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Unit 15 Women in society Speaking

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Do you think men should share
housework with women?

Study the expression and practice
saying them aloud
Giving your I think.../ I believe.../ In my opinion,.../

From my point of view,.../ As I agree,...


I quite agree./ I agree with you
completely./Absolutely!/ That’s right!


Well, I see your point but.../ I don’t quite
agree/ to a certain extent, yes, but...

Disagreeing I don’t agree./ I’m afraid, I disagree./

That’s wrong./ That’s not true

What nonsense!/ what rubbish!/ I

completely disagree

Sympathetic [,simpə'θetik] (a) thông cảm; đồng
To run a home: Trông nom nhà cửa
To lose temper: mất bình tĩnh, nổi nóng, cáu
Neglect (a): [ni'glekt] sao lãng, thờ ơ
Financially (adv): [fai'næn∫əli] về phương diện tài
chính, về mặt tài chính
Slave (n): [sleiv] người nô lệ (đen & bóng)
To lose contact with = To lose touch with: mất liên
lạc với ai, đứt liên lạc với ai
To look down upon: coi thường, khinh rẻ
To gain: [gein] thu được, lấy được, giành được,
kiếm được

Read and respond to these statements.
Begin your responses with one of the
expressions in task 1

A. Men are usually stronger than women
B. Women are usually more sympathetic than men
C. Women are usually better with children than men
D. Women are usually are more careful than men.

E. Men are better at making decisions than men
F. Women are better at running a home than men
G. Men lose their temper more easily than women
H. Women waste more time than men
I. Women work harder than men
A: Men are usually stronger than women.
B: I quite agree/ Absolutely/ That’s not true/ I don’t quite
agree/ I completely disagree.

Discuss whether you agree or disagree with
the following statement and give explanation:
Married women should not go to work



 stay at home, looking after their
children and husbands
 better at looking after children,
doing housework
 traditional role of housewives
neglect family responsibilities if
spending too much time at work
 cannot do two jobs well at the
same time: rearing children and
working at offices
 prevent husbands from
developing thier full potential at


 too boring to be housewives all
their lives
 financially dependent and have
no decisions or power
 be slaves at home
 lose contact with friends
 lose contact with social activities
 housework can be tiring,
stressful and boring
 be looked down upon by men
 waste education and knowledge
gained before marriage

A: I think married women should
not go to work.
B: I quite agree. I think if they stay
at home, they have time to look
after their children and husband.
C: I don’t agree. It’s too boring to
be housewives all their time.

Write a paragraph of about 80
words to give your opinion about the
statement: Married women should
not do to work

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