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GCSE 325

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Mơn: TIẾNG ANH – ĐỀ SỐ 325
Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát

Ho va tên thi sinh:……………………………………………………………………. SBD:…………………………
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Question 01: A. peccadillo
B. consecrate
C. commodore
D. ectoplasm
Question 02: A. ecclesiastical
B. secretariat
C. occupational
D. octogenarian
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 03 to 09.
Not only does Linda Greenlaw do one of the most dangerous jobs in the world, but she also
does it extremely well. She has been described as ‘one of the best captains on the entire East coast’
and that, in one of the leadingcountries in the fishing industry, is praise indeed.
Linda was born and brought up on Isle au Haut, a tiny island ten kilometres off the coast of
Maine, USA. She fell in love with fishing as a child, and she worked on fishing boats dining her
summer breaks from college.
Her first opportunity to go on a deep-sea fishing trip came when she was nineteen. Alden
Leeman, a man she’d never met before, hired her for thirty days on his swordfishing boat. The trip

was a success and eventually Alden offered Linda her first boat to captain in 1986, which probably
made her the only woman ever to captain a swordfishing boat.
So, why did she take up swordfishing in the first place? Linda says that not only does she
like the way she feels on a boat, but she also gets passionate about catching a fish.
More than anything, she’s proud of being a fisherman, even more so than she is of being a
best-selling author. Linda has published four books to date, the first of which, The Hungry Ocean,
was top of the New York bestseller list for three months. In it, Linda tells the story of one fishing
trip and narrates the adventures she experienced on board with her five-man crew, including bad
weather, sickness, mechanical problems and, of course, the fish. But the world of fish and fishing is
a man’s world and it’s not easy to find a word to describe Linda Greenlaw. In her own words, she
says: ‘I am a woman. I am a fisherman. I am not a “fisherwoman”, “fisherlady” or “fishergirl”.’
Question 03: Linda is________
A. American.
B. Canadian.
C. British.
D. French.
Question 04: Linda took up swordfishing because________
A. she needed to earn some money.
B. she was offered her first boat to captain.
C. she loves boats and catching fish.
D. all her family are fishermen.
Question 05: The phrasal verb “take up” can be substituted by________.
A. obtain
B. choose
C. finish
D. start doing
Question 06: Linda prefers to be described as________
A. a fisherwoman.
B. a fisherman.
C. the best captain. D. a fisherlady.

Question 07: On the boat described in The Hungry Ocean, ________
A. there was only one person.
B. there were four people.
C. there were six people.
D. there were five people.
Question 08: Her first deep-sea fishing trip was________
A. in 1986.
B. before she was twenty.
C. when she fell in love with fishing .
D. when she was a child.
Question 09: The idiom “to date” is closest in meaning to________.
A. nowadays
B. today
C. right now D. up to the present time
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 10: Not until ten years ago was there much need for personal computer.

A. Not until
B. was there
C. computer
D. ago
Question 11: Global warming will get worse when more and more people in the world will have
cars. A. when
B. more and more
C. get worse
D. world will
Question 12: A laser is the only device which aims coherent light at an object in a safe and reliable
way. A. way

B. which
C. aims
D. at
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning
to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 13: She said some quite nasty things about him.
A. favourable
B. funny
C. offensive
D. smelling
Question 14: Your advice to him was like casting pearls before swine.
A. holding to the heart
B. flying off the handle
C. doing a good turn
D. baying at the moon
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 15: Nowadays female engineers are not too thick on the ground.
A. rare
B. efficient
C. overweight
D. enormous
Question 16: The smell from the lady's perfume still lingered in his room days later.
A. swell
B. dawdle
C. pervade
D. swish
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 17: After three' hours of walking in the hot summer sun, we were________ for a drink.

A. sighing
B. panting
C. gulping
D. gasping
Question 18: Although at that time my knowledge of German was very poor, I________ most of what
they said.
A. did understand B. managed understand
C. didn't understand D. have understood
Question 19: There are many superstitions signs that one can use to________ the evil eye. if you
believe________ such things.
A. look out/over
B. let out/with
C. come up/about D. ward off/in
Question 20: We can go by________ road, because________ are normally free from heavy traffic at this
time of day.
A. neither/some
B. any/either
C. both/all
D. either/both
Question 21: With unemployment at a record level, retraining programmes would________ off in the
long run.
A. go
B. pay
C. pass
D. wear
Question 22: We can win only if we remain united, and so we must support them the moment
they________ on strike.
A. will go
B. went
C. will have gone

D. go
Question 23: It’s time we bought some new furniture. Look at these chairs. They’re________ to
A. crumbling
B. battered
C. falling
D. going
Question 24: He prefers________ water to tap water.
A. fresh
B. canned
C. mineral
D. well
Question 25: It is people who are of voting age who make up the________ of a country.
A. ballot papers
B. electorate
C. constituency
D. electors
Question 26: It was a(n)________ conversation. We were both talking about different things without
realising it.
A. unwise
B. absurd
C. thick
D. foolish
Question 27: The fire________ or days until the monsoon rains put it out.
A. scorched
B. raged
C. flashed
D. ignited
Question 28: Education is recognized as_________ essential need for achieving equality in most
walks of life. A. a

B. an
C. the
D. Ø
Question 29: It’s only a small lamp, so it doesn’t________ off much light.
A. shed
B. cast
C. give
D. spend

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 30 to 34.
We are all too well aware that the extinction of animal and plant species is one of the
biggest and most horrifying threats (30)________ our planet these days. Having said that, there has
recently been some good news out of Russia regarding something called regeneration - a(n)
(31)________ solution to this ever-growing problem.
Regeneration involves taking tissue from a plant or animal that has become extinct and
‘bringing it back (32)________ life’. In recent Russian experiments, scientists took fruit and seeds
from the underground burrow of a long-dead Siberian squirrel and process to regenerate a
beautiful flower called the Silene stenophylla. To date, it is the oldest plant to be produced from
the innovative regeneration (33)________.
Understandably, experts are over the moon about their success as it shows once and for all
that tissue can survive ice conservation for thousands of years. Those who participated in the
regeneration of the flower are pleased and are now hoping to find prehistoric squirrel tissue or
perhaps even (34)________ tissue from the great woolly mammoth, which could lead to the
resurrection of those two species.
[From: STARLIGHT 8, Workbook, Express Publishing,
Question 30: A. heading

B. facing
C. confronting
D. challenging
Question 31: A. probable B. possible
C. likely
D. expected
Question 32: A. in
B. at
C. for
D. to
Question 33: A. succeeded B. managed
C. directed
D. conducted
Question 34: A. icy
B. freezing
C. iced
D. frozen
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 41.
'Feed Me Better' is the name of the campaign run by TV chef, Jamie Oliver, to improve eating
habits in British schools. Jamie is popular with young people all over Britain because of his
cookery programmes. His ingredients are fresh, his recipes are simple, and his meals are
absolutely delicious.
So when he found out what Britain's schoolchildren were eating at school, he went on the
warpath. He discovered that school dinners centred around processed food, chips and burgers,
and that children were incapable of recognizing basic vegetables. So Jamie resolved to do
something about it.
He decided to make a TV series called Jamie's School Dinners which showed the successes
and failures of his attempt to improve the dinner menu of a school in Greenwich, London. He was

assisted by the school dinner lady, Nora Sands, who was keen to learn how to give the children a
more balanced meal while not exceeding her budget. At the same time as the programmes were
being filmed, Jamie ran a national campaign called 'Feed Me Better' to bring the state of the
nation's school dinners to the attention of the government.
As a result of the 300,000-signature petition that Jamie presented to Prime Minister Tony
Blair in the spring of 2005, new legislation was brought in to control school dinners. Now children
are promised two pieces of fruit with their meal, and fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate and crisps are
banned. Jamie Oliver has shown that it is possible to do something positive for Britain's
schoolchildren instead of just using them to make money.
Question 35: ‘Feed Me Better’ is the name of________
A. a campaign against bad eating habits.
B. a cookery book.
C. a campaign run by the government.
D. a cookery programme.
Question 36: The word "resolved" is synonymous with________.
A. made effortB. found out a solution
C. decided
D. came up with an idea
Question 37: Jamie Oliver is________
A. the head cook in a school canteen.
B. a cookery teacher in a school.
C. the presenter of a TV programme.
D. a cook in an expensive restaurant.
Question 38: Since 2005, school dinners have________

A. become cheaper. B. become bigger.
C. improved. D. become more expensive.
Question 39: Nora Sands, the dinner lady, wanted to________
A. give the children better food.

B. save money on food.
C. spend more money on food.
D. appear on TV.
Question 40: The phrase "went on the warpath" is closest in meaning to________.
A. declared war
B. started a fight
C. launched a campaign D. prepared arms
Question 41: Jamie Oliver discovered that school dinners were________
A. too expensive for parents.
B. not made from natural ingredients.
C. not cooked properly.
D. bought from local shops.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part
differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Question 42: A. receipt
B. foreign
C. ceiling
D. seize
Question 43: A. gourmet
B. court
C. pour
D. sour
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 44: It is likely that the council will convene next week.
A. The council must convene next week
B. The council can't convene next week.
C. The council will not convene next week.
D. The council may convene next week.
Question 45: First impression on university life varies from student to student.

A. University life makes the students vary in impression.
B. No two students share the same experience at the university.
C. Each student has his/her own first impression on university life.
D. Students hold different viewpoints on university life.
Question 46: "You are a newcomer here, aren’t you?” she asked me.
A. She wanted to know why I did not come here again.
B. She asked me whether I was a newcomer there.
C. She did not know that I am the newcomer.
D. She told me she was a newcomer in that place.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes
each of the following exchanges.
Question 47: ~ Mike: “What cool things can you do?” ~ Blade: “________________”
A. Singing and dancing or something like that.
B. Cool? Nothing can interest me but window shopping and strolling.
C. To make ice-cream with a freezer.
D. Well, Just turn on the air-conditioner
Question 48: ~ Albert: “________________” ~ Alan: “Just pop in and have a look at your new car.”
A. Welcome home! You look quite so brown and healthy.
B. What a surprise to see you here on Sunday!
C. Can I have a try at this dress, Madame?
D. Please come in and talk.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines
each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 49: Those three countries launched missiles into Syria. No casualties were reported.
A. Those three countries launched missiles into Syria, but no casualties were reported.
B. Despite those three countries launched missiles into Syria, no casualties were reported.
C. Those three countries launched missiles into Syria so that no casualties could be
D. Having launched missiles into Syria, those three countries had not reported casualties.
Question 50: I got up late and missed the first class. The alarm clock didn’t go off.

A. If I set the alarm clock well, I would not get up late and miss the first class.
B. Due to the alarm clock not working well, I got up late and missed the first class.
C. Because I got up late and missed the first class, the alarm clock didn’t go off.

D. I got up late and missed the first class, so the alarm clock didn’t go off.
_________THE END__________

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