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Review 3 678 Lesson 2 Skills

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Student teacher: Vũ Thị Mỹ Hạnh.
Instructors: Phạm Thị Lan Oanh.
Grade: 10C9
Distributive period:
Date of planning: March 10th, 2018
Date of teaching: March 15th, 2018.
Lesson 2: Skill
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Listen for gist and specific information
- Use the words and phrases related to words related to new ways to learn.
- Read for general ideas and specific information about an interactive white
- To talk about different customs in Vietnam and in the world.
- Write about what each person’s daily life is like.
2. Skills: skills Ss have learnt and practiced in unit 6-7-8
3. Attitude and competencies:
- have a positive attitude towards what they have learnt
- improve such competencies such as: collaboration, teamwork, group-work,
presentation, assessment.
II. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and powerpoint.
- Students: Textbook.
III. Anticipated problems and solutions
- Ss may need help with the discussion task, so T should be ready to help
IV. Procedures:

1. Warm up: (5 minutes)
- T calls on 3 Ss to do exercise 1 page 29, in
the workbook.
- T gives comments.
- 2 Ss go to the board and do the exercises.
- T asks others to give comments.
I. Reading
*Activity 1: (3 minutes)
-T asks Ss to do Activity 1 individually,
-T gives the correct answers and
explanations, if necessary.
- Ss do the task individually.
- Ss Compare their answers with their
- One S to writes the answers on the board.
Others give comments.
2.c 3.b
*Activity 2: (5 minutes)
- T asks Ss to do Activity 2 (Groups work).
- T gives the correct answers and
explanations, if necessary.
- Compare their answers with other groups.
- One S to write the answers on the board.
Others give comments.

1. It helps students learn English in a more
stimulating way.
2. Because it can engage students and
provide them with interactive opportunities.
3 Because with it teachers can make
grammar or vocabulary presentations and
save them for using again.
4. They can download gap-fill exercises,
multiple-choice quizzes or games.
5. They can drag and drop their answers into


Lesson 2: Skills
I. Reading
*Activity 1:


*Activity 2:
1. It helps students learn English in a more
stimulating way.
2. Because it can engage students and
provide them with interactive

3 Because with it teachers can make
grammar or vocabulary presentations and
save them for using again.
4. They can download gap-fill exercises,
multiple-choice quizzes or games.
5. They can drag and drop their answers
into the gaps with their fingers.

the gaps with their fingers.
II. Speaking
*Activity 3: (5 minutes)
-T asks Ss to work in group (2 groups) and
discuss about different customs in four
- T asks each group to choose one student to
report the interview results to the class.
- Ask other Ss for their comments and
decide which student has the best answers.
1. Yes. People should arrive early if they are
invited to someone’s house.
2. Because our grandparent and parents
taught us this. And we also read about it in
3. On the New Year Days, people don’t
sweep the floor because they believe that it
make the luck go out.
III. Listening

*Activity 4: (10 minutes)
- T asks Ss to work in groups and play the
record first.
- T writes Ss’ answers on the board.
- T plays the record twice.
- T monitors the class.
- T asks Ss to compare their answer written
on the board.
- T plays the recording and stop at the place
where Ss can get the correct answers to
- Ss listen to the teacher.
- Ss read through all the sentences and
underline the keywords.
- Ss compare the answers.
- Ss listen and understand what they have to

II. Speaking
*Activity 3:
1. Yes. People should arrive early if they
are invited to someone’s house.
2. Because our grandparent and parents
taught us this. And we also read about it in
3. On the New Year Days, people don’t
sweep the floor because they believe that it
make the luck go out.

III. Listening
*Activity 4:

1. F
2. T
6. F




1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F
IV. Writing
*Activity 5: (15 minutes)
- T asks Ss to write a short paragraph about
what customs a visitor to Vietnam should
- T asks Ss to write the draft first in class,
and then they may write their final visions at
- Ss write the paragraph (work in groups)
- T asks Ss to talk about tense and structure
when writing a paragraph.
*Suggested answers
When you visit Viet Nam, there are some
important things you should know. For
example, if you are visiting a pagoda or
temple, it’s not acceptable to take

When someone gives you a gift, don’t open
it in front of the giver. And remember that
you shouldn’t kiss friends on the cheeks
when meeting them.
When you plan to visit someone at home,
you should call first. You also should arrive
on time when you are invited to someone’s
home. And remember that buying things in
open - air markets.
3. Consolidate: (2 mins)
- T asks Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- T give feedback.
- Summarize the main points of the lesson.
4. Homework: (1 mins)
- Prepare for the next lesson.

IV. Writing
-The tense: present simple
- The structure:
+ Should/ Shouldn’t + V(inf)
+ Remember that + a clause
+ acceptable to + V(inf)
*Suggested answers
When you visit Viet Nam, there are some
important things you should know. For
example, if you are visiting a pagoda or
temple, it’s not acceptable to take
When someone gives you a gift, don’t

open it in front of the giver. And
remember that you shouldn’t kiss friends
on the cheeks when meeting them.
When you plan to visit someone at home,
you should call first. You also should
arrive on time when you are invited to
someone’s home. And remember that
buying things in open - air markets.



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