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Friend (n): ban
Friendship (n): tinh ban
Friendly (adj): than thién
Friendliness (n): su than thién
Friendless (adj): khơng có bạn
Unfriendly (adj): không thân thiện
2. Describe (v): mô tả
Description (n): sự mô tả
3. Activity (n): hoạt động
Action (n): hành động
Active (adj): năng động
Actively (adv): một cách năng động

Happy (adj): vui

Happily (adv): vui vẻ
Happiness (n): su vui ve
Unhappy (adj): khéng vui
5. Receive (v): nhan
Receipt (n): su thu, bién lai
Receiver (n): người nhận
6. Neigbor (n): người hàng xóm
Neighborhood (n): làng

7. Beautify (v): lam dep
Beauty (n): vé dep
Beautiful (adj): dep
Beautifully (adv): dep
8. Photograph (n): tam hinh
Photographer (n): nhip anh gia
Photography (n): su chup anh
9. Love (n): yéu
Lovely (adj): dang yéu
10. Visit (v): viéng tham
Visitor (n): người thăm viếng
11.Person (n): con người
Personal (n): cá nhân

12.Old (adj): tuổi/ già/ cũ
Age (n): tuổi
13. Short (adj): ngắn/ lùn

Shortage (n): sự thiếu thốn
14.Long (adj): dài
Length (n): chiều dài
Lenghthen (v): làm dài
15. Dark (adj): đen/ tối
Darkness (n): sự đen tối
16. Curl (n): cong/ oăn
Curly (adj): oăn
17.Complete (v): hoàn thành

Completely (adv): một cách hồn tồn
18.Pleased (adj): hài lịng

Pleasure (n): sự dễ chịu
Pleasant (adj): dể chịu

Unpleasant (adj): khó chịu

19. Certain (adj): chac chan
Certainly (adv): m6t cach chac chan
20.Lucky (adj): may man
Luck (n): su may man
Luckily (adv): mét cach may man
Unlucky (adj): khéng may

Unluckily (adv): không may mắn

21.Differ (v): khác
Difference (n):
Different (adj):
22. Character (n):

sự khác nhau
khác nhau
tính cách
(adj): riêng biệt, đặc

23. Social (adj): xã hội
Sociable (adj): hòa đồng

Society (n): xã hội
Socialize (v): xã hội hóa
24.Extreme (adj): thật sự
Extremely (adv): thật sự
25.Kind (adj): tot bung
Kindly (adv): một cách tốt bụng
Kindness (n): sự tốt bụng
26. Generous (adj): rộng lượng
Generosity (n): sự rộng lượng
27.Volunteer (v,n): người/tình nguyện
Voluntary (adj): tình nguyện
Voluntarily (adv): một cách tình
28.Orphan (n): người mồ côi
Orphanage (n): trại mồ côi
29.Play (v): chơi
Player (n): người chơi
30. Peace (n) : sự yên tính
Peaceful (adj) : yên tĩnh
Peacefully (adv): một cách yên tĩnh
31. Quiet (adj): yên lặng
Quietly (adv): một cách yên tính
32.Library (n): thư viện
Librarian (n): người làm trong thư viện
33. Humor (n): khiếu hài
Humorous (adj): hài hước

34. Annoy (v): làm phiên
Annoyance (n): sự làm phiền

35. Help (v): giúp đỡ
Helpful (adj): giúp ích

Helpless (adj): vơ ích
36. Appear (v): xuất hiện
Appearance (n): diện mạo

1. Our neighbours have always been very
to/towards us. (FRIEND)
2. Their
goes back to when they were at school together. (FRIEND)
3. She has given the police a very detailed/full
of the robber. (DESCRIBE)
4. Thad an
social life when I was at college. (ACT)
5. Economists are concerned by the low level of economic
. (ACT)
6. Our children have brought us so much
7. He was
married with two young children. (HAPPY)
8. This is a nice, quiet
, with modest single-family homes. (NEIGHBOR)
9. She was wearing a
dress. (BEAUTY)
10. Their house is
decorated. (BEAUTY)
11.Money has been raised to
the area. (BEAUTIFY)

12.She's a professional
13.We had a
time with them. (LOVE)
14.Her uncle takes a
interest in her progress. (PERSON)
15.She was 74 years of
when she wrote her first novel. (OLD)
16. There has been a steady decrease in the number of
to the museum. (VISIT)
17. There's a
of food and shelter in the refugee camps. (SHORT)
18. The
of the bay is approximately 200 miles. (LONG)
19. The city centre was plunged into
by the power cut. (DARK)
20.He should keep his
hair short. (CURL)
21.1 agree with you
22.It is a great
to welcome you all here this evening. (PLEASE)
23."Do you think more money should be given to education?" "
24.She hasn't got enough work at the moment,
. (LUCK)
25.We're reading a
book this week. (DIFFER)
26.She behaved with
dignity. (CHARACTER)

27.1 had a headache and I wasn't feeling very
is changing little by little. (SOCIAL)
29.They played
well. (EXTREME)
30. You are
requested to leave the building. (KIND)
31.1 would like to express my thanks for your
. (KIND)
32.She is admired for her
33.She does
work for the Red Cross two days a week. (VOLUNTEER)
is a home for children whose parents are dead. (ORPHAN)
35.The team has many talented
. (PLAY)
36. It’s so
by the lake. (PEACE)
37.1 slipped
out of the back door. (QUIET)
38.Her latest book is a
look at teenage life. (HUMOR)
39.As soon as he saw me, a look of
crossed his face. (ANNOY)
40. There was nothing unusual about/in her physical
41.He made several
suggestions. (HELP)

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