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HỌC KỲ II NĂM HỌC 2020 – 2021
(Phần dành cho sinh viên)
Bài thi học phần: Nguyên lý giao tiếp
tiếng Anh thuơng mại

Số báo danh: 52
Lớp: H2102ENTH3121
Họ và tên: Mai Thị Trang

Mã số đề thi: 3
Ngày thi: 15/07/2021
Số trang: 05
Điểm kết luận:

GV chấm thi 1: …….

GV chấm thi 2: …….

Question 1:
Communication is the process of sending and receiving information
among people. It is a way of reaching others by transmitting ideas and thought,
feeling and values. In our daily life, we can not refuse the importance of
communication either verbal or nonverbal communication. According to the
quote, there are different communication channels such as email, instant message
and cell phones and their fabulous role in our daily communication, but these
channels can also make our communication become mess up. Most channels are

either oral or written, but currently, visual channels are becoming more common
as technology expands. The effectiveness of the various channels fluctuates
depending on the characteristics of the communication. For example, when we
need to deliver the information to a small group of people, written channels are
often more effective. When immediate feedback is necessary, oral
communication channels are better because we can clearly explain to others. A
call by cell phone will be very easy for us to give immediate or instant feedback.

It is convenient and quick also economical for everyone to contact each other by
phone. An email or instant message can be a relatively permanent record of the
information, easy to store, retrieve and transmit, careful preparation and
On the other hand, people can also get into trouble when communicating
via email, instant messaging, and cell phones as the author said “that
communication is totally disorganized”. This means that, when people use these
channels inappropriately, their message may not reach the right receivers. Email
can not be a substitute for such in-person communication times to convey certain
instructions or ideas effectively. While it is acceptable for people to voice
different ideas and positions via email it is also possible that certain key pieces of
information in any email could be misunderstood. The email is known for nearinstantaneous transmission of a message, it can also result in a significant loss of
time because most employees will have to spend a majority of their time sorting
through emails from different branches. Next, communicating via instant
message can be a distraction for us. The instant message could cause distractions
that interfere with work and lead to lowered productivity. Also, the import of
communication is lost. People can't really get a very good emotional bead on
someone through instant messenger. Apart from this, communicating via cell
phones is less personal. There will be no record of vital information. It could be
inconveniently timed especially for the receivers because we might interrupt

them during dinner time or sleeping time. It can be hard to terminate. There is a
possibility of misunderstanding via cell phones because of noise and technical
Nowadays, digital technology has dramatically changed the kind of
communications we have with our friends, family and colleagues. Not only does
it make the communication convenient, but also communication can take place
through various mediums. However, in my point of view, people should put more
significance on face-to-face communication than others other types of
communication such as email, message or telephone call. Face-to-face
communication is very effective for meetings. When we have an issue that we
need to make a decision, we are able to reach a consensus more quickly. Merely
five minutes of face-to-face conversation could reduce fifteen back and forth

emails. Face-to-face communication helps us express our emotions, feelings, and
ideas much better. In this communication, we often use eye contact, nonverbal
gesture, or several facial expression which are very much effective in
communication that it is impossible in other kinds of communication like, emails,
telephone calls, or letters. To wrap up, nothing could replace the need for face-toface communication. It is a very handy tool to express opinions, feelings, and to
reach a consensus.
In conclusion, to have effective communication, we should use
communication channels in appropriate ways and conditions. We should also take
full advantage of these channels to express our ideas and feelings in our little
In my opinion, the most common communication barriers people need to take
into consideration are: muddled messages, wrong channel, language barrier,
physical barrier, interruptions.
- Muddled messages are a barrier to communication because the sender leaves

the receiver unclear about the intent of the sender. The sender may be confused in
his or her thinking. The message may be little more than a vague idea. For
example: Maria and her friend went go to the cinema tonight. Maria told her
friend “ Let’s be here about 6pm”. Then her friend came there by 6:30pm and
Maria was waiting for her for 30 minutes. Then, they started arguing.
- Wrong channel can be a barrier to communication when people use
inappropriately communication channel. For example: “ Good morning”. An oral
channel for this message is highly appropriate. Writing” Good morning” on a
blackboard in the classroom is less effective than a warm oral greeting.
- Language barriers may be linguistic barriers ( different languages or
vocabulary, variations in language- accent, dialect) or semantic barriers( we
assign a meaning to a word often because of culture). For example: A
Vietnamese-speaking staff member can not understand what his Japanese
customer is saying.

- Physical barriers are the physical things that get in the way of communication.
Examples of such things include the telephone, a pick-up truck door, a desk, an
uncomfortable meeting place, and noise. For example: Marry is discussing with
her boss about company’s new policies. Suddenly her network is unstable, she
keep talking but her boss can not understand what she said.
- Interruptions may be due to something more pressing, rudeness, lack of privacy
for discussion, a drop- in visitor, an emergency or even the curiosity of someone
else wanting to know what two other people are saying. For example: Harley and
his team was having a meeting for new project. Harley was talking, suddenly
another employee entered into the meeting room and asked him for his signature.
He forgot where was he talking and he had to ask his team.
Question 2:

R&T Ltd
21 Mead Road
West Glamorgan 3ST 1DR

July 15th 2021
Stepen Mathers
Sales Manager
Omega shop
Prince of Wales Road
Sheffield S94XE
Dear Mr. Mathers:


I am Director of suitcases company- R& T Ltd. I think you may have overlooked
invoice No. 5A 1910 for £351.95 (see copy) which was due 1 week ago. Would
you please either let us have your cheque, or an explanation of why the invoice is
still outstanding?
I see from our records that since we began trading you have cleared accounts
regularly on the due dates. That is why I wondered if any problems have arisen
which I might be able to help you with? Please let me know if I can be of

Robert Huges

Robert Huges

Enclosure: (1) receipt
1, The communication error:
- Poor organization of the proposal and it is too long: The owner, somewhat
hastily put together a 120-page proposal to the three major aluminum
- Lack of effective communication between the owner and the three major
aluminum manufacturers.
- The proposal had a lot of unnecessary information such as the mathematical
theory and engineering design. This owner used muddled messages which cause
negative effect in the communication.
- The proposal has not been prepared well because it had a poorly drawn graph.
- The owner used a wrong channel to give a proposal.
2, The costs/ losses were incurred by this problem:


- The Acme Electric company didn’t get the contracts, despite having the best
- Six months later, the company filed for bankruptcy.
- All hard work of employees has gone wasted.
- The best product can not be taken full advantage.
3, Possible solution or strategies:
- The owner of Acme Electricity company should give a good organization of the
information in the proposal. She should give short brief description about the
new regulator and give its superior characteristics compared to other regulators.
- The owner shouldn’t give too much mathematical theory and engineering
design. She should draw a clear graph and put some photos needed.

- The owner of the company should also have face- to- face communication with
the three major aluminum manufacturers because they are the potential customer.
Creating an effective communication will help she to persuade these
manufacturers to buy their new regulator.
- The company also can send the trial version of the new regulator to these
manufactures so that they can have full experience for it.
---The end---

Nội dung chấm

Giáo viên
chấm 1

Point 1 (1pt)

Question 1
(5 pts)

Point 3 (1pt)
Point 1 (0.5pt)

b. (2 pts) Point 2 (1pt)
Point 3 (0.5pt)
Question 2

Điểm bài

Ghi chú
- Ví dụ: nộp

muộn (phải
bản xử lý)

Point 2 (1pt)
a. (3 pt)

Giáo viên
chấm 2

Task F (1p)

Organi (1p)
a. (3 pts)

Gram (0.5p)
Vocab (0.5p)

(5 pts)
1 – (0.5pt)
b. (2 pt)

2 - (0.5pt)
3 – (1pt)

Tổng điểm

