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Week: 20

Lesson 1 Getting started+Listen & read

Preparation date: 31/12/2019
Teaching date : 8/1/2019

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know what they would do in the
situations which require first - aid
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to
use language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..
4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities,
live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens

1.Warm up : Kim s game ( Getting started )
- Ask Ss to open their books and look at the

I. Getting started

things on page 80 for 20 seconds . Tell them

1. emergency room

these things are often used for first - aid

2. sterile dressing

- Divide the class into two groups .

3. medicated oil

- Ask Ss to close their books and go to the

4. ice

board to write the names of the things they

5. water pack

have just seen from memory .

6. alcohol

- Tell them the group having the most right

-write down what they would do in

English words is the winner

these situations which require first –

- Have them open the books again and go


through the words in English .

Possible answers :

Suggested answers :

+ A girl has a burn on her arm ->

1. emergency room 2. sterile dressing
3. medicated oil

4. ice 5. water pack 6.

Use cold water / ice to ease the pain
+ A boy has a bad cut on his leg ->
Use alcohol / medicated oil / sterile

- Have them discuss and write down what they


would do in these situations which require first + A girl has a nose bleed -> Use a
– aid

handkerchief to stop the bleeding /

- Call on some groups to give their answers

tell her to lie down .

and correct

+ A boy has a bee sting -> Use
medicated oil …

- write down what they would do in these


situations which require first – aid :

- (an) ambulance (n):xe cấp cứu ,xe

Possible answers :

cứu thương

+ A girl has a burn on her arm

- (an) emergence = cấp cưú , tinh

-> Use cold water / ice to ease the pain

trang khan cap

+ A boy has a bad cut on his leg

- unconscious (adj):trong trạng thái

-> drawing

-> Use alcohol / medicated oil / sterile dressing không tỉnh táo >< conscious (adj)
+ A girl has a nose bleed

trong trạng thái tỉnh táo

-> Use a handkerchief to stop the bleeding /

- to bleed -> the bleeding :chảy máu

tell her to lie down .
+ A boy has a bee sting
-> Use medicated oil …
2 Pre- reading : Introduce the topic of the

III/Gap filling Prediction

passage reading and some new words .

1. fell

-TM: Play game, practising, discussion group,
technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
a. Pre teach Vocabulary :

3. cut

-> Ask Ss to copy the vocabulary in their
* Checking technique:

Slap the board

( Put the new words in Vietnamese on the
board )
b. Gap filling Prediction
- Hang the chart with the paragraph on the
board .

2. conscious

4. bleeding
5. ambulance
6. awake

There was an emergency at Lan,s school . A
student …..(1)…. off her bike and hit her
head on the road . She was …..(2)…. but she
cut her head and the …….(3)…. was ……(4)
….. badly . Lan telephoned Bach Mai
Hospital and asked the nurse to send an ……
(5)….. to Quang Trung School . Lan was
asked to keep the student …..(6)…. while
waiting for the ambulance .
- Ask Ss to predict the words in the gaps
- Call on some Ss to go to the board and write
their words


3. While - reading :
- Have Ss open their books , listen to the tape
while reading the dialogue , then check their
- Give feedback 1. fell

2. conscious 3. cut

4. bleeding 5. ambulance 6.
* Comprehension questions
- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and select
the topic covered in the dialogue .

- Have Ss work in groups to write their

V/select the topic covered in the

answers on a sheet of paper and hand in after

dialogue .P 81

finishing .

a- b- c- e- f

- Collect Ss , papers and give feedback : a- bc- e- f
4. Post - reading :

VI/Role play

c. Role play
- Have Ss in turn play the roles to demonstrate
the dialogue .
d. Write - it -up

VII/Write - it -up

- Ask Ss to write a story using the information

“ Yesterday there was an emergency

from the dialogue .

at ……. “

- Tell Ss to begin their story with :
- Monitor and help Ss with their work

VIII.Homework : (1’)


1. Let Ss do the exercises in the

-Retell the lesson

workbook (1,2 / 55 )

1. Let Ss do the exercises in the workbook (1,2 2. Prepare the next lesson .
/ 55 )
2. Prepare the
Week: 20

Lesson 2 : Speak

Preparation date: 2/1/2019
Teaching date : 10/1/2019


By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to make and respond to requests,offers,and
promises .2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to
use language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..
4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities,
live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens

1.Warm up :
Net work
Possible answers :
- have a snake bite
- have a burn
- have a cut
- have a bee sting
- have a nose bleed
2. Pre - speaking : Introduce the topic of the
speaking and some models sentences .
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion group,

technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
1. Set the scene :
- Ask Ss some questions to elicit the models
a. I want you to get me a bandage . How can I
say ?
b.I would like you to come to my party.How
can I say ?
c. I tell my mother that I will surely finish my
work before bedtime . How can I say ?
- Have Ss repeat 2 or 3 times before writing
them on the board ( underline the key words )
=> Concept checking
- Get Ss to work out the rules for themselves by
asking questions .
- After formulating the model sentences , elicit
some more phrases with the same use from
students .
- Ask Ss to copy down .
*->1. To make a request :
Would you ( please ) + V …. ?
Reponses :
+ Sure / Ok / All right .
- I am sorry . I can / I am afraid not
->2. To make an offer :
Will / Won,t you

Shall I
V ………..?
Can I
Would you like + to V …...?
What can I do / get for you ?
Can I get you ……………..?

I. Warm up
- have a snake bite
- have a burn
- have a cut
- have a bee sting
- have a nose bleed
II.Models sentences:
a. Will you ( please ) get me a
bandage ?
b. Would you like to come to my
party ?
c. I promise I will finish my
homework before bedtime .

*->1. To make a request :
Would you ( please ) + V …. ?
Reponses :
+ Sure / Ok / All right .

- I am sorry . I can / I am afraid
->2. To make an offer :
Will / Won,t you
Shall I
V ………..?
Can I
Would you like + to V …...?
What can I do / get for you ?

Responses :
+ Yes , please . / That would be nice .
- No , thank you .
->3. To make a promise :
I promise I will / I will not …..
I will ………... I promise .
I promise to …………...
Reponses :
I hope . / Good . / I am glad . / Do not forget

2. d
3. e
4. b
5. c
3. While - speaking :
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion group,

technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
1. Matching :
- Hang the chart with the statements on the
board .
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures ( page 82 ) and
match the situations with the statements .
1. The girl has a burn on her hand .
2. The girl has a bad fever .
3. The boy has just broken the vase .
4. The boy has a headache .
5. The boy has a snake bite .
- Give feedback :
2. Picture Drill :
- Identify the situations in the pictures
- Ask Ss to work in pairs
+ Model : Could you give me a bandage ,
please ?
Sure . Here you are
- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the
exchanges in front of class .

Can I get you ……………..?
Responses :
+ Yes , please . / That would be
nice .
- No , thank you .
->3. To make a promise :
I promise I will / I will not …..

I will ………... I promise .
I promise to …………...
Reponses :
I hope . / Good . / I am glad . / Do
not forget
1.a 2. d 3. e 4. b 5. c
1. Picture a)
-> request
S1-Could you give me a
S2-Sure.Here you are.
2. Picture
-> offer / request
-Boy: Would you get me some
-Sister:Can I get you some
-Boy:+ Yes,please./That would be
+No ,I’m fine.Thank you.
3. Picture c)
-> offer / request
S1-Can i get you some bandage?
-That would be nice.

S1-You are bleeding,what can I do
for you?
S2-Can you get me some
bandage?/Would you go to the
hospital with me?
4. Picture d)
-> offer :
S1-You must have a fever.Can I
get you/Would you like

4. Post - speaking :
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
Pair work ( closed pairs )
- Get Ss in turn to practice all the exchanges
- Monitor and correct , encourage Ss to make
sentences for themselves
- Collect their ideas and write them on the
* Suggested answers :
b. A : Can I get you some water / medicine ?
B : Yes, please .
c. A : Can I get you some bandage ?
B : That would be nice

d. A : You must have a fever . Can I get you
some medicine / water ?
B : NO , I am fine . Thank you .
e. A : I promise I will not play soccer in the
house again B : I hope so .
-Retell the lesson.
1. Do exercise 3, 4/ 56 ( workbook )
2. Prepare the next lesson

Week: 20
Period: 57


S2:-Yes,please/That would be nice.
-No,I’m fine,thank you.
S1:Mon,Would /can you get me
some water/medicine?
5. Picture e)
-> promise
Boy-I promise I won’t play soccer
in the house again
Mom:-I hope so.
-Good..Don’t forget
* Suggested answers :
b. A : Can I get you some water /
medicine ?

B : Yes, please .
c. A : Can I get you some
bandage ?
B : That would be nice
d. A : You must have a fever . Can
I get you some medicine / water ?
B : NO , I am fine . Thank you .
e. A : I promise I will not play
soccer in the house again .
B : I hope so

V/ Homework (1’)
1. Do exercise 3, 4/ 56
( workbook )
2. Prepare the next lesson

Lesson 3 : Listen

Preparation date:4/1/2019
Teaching date : 12/1/2019

By the end of the lesson,Ss’ll be able to know how to listen for details about the
activities talking place in an emergency room .
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.

4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to
use language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..
4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities,
live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
1.. Warm up :
Warm up :
Guess from context What action ?
Guess from context What action ?
- Ask Ss to look at the picture and write - Ask Ss to look at the picture and write
out all the verbs describing the actions
out all the verbs describing the actions
of the people in it .
of the people in it .
- Tell Ss the group having the most right - Tell Ss the group having the most right
verbs is the winner .
verbs is the winner .
- Give feedback : to drive , wheel / move - Give feedback : to drive , wheel / move
/ push , weight , wait , lie , stand , lean . / push , weight , wait , lie , stand , lean .
= > Lead in the new lesson
2. Pre- listening : Introduce the topic of
the listening and some new words

-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
1. Pre teach vocabulary :
-> Have Ss copy
* Checking technique :
What and

a. Order Prediction
- Ask Ss to look at the picture in their
books again and guess the letter A,B

- an eye chart ( using picture ) :bảng thị
- a parademic : he takes care of patients
but he is not a doctor nor a nurse :y sĩ,y

- a wheelchair ( using the picture )
-> to wheel ( to push a wheel
chair ):xe đẩy,ghế đẩy
- a stretcher ( picture ) :cái cáng
- a crutch -> crutches ( picture ) :cái
II. Order Prediction
Guess /key:

,C ,D ,E ,F to the correct words in the
box .
- Call on some volunteers from each
group to demonstrate in front of class .
- Give feedback

D-eye chart
III.Listen:Tape transcript:
3. While – listening :
This is the emergency room in a large
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion hospital.A paramedic is wheeling a
group, technical present….
patient on a stretcher into the
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
emergency room where a doctor is
-Q: Love family, friends and country
waiting to treat the patient.The patient
- Rub out the letter ( A ,B …) but leave doesn’t look well .His head is bandaged
the words .
and his eyes are closed.
- Tell Ss they are going to listen to a
A nurseis pushing an emptywheelchair
paragraph about the activities taking
towards the exit.She is probably taking
place in an emergency room which

it to a patient in the ambulance.
contains the words on the board
The eye chart on the wall is used to
- Put the words in the table
check people’s eyesight.The chart
- Have Ss copy and guess the order of
consists of about 28 letters ranging in
the words
size from about5 centimeters in height at
- Play the tape and ash Ss to listen
the top of the chart to about 1centimeter
- Ask Ss to give their answers and
at the bottom.
A doctor is trying to weigh a crying
b. True / False statements
baby on the scale.The baby’s mother is
- Stick the chart with the statements on
standing nearby.She ‘s trying to stop her
the board 1. A doctor is wheeling a
child from crying.The crutches ,which
patient into the emergency room .
are for someone with a broken leg ,are
2. The patient s head is bandaged
leaning against the wall.
3. A nurse is pushing a wheelchair with IV.T/F statements:
a patient sitting on it .
1. False
( a parademic not a doctor )

4. The eye chart consists of 28 letters
2. True
ranging in the different size .
3. False
( empty wheelchair not with
5. The baby s mother is trying to stop the a patient )
nurse from weighing her baby .
4. True
- Ask Ss to read the statements carefully 5 . False
( stop her baby from
and check if they understand the
crying )
meaning of the statements
- Have Ss work in pairs to decide which
of the statements is true and which is
false .
- Play the tape and have Ss listen ( 2 or 3
times )
- Call on Ss to read their answers and
give feedback
V. Write it up
4. Post – listening :
Write it up
“ This is the emergency room in a large
- Have Ss write the story about the
hospital ….. “
activities in the picture , using the

Present Continuous .
“ This is the emergency room in a
large hospital ….. “
-Retell the lesson
1 Let Ss do the exercises in the
2. Prepare the next lesson

VI. Homework : (1’)
1 Let Ss do the exercises in the
2. Prepare the next lesson

Kiểm tra ngày tháng
năm 2019

Week: 21
Period: 58

Lesson 4 : Read

Preparation date:7/1/2019
Teaching date : 15/1/2019

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to read for the instructions about some
more situations requiring first – aid
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.

- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to
use language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..
4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities,
live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens
1. Warm up :
Warm up :
- Ask Ss to give nouns for emergencies
- Ask Ss to give nouns for emergencies
which require first – aid and write them

which require first – aid and write them on the board ( burn , cut , bee sting ,
on the board ( burn , cut , bee sting ,
snake bite , fainting , shock , nose bleed )
snake bite , fainting , shock , nose
- Have Ss choose 4 any 4 words on the
bleed )
board and write them down on a piece of
- Have Ss choose 4 any 4 words on the
paper .
board and write them down on a piece of - call out the words until someone has
paper .
ticked all the four words and shouts “
- call out the words until someone has
Bingo “
ticked all the four words and shouts “
Bingo “
2. Pre – reading : Introduce the topic of
reading passage and some new words to
Ss .
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
1. Pre – teach vocabulary :
- Have Ss copy .
* Checking technique : Rub out and
3. While – reading :
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….

-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
- Have Ss open their books and read the
instructions page 83

- to lie flat ( mime / drawing ) :nằm
duỗi thẳng
- to elevate >< to lower :nâng cao
- a victim : a person who needs first aidnạn nhân
- to overheat : make something too hot
:làm q nóng
- tissue damage = tổn hại mơ
- to ease = to stop:làm dịu

- Ask Ss to go to the board and add the
missing information .
a. Matching :
- Ask Ss to read the statements / page 84
and match tree Leadings A , B , C to
them .
Give feedback
A -> a , c , e
B -> b
C -> d
b. Grid
- Draw the grid on the board .
- Ask Ss to read the instructions again

and fill the information .
- Call on some Ss to the board to write
their answers
- Give feedback
*Fainting :
- Leave the patient lying flat .
- Elevate the patients, feet or lower his /
her head .
- Do not force him / her to sit or stand .
- Give him / her a cup of tea when he /
she revives .
- Do not overheat the victim with
blankets or coat
- Do not give the victim any food or
drink or drug .
*Burns :
- Cool the burn immediately to minimize
the tissue damage .
- Put the affected part under a running
cold tap .
- Ease the pain with ice or cold water
packs .
- Cover the burned area with a thick
sterile dressing .
- Have Ss copy the grid in their
notebooks .
4. Post – reading :
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….

-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
- Ask Ss to work in groups to continue
discussing how to give first aid .
- Call on some volunteers from each

1. Matching page 84
A -> a , c , e
B -> b
C -> d
2. Grid
- Leave the patient lying flat .
- Elevate the patients, feet or lower his /
her head .
- Do not force him / her to sit or stand .
- Give him / her a cup of tea when he /
she revives .
- Do not overheat the victim with
blankets or coat
- Do not give the victim any food or drink
or drug .
Burns :
- Cool the burn immediately to minimize
the tissue damage .
- Put the affected part under a running
cold tap .
- Ease the pain with ice or cold water
packs .

- Cover the burned area with a thick
sterile dressing .

III/Discuss how to give first aid .

group to demonstrate in front of class .
-Retell the lesson
1. Let Ss do the exercises 6,7 in the
2. Prepare the next lesson
Week: 21
Period: 59


IV / Homework
1. Let Ss do the exercises 6,7 in the
workbook .
2. Prepare the next lesson

Lesson 5 : Write

Preparation date: 9/1/2019
Teaching date : 17/1/2019


By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to write a thank – you note .
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to
use language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..
4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities,
live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens


1.Warm up :
a. Shark attack
( Revised words : lie flat , elevate ,
lower , victim , ease )
Lead in the new lesson
b.Ask and answer:
a. What’s this?
b. Have you ever written a letter? If
yes, when?
c. Have you ever received a letter? If

yes, when?

Warm up :
a. Shark attack
( Revised words : lie flat , elevate ,
lower , victim , ease )
Lead in the new lesson
b.Ask and answer:
a. What’s this?
b. Have you ever written a letter? If
yes, when?
c. Have you ever received a letter? If
yes, when?

2. Pre – writing : Introduce the topic of
the writing and some new words to Ss
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….

-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
1. Pre- teach vocabulary :
Have Ss copy
* Checking vocabulary : slap the
a. Set the scene
- Ask Ss to close their books and listen “
Nga was sick and she had to go to the
hospital . After she left the hospital , she

wrote a thank – you note to Hoa . Why
and what did she write ? “
b. True / False Predictions :
- Hang the poster with the statements on
the board
a. Nga writes to thank Hoa for some
come candy . F
b. Hoa,s gift cheered Nga up . T
c.Nga ,d like Hoa to see her at the
hospital F
d. Nga is very bored now . T
e. Nga writes the letter at the hospital .F
- Ask Ss to read the statements and
predict .
- Get S to give their predictions and
write them on the board .
- Ask Ss to look at the letter and
complete it with the right verb forms .
- Monitor and help Ss with the tense
forms .
- Call on some Ss to give their answers
and give feedback - Ask Ss to read the
whole letter and check if their prediction
are right or not .
3. While – writing :
Questions and
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…

-Q: Love family, friends and country
- Tell Ss they are going to write a thank
– you note to a friend and invite him /
her to go on a picnic with them .
- Ask Ss to read the questions carefully
to answer orally
- Have Ss practice speaking to each
other .

- to thank Sb for sth
Eg : She thanked me for helping her
- to cheer Sb up =làm ai phấn khởi -to
come over ( translation ):ghé thăm
-thank -you note : thư cám ơn

II/True / False Predictions :
Answer key :
1. False -> flower ( not candy ) 2. True
3. False -> at her house ( not at the
4. True
5. False -> at her house ( not at the

IV/Questions and answers
Dear Mary,
Thank you very much for the gift you sent
me on my birthday. They were beautiful
and theynreally helped to cheer me up.I
am 14 years old.Now I am happy .Will
you come over to my house on the
weekend?.I'd love to see you .
I 'll phone you on Saturday afternoon
Your friend,
-Retell the lesson

- Monitor and correct .
- Get Ss to join the sentences into a
paragraph to make it a thank – you note .
- Tell Ss to write their letters in their
exercise notebooks .
4. Post – writing : Exhibition
- Divide the class into 4 groups and
choose a letter randomly in each group .
- Compare their letters and correct .
- Call on some more Ss to read their
letters for class
- Give feedback and correct .
-Retell the lesson
1. Ask Ss to use the same format to

write another letter to another friend for
another occasion .
2. T reminds ss of how to write a thankyou note
3. Write a thank you note on your own
4. Do the exercise 4/56 – 7 /58
5. Prepare language focus
6.Do the exercises in the workbook .

Week: 21
Period: 60

V / Homework : (1’)
1. Ask Ss to use the same format to write
another letter to another friend for another
occasion .
2. Do the exercises in the workbook .
3. Do the exercise 4/56 – 7 /58
4. Prepare language focus

Lesson 6: Language focus

Preparation date:11/1/2019
Teaching date : 19/1/2019

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to know how to use “ in order to , so as to “
to indicate purpose , Future simple and Modal “ will “ to make requests , offers and
promises .

2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to
use language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..
4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities,
live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens

1.*Warm up
Noughts and crosses :
Turn on get
-T asks Ss to play game “ noughts and
crosses ”

-Ss use future simple tense
-T remarks and gives marks
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
a.. Grammar notes :
- Ask Ss to repeat the uses and forms of “
In order to / so as to + V infinitive “ “
Future simple “ and “ Modal Will “
- Summarize and hang the charts with
models and uses of them .
+ Negative purposes :
In order not to + V / So as not to + V
Eg : You have to take your warm clothes
with you in order not to get bad cold.
- Have Ss copy .
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
b. Exercises :
- Ask Ss to look at the books and do the
exercises .
- Do them orally first , then copy them in
their exercise notebooks
c.Ex 1 : Matching P86:
- Ask Ss to read the example aloud and ask

them to match one part of a sentence from
column A with another part in column B
- Get Ss to exchange their answers to
correct for each other .
- Call on some Ss to read their answers and

I.*Warm up
Noughts and crosses :
Turn on



I. Grammar notes :
-“ In order to / so as to + V infinitive “
- In order not to + V / So as not to + V

II. Ex 1 : Matching P86:
1- f
2- c
3- b

5- a
6- d

give feedback
d.Ex 2 : Future simple p86
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the
dialogue and exchange their roles.
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of
class .
- Give feedback
4.Futher practice
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
e.Ex 3: p87 Making requests , offers and
promises with will
- Explain the aims of the exercise
- Ask Ss to read each situation and work in
pairs to complete the dialogue.
- Call on some pairs to practice in front of
class .
- Give feedback :
f.Ex 4 :p88 Work with a partner
- Explain the aims of the exercise
- Ask Ss to read the example aloud .
- Get Ss to read all the words in the box .
Be sure Ss to understand the meaning of
them and each situation .

- Have Ss work in pairs to make requests ,
offers or promises
- Call on some pairs to read their answers
aloud .
- Give feedback

III.Ex 2 : Future simple p86
1. will
2. will
3. won,t
4. Shall
5. will
IV.Ex 3: p87 Making requests , offers
and promises with will
a. Will you open the window , please ,
Nga ?
b . will you give it to me , please ?
c. Will you answer the telephone ,
please ?
d. Will you turn on the TV , please ,
Nga ?
e. Will you pour a glass of water for
me , please ?
f. Will you get me a cushion , please ?
V.Ex 4 :p88 Work with a partner
b. Will you paint the door , please ?
I will paint the door tomorrow .
c . Will you study harder , please ?
I will study harder .

d. Will you carry the bag for me , please
Shall I carry the bag for you ?
e. Will you hang the washing , please ?
Shall I hang the washing for you ?
f. Will you cut the grass , please ?
I will cut the grass for you

V / Homework : (1’)
1. Let Ss copy all the exercises in the
-Retell the lesson.
notebooks .
1. Let Ss copy all the exercises in the
2. Prepare the next lesson
2. Prepare the next lesson
3.Complete the second sentence so that
3.Complete the second sentence so that it it has a meaning to the first.
has a meaning to the first.
1. Where is the nearest post office?
1. Where is the nearest post office?
Could you show me the way to
Could you show me the way to

the nearest post office?
2. Open the door, please.
Will you please open the door?
3. Hanh is studying very hard because she

doesn’t want to fail in the exam.
Hanh is studying very hard in
order not to fail in the exam.
4. Do you want me to drive?
Shall I drive?
5. I want you to help me carry my bags.
Can you help me carry my bags?
6. He climbed the tree because he wanted
to get a better view.
He climbed the tree so as to get a
better view.

the nearest post office?
2. Open the door, please.
Will you please open the
3. Hanh is studying very hard because
she doesn’t want to fail in the exam.
Hanh is studying very hard in
order not to fail in the exam.
4. Do you want me to drive?
Shall I drive?
5. I want you to help me carry my bags.
Can you help me carry my
6. He climbed the tree because he
wanted to get a better view.
He climbed the tree so as to
get a better view.


Kiểm tra ngày tháng
năm 2019
Week: 22
Period: 61

Lesson 1 : Getting started +Listen and read

Preparation date:14/1/2019
Teaching date : 22/1/2019

By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to do something to protect the environment
and save natural resources .
2.Skill: Listening ,speaking ,reading ,writing
3. Attitude: - Positive about their lesson.
- Students know how to learn English in right way.
- Ss are interested in doing exercises.
4. Competence and quality:
4.1. Competence:
- General capacity:self-learning ability, communication capacity, capacity to
use language, cooperation capacity,…
- Specilized capacity:English language ability, develop self capacity,..
4.2. Quality: Love family and country, willing to participate in social activities,

live humanty, cooperate with people around,…
1, Teacher's: text book, teacher’s book, sub-boards, pictures, cues
.2, Students': text book, note book, chalks, pens

1.* Warm up:
Brainstorm :

I* Warm up:
Brainstorm :

Reuse plastic
Ways to reduce
the amount of

Possible answer :
Use cloth bags, use tree leaves to warp
things, make garbage into fertilizer,
make vegetable matter into animal food.
2. Pre – reading : Introduce the topic of
the passage reading and some new
words to Ss .
-TM: Play game, practising, discussion
group, technical present….

-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country
a. Pre – teach vocabulary :
-> Have Ss copy .
* Checking technique : Jumbled
- Stick 6 flashcards with jumbled words
on the board
- Ask Ss to rewrite the words in the right
- Tell Ss the first two groups with right
words will get 2 points - Correct and
give feedback
contact – representative – resource
natural – protect – recycle
b. True / false predictions
- Set the scene “ A representative from
Friends of the Earth , Miss Blake , is
talking to the students of Quang Trung
School . Friends of the Earth shows
people how to protect the environment
and save natural resources “
- Put the chart with the statements on the

Reuse plastic
Ways to reduce
the amount of

Possible answer :
Use cloth bags, use tree leaves to warp
things, make garbage into fertilizer, make
vegetable matter into animal food.

- representative (n) = đại diện
- to protect = to keep so/ sth safe from
danger .:bảo vệ
-> to protect so / sth from so / sth
- natural resource (n) : coal mines , oil /
gold / mineral deposits: tài nguyên thiên
- to recycle “ to make sth already used
able to be used again .tái chế
- to contact = to communicate with so by
telephone or letter :liên hệ,tiếp xúc.
III. True / false predictions
1. False -> an organization to help people
2. True
3. False -> Reduce means not buying …
4. False -> We can reuse things …
5. True
6. True

board .
1. Friends of the Earth is an organization
to help people make friends with each

other .
2. Miss Blake asks the students to
remember 3 things : reduce , reuse ,
recycle .
3. Reduce means buying the products
which are over packed .
4. We can not reuse things like
envelopes , glass , plastic bottles , old
plastic bags .
5. Miss Blake says that we should use
cloth bags and should not use plastic
bags at all .
6. Recycling means not just throwing
things away but trying and finding
another use for them .
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide if the
statements are true or false .
- Call on some Ss to read their guesses
and write them on the board .
3. While – reading :
1. Checking predictions
- Ask Ss to open their books , listen to
the tape while reading the dialogue .
- Call on Ss to correct the false
statements .
- Give feedback
2. Comprehension questions :
- Ask Ss to look at the questions and
work in pairs .
- Monitor and help Ss with their work

- Call on some pairs to practice asking
and answering the questions .
- Give feedback

4. Post – reading :
-TM: Play game, practising,
discussion group, technical present….
-C: Co-operation, communication,…
-Q: Love family, friends and country

.Answer the questions:P90
a. Reduce means not buying products
which are over packed .
b. We can reuse things like envelopes ,
glass , plastic bottles and old plastic
bags .
c. Recycle means not just throwing things
away . Try and find another use for them
d. We can look for information on
recycling things by having a contact with
an organization like Friends of the Earth ,
going to the local library or asking your
family and friends .
e. We should not use plastic bags because
when we throw them away , they could
stay very long and could not be selfdestroyed .

“How to protect our environment ?”

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