Hello, everyone.
Welcome to the next lecture.
In the course and Theory of Atom Meta.
In the previous lecture we studied
the formal definition of a Turing machine,
and in this lecture we will see two
examples of Turing machine,
and we will see how we design a Turing
machine for a given language.
All right.
So let's get started.
Here we have an example for designing
of a Turing machine which recognizes the
language L equal to zero, one star zero.
So what this language mean?
This language mean?
It should have one0 followed by any number
of ones followed by one0 at the end.
So if you look, it is a regular language,
and we can easily design a finite
state machine for this language.
But we design theorem machine for this
language so that we can understand the
machine from the very simplest example.
So here I have designed the Turing
machine for the language.
So here we have the starting
state, which is a.
Then we have two States B and C,
and then we have two final States, which
are the reject and the except state.
Let us see how it works.
So as we want to accept
zero, one star zero.
So at the initial state,
when we get a zero,
we go to the next state B,
and in our tape we write symbol X,
and we move to the right on our tape.
So we are now instead B.
So now we know that we have to accept any
number of ones after we have
accepted the zero at the start.
So instead B, if you get any number
of ones, you always stay instead B.
And then on the tape we write Y
and we move right on the tape.
And after getting any number of ones,
finally, we need to get a zero.
So if we get a zero, we move to the next
state C, and we write X on tap.
And then we move right on the tap.
And after reaching this state C, we see
that there is nothing more to take.
So what we do, we read the blank
symbol that is the spacious symbol.
So when we read the blank symbol,
we do not write other symbol other than
the blank symbol, and we
move to the accept state.
So this is how it works.
Now let us take an example string
from this language, which is 0110 and let
us see how it works using the tape.
So we come to the tape and our head
is at the leftmost cell of our tape.
So when we get a zero,
we write X on our tap, and we go to step
B, and we move to the right under tab.
Now our next input is one.
So if we get a one,
we are instead B and we write a y
onto our tape, and we remain in step
But we move to the right on our tape,
and then the next input we have is a zero.
So when we get zero at state B,
we move to the state C and we write X onto
our tape, and we move one
step to the right on the tab.
Now we see that we have reached
to the end of the string.
So after the zero at the end,
we consider it to be the blank symbol.
So we are at state C,
and we encounter a blank symbol.
So we write blank symbol on the tab,
and we move one step to the right
and we go to the accept state.
So the string 0110 is accepted.
And now this is the condition of our tape.
Now you may ask why we write
these X and y onto the tape.
So as this was a very simple example
language, and we actually do not need
the full power of Turing machine
in order to implement this.
But we have to do this because we are
using the Turing machine,
and particularly for this language,
these tape symbols have no such specific
meaning, but we just do it in order
to show how Turing machine works and how
Turing machine tape actually works.
Also, in the first lecture on Turing
machine, I told you that Turing
machines are deterministic.
So here in this transition diagram, you
see, we have transition for every input.
Now let us discuss another example
in which we design a Turing machine for
the language zero power n one power N.
So it means we have to design a Turing
machine for a language where number
of zeros should exactly be equal to the
number of ones that follow these zeros.
In the previous lecture,
when we were discussing finite state
machines, we saw that we could not
implement this language using finite state
machine because we need to keep count
of how many zeros are there in order
to repeat the exact same number of ones
so that we can implement this language.
But we saw that finite state machine due
to their limited memory and due to their
limited capability,
it was not possible to design a finite
state machine, and therefore we declared
that this was not a regular language.
So we shall see using a Turing machine,
how can we design this language?
So first of all, I will explain to you
the algorithm of how this can be done.
We first will design an algorithm
which will accomplish this task
of accepting this kind of strings.
And then from that algorithm,
we will see how we design
the equivalent Turing machine for it.
All right.
So here you see, we have the tape sequence
in our Turing machine,
and then we have the algorithm.
So the first step in algorithm says
change zero to X.
So we replace the first zero in our tape
to X, and then we move right
until we find the first one.
So if you cannot find the one,
then you have to reject means
that the string will not be accepted.
And if you are able to find a one,
then you have to change it to Y.
And after you do that,
you have to move left until you find
the leftmost zero, and this process will
be repeated until no more zeros are there.
And also you have to make sure
that no more ones remain as well.
Now let us apply this algorithm
on our tap in the Turing machine.
You notice in the tape that we have four
number of zeros and four number of ones.
So the number of zeros are same
to the number of ones that follow.
this string should be accepted.
So first of all, our tape head is
about the leftmost zero in our tab.
So as in our algorithm,
the first step we perform is
to change this X this zero to X.
Then we move right on the tape
until we find the first one.
So here I have found the first one.
So according to the algorithm,
we change it to a Y,
and then what we have to do, we have
to move left to the leftmost zero.
So I move step by step to the leftmost
zero, and I find that my left most zero is
here, so we change it to X
according to the algorithm.
So after replacing the lift most zero
with X, I again move to the right
until I find my first one.
I change it to Y.
Then I start moving left until I find the
leftmost zero, and I change it to an X.
Then again, I repeat these steps
and I start moving to the right
and I find my first one.
So I changed it to Y,
then start moving left, and finally I see
my left most and also the final zero.
I change it to X, and then I move right
and I find the first and the last one.
So I change it to Y.
Now, if we look, there are no more
zeros and also there are no more ones.
So our tape.