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1. Vocabulary
equal (adj): bình đẳng
equality (n): sự bình đẳng
gender (n): giới tính
discriminate (v): phân biệt
discrimination (n): sự phân biệt
slightly (adv): một chút
eliminate (v): loại bỏ
enrol (v): đăng ký
enrolment (n): sự/số lượng đăng ký
pursue (v): theo đuổi
sue (v): kiện ai ra tòa
limitation (n): sự hạn chế
loneliness (n): sự cô đơn
preference (n): sự ưu tiên
employment (n): việc làm
firefighter (n): lính cứu hỏa
co-worker (n): đồng nghiệp
courage (n): lịng dũng cảm
encourage (v): khuyến khích
talkative (adj): hay nói
wage (n): tiền công
qualified (adj): đủ điều kiện
income (n): thu nhập
educator (n): người thầy
domestic (adj): trong gia đình
responsibility (n): trách nhiệm
mature (v): làm cho chín chắn
knowledgeable (adj): am hiểu

considerable /kan'sidarabl/ (adj): đáng kể = remarkable
progress (n): sự tiến bộ
workforce (n): nguồn nhân lực = labor force
challenge (n): thách thức

caretaker (n): người chăm sóc người khác tại nhà (= caregiver)
housekeeper (n): người dọn phòng, người giúp viêc,quản gia
opportunity (n): cơ hội
obesity (n): sự béo phì
2. Grammar
The pasive voice with modals: câu bị động với động từ tình thái (khuyết thiếu)
2.1. Form: modals +be + Past Participle

He might be fired
(Anh ấy có thể bị sa thải)
This dress must be cleaned carefully
(Cái váy này cần phải được giặt cẩn thận)

*) Note:

+ Modals (động từ tình thái): can, could, may, might, will, would, must, shall, should, ought to ...
+ Past participle (quá khứ phân từ): nếu là động từ có quy tắc ta thêm -ed vào động từ (V-ed), nếu
là động từ bất quy tắc ta xem ở cột thứ 3 trong bảng động từ bất quy tắc (V3)
It will be decorated. (V-ed)
It could be spoken. (V-3)
2.2. Use:
+ Chúng ta dùng câu bị động khi chúng ta muốn nhấn mạnh đối tương chịu tác động của hành động hoặc không

muốn đề cập đến đối tượng gây ra hành động.

Information can be stored in hard disk.
(Thơng tin có thể được lưu trữ trong ổ cứng)
Document could be sent via e-mail.
(Tài liệu có thể được gửi qua e-mail)

3. Pronunciation
Stress in two-syllable words: trọng âm trong từ gồm 2 âm tiết
3.1. Động từ có 2 âm tiết: vể cơ bản trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 2
mspire, divide, begin, relax, reveal, employ, enjoy, deny
Ngoại lệ: có một số ít động từ có 2 âm tiết mà trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất
follow, answer, visit, happen
3.2. Danh từ có 2 âm tiết: về cơ bản trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ 1
freedom, children, workforce, hobby, healthcare, labor, people standard
Ngoại lệ: có một số ít danh từ có 2 âm tiết mà trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai
mistake, advice, machine, embrace
3.3. Tính từ có 2 âm tiết: về cơ bản trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ nhất
basic, busy, bulky, pretty, easy, major, handsome, famous

Ngoại lệ: có một số ít tính từ có 2 âm tiết mà trọng âm rơi vào âm tiết thứ hai
alone, asleep, alive, correct
1. Match each picture with a suitable word/ phrase.


a. gender


b. firefighter


c. ưage


d. educator


e. progress

Your answer:
1. ________

2. ________

3. ________

4. ________

5. ________

2. Give the English word and Vietnamese meaning to each of the following transcription.
1. ______________________ /iˈkwɒləti/ (n): ______________________

2. ______________________ /dɪֽˌskrɪmɪˈneɪʃn/ (n): ______________________
3. ______________________ /ˈslaɪtli/ (adv): ______________________
4. ______________________ /ɪnˈrəʊlmənt/ (n): ______________________
5. ______________________ /pəˈsjuː/ (v): ______________________
6. ______________________ /ˈprefrəns/ (n): ______________________
7. ______________________ /rɪˌspɒnsəˈbɪləti/ (n): ______________________
8. ______________________ /məˈtʃʊə (r)/ (v): ______________________
9. ______________________ /ˈtʃælɪndʒ/ (n): ______________________
10. ______________________ /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ (n): ______________________
3. Give the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1. A new monitor ________________________ (will/select) by the members of the class next semester.
2. Information _______________________________________ (can/find) due to the aid of the Internet.
3. If you want your car to be in good condition, it _______________________________ (must/service) frequently.

4. Students ________________________________ (not/should/give) everything about the subjects by their
lecturers. They need to be creative and discover new knowledge.
5. This house ________________________________________________ (must/sell) within 2 months.
6. When people have experienced something terrible, funny things ______________________________ (can/do).
7. A valid work permit ________________________________________________ (must/hold) by all employees.
8. Advice from the experts ____________________ (should/take) by the government before making the new law.
9. Cultural differences ________________________________ (ought to/consider) by companies when engaging in
business with overseas organizations.
10. Some changes to our lives _______________________________ (must/ make) if we want to reduce pollution.
4. Complete the following sentences.
1. He often hands in his assignment 10 days earlier so that it can _______________________________________.
2. If everyone fights against domestic violence, gender discrimination ____________________________________
3. On riding, cycle helmets must __________________________________________________.
4. Without permission from the headmaster, no car or motorbike may ____________________________________

within the school grounds.
5. In case of being attacked by hackers, a Facebook account can _______________________________________.
5. Find and correct mistakes in the following sentences.
1. Any kind of violence must not be allow at school.
2. These medicines must keep out of children’s reach.
3. The instructions must follow strictly by the students.
4. In the case of a pupil being absent from school, messages can leave on the answering machine before 7.30 a.m.
5. These pills must not take if you are under twelve years old.
1. Gap-filling: Choose the suitable words from the box to complete the sentences.

discrimination forced






1. The oil price has _____________________________________ increased this year.
2. According to some psychological experts, the fact that women have to work more than men at home is one of
the signs of gender _________________________________.

3. In Africa, many girls desire to study but they are _____________________ to leave schools because of poverty.
4. In order to _______________________ hunger and poverty so that many citizens have better lives, the
government should act urgently and strictly.
5. It is said that there is gender __________________ in favor of boys in recruitment in the police and army forces.
6. She had to struggle and overcome criticism to ______________________________ her dream.
7. Success comes to those who have enough ___________________________________ and will.
8. Linda decided to ______________________ that man for causing accident because she believed that he
deserved to be punished.
9. When the children see how their parents work hard to support the families and share ___________________
responsibilities, they will try to study harder.
10. French are famous for being romantic and France is well known for having made a _____________________
progress in gender equality.
2. Match each word/phrase on the left with its description on the right.

1. eliminate
2. courage
3. talkative
4. domestic
5. considerable
Your answer:
1. ___________

a. liking to talk a lot
b. to remove or get rid of something/somebody

c. connected with the home or family
d. great in amount, size, importance, etc.
e. the ability to do something dangerous without showing fear
2. ___________

3. ___________

4. ___________

5. ___________

3. Word formation: Give the correct form of the words in brackets.
1. She faced ______________ because she not only had few friends but also was unwelcomed in that area. (lonely)
2. That a women becomes a ___________________ has ever been considered to be weird, as people have assumed
that this job is only for men. (firefight)
3. Although she was aware of gender __________________ in favor of boys, she applied for that position. (prefer)
4. This university is ranked as one the most successful institutions which have made ____________________
progress in gender equality. (consider)
5. In order to eliminate gender inequality, domestic ____________________ need to be shared by both husbands
and wives, (responsible)
6. The number of female _____________________ has increased sharply for the past few years. (enroll)
7. My uncle is very ____________________ about rhinos. He has studied about them for a long time. (knowledge)
8. By knowing their children’s strengths and _____________________ parents can find appropriate strategies to
educate them. (weak)
9. She contributed to the formation of an ________________________ for female pilots, gave advice to women on
careers and helped inspire others. (organize)
10. Even today, her life and career remain __________________________ to many people. (fascinate)
4. Choose the best answer.

1. In some companies, it is suggested that female officers should be supported by their male co-workers. The
underlined word has the closest meaning to:
A. colleges

B. colleagues

C. villages

D. collectors

2. Paul: “I suppose that working mothers are good educators for their children.” - Kate: “____”
A. I agree with you. They know little about educating.
B. I couldn’t agree more. They are able to teach their children at home.
C. That’s true. They don’t know how to teach their children.
D. Because educators are teachers.
3. In order to be ____ for this position, candidates must have not only an MA degree but also work experience.
A. qualify

B. quality

C. qualified

D. qualification

4. Taking part in social activities and interacting with different cultures widen their knowledge and gradually ____
A. nature

B. mature

C. future

D. picture

5. “The protesters couldn’t persuade the president to change the law.” has the closest meaning to ____.
A. The president couldn’t be persuaded to change the laws.
B. The president couldn’t persuaded to change the laws.
C. The president couldn’t be persuade to change the laws.
D. The president couldn’t persuade to change the laws.
6. The afternoon meeting ____ because three of the five committee members are unable to attend.
A. might postpone

B. might postponed

C. might be postpone

D. might be postponed

7. Dental appointments ____ so as not to conflict with school commitments.
A. should be arranged

B. should not be arranged

C. should be arrange

D. should not arrange

8. This beer can be served ____ beefsteak.
A. from

B. by

C. with

D. as

9. Many parents think that fast food ____ in schools.
A should not sold

B. should not be sell

C. should be not sold

D. should not be sold

10. Jenny and Jim have been looking for a caretaker to look after their parents who are both old and sick in their
house. The underlined word has the closest meaning to ____.
A. test taker

B. caregiver

C. test giver

D. checker

11. Modules ____ in the minimum amount of time.
A. cannot always be completed

B. cannot be completed always

C. can always be not completed

D. can be not always completed

12. The return of assignment, exams and final grades ____ by lecturers’ time.
A. could affected

B. could be affected

C. could affect

13. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.

D. could be affect

A. accept

B. inspire

C. reveal

D. workforce

C. must be purchased

D. must purchase

14. A Study Guide ____ by all Independent Study students.
A. must be purchase

B. must purchased

15. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. pursue

B. courage

C. hobby

D. standard

16. Both gender should be provided ____ equal rights to education, employment and healthcare.
A. from

B. by

C. with

D. on

17. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
Students enrolling for the first time will be charge 9 dollars per course.




18. Choose the answer which needs correcting.
Any bicycles brought onto school grounds should clearly label with the owner’s name.




19. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. bulky

B. handsome

C. employ

D. basic

20. Choose the word with a stress pattern different from the others.
A. machine

B. answer

C. mistake

D. alone

5. Rearrange the words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.

1. equality / essay / An / gender / on / be / written / must / by / student. / each
2. processed / will / When / these / files /be/?
3. A/ course / finished / must / in / a / maximum / be / of / weeks. / four
4. serious / Obesity / be / health / considered / be / to / a / problem / can
5. achievements / in / information / technology / and /will / made /be/ scientists. / More / by
6. Read the passage and choose the best answer.
Secretary-General's Message for 2015
Twenty years ago, when the world convened a landmark conference on women's human right, the
devastating conflict in the former Yugoslavia prompted desserved attention to rape and other war crimes
there against civilians. Two decades later, with girls as young as seven not only targeted but used as
weapons ____ (1). violent extremists, it would be easy to lose heart about the value of international
gatherings. But while we have a long way to go to achieve full equality - with ending gender-based

violence a central goal - progress ____ (2) has proven the enduring value of the 1995 Beijing Conference
on Women.
Since the adoption of its Declaration and Platform for Action, more girls have attained more ____
(3) to more education than ever before. The number of women dying in childbirth has been almost halved.
More women are leading businesses, Governments and global organizations. I welcome these advances.
At the same time, on this International Women’s Day, we must ____ (4) that the gains have been too slow
and uneven and that we must do far more to accelerate progress everywhere.
The world must come together in response to the targeting of women and girls by violent extremists.
From Nigeria and Somalia to Syria and Iraq, the bodies of women have been transformed into
battlegrounds for warriors carrying out specific and systematic strategies, often on the basis of ethnicity or
religion. Women have been attacked for trying to exercise their right to education and basic services; they

have been raped and turned into sex slaves; they have been given as prizes to fighters, or traded among
extremist groups in trafficking networks. Doctors, nurses and others ____ (5) for trying to operate in their
professional capacity. The women human rights defenders brave enough to challenge such atrocities risk and sometimes lose - their lives for the cause.
We must take a clear global stance against this total assault on women’s human rights. The
international community needs to translate its outrage into ____ (6) action, including humanitarian aid,
psychosocial services, support for livelihoods and efforts to bring perpetrators to justice. With women and
girls often the first targets of attack, their rights must be at the centre of our strategy to address this
staggering and growing ____ (7).

Empowered women and girls are the best hope for sustainable

development following conflict. They are the best drivers of growth, the best hope for reconciliation and
the best buffer against radicalization of youth and the repetition of cycles of violence.
Even in societies at peace, too many girls and women are still ____ (8) of domestic abuse, female
genital mutilation and other forms of violence that traumatize individuals and damage whole societies.
Discrimination remains a thick barrier that ____ (9). We need to expand opportunities in politics, business
and beyond. We need to change mind-sets, especially among men, and engage men in becoming active
change-agents themselves.

And we must back up our resolve with resources based on the sure

understanding that investments in gender equality generate economic progress, social and political
inclusion and other benefits that, in turn, foster stability and human dignity.
This is a vital year for advancing the cause of women’s human rights. The international community
is hard at work on establishing a new sustainable development agenda that will build on the Millennium
Development Goals and shape policies and social investments for the next generation. To be truly ____
(10), the post-2015 development agenda must prioritize gender equality and women’s empowerment. The
world will never realize 100 per cent of its goals if 50 per cent of its people cannot realize their full
potential. When we unleash the power of women, we can secure the future for all.

Ban Ki-moon
1. A. by

B. on

2. A. past two decades ago

C. over

D. through

B. over the past two decades

C. last two decades ago

D. over the past two decade

3. A. accept

B. stress

C. access

D. actress

4. A. acknowledge

B. acknowledged

C. knowledge

D. knowledgeable

5. A. have assassinated

B. have been assassinating

C. have been assassinate

D. have been assassinated

6. A. mean

B. meaning

C. meaningful

D. meaningless

7. A. fortunate

B. challenged

C. challenge

D. opportunities

8. A. targets

B. budget

C. forgets

D. regrets

9. A. must shatter

B. must be shattered C. must shattered

D. must be shatter

10. A transform

B. transforms

D. transformation

C. transformative

1. Where, by whom and when was the airship invented?
A. In US by Henri Giffard in 1852

B. In France by Henri Giffard in 1852

C. In France Henri Giffard in 1855

B. In Canada by Henri Giffard in 1855

2. Is this true or false?
Dynamite was invented in Sweden by Alfred Nobel in 1866.
3. Is this true or false?
The pencil was invented in Switzerland by Conrad Gesner in 1565.
4. Where, by whom and when was the radio invented?

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