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Giao an tieng anh 6 moi unit 6 lesson 5 skills 1 chuan khong can chinh

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Date of preparing : 2/ 12/ 2017
Date of teaching: 11/ 12/ 2017
Period 48:
Lesson 5 : SKILLS 1
I. Objectives
By the end of the lesson students will be able to:
- Know more about New Year in some countries.
- Talk about Tet activities and traditions.
- Use will/won’t or should/shouldn’t in communication.
- Improve speaking and reading skills.
II. Materials
- Text book
- Board, chalk, TV, computer, poster, papers…
III. Procedure
1. Warm up
- Greeting.
- Play game: Brainstorming
+ T divides class into 2 teams. T writes the topic on the board (Countries).
+The members of 2 teams have to run one by one to the board and write down
all the words related to country.
+After 2 minutes. The team has more right answers and faster is the winner.
+The whole class congratulate the winner.
- Lead in: T shows the pictures of Russ, Wu and Mai. Asks ss some questions
about them. Then leads in: “To know more about their New Year’s activities, let’s
come to our new lesson today: SKILLS 1.”
2. New lesson
Teacher’s and students’ activities

I. Pre-reading
1. Presenting vocabulary
1. Vocabulary
- T uses some techniques to elicit the new - strike midnight (v): điểm lúc nửa đêm
- bow (v) /baʊ/ :
cúi chào
- strike midnight (v): picture
- belief (n) /bɪ'li:f/:
niềm tin
- bow (v): mime
- backwards /'bỉkwədz/(adv): về phía sau
- belief (n): explain
- poverty (n) /ˈpɒvəti/: sự nghèo khó
- backwards : mime
- poverty (n): picture
2. Checking vocabulary: R O R
II. While-reading
1. Activity 2.
2. Activity 2: Say who the following
- T runs through the statements.
statements refer to?

- Asks ss to read the passage in 2 minutes.
- T asks ss to do the activity 2
- T calls on some ss to give the answers.
- T checks as class.
2. Activity 3

- Ss close their books.
- T divides class into 4 groups.
- Each group receives a poster and papers
of phrases from activity 3.
- T asks each group to tick the papers into
right column.
- T hangs the answers of 2 fastest groups
on the board.
- Others change their answer to check.
- Teacher checks with whole class.
III. Post-reading: Activity 5
-T asks ss to give 2 popular beliefs they
know about New Year individually.

I. Presentation: Review structure
Will/won’t and Should/shouldn’t.
- T calls on some ss to review the
II. Practice
1. Play game: Noughts and crosses
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
- Ss work in 2 teams.
- Each team takes turn to choose the
number. With a number, each team has to
answer the question and marks their sign.
- The team which has their signs making
a line, a row or a cross first is the winner.

- Key:


3. Activity 3: Test your memory
Appear (v): a-b-c-e-f-g-i
Don’t appear (x) : d-h-j

4. Activity 5: 2 popular beliefs you
know about New Year.
- Suggested answers:
+ Belief 1: Dogs are lucky animals.
+ Belief 2: The first footer is very
- Talk about intentions: Will/ Won’t
- Give advices: Should/ Shouldn’t
- Structure:
S+ will/won’t
+ V-inf
Should/ Shouldn’t

2.Game: Noughts and Crosses
-Suggested answers:
1. I will get lucky money from my
2. I won’t eat shrimps
3. I will watch fireworks
4. I won’t give my cousin a cat as a
5. You shouldn’t play music loudly
6. You should get up early
7. You shouldn’t ask for lucky money

8. You should invite friends home
9. You shouldn’t break things
2. Activity 6: Make a conversation
3. Activity 6: Make a conversation
- T shows a model conversation
- Model:
- T calls on ss to read the model.
A: We should make a wish.
- T asks ss to work in pairs to make their B: I agree. But we shouldn’t play music
own conversation.
- T calls on some pairs to present.
A: Yes, I think so.
- T checks the pronunciation.
III. Production
- T calls on some pairs to role play in
front of class.

- T asks ss to retell the main contents in -Reading: New Year in different
the lesson.
countries around the world.
+ Express Intention using Will / won’t
+ Give Advice using Should / shouldn’t
- T shows the homework.
- Learn the vocabulary by heart.
- Ss take note.
-Do exercise D2, 3 (p 44, 45) - Workbook
- Prepare for the next lesson: SKILLS 2
