave, the earliest you will arrive at your destination.
6. I never have anything to write with because I’m always lose my pens.

7. Which one is the most modern of these two buildings?
8. My brother together with his friends often jog in the park.
9. The policeman told her not to driving her car so fast again.
10. I will lend you this money if you will promise to pay it back.
Question IX: Use the cue words to make each sentence in the passage. (2.0pts)
1. Bill Gates / born/ 1955/ Washington State. He/ grow up/ rich family.
Bill Gates was born in 1955 in Washington State. He grew up in a rich family
2. His parents/ send/ he/ private school .There/ he/ meet/ business partner/ Paul Allen.
His parents sent him to a private school. There he met his business partner, Paul Allen.
3. When/ they/ be/ 8th grade, they/ write/ programs/ business/ computers.
When they were in the eighth grade, they were writing/wrote programs for business
4. 1973/ Gates/ be accepted/ Harvard University. Parents/ happy.
In 1973, Gates was accepted at Harvard University. His parents were happy
5. Two years later/ Gates/ drop out/ of Harvard/ work/ computer program/ his friend Allen.
Two years later, Gates dropped out of Harvard to work on a computer program with his
friend, Allen
6. 1975 / they/ create / company/ Microsoft/ sell/ their product.

In 1975, they created a company called Microsoft to sell their product.
7. A few years later/ Microsoft/ become/ giant company.
A few years latter Microsoft became a giant company.
8. By 1990/ Gates/ the youngest/ billionaire/ the United States/ age of 34.
By 1990, Gates was the youngest billionaire of /in the United States at the age of 34.
9. He/ achieve/ success/ a lot of hard work. He/ be/ “King of Software”.

He achieved his success with a lot of hard work. He was the “King of Software”.
10. By 1997, he/ the richest/ man/ United States.
By 1997, he was the richest man in the United States
____________THE END___________

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