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Monday, November 13th , 2017

Week 12

Unit 3: Dinnertime!
Lesson 6: Period 45+46

Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify foods and talking
about likes and dislikes


Language contents:
Vocabulary: meat, fish, rice, bread, eggs, carrots, tomatoes, ice cream, yogurt,
apple, banana, grapes, water, milk, juice


Teaching aids: class book, CD tracks, flashcards
Steps of teaching:
1. Warm up: write the words: meat, bread, juice, fish, yogurt, rice, water on the
board. Give the flashcards to seven students and ask them to put the flashcards
into the right words.
2. Presentation:
 Listen and draw

Have students look at the photo of the father and daughter


Tell students the girl is going to tell her dad what foods she likes and doesn’t


Ask students to listen and draw a smiley face if she likes and a sad face if she
doesn’t like


Play the CD for students to listen first


Play again and ask students to draw

 Look at the menu on page 24. Ask and answer

Call a student to read the dialogue in the book


Have students work in pairs and take turns to ask and answer What do you


Call some pairs to practise in front of the class

 Circle n’t and match

Write isn’t, don’t, aren’t on the board and ask a student to write the long form
of these words


Ask student to circle n’t and match the sentences with contractions to the ones
with long forms


Go through and check their answers

3. Practice: Ask students to work in groups and make the menu for their own cafe.

Thursday, November 16th , 2017

Week 12

Unit 4: Tidy up!
Lesson 1: Period 47+48

Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify things in the bedroom


Language contents:
Vocabulary: rug, bed, cupboard, shelf, pillow, blanket


Teaching aids: class book, CD tracks, flashcards
Steps of teaching:
1. Warm up: sing Come into my house to warm up the class
2. Presentation:
 Listen, point and repeat

Ask students about their bedrooms: What’s in their bedrooms? Is it tidy or


Use flashcards to elicit the words for this lesson


Play the CD and hold them up for students to follow


Have students look at their book, play the CD again for them to listen and
point the correct pictures


Play again for students to listen and repeat


Put the flashcards on the board, ask a student to come to the board and point
to the correct pictures when he/ she listens.


Complete with other students


Call some students to repeat the words

 Listen and chant

Students join in the chant


Play the chant for students to listen and say the chant


Put the flashcards around the room, play the chant again for students to point
to the correct flashcards.

 Listen and read

Have students look at the story in their books and ask them
Who can you see in the story?
Where are they?
What’s in the bedroom?


Play the CD for students to follow the words


Check their comprehension by asking:
Is Rosy’s room tidy?
What does Rosy do?
Why is the kitchen messy?

3. Practice: have students play a game Slap a board

Monday, November 20th , 2017

Week 13

Unit 4: Tidy up!
Lesson 2: Period 49+50


Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify things in the bedroom


Language contents:
Vocabulary: rug, bed, cupboard, shelf, pillow, blanket
Structure: There’s …………, there are………….


Teaching aids: class book, CD tracks, flashcards


Steps of teaching:
1. Warm up: match pictures with the words: bed, blanket, pillow, shelf, rug,
2. Presentation:
 Listen to the story again and repeat. Act

Ask students What is the content of the story?


Play the CD for students to listen again


Play again and pause in each sentence for them to repeat


Have students work in groups of three and act the story


Call some groups to act out in front of the class

 Look and say

Have students look at their books at page 31


Call a student to say aloud the first sentence and write it on the board


Call another student to say the second sentence and write it on the board


Explain how to use There is and there are


Use flashcards and ask students to make the sentences using There is, There

 Write

Write two gapped sentences on the board


Point to each sentence and ask students There is or There are?


Complete the sentences on the board


Ask students to do this exercise in their books


Go and check their answers

 Look at the pictures again. Point, ask and answer

Call a student to read the dialogue


Have students work in pairs to ask How many….? And answer There is ….,
There are….


Call some pairs to say aloud in front of the class

3. Practice: students turn back to the story on page 30. They take turn to tell each
other about things they can see.

Thursday, November 23rd

Week 13

, 2017

Unit 4: Tidy up!
Lesson 3: Period 51+52

Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify numbers from 11-20


Language contents:
Vocabulary: eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,


Teaching aids: class book, CD tracks, flashcards
Steps of teaching:
1. Warm up: ask students count from one to ten
2. Presentation:
 Listen, point and repeat

Use flashcards to introduce numbers from 11-20


Play the CD, hold them up for students to follow


Have students look at their books at page 32


Play the CD again, ask them to listen and point to the correct numbers


Play again for students to listen and repeat


Call some students to repeat numbers


Give each student a flashcard and ask he/ she to raise it up when she/ he

 Listen and sing

Introduce the song to students There are ten in the bed


Ask students Where is she?


Play the song for students to follow


Play again but pause in each line for them to repeat


Play again and ask students to sing along with the CD

 Sing and do


Tell students they will listen to the song again but this time they will do the


Model some actions


Play the song again for students to sing and do the actions

3. Practice:

Monday, November 27th , 2017

Week 14

Unit 4: Tidy up!
Lesson 4: Period 53+54

Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to say phonics /i/


Language contents:
Vocabulary: bin, fig, tin


Teaching aids: class book, CD tracks, flashcards
Steps of teaching:
1. Warm up: sing the song There are ten in the bed to warm up the class
2. Presentation:
 Listen, point and repeat

Hold up the bin, fig, tin phonics cards and play the CD for students to follow


Ask students What they think today’s letter is


Have students look at their books, play the CD again for them to listen and


Play again for them to listen and repeat


Call a student to say the phonics again


Call some students to repeat the words

 Listen and chant

Play the chant and have students join in the chant


Put the flashcards around the room, play the chant again and ask students to
point to the correct flashcards

 Read the chant again. Circle the i in the middle of the words


Have students look at the chant again and ask them to circle the i in the middle
of the words


Model the first word


Ask students to do this exercise


Go through and check their answers

 Listen to the song and join the letters

Play the CD for students to listen and link the letters to find out what is in the


Play the CD again for students to check the answer


Write the letters on the board


Call a student to come to the board, play the CD again for her/ him to link the

3. Practice: write the words bin, tin, fig on the board. Ask students to work in
groups and find more words with /i/. The group who can find more words win the

Thursday, November 30th , 2017

Week 14

Unit 4: Tidy up!
Lesson 5: Period 55+56

Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to identify things in a bedroom.


Language contents:
Vocabulary: shelf, cupboard, rug, bed, pillow, blanket


Teaching aids: class book, CD tracks, flashcards
Steps of teaching:
1. Warm up: play a game What’s missing to revive house and bedroom words
2. Presentation:
 What’s in the bedroom. Point and say


Ask students to look at the picture of the bedroom and the photo of the boy


Ask students
What’s his name?

What is the text about?
What does Jamie like?


Have students work in pairs and take turn to point to different bedroom
objects and say the words

 Listen and read

Have students look at the text in their books


Play the CD for them to follow the words


Play the CD again but pause in each sentence for them to repeat


Call some students to read the text again


Have students work in groups and check their comprehension:
How many beds in his bedroom?
Are there lots of footballs on his blanket and pillow?

How many books on his shelf?
What is his favourite clothes?
Does he like his bedroom?

 Read again. Write True (T) or False (F)

Write the first sentence on the board


Have students read the text again, ask them Is the sentence true or false?


Write the letter next to the sentence


Ask students to do this exercise in their books


Go through and check their answers

3. Practice: have students play a game Words search

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