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(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2018- 2019
Thời gian: 60 phút - khơng tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. love
B. shovel
C. dove
D. move
Question 2:A. recipe
B. acne
C. biome
D. apostrophe
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 3:A. employment B. obstacle
C. encounter
D. determine
Question 4:A. particular
B. significant
C. satisfaction
D. collaborate
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 5: My colleagues and I did not find the new software program to be easy as the old one.
A. did not find

B. My colleagues and I
C. be easy as
D. the new
Question 6: The book had already been published by the time the error is discovered.
A. had already
B. is discovered
C. by the time
D. The
Question 7: The best seats in the theatre will be reserved for inviting guests.
A. will be reserved
B. for inviting
C. best
D. in the
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 8: She faces the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves.
A. quandary
B. quarantine
C. quantity
D. quantum
Question 9: She felt she had been left in the lurch by all her colleagues.
A. forbidden
B. forsaken
C. forgiven
D. forgotten
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
"But why do you want to be a fashion designer? You could go to any university in the country with the grades you’ve got and
you want to go to fashion school?" Tanya bowed her head further over the piece of silk she was working on and continued to

sew the small bright beads onto the fine cloth with quiet determination. She knew her father was exasperated with her
decision but it wasn’t going to affect her resolve in any way. He could question her over and over and insist on the
ridiculousness of the idea but she was going to be a fashion designer no matter what. It was all she had ever wanted to do.
Tanya thought back to when she had first picked up a needle and thread. Her grandmother, like many women of her
generation, had made most of her own clothes and when Tanya was very small she had loved to watch her cutting the cloth and
stitching it together with meticulous skill. Bit by bit, under her grandmother’s careful instruction, she had learned the craft
herself. She had started with simple outfits for her dolls and had progressed to the point where even her grandmother said she
was much better than her at making clothes.
Once she had mastered the basic skills Tanya had become adventurous and started designing her own creations. She had a
wild sense of colour and liked to make clothes that stood out for the contrast in the colours, patterns and the different types of
cloth that she used. There was no doubting her creativity.
Her art teacher at school had nothing but praise for her talent and encouraged her to develop it further. But not everyone was
quite as sympathetic to Tanya’s dream of becoming a star in the world of fashion. Her brother Dmitri, for one, did not make
any attempt to hide his contempt for her obsession with fashion. As far as he was concerned, clothes were just something you
threw on in the morning before going out into the outside world. As long as they were clean and didn’t have holes in them that
was all that mattered. He regarded anyone who paid attention to fashions and trends as simply a victim of peer pressure and
advertising. Dmitri was very fond of telling her that anyone with any sense or intelligence would put their energy into doing
something that mattered in the world, like becoming a scientist. He sounded just like her father.
But she wouldn’t listen. Her mind was already made up. She had been offered a place at one of the most prestigious schools
of Art and Design in the country and nothing would deter her from taking her place there. Contrary to what some people
thought, she wasn’t a fool and she knew the road to, fulfilling her dreams would be a long, hard one. She had a plan mapped
out and she was going to follow it through.
Fortunately, she did have support within the family. Her grandmother never failed to boast about her talent to anyone who
would listen, and her mother, although she didn’t make a song and dance about it, was also proud of her.
Tanya looked up from her work and gazed into her father’s troubled face. She smiled at him. “You know, dad, we’ve had this
conversation countless times now," she said gently, "and the thing is, underneath it all you know I’ve made the right decision
for my life. This is what I’m good at. So, let me ask you one thing. What would you rather I did with my life? Something that
gives me a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment or something that would make me unhappy, perhaps for the rest of my
life?” Her father’s face brightened and he chuckled. "Well, one thing is for certain," he said, "no one could ever accuse you of
lacking confidence in your own abilities, and that is definitely a good thing. You know I only want the best for you." She

nodded. "I know you do and this is what’s best for me." He patted her on the shoulder and walked back to his chair to read the

Question 10: Tanya’s father was annoyed because......
A. she didn’t get good grades at school.
B. she refused to answer his questions.
C. she wanted to drop out of school,
D. she wouldn’t change her plans.
Question 11: Dmitri disapproved of fashion because......
A. he wanted to be a scientist.
B. he thought it was unimportant.
C. he was exactly like his father.
D. he felt he was under pressure.
Question 12: Tanya knew her plans for the future......
A. did not have a lot of support.
B. had the approval of all the family.
C. would be difficult to achieve.
D. were bound to be successful.
Question 13: Tanya’s grandmother......
A. doesn’t make good clothes.
B. makes all her own clothes.
C. taught Tanya how to sew.
D. enjoys watching Tanya sew.
Question 14: The word 'exasperated' is closest in meaning to......
A. experienced
B. annoyed
C. alarmed
D. exhausted
Question 15: Tanya told her father that......

A. she wasn’t certain about her own abilities.
B. she was tired of repeating the same conversation.
C. she knew she had made the correct decision.
D. she wasn’t interested in his opinion on her future.
Question 16: To 'make a song and dance' means to......
A. keep very quiet.
B. create a lot of fuss.
C. enjoy going to parties.
D. become very angry.
Question 17: When Tanya learnt to sew she......
A. began making clothes for other people.
B. realised she would become a fashion star,
C. impressed a teacher with her creativity.
D. decided to use only colourful materials.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
Question 18: ~ A: "............" ~ B: Yes. By 11 o’clock I will have been surfing the Net for four hours.
A. Will you please leave the Net, Doris?
B. Don’t you surf the Net every day, Nelly?
C. You’ve been surfing the Net all morning!
D. I wonder what’s made you put your heart and soul in the Net!
Question 19: ~ A: Sarah is retaking her driving test next week. ~ B: "............"
A. Oh! She’s been in hospital for a week.
B. I know. She has taken it three times so far!
C. She gave me a lift to the supermarket yesterday.
D. She needs a helmet or she’ll be fined on the way out.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Most people dream of becoming rich and famous, but is that what success is really about? It is a ...(20)... that many people

who have ...(21)... fame and wealth are far less happy with their lives than most people would expect. They worry constantly
about their money and reputation and they are rarely satisfied with what they have. Singers may lose their popularity, athletes
may get ...(22)... and no longer be able to perform well and wealthy businessmen may lose their money by making risky deals
or bad decisions. The best way to be happy with your life is to reconsider what happiness really is. We must realise that human
...(23)... and qualities are far more important than material things. A job, no matter how humble, which is done with interest
and care is worth as much as instant fame. Being ...(24)... to your family and having friends you can depend on also makes for
a happy, successful life. These are the things that really count, and give you the right to consider yourself a success.
Question 20:A. truth
B. reality
C. certainty
D. fact
Question 21:A. completed B. achieved
C. managed
D. succeeded
Question 22:A. wounded B. harmed
C. injured
D. damaged
Question 23:A. values
B. laws
C. standards
D. rules
Question 24:A. next
B. together
C. beside
D. close
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 25: As soon as I got home it started to rain.
A. I was getting home when it started to rain.
B. The rain started while I got home.

C. I got home despite the rain starting.
D. No sooner had I got home than it started to rain.
Question 26: She was only able to drive to work when the roads had been cleared.
A. Only when the roads had been cleared was she able to drive to work.
B. Because she was not able to drive to work, only the roads hadn’t been cleared
C. As soon as the roads had been cleared, she was only able to drive to work.
D. She was not able to drive to work only because the roads hadn’t been cleared.

Question 27: His arm was broken in a skiing accident.
A. He broke his arm while skiing accidently.
B. The accident happened when he broke his arm skiing.
C. He had his arm broken in a skiing accident.
D. The skiing accident broke his arm.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
In the beginning, I put it down to a simple case of exam nerves. My daughter Sarah had just turned sixteen and was studying
hard for her GCSEs. I knew she’d do well, as she was top of the class in all her subjects at school and had always been a high
achiever. But as the time for the exams drew nearer, her behaviour started to change - drastically.
Sarah became sullen and withdrawn. She wasn’t the lively teenager I knew. But the most worrying thing of all was that she
was hardly eating anything. She refused to eat with the rest of the family and was having only light snacks in her room. At the
time I didn’t want to make a big deal of it, as I thought I’d just make her more anxious about her exams. I was convinced that
once she’d taken the exams, she would soon settle down and everything would get back to normal.
But it didn’t. In fact, it got worse. By the middle of the summer, Sarah had become very skinny and pale. She also had wild
mood swings, bursting into tears or becoming enraged by the slightest thing. I should say at this point that my initial reactions
to this situation weren’t very helpful. We had huge fights about her being too thin and I tried to persuade her to eat more, but
she just turned her nose up at everything I offered her. When nothing I said or did seemed to make any difference, I really felt
at a complete loss about what else I could do or who I could turn to. I was desperate. After a lot of thought I realised that I
would have to try other tactics. Screaming and tearing my hair out were definitely not improving the situation.

I started by looking up eating disorders on various websites, to get as much information as I could, and what I found out
almost scared me to death. Anorexia nervosa is a condition that typically affects teenage girls. There are a variety of reasons as
to why it can develop, but it is usually said to be because of a distorted body image and lack of self-esteem. Some young
women think they are too fat, even when they are not, and feel that they are unattractive or worthless. The media have been
accused of playing a role in the rise of eating disorders in recent years, because of the way they portray women. Using
underweight models in adverts in glossy magazines and on television may be a factor in encouraging young women to equate
thinness with beauty, glamour and success.
I was shocked to discover that this disease can seriously damage the heart and make bones brittle and easy to break. However,
the most frightening aspect of the condition is that in 10% of cases it leads to the death of the sufferer. The information was
terrifying, but it helped me to come to terms with the fact that someone with a severe eating disorder needs love and support
and urgent medical attention.
It took a lot of calm and gentle persuasion to get my tearful daughter to agree to go with me to a doctor who specialises in
eating disorders. That was two years ago and the road to recovery has been long and hard. Sarah spent two months in hospital
to get her weight back to normal and since then she has been seeing a psychiatrist to help her deal with the underlying causes
of the problem.
It was tough for me, too. I felt very guilty about her illness - that somehow it was my fault, and I was a bad mother who had
caused her daughter so much anxiety she had started to starve herself. But we’ve managed to get through it together. Now
Sarah is looking forward to starting university, the colour has returned to her cheeks and she is back to being the vibrant young
woman she was before the whole dreadful nightmare started.
Question 28: The phrase "come to terms with" is synonymous with......
A. gradually accept unwillingly
B. quarrel with
C. be on good terms with
D. agree to a contract
Question 29: The writer found out more about her daughter’s problem......
A. on television.
B. in magazines.
C. in advertisements
D. on Internet sites.
Question 30: When the writer noticed that Sarah was not eating, she......

A. decided not to make a fuss about it
B. was sure it would get worse.
C. made Sarah eat her meals alone.
D. thought that this was normal.
Question 31: The writer felt guilty because......
A. she knew the condition was all her fault.
B. she had been too tough on her daughter.
C. her daughter was never the same again.
D. she felt she wasn’t a good mother.
Question 32: Getting Sarah to seek professional help......
A. was quite easy to do.
B. took several years.
C. required patience.
D. led to instant recovery.
Question 33: At first, the writer believed her daughter's behaviour had changed because Sarah......
A. had just turned sixteen.
B. was having problems at school.
C. had always been very intelligent.
D. was worried about academic success.
Question 34: What most shocked the writer about a norexia nervosa was that......
A. a number of sufferers die from it.
B. it leads to heart disease and weak bones.
C. it is a severe disorder.
D. all sufferers require medical treatment.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 35: Conservation schemes are a......of interest for many young people.
A. basis
B. foundation
C. source
D. spring

Question 36: We must find a(n).......to fossil fuels.

A. choice
B. alternative
C. option
D. replacement
Question 37: The threat of disease is......as flood victims go without clean water for a week.
A. expanding
B. growing
C. advancing
D. maturing
Question 38: In some zoos, animals are......to live in unsuitable cages.
A. obliged
B. forced
C. required
D. urged
Question 39: The scanning machines at the airport should......any suspicious materials.
A. recognise
B. note
C. observe
D. detect
Question 40: If it rains on Saturday, we shall have to......match for a week.
A. bring on
B. put off
C. take off
D. put away
Question 41: Maintain eye contact and......your audience directly to capture their attention.
A. say
B. tell

C. speak
D. address
Question 42: By the time they arrived at the stadium, all the seats.......
A. would have taken
B. has been taken
C. had been taken
D. is being taken
Question 43: Faraday’s accomplishments seem more wonderful when we realise that he had very......education.
A. a little
B. few
C. a few
D. little
Question 44: Some clothes come prewashed, so they won’t......when they are washed.
A. decrease
B. lessen
C. shrink
D. diminish
Question 45: Make sure you......your arguments with evidence from your notes.
A. support
B. help
C. assist
D. back
Question 46: In recent times, we have seen radical......to the world’s weather.
A. variations
B. alterations
C. changes
D. modifications
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 47: The storm left a trail of destruction in its wake.

A. that followed
B. in the early morning
C. from the beginning
D. left behind
Question 48: My grandfather has a profound mistrust of anything new or foreign.
A. deep
B. shallow
C. intense
D. narrow
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 49: Many diseases are no longer dangerous. People died of them years ago.
A. People died of many diseases which are no longer dangerous.
B. Many diseases, that people died of years ago, are no longer dangerous.
C. Many diseases which people died of years ago are no longer dangerous.
D. Many diseases of which people died years ago are no longer dangerous.
Question 50: His life is hard. He is determined to study well.
A. No matter how hard his life is, he is determined to study well.
B. So hard is his life that he is determined to study well.
C. Due to his hard life, he is determined to study well.
D. He is determined to study well because his life is hard.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2018- 2019

Thời gian: 60 phút - khơng tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1: In some zoos, animals are......to live in unsuitable cages.
A. urged
B. obliged
C. required
D. forced
Question 2: The scanning machines at the airport should......any suspicious materials.
A. observe
B. detect
C. note
D. recognise
Question 3: Conservation schemes are a......of interest for many young people.
A. spring
B. basis
C. foundation
D. source
Question 4: Make sure you......your arguments with evidence from your notes.
A. help
B. assist
C. support
D. back
Question 5: Faraday’s accomplishments seem more wonderful when we realise that he had very......education.
A. a few
B. little
C. few
D. a little
Question 6: If it rains on Saturday, we shall have to......match for a week.
A. put off

B. take off
C. put away
D. bring on
Question 7: The threat of disease is......as flood victims go without clean water for a week.
A. growing
B. advancing
C. expanding
D. maturing
Question 8: We must find a(n).......to fossil fuels.
A. option
B. replacement
C. alternative
D. choice
Question 9: Some clothes come prewashed, so they won’t......when they are washed.
A. diminish
B. lessen
C. decrease
D. shrink
Question 10: Maintain eye contact and......your audience directly to capture their attention.
A. say
B. address
C. speak
D. tell
Question 11: By the time they arrived at the stadium, all the seats.......
A. has been taken
B. is being taken
C. would have taken
D. had been taken
Question 12: In recent times, we have seen radical......to the world’s weather.
A. alterations

B. changes
C. variations
D. modifications
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 13:A. employment
B. determine
C. encounter
D. obstacle
Question 14:A. collaborate B. significant
C. satisfaction
D. particular
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 15:A. apostrophe B. acne
C. recipe
D. biome
Question 16:A. dove
B. move
C. love
D. shovel
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 17: The storm left a trail of destruction in its wake.
A. from the beginning
B. in the early morning
C. left behind
D. that followed
Question 18: My grandfather has a profound mistrust of anything new or foreign.
A. intense

B. shallow
C. deep
D. narrow
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 19: The best seats in the theatre will be reserved for inviting guests.
A. for inviting
B. will be reserved
C. in the
D. best
Question 20: My colleagues and I did not find the new software program to be easy as the old one.
A. be easy as
B. did not find
C. My colleagues and I
D. the new
Question 21: The book had already been published by the time the error is discovered.
A. The
B. by the time
C. had already
D. is discovered
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
Question 22: ~ A: "............" ~ B: Yes. By 11 o’clock I will have been surfing the Net for four hours.
A. Don’t you surf the Net every day, Nelly?
B. Will you please leave the Net, Doris?
C. You’ve been surfing the Net all morning!
D. I wonder what’s made you put your heart and soul in the Net!
Question 23: ~ A: Sarah is retaking her driving test next week. ~ B: "............"
A. I know. She has taken it three times so far!
B. She gave me a lift to the supermarket yesterday.

C. Oh! She’s been in hospital for a week.
D. She needs a helmet or she’ll be fined on the way out.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Most people dream of becoming rich and famous, but is that what success is really about? It is a ...(24)... that many people
who have ...(25)... fame and wealth are far less happy with their lives than most people would expect. They worry constantly
about their money and reputation and they are rarely satisfied with what they have. Singers may lose their popularity, athletes
may get ...(26)... and no longer be able to perform well and wealthy businessmen may lose their money by making risky deals
or bad decisions. The best way to be happy with your life is to reconsider what happiness really is. We must realise that human
...(27)... and qualities are far more important than material things. A job, no matter how humble, which is done with interest
and care is worth as much as instant fame. Being ...(28)... to your family and having friends you can depend on also makes for
a happy, successful life. These are the things that really count, and give you the right to consider yourself a success.
Question 24:A. fact
B. truth
C. reality
D. certainty
Question 25:A. managed B. completed
C. achieved
D. succeeded
Question 26:A. harmed
B. injured
C. damaged
D. wounded
Question 27:A. values
B. rules
C. standards
D. laws

Question 28:A. beside
B. together
C. next
D. close
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 29: She faces the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves.
A. quantity
B. quantum
C. quandary
D. quarantine
Question 30: She felt she had been left in the lurch by all her colleagues.
A. forbidden
B. forgotten
C. forsaken
D. forgiven
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 31: Many diseases are no longer dangerous. People died of them years ago.
A. Many diseases of which people died years ago are no longer dangerous.
B. People died of many diseases which are no longer dangerous.
C. Many diseases which people died of years ago are no longer dangerous.
D. Many diseases, that people died of years ago, are no longer dangerous.
Question 32: His life is hard. He is determined to study well.
A. He is determined to study well because his life is hard.
B. No matter how hard his life is, he is determined to study well.
C. Due to his hard life, he is determined to study well.
D. So hard is his life that he is determined to study well.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.

"But why do you want to be a fashion designer? You could go to any university in the country with the grades you’ve got and
you want to go to fashion school?" Tanya bowed her head further over the piece of silk she was working on and continued to
sew the small bright beads onto the fine cloth with quiet determination. She knew her father was exasperated with her
decision but it wasn’t going to affect her resolve in any way. He could question her over and over and insist on the
ridiculousness of the idea but she was going to be a fashion designer no matter what. It was all she had ever wanted to do.
Tanya thought back to when she had first picked up a needle and thread. Her grandmother, like many women of her
generation, had made most of her own clothes and when Tanya was very small she had loved to watch her cutting the cloth and
stitching it together with meticulous skill. Bit by bit, under her grandmother’s careful instruction, she had learned the craft
herself. She had started with simple outfits for her dolls and had progressed to the point where even her grandmother said she
was much better than her at making clothes.
Once she had mastered the basic skills Tanya had become adventurous and started designing her own creations. She had a
wild sense of colour and liked to make clothes that stood out for the contrast in the colours, patterns and the different types of
cloth that she used. There was no doubting her creativity.
Her art teacher at school had nothing but praise for her talent and encouraged her to develop it further. But not everyone was
quite as sympathetic to Tanya’s dream of becoming a star in the world of fashion. Her brother Dmitri, for one, did not make
any attempt to hide his contempt for her obsession with fashion. As far as he was concerned, clothes were just something you
threw on in the morning before going out into the outside world. As long as they were clean and didn’t have holes in them that
was all that mattered. He regarded anyone who paid attention to fashions and trends as simply a victim of peer pressure and
advertising. Dmitri was very fond of telling her that anyone with any sense or intelligence would put their energy into doing
something that mattered in the world, like becoming a scientist. He sounded just like her father.
But she wouldn’t listen. Her mind was already made up. She had been offered a place at one of the most prestigious schools
of Art and Design in the country and nothing would deter her from taking her place there. Contrary to what some people
thought, she wasn’t a fool and she knew the road to, fulfilling her dreams would be a long, hard one. She had a plan mapped
out and she was going to follow it through.
Fortunately, she did have support within the family. Her grandmother never failed to boast about her talent to anyone who
would listen, and her mother, although she didn’t make a song and dance about it, was also proud of her.

Tanya looked up from her work and gazed into her father’s troubled face. She smiled at him. “You know, dad, we’ve had this

conversation countless times now," she said gently, "and the thing is, underneath it all you know I’ve made the right decision
for my life. This is what I’m good at. So, let me ask you one thing. What would you rather I did with my life? Something that
gives me a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment or something that would make me unhappy, perhaps for the rest of my
life?” Her father’s face brightened and he chuckled. "Well, one thing is for certain," he said, "no one could ever accuse you of
lacking confidence in your own abilities, and that is definitely a good thing. You know I only want the best for you." She
nodded. "I know you do and this is what’s best for me." He patted her on the shoulder and walked back to his chair to read the
Question 33: The word 'exasperated' is closest in meaning to......
A. annoyed
B. exhausted
C. experienced
D. alarmed
Question 34: Tanya’s grandmother......
A. doesn’t make good clothes.
B. taught Tanya how to sew.
C. makes all her own clothes.
D. enjoys watching Tanya sew.
Question 35: To 'make a song and dance' means to......
A. enjoy going to parties.
B. create a lot of fuss.
C. become very angry.
D. keep very quiet.
Question 36: When Tanya learnt to sew she......
A. realised she would become a fashion star,
B. impressed a teacher with her creativity.
C. decided to use only colourful materials.
D. began making clothes for other people.
Question 37: Tanya knew her plans for the future......
A. did not have a lot of support.
B. were bound to be successful.

C. had the approval of all the family.
D. would be difficult to achieve.
Question 38: Dmitri disapproved of fashion because......
A. he was exactly like his father.
B. he felt he was under pressure.
C. he thought it was unimportant.
D. he wanted to be a scientist.
Question 39: Tanya told her father that......
A. she knew she had made the correct decision.
B. she wasn’t interested in his opinion on her future.
C. she was tired of repeating the same conversation.
D. she wasn’t certain about her own abilities.
Question 40: Tanya’s father was annoyed because......
A. she wanted to drop out of school,
B. she didn’t get good grades at school.
C. she wouldn’t change her plans.
D. she refused to answer his questions.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 41: His arm was broken in a skiing accident.
A. He had his arm broken in a skiing accident.
B. He broke his arm while skiing accidently.
C. The skiing accident broke his arm.
D. The accident happened when he broke his arm skiing.
Question 42: As soon as I got home it started to rain.
A. The rain started while I got home.
B. I got home despite the rain starting.
C. I was getting home when it started to rain.
D. No sooner had I got home than it started to rain.
Question 43: She was only able to drive to work when the roads had been cleared.

A. Because she was not able to drive to work, only the roads hadn’t been cleared
B. As soon as the roads had been cleared, she was only able to drive to work.
C. Only when the roads had been cleared was she able to drive to work.
D. She was not able to drive to work only because the roads hadn’t been cleared.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
In the beginning, I put it down to a simple case of exam nerves. My daughter Sarah had just turned sixteen and was studying
hard for her GCSEs. I knew she’d do well, as she was top of the class in all her subjects at school and had always been a high
achiever. But as the time for the exams drew nearer, her behaviour started to change - drastically.
Sarah became sullen and withdrawn. She wasn’t the lively teenager I knew. But the most worrying thing of all was that she
was hardly eating anything. She refused to eat with the rest of the family and was having only light snacks in her room. At the
time I didn’t want to make a big deal of it, as I thought I’d just make her more anxious about her exams. I was convinced that
once she’d taken the exams, she would soon settle down and everything would get back to normal.
But it didn’t. In fact, it got worse. By the middle of the summer, Sarah had become very skinny and pale. She also had wild
mood swings, bursting into tears or becoming enraged by the slightest thing. I should say at this point that my initial reactions
to this situation weren’t very helpful. We had huge fights about her being too thin and I tried to persuade her to eat more, but
she just turned her nose up at everything I offered her. When nothing I said or did seemed to make any difference, I really felt
at a complete loss about what else I could do or who I could turn to. I was desperate. After a lot of thought I realised that I
would have to try other tactics. Screaming and tearing my hair out were definitely not improving the situation.

I started by looking up eating disorders on various websites, to get as much information as I could, and what I found out
almost scared me to death. Anorexia nervosa is a condition that typically affects teenage girls. There are a variety of reasons as
to why it can develop, but it is usually said to be because of a distorted body image and lack of self-esteem. Some young
women think they are too fat, even when they are not, and feel that they are unattractive or worthless. The media have been
accused of playing a role in the rise of eating disorders in recent years, because of the way they portray women. Using
underweight models in adverts in glossy magazines and on television may be a factor in encouraging young women to equate
thinness with beauty, glamour and success.
I was shocked to discover that this disease can seriously damage the heart and make bones brittle and easy to break. However,

the most frightening aspect of the condition is that in 10% of cases it leads to the death of the sufferer. The information was
terrifying, but it helped me to come to terms with the fact that someone with a severe eating disorder needs love and support
and urgent medical attention.
It took a lot of calm and gentle persuasion to get my tearful daughter to agree to go with me to a doctor who specialises in
eating disorders. That was two years ago and the road to recovery has been long and hard. Sarah spent two months in hospital
to get her weight back to normal and since then she has been seeing a psychiatrist to help her deal with the underlying causes
of the problem.
It was tough for me, too. I felt very guilty about her illness - that somehow it was my fault, and I was a bad mother who had
caused her daughter so much anxiety she had started to starve herself. But we’ve managed to get through it together. Now
Sarah is looking forward to starting university, the colour has returned to her cheeks and she is back to being the vibrant young
woman she was before the whole dreadful nightmare started.
Question 44: What most shocked the writer about a norexia nervosa was that......
A. it leads to heart disease and weak bones.
B. a number of sufferers die from it.
C. all sufferers require medical treatment.
D. it is a severe disorder.
Question 45: When the writer noticed that Sarah was not eating, she......
A. decided not to make a fuss about it
B. thought that this was normal.
C. made Sarah eat her meals alone.
D. was sure it would get worse.
Question 46: The writer felt guilty because......
A. she knew the condition was all her fault.
B. she felt she wasn’t a good mother.
C. her daughter was never the same again.
D. she had been too tough on her daughter.
Question 47: The writer found out more about her daughter’s problem......
A. in advertisements
B. in magazines.
C. on Internet sites.

D. on television.
Question 48: At first, the writer believed her daughter's behaviour had changed because Sarah......
A. had just turned sixteen.
B. was worried about academic success.
C. had always been very intelligent.
D. was having problems at school.
Question 49: The phrase "come to terms with" is synonymous with......
A. quarrel with
B. gradually accept unwillingly
C. be on good terms with
D. agree to a contract
Question 50: Getting Sarah to seek professional help......
A. took several years.
B. led to instant recovery.
C. required patience.
D. was quite easy to do.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2018- 2019
Thời gian: 60 phút - khơng tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1: In recent times, we have seen radical......to the world’s weather.
A. variations

B. changes
C. alterations
D. modifications
Question 2: Some clothes come prewashed, so they won’t......when they are washed.
A. diminish
B. decrease
C. lessen
D. shrink
Question 3: The threat of disease is......as flood victims go without clean water for a week.
A. expanding
B. growing
C. advancing
D. maturing
Question 4: Conservation schemes are a......of interest for many young people.
A. spring
B. basis
C. source
D. foundation
Question 5: Maintain eye contact and......your audience directly to capture their attention.
A. say
B. tell
C. speak
D. address
Question 6: The scanning machines at the airport should......any suspicious materials.
A. recognise
B. note
C. observe
D. detect
Question 7: By the time they arrived at the stadium, all the seats.......
A. is being taken

B. had been taken
C. would have taken
D. has been taken
Question 8: Make sure you......your arguments with evidence from your notes.
A. help
B. support
C. assist
D. back
Question 9: Faraday’s accomplishments seem more wonderful when we realise that he had very......education.
A. a few
B. little
C. a little
D. few
Question 10: If it rains on Saturday, we shall have to......match for a week.
A. bring on
B. put off
C. take off
D. put away
Question 11: In some zoos, animals are......to live in unsuitable cages.
A. urged
B. forced
C. required
D. obliged
Question 12: We must find a(n).......to fossil fuels.
A. choice
B. alternative
C. replacement
D. option
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 13:A. love
B. shovel
C. move
D. dove
Question 14:A. apostrophe B. recipe
C. biome
D. acne
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 15: She felt she had been left in the lurch by all her colleagues.
A. forgotten
B. forbidden
C. forgiven
D. forsaken
Question 16: She faces the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves.
A. quantity
B. quandary
C. quarantine
D. quantum
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 17:A. employment B. obstacle
C. determine
D. encounter
Question 18:A. satisfaction B. collaborate
C. particular
D. significant
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.

In the beginning, I put it down to a simple case of exam nerves. My daughter Sarah had just turned sixteen and was studying
hard for her GCSEs. I knew she’d do well, as she was top of the class in all her subjects at school and had always been a high
achiever. But as the time for the exams drew nearer, her behaviour started to change - drastically.
Sarah became sullen and withdrawn. She wasn’t the lively teenager I knew. But the most worrying thing of all was that she
was hardly eating anything. She refused to eat with the rest of the family and was having only light snacks in her room. At the
time I didn’t want to make a big deal of it, as I thought I’d just make her more anxious about her exams. I was convinced that
once she’d taken the exams, she would soon settle down and everything would get back to normal.
But it didn’t. In fact, it got worse. By the middle of the summer, Sarah had become very skinny and pale. She also had wild
mood swings, bursting into tears or becoming enraged by the slightest thing. I should say at this point that my initial reactions
to this situation weren’t very helpful. We had huge fights about her being too thin and I tried to persuade her to eat more, but
she just turned her nose up at everything I offered her. When nothing I said or did seemed to make any difference, I really felt
at a complete loss about what else I could do or who I could turn to. I was desperate. After a lot of thought I realised that I
would have to try other tactics. Screaming and tearing my hair out were definitely not improving the situation.
I started by looking up eating disorders on various websites, to get as much information as I could, and what I found out
almost scared me to death. Anorexia nervosa is a condition that typically affects teenage girls. There are a variety of reasons as
to why it can develop, but it is usually said to be because of a distorted body image and lack of self-esteem. Some young
women think they are too fat, even when they are not, and feel that they are unattractive or worthless. The media have been

accused of playing a role in the rise of eating disorders in recent years, because of the way they portray women. Using
underweight models in adverts in glossy magazines and on television may be a factor in encouraging young women to equate
thinness with beauty, glamour and success.
I was shocked to discover that this disease can seriously damage the heart and make bones brittle and easy to break. However,
the most frightening aspect of the condition is that in 10% of cases it leads to the death of the sufferer. The information was
terrifying, but it helped me to come to terms with the fact that someone with a severe eating disorder needs love and support
and urgent medical attention.
It took a lot of calm and gentle persuasion to get my tearful daughter to agree to go with me to a doctor who specialises in
eating disorders. That was two years ago and the road to recovery has been long and hard. Sarah spent two months in hospital
to get her weight back to normal and since then she has been seeing a psychiatrist to help her deal with the underlying causes
of the problem.

It was tough for me, too. I felt very guilty about her illness - that somehow it was my fault, and I was a bad mother who had
caused her daughter so much anxiety she had started to starve herself. But we’ve managed to get through it together. Now
Sarah is looking forward to starting university, the colour has returned to her cheeks and she is back to being the vibrant young
woman she was before the whole dreadful nightmare started.
Question 19: When the writer noticed that Sarah was not eating, she......
A. was sure it would get worse.
B. decided not to make a fuss about it
C. thought that this was normal.
D. made Sarah eat her meals alone.
Question 20: The writer felt guilty because......
A. she knew the condition was all her fault.
B. her daughter was never the same again.
C. she had been too tough on her daughter.
D. she felt she wasn’t a good mother.
Question 21: The writer found out more about her daughter’s problem......
A. in advertisements
B. in magazines.
C. on Internet sites.
D. on television.
Question 22: The phrase "come to terms with" is synonymous with......
A. gradually accept unwillingly
B. be on good terms with
C. agree to a contract
D. quarrel with
Question 23: What most shocked the writer about a norexia nervosa was that......
A. it is a severe disorder.
B. it leads to heart disease and weak bones.
C. all sufferers require medical treatment.
D. a number of sufferers die from it.
Question 24: Getting Sarah to seek professional help......

A. led to instant recovery.
B. was quite easy to do.
C. took several years.
D. required patience.
Question 25: At first, the writer believed her daughter's behaviour had changed because Sarah......
A. had just turned sixteen.
B. had always been very intelligent.
C. was worried about academic success.
D. was having problems at school.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
Question 26: ~ A: Sarah is retaking her driving test next week. ~ B: "............"
A. Oh! She’s been in hospital for a week.
B. She gave me a lift to the supermarket yesterday.
C. I know. She has taken it three times so far!
D. She needs a helmet or she’ll be fined on the way out.
Question 27: ~ A: "............" ~ B: Yes. By 11 o’clock I will have been surfing the Net for four hours.
A. You’ve been surfing the Net all morning!
B. Don’t you surf the Net every day, Nelly?
C. Will you please leave the Net, Doris?
D. I wonder what’s made you put your heart and soul in the Net!
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.
Question 28: She was only able to drive to work when the roads had been cleared.
A. Only when the roads had been cleared was she able to drive to work.
B. Because she was not able to drive to work, only the roads hadn’t been cleared
C. She was not able to drive to work only because the roads hadn’t been cleared.
D. As soon as the roads had been cleared, she was only able to drive to work.
Question 29: His arm was broken in a skiing accident.
A. The accident happened when he broke his arm skiing. B. He had his arm broken in a skiing accident.

C. He broke his arm while skiing accidently.
D. The skiing accident broke his arm.
Question 30: As soon as I got home it started to rain.
A. No sooner had I got home than it started to rain.
B. I was getting home when it started to rain.
C. I got home despite the rain starting.
D. The rain started while I got home.
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.

"But why do you want to be a fashion designer? You could go to any university in the country with the grades you’ve got and
you want to go to fashion school?" Tanya bowed her head further over the piece of silk she was working on and continued to
sew the small bright beads onto the fine cloth with quiet determination. She knew her father was exasperated with her
decision but it wasn’t going to affect her resolve in any way. He could question her over and over and insist on the
ridiculousness of the idea but she was going to be a fashion designer no matter what. It was all she had ever wanted to do.
Tanya thought back to when she had first picked up a needle and thread. Her grandmother, like many women of her
generation, had made most of her own clothes and when Tanya was very small she had loved to watch her cutting the cloth and
stitching it together with meticulous skill. Bit by bit, under her grandmother’s careful instruction, she had learned the craft
herself. She had started with simple outfits for her dolls and had progressed to the point where even her grandmother said she
was much better than her at making clothes.
Once she had mastered the basic skills Tanya had become adventurous and started designing her own creations. She had a
wild sense of colour and liked to make clothes that stood out for the contrast in the colours, patterns and the different types of
cloth that she used. There was no doubting her creativity.
Her art teacher at school had nothing but praise for her talent and encouraged her to develop it further. But not everyone was
quite as sympathetic to Tanya’s dream of becoming a star in the world of fashion. Her brother Dmitri, for one, did not make
any attempt to hide his contempt for her obsession with fashion. As far as he was concerned, clothes were just something you
threw on in the morning before going out into the outside world. As long as they were clean and didn’t have holes in them that
was all that mattered. He regarded anyone who paid attention to fashions and trends as simply a victim of peer pressure and

advertising. Dmitri was very fond of telling her that anyone with any sense or intelligence would put their energy into doing
something that mattered in the world, like becoming a scientist. He sounded just like her father.
But she wouldn’t listen. Her mind was already made up. She had been offered a place at one of the most prestigious schools
of Art and Design in the country and nothing would deter her from taking her place there. Contrary to what some people
thought, she wasn’t a fool and she knew the road to, fulfilling her dreams would be a long, hard one. She had a plan mapped
out and she was going to follow it through.
Fortunately, she did have support within the family. Her grandmother never failed to boast about her talent to anyone who
would listen, and her mother, although she didn’t make a song and dance about it, was also proud of her.
Tanya looked up from her work and gazed into her father’s troubled face. She smiled at him. “You know, dad, we’ve had this
conversation countless times now," she said gently, "and the thing is, underneath it all you know I’ve made the right decision
for my life. This is what I’m good at. So, let me ask you one thing. What would you rather I did with my life? Something that
gives me a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment or something that would make me unhappy, perhaps for the rest of my
life?” Her father’s face brightened and he chuckled. "Well, one thing is for certain," he said, "no one could ever accuse you of
lacking confidence in your own abilities, and that is definitely a good thing. You know I only want the best for you." She
nodded. "I know you do and this is what’s best for me." He patted her on the shoulder and walked back to his chair to read the
Question 31: Tanya’s father was annoyed because......
A. she wouldn’t change her plans.
B. she didn’t get good grades at school.
C. she refused to answer his questions.
D. she wanted to drop out of school,
Question 32: Dmitri disapproved of fashion because......
A. he was exactly like his father.
B. he wanted to be a scientist.
C. he thought it was unimportant.
D. he felt he was under pressure.
Question 33: Tanya told her father that......
A. she was tired of repeating the same conversation.
B. she wasn’t certain about her own abilities.
C. she wasn’t interested in his opinion on her future.

D. she knew she had made the correct decision.
Question 34: To 'make a song and dance' means to......
A. become very angry.
B. enjoy going to parties.
C. keep very quiet.
D. create a lot of fuss.
Question 35: The word 'exasperated' is closest in meaning to......
A. exhausted
B. alarmed
C. annoyed
D. experienced
Question 36: Tanya’s grandmother......
A. makes all her own clothes.
B. enjoys watching Tanya sew.
C. taught Tanya how to sew.
D. doesn’t make good clothes.
Question 37: Tanya knew her plans for the future......
A. would be difficult to achieve.
B. were bound to be successful.
C. did not have a lot of support.
D. had the approval of all the family.
Question 38: When Tanya learnt to sew she......
A. impressed a teacher with her creativity.
B. realised she would become a fashion star,
C. began making clothes for other people.
D. decided to use only colourful materials.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 39: My grandfather has a profound mistrust of anything new or foreign.
A. intense

B. shallow
C. deep
D. narrow

Question 40: The storm left a trail of destruction in its wake.
A. left behind
B. in the early morning
C. from the beginning
D. that followed
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions.
Question 41: My colleagues and I did not find the new software program to be easy as the old one.
A. did not find
B. the new
C. My colleagues and I
D. be easy as
Question 42: The best seats in the theatre will be reserved for inviting guests.
A. will be reserved
B. best
C. in the
D. for inviting
Question 43: The book had already been published by the time the error is discovered.
A. is discovered
B. by the time
C. had already
D. The
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Most people dream of becoming rich and famous, but is that what success is really about? It is a ...(44)... that many people
who have ...(45)... fame and wealth are far less happy with their lives than most people would expect. They worry constantly
about their money and reputation and they are rarely satisfied with what they have. Singers may lose their popularity, athletes
may get ...(46)... and no longer be able to perform well and wealthy businessmen may lose their money by making risky deals
or bad decisions. The best way to be happy with your life is to reconsider what happiness really is. We must realise that human
...(47)... and qualities are far more important than material things. A job, no matter how humble, which is done with interest
and care is worth as much as instant fame. Being ...(48)... to your family and having friends you can depend on also makes for
a happy, successful life. These are the things that really count, and give you the right to consider yourself a success.
Question 44:A. reality
B. fact
C. certainty
D. truth
Question 45:A. managed B. succeeded
C. achieved
D. completed
Question 46:A. damaged B. harmed
C. wounded
D. injured
Question 47:A. standards B. rules
C. laws
D. values
Question 48:A. together
B. next
C. beside
D. close
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 49: Many diseases are no longer dangerous. People died of them years ago.
A. Many diseases of which people died years ago are no longer dangerous.
B. Many diseases which people died of years ago are no longer dangerous.

C. Many diseases, that people died of years ago, are no longer dangerous.
D. People died of many diseases which are no longer dangerous.
Question 50: His life is hard. He is determined to study well.
A. He is determined to study well because his life is hard.
B. So hard is his life that he is determined to study well.
C. No matter how hard his life is, he is determined to study well.
D. Due to his hard life, he is determined to study well.
The End

(Đề gồm có 04 trang)

NĂM HỌC 2018- 2019
Thời gian: 60 phút - khơng tính thời gian giao đề
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 1:A. acne
B. biome
C. recipe
D. apostrophe
Question 2:A. dove
B. love
C. move
D. shovel
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or
phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Most people dream of becoming rich and famous, but is that what success is really about? It is a ...(3)... that many people who
have ...(4)... fame and wealth are far less happy with their lives than most people would expect. They worry constantly about
their money and reputation and they are rarely satisfied with what they have. Singers may lose their popularity, athletes may
get ...(5)... and no longer be able to perform well and wealthy businessmen may lose their money by making risky deals or bad
decisions. The best way to be happy with your life is to reconsider what happiness really is. We must realise that human ...(6)...
and qualities are far more important than material things. A job, no matter how humble, which is done with interest and care is
worth as much as instant fame. Being ...(7)... to your family and having friends you can depend on also makes for a happy,
successful life. These are the things that really count, and give you the right to consider yourself a success.
Question 3:A. fact
B. truth
C. reality
D. certainty
Question 4:A. managed
B. succeeded
C. achieved
D. completed
Question 5:A. harmed
B. wounded
C. injured
D. damaged
Question 6:A. values
B. rules
C. standards
D. laws
Question 7:A. together
B. next
C. close
D. beside
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the

following questions.
Question 8: The book had already been published by the time the error is discovered.
A. had already
B. is discovered
C. The
D. by the time
Question 9: The best seats in the theatre will be reserved for inviting guests.
A. best
B. in the
C. will be reserved
D. for inviting
Question 10: My colleagues and I did not find the new software program to be easy as the old one.
A. be easy as
B. the new
C. did not find
D. My colleagues and I
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 11: She felt she had been left in the lurch by all her colleagues.
A. forsaken
B. forbidden
C. forgiven
D. forgotten
Question 12: She faces the dilemma of disobeying her father or losing the man she loves.
A. quantum
B. quandary
C. quantity
D. quarantine
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the
following questions.

Question 13: As soon as I got home it started to rain.
A. I was getting home when it started to rain.
B. I got home despite the rain starting.
C. The rain started while I got home.
D. No sooner had I got home than it started to rain.
Question 14: His arm was broken in a skiing accident.
A. He broke his arm while skiing accidently.
B. The accident happened when he broke his arm skiing.
C. He had his arm broken in a skiing accident.
D. The skiing accident broke his arm.
Question 15: She was only able to drive to work when the roads had been cleared.
A. She was not able to drive to work only because the roads hadn’t been cleared.
B. Because she was not able to drive to work, only the roads hadn’t been cleared
C. Only when the roads had been cleared was she able to drive to work.
D. As soon as the roads had been cleared, she was only able to drive to work.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the option that best completes each of the following
Question 16: ~ A: "............" ~ B: Yes. By 11 o’clock I will have been surfing the Net for four hours.
A. I wonder what’s made you put your heart and soul in the Net!
B. You’ve been surfing the Net all morning!
C. Will you please leave the Net, Doris?
D. Don’t you surf the Net every day, Nelly?
Question 17: ~ A: Sarah is retaking her driving test next week. ~ B: "............"
A. Oh! She’s been in hospital for a week.
B. She gave me a lift to the supermarket yesterday.
C. I know. She has taken it three times so far!
D. She needs a helmet or she’ll be fined on the way out.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 18: Conservation schemes are a......of interest for many young people.
A. spring
B. source
C. foundation
D. basis
Question 19: Maintain eye contact and......your audience directly to capture their attention.
A. speak
B. tell
C. say
D. address
Question 20: Some clothes come prewashed, so they won’t......when they are washed.
A. lessen
B. diminish
C. shrink
D. decrease
Question 21: In recent times, we have seen radical......to the world’s weather.
A. alterations
B. changes
C. modifications
D. variations
Question 22: By the time they arrived at the stadium, all the seats.......
A. is being taken
B. has been taken
C. would have taken
D. had been taken
Question 23: The scanning machines at the airport should......any suspicious materials.
A. detect
B. recognise
C. observe
D. note

Question 24: We must find a(n).......to fossil fuels.
A. choice
B. replacement
C. option
D. alternative
Question 25: Faraday’s accomplishments seem more wonderful when we realise that he had very......education.
A. a few
B. few
C. a little
D. little
Question 26: Make sure you......your arguments with evidence from your notes.
A. support
B. help
C. assist
D. back
Question 27: The threat of disease is......as flood victims go without clean water for a week.
A. maturing
B. advancing
C. expanding
D. growing
Question 28: If it rains on Saturday, we shall have to......match for a week.
A. put away
B. put off
C. take off
D. bring on
Question 29: In some zoos, animals are......to live in unsuitable cages.
A. forced
B. required
C. obliged
D. urged

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
"But why do you want to be a fashion designer? You could go to any university in the country with the grades you’ve got and
you want to go to fashion school?" Tanya bowed her head further over the piece of silk she was working on and continued to
sew the small bright beads onto the fine cloth with quiet determination. She knew her father was exasperated with her
decision but it wasn’t going to affect her resolve in any way. He could question her over and over and insist on the
ridiculousness of the idea but she was going to be a fashion designer no matter what. It was all she had ever wanted to do.
Tanya thought back to when she had first picked up a needle and thread. Her grandmother, like many women of her
generation, had made most of her own clothes and when Tanya was very small she had loved to watch her cutting the cloth and
stitching it together with meticulous skill. Bit by bit, under her grandmother’s careful instruction, she had learned the craft
herself. She had started with simple outfits for her dolls and had progressed to the point where even her grandmother said she
was much better than her at making clothes.
Once she had mastered the basic skills Tanya had become adventurous and started designing her own creations. She had a
wild sense of colour and liked to make clothes that stood out for the contrast in the colours, patterns and the different types of
cloth that she used. There was no doubting her creativity.
Her art teacher at school had nothing but praise for her talent and encouraged her to develop it further. But not everyone was
quite as sympathetic to Tanya’s dream of becoming a star in the world of fashion. Her brother Dmitri, for one, did not make
any attempt to hide his contempt for her obsession with fashion. As far as he was concerned, clothes were just something you
threw on in the morning before going out into the outside world. As long as they were clean and didn’t have holes in them that
was all that mattered. He regarded anyone who paid attention to fashions and trends as simply a victim of peer pressure and
advertising. Dmitri was very fond of telling her that anyone with any sense or intelligence would put their energy into doing
something that mattered in the world, like becoming a scientist. He sounded just like her father.
But she wouldn’t listen. Her mind was already made up. She had been offered a place at one of the most prestigious schools
of Art and Design in the country and nothing would deter her from taking her place there. Contrary to what some people
thought, she wasn’t a fool and she knew the road to, fulfilling her dreams would be a long, hard one. She had a plan mapped
out and she was going to follow it through.
Fortunately, she did have support within the family. Her grandmother never failed to boast about her talent to anyone who
would listen, and her mother, although she didn’t make a song and dance about it, was also proud of her.
Tanya looked up from her work and gazed into her father’s troubled face. She smiled at him. “You know, dad, we’ve had this

conversation countless times now," she said gently, "and the thing is, underneath it all you know I’ve made the right decision
for my life. This is what I’m good at. So, let me ask you one thing. What would you rather I did with my life? Something that
gives me a deep sense of satisfaction and fulfillment or something that would make me unhappy, perhaps for the rest of my
life?” Her father’s face brightened and he chuckled. "Well, one thing is for certain," he said, "no one could ever accuse you of
lacking confidence in your own abilities, and that is definitely a good thing. You know I only want the best for you." She
nodded. "I know you do and this is what’s best for me." He patted her on the shoulder and walked back to his chair to read the
Question 30: Tanya’s grandmother......

A. enjoys watching Tanya sew.
B. makes all her own clothes.
C. doesn’t make good clothes.
D. taught Tanya how to sew.
Question 31: Tanya’s father was annoyed because......
A. she wouldn’t change her plans.
B. she wanted to drop out of school,
C. she refused to answer his questions.
D. she didn’t get good grades at school.
Question 32: When Tanya learnt to sew she......
A. began making clothes for other people.
B. decided to use only colourful materials.
C. impressed a teacher with her creativity.
D. realised she would become a fashion star,
Question 33: Dmitri disapproved of fashion because......
A. he felt he was under pressure.
B. he wanted to be a scientist.
C. he was exactly like his father.
D. he thought it was unimportant.
Question 34: Tanya told her father that......

A. she wasn’t interested in his opinion on her future.
B. she knew she had made the correct decision.
C. she was tired of repeating the same conversation.
D. she wasn’t certain about her own abilities.
Question 35: The word 'exasperated' is closest in meaning to......
A. exhausted
B. experienced
C. annoyed
D. alarmed
Question 36: To 'make a song and dance' means to......
A. enjoy going to parties.
B. keep very quiet.
C. become very angry.
D. create a lot of fuss.
Question 37: Tanya knew her plans for the future......
A. would be difficult to achieve.
B. were bound to be successful.
C. had the approval of all the family.
D. did not have a lot of support.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 38: My grandfather has a profound mistrust of anything new or foreign.
A. shallow
B. intense
C. narrow
D. deep
Question 39: The storm left a trail of destruction in its wake.
A. that followed
B. left behind
C. in the early morning

D. from the beginning
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to
each of the following questions.
In the beginning, I put it down to a simple case of exam nerves. My daughter Sarah had just turned sixteen and was studying
hard for her GCSEs. I knew she’d do well, as she was top of the class in all her subjects at school and had always been a high
achiever. But as the time for the exams drew nearer, her behaviour started to change - drastically.
Sarah became sullen and withdrawn. She wasn’t the lively teenager I knew. But the most worrying thing of all was that she
was hardly eating anything. She refused to eat with the rest of the family and was having only light snacks in her room. At the
time I didn’t want to make a big deal of it, as I thought I’d just make her more anxious about her exams. I was convinced that
once she’d taken the exams, she would soon settle down and everything would get back to normal.
But it didn’t. In fact, it got worse. By the middle of the summer, Sarah had become very skinny and pale. She also had wild
mood swings, bursting into tears or becoming enraged by the slightest thing. I should say at this point that my initial reactions
to this situation weren’t very helpful. We had huge fights about her being too thin and I tried to persuade her to eat more, but
she just turned her nose up at everything I offered her. When nothing I said or did seemed to make any difference, I really felt
at a complete loss about what else I could do or who I could turn to. I was desperate. After a lot of thought I realised that I
would have to try other tactics. Screaming and tearing my hair out were definitely not improving the situation.
I started by looking up eating disorders on various websites, to get as much information as I could, and what I found out
almost scared me to death. Anorexia nervosa is a condition that typically affects teenage girls. There are a variety of reasons as
to why it can develop, but it is usually said to be because of a distorted body image and lack of self-esteem. Some young
women think they are too fat, even when they are not, and feel that they are unattractive or worthless. The media have been
accused of playing a role in the rise of eating disorders in recent years, because of the way they portray women. Using
underweight models in adverts in glossy magazines and on television may be a factor in encouraging young women to equate
thinness with beauty, glamour and success.
I was shocked to discover that this disease can seriously damage the heart and make bones brittle and easy to break. However,
the most frightening aspect of the condition is that in 10% of cases it leads to the death of the sufferer. The information was
terrifying, but it helped me to come to terms with the fact that someone with a severe eating disorder needs love and support
and urgent medical attention.
It took a lot of calm and gentle persuasion to get my tearful daughter to agree to go with me to a doctor who specialises in
eating disorders. That was two years ago and the road to recovery has been long and hard. Sarah spent two months in hospital

to get her weight back to normal and since then she has been seeing a psychiatrist to help her deal with the underlying causes
of the problem.
It was tough for me, too. I felt very guilty about her illness - that somehow it was my fault, and I was a bad mother who had
caused her daughter so much anxiety she had started to starve herself. But we’ve managed to get through it together. Now

Sarah is looking forward to starting university, the colour has returned to her cheeks and she is back to being the vibrant young
woman she was before the whole dreadful nightmare started.
Question 40: When the writer noticed that Sarah was not eating, she......
A. thought that this was normal.
B. made Sarah eat her meals alone.
C. decided not to make a fuss about it
D. was sure it would get worse.
Question 41: Getting Sarah to seek professional help......
A. required patience.
B. took several years.
C. was quite easy to do.
D. led to instant recovery.
Question 42: The phrase "come to terms with" is synonymous with......
A. be on good terms with
B. quarrel with
C. agree to a contract
D. gradually accept unwillingly
Question 43: What most shocked the writer about a norexia nervosa was that......
A. a number of sufferers die from it.
B. all sufferers require medical treatment.
C. it is a severe disorder.
D. it leads to heart disease and weak bones.
Question 44: At first, the writer believed her daughter's behaviour had changed because Sarah......
A. had always been very intelligent.

B. was worried about academic success.
C. had just turned sixteen.
D. was having problems at school.
Question 45: The writer felt guilty because......
A. she knew the condition was all her fault.
B. she felt she wasn’t a good mother.
C. she had been too tough on her daughter.
D. her daughter was never the same again.
Question 46: The writer found out more about her daughter’s problem......
A. in magazines.
B. in advertisements
C. on television.
D. on Internet sites.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 47:A. employment B. obstacle
C. encounter
D. determine
Question 48:A. satisfaction B. significant
C. collaborate
D. particular
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
Question 49: Many diseases are no longer dangerous. People died of them years ago.
A. People died of many diseases which are no longer dangerous.
B. Many diseases which people died of years ago are no longer dangerous.
C. Many diseases, that people died of years ago, are no longer dangerous.
D. Many diseases of which people died years ago are no longer dangerous.
Question 50: His life is hard. He is determined to study well.
A. No matter how hard his life is, he is determined to study well.

B. Due to his hard life, he is determined to study well.
C. He is determined to study well because his life is hard.
D. So hard is his life that he is determined to study well.
The End

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