Scientific Code:
HANOI - 2021
The study is completed at:
Hanoi National University of Education
Scientific Advisors:
1. Professor Doctor Nguyen Loc
2. Doctor Nguyen Thi Kim Dung
Reviewer 1: Assoc. Prof. Dr Tran Huu Hoan
National Academy of Education Management
Reviewer 2: Assoc. Prof. Dr Trinh Thanh Hai
University of Science - Thai Nguyen University
Reviewer 3: Assoc. Prof. Dr Nguyen Duc Son
Hanoi National University of Education
The thesis is defended at PhD. Thesis Committee
of Hanoi National University of Education
at........., date..... month...... year 2020
The thesis can be found at:
- National Library
- Hanoi National University of Education Library
1. Reasons for choosing topics
The credit-based system training – CBST - was first appeared in
about 1872 at Harvard University - USA, then in decades, has spread from
the USA to Europe and all around the world.
In Vietnam, since 1993, the Ministry of Education and Training has
allowed some pilot projects and from 2014 to 2015, widely deployed CBST.
When deploying, the biggest difficulty is the training management: ancient
managing methods cannot be met the big demands of CBST.
In the current digital age, IT application is going deeply into all
economic and social fields, including education and training. The
application of IT to innovate in training management is an inevitable trend
with effective prospects.
That is the important basic reason that motivates us to choose the
research and implementation of the topic: "Information technology
application in management for credit based system training at the
Hanoi Open University”
2. Research purposes
On the basis of theoretical and practical research, proposing a total
training management solution for credit based system training - suitable for
open training, with an integrated management software, and then
conducting some tests at Hanoi Open University.
3. Objects of study
3.1. Research objects: IT application management– ITAM activities in
CBST in universities.
3.2. Object of research: Case study - ITAM in CBST at Hanoi Open University.
4. Scientific hypothesis
Until now, IT application management of CBST with open training
has not been paid attention. The solution of ITAM in CBST with scientific
basis, consistent with the practice of open training, will contribute to
improving the quality of training management in CBST in general and in
particular in open training.
5. Research tasks
- Theoretical basis for the ITAM in CBST in general and in
particular in open training.
- The status of IT application management in CBST at Hanoi Open
- Proposing solutions for IT application management in CBST,
building management software and conducting some tests at Hanoi Open
6. Scope of research
- IT application management in training CBST at Hanoi Open University.
- Refer to some institutions that provide open training in country and abroad.
7. Methodology and Research Methods
7.1. Process approach study methodology, combining System approach
and CIPO model; Functional approach and PDCA cycle;
7.2. Specific research methods
7.2.1. Group theoretical research method.- Collecting international and
domestic data; systematized to build research theoretical framework.
7.2.2. Group of practical research methods. - Investigation method;
Experience summary method; experimental pedagogy, face-to-face and
internet interviews.
7.2.3. Statistical methods: Using methods, formulas and mathematic statistical
calculation software to process data.
8. The arguments defending
- ITAM in CBST is a decisive factor for the success of implementing
CBST for Education&Training in general and in particular in open training.
- According to the process approach, ITAM in CBST must be
performed through all the actions in 7 stages of the training process.
9. Contribution of the thesis
- Theories of IT application management in CBST for open training.
- Design software system and propose overall management solution
for IT application management in CBST for open training.
1.1. Research problem overview
1.1.1. Training and training management in the credit based system In the World
Since the beginning of the XXth century, thousands of basic research
projects on theory as well as research on the implementation of credit based
system training soon appeared in many countries around the world. Some
typical results of the authors can be named: G. Dietrich (1955), James M.
Heffernan (1973), S. Pepper (1990), Barrow, C.W. (1990), Omporn Regel
(1994), Jean Bocock & David Watson (1994); Robert Allen, Geoff Layer,
Pollard Derek (1995), Michael Agelasto (1996), David Middlewood & Neil
Burton (2001); Shedd, JM (2003), Bahram Bekhradnia (2004), Elis Mazuz
(2006), Trexler CJ, (2008), Zjhra M. (2008), Jinsong Zhang, Changliu Wang
and Lulu Dong (2011), Frank L. Kurre (2013)…
For nearly half a century, the research on CBST in the world has
focused on four main contents: History of formation and development; the
need to convert to investment to CBST; the basic characteristics of IT
application in training and IT aplication in training management. In Vietnam
Right after the announcement of the policy of the Ministry of Education
and Training for pilot CBST, a number of Vietnamese researchers soon
announced their research works on basic issues in the field of credit-based
training and training management. Up to now, hundreds of works have been
published, following the direction of 4 contents as in the international
studies mentioned above. Some typical works can be pointed out as follows:
The studies of Lam Quang Thiep (2006), Le Duc Ngoc (2006), Pham Thi
Ly (2006, 2008), Nguyen Kim Dung (2008), Tran Thanh Ai (2010), Vu
Dinh Bay (2010), Diep Ngoc Dung (2010), Tran Van Dung (2010), Trinh
Duy Oanh (2010), Le Quang Son (2010), Nguyen Huu Duc and Tran Duc
Ho (2011), Nguyen Duc Chinh, Pham Minh Hung, Tran Huu Hoan, Nguyen
Mai Huong, Ngo Minh Oanh, Nguyen Thi Ha Lan (2013), Tran Van
Chuong, Nguyen Le Ha (2016), Vuong Thanh Huong (2017) ...
1.1.2. Research on IT application in training and in training management
for CBST In the world
Management for CBST is really a big challenge that all the curently
in used management measures cannot overcome.
Frank L. Kurre proposes an overall solution for IT application for
training management on national scale. Robinson Rhonda, Molenda
Michael and Rezabek Landra (2009) presented the project "Learning aids"
on a comprehensive e-learning management system using the computer
network and the Internet.
In many American countries: IT projects in education management
have been supported by the Government since 1990. In the UK: Application
of IT in education and education management started since the beginning of
the XXIst century from primary level. The UNESCO Committee for
EDUCATION and UNEVOC-TVET (Technical – Vocational Education &
Training) since 2002 have paid special attention to the application of IT in
open training and distance education.
Theorical research of IT application in education and training and in
training management has been of concern all over the world. Many
softwares for education & training management have also been developed. In Vietnam
The State already has a policy to promote the application of IT in all
socio-economic fields, including education and training. International
Workshop "Technology solutions for training management and IT application
in education" - in Ho Chi Minh City, 2015, consistently promoting the
application of IT in education and educational management. Many
researches on IT application in training have been carried out, some
doctoral thesis in the field of IT application management in credit based
system training have been successfully protected.
Official Dispatch No. 4966 dated October 31, 2019 of the Ministry
of Education and Training has affirmed the need to deploy IT application
in the entire training process and training management in the current
digital age
However, in the field of training management according to HTTC for
open and distance training, a type of training has developed rapidly and
exerted great influence in the world as well as in Vietnam in the past few
years. In the last 30 years, almost no research work and applied practice
have been fully published.
1.2. Training and training management according to the credit based system
1.2.1. Some basic concepts
* Training: Training is the impact on people to make them have
knowledge, skills, adapt to life and receive the division of labor in society.
* Credit: Currently uses the definitions given by C. J. Quann.
Decision 31/2001 / QD-BGD & ĐT stipulates: “Credit is a unit used
to measure the amount of knowledge and also a unit of assessment of the
knowledge volume of students' learning results based on the number of
credit hours accumulated, accumulate”.
* Credit based system Training – Training organized according to the
credit based system: Organize training with content including module
credits, students choose for each semester.
* Training process is the activities to collect and provide information
to learners, support them to process input information to form knowledge.
1.2.2. Process Approach in CBST in universities
* CBST is a complex system. System management is the coordinated
organization of the implementation of a given goal. To study the management of
CBST, we first analyze the training process into specific stages,
* Approach to the credit-based training management process -
Analysis of the training process at the school includes the following stages:
(i) Pre-action stage: Preparing to open the training course; (ii) Input stage:
Construction set up training programs, prepare guaranteed conditions.
Enrollment; (iii) Stage of Teaching and Learning activities: Teaching,
practicing, scientific research; (iv) Stage of ensuring and maintaining
teaching and learning conditions; v) Output stage: Examination,
examination, graduation recognition, diploma issuance, quality assessment;
(vi) Stage of Inspecting and Examining for all activities in 6 stages; (vii)
Post-action stage: Job seeking support for graduated students, social
assessment information gathering. Feedback for the following cycles.
Feedback information
Thanh tra – Kiểm tra
Social environment
Diagram in relation approach in training process
* Management functions in each stage
The function to manage each analysis stage according to PDCA cycle.
PLAN: Plan step by step for each activity. DO: Implementation of
planning steps. CHECK: Check performance results, compare with plan.
ACT (or ADJUST): Adjust plan for next cycle.
1.2.3. Content of management for CBST in universities
According to Bertalanffy, Ross Ashby (1979), Kamlesh Mathur,
Daniel Solow (1994): “System management is an organized, target-oriented
impact of the manager on the object and the managed object to use
effectively. most effective resources, opportunities of the organization to
achieve the set goals".
The actors – participants - in the training management in the
university include:
- Subjects of management at all levels: from University to school and
faculty level
- Managed objects: object to the management of the subject at each level.
- Management entity: environmental entities and social environments
1.2.4. Training according to the credit based system with open training
* Introduction to open training. In "The Education Platform for the
21st Century – UNESCO” - Jacques Delors and co-authors have clearly
stated the need for LIFELONG LEARNING of people in the era of the
current knowledge economy with 4 "pillars": Learning to know – Learn to
do – Learn to be and Learn to live together. "Lifelong learning" cannot be
done forever in the classroom, face-to-face with teachers and students, there
must be other training methods. To meet that need, Open Training or Open
Education was proposed by Célestin Freinet and Maria Montessori in 1970.
OPENness lies in the contents: Open about objects - Open about content Open about space - Open about time. That creates learning opportunities for
everyone, at anytime, anywhere, to learn what they need.
* Credit based system training with open training. The method of
teaching and learning in CBST is completely consistent with the characteristics
of “Learner-centered training” as well as with the goal: “ To create learning
opportunities for All”.of open training.
Due to the specific characteristics of open training, implementing
CBST faces more difficulties than in traditional training, especially in
training management: on the part of students, lecturers and especially
towards officers and staff manage all aspects of the school. Currently, in
many open training institutions - not only in the country - although they
want to conduct CBST, they are actually using the form of "rolling training"
- periodically focusing students on studying and taking exams on a regular
basis - credits.
1.3. Application of information technology and information technology
application management in the credit based system training
1.3.1. Information and Information Technology
• Information: C. Shannon in “The Mathematical Model of
Information” (1948), A. Feinstein in “Information Theory and its Applications”
(1968) gave a mathematical expression for measuring the amount of
information obtained through each observation. Information is recorded by the
data, in the form of a media such as text, picture, sound , picture animation or
multimedia. The information processing system operates in the input data,
receiving environment impacts, creates output information.
• Information technology: The IT Law No. 67/2006 / QH11, dated
June 29, 2006, clearly stated “Information technology is a collection of
modern scientific methods, technology and tools to produce, collect,
process, store / search and exchange digital information ”
1.3.2. Information technology and system management
- Information technology is a science sector "for intellectual
support". IT applications not only collect, process, store and transmit
information quickly, but also create software for reasoning, analyzing,
preparing and solving problems in practice.
- System management. System management is all activities aimed at
ensuring that orientation is, in essence, the act of collecting, processing, storing /
and transmitting information – which IT can realize very successfully.
1.3.3. Content of IT application management in credit based system training
Going into each training activity, we can apply the PDCA diagram in
managing the application of information technology in training according to
the credit based system:
1. Applying IT in planning (PLAN)
2. IT application in the implementation stage (DO)
3. IT application in inspection and evaluation (CHECK)
4. Applying IT in adjustment (ACT or ADJUST)
1.4. Approach to the process of IT application management of the credit
based system training for open training
1.4.1. IT application management for credit based training in each stage.
Consider the IT application support for management functions in each stage
of the training process. Management of pre-action stage. IT supports communication, building
databases of information about disciplines including legal documents,
information on personnel, training programs, specialized materials. Management of input stage. IT applications are used for office
work, create input information database, give accurate and timely
information, organize online exchanges. Managing the implementation of Teaching and Learning. IT
supports friendly and easily interactions between Teachers - Students,
between classmates, creating internal databases of subject results,
materials ... creating virtual classroom environment Manage activities to ensure for Teaching and Learning, Apply IT in
office work, create database of learning and discipline data, manage and use
facilities, online communication system Manage the output stage.
IT application is similar to the input stage of activities: Education, Finance,
Organization, learning from experience, graduation information. Manage inspection and examination activities: Create a database of
violations and disciplinary actions in the school, store well, search quickly,
quickly support complaints and denunciations in school Post-action stage management: IT application tools and measures
are generally similar to pre-action stage.
1.4.2. Training management information system
Management of 7 training stages is a unified operating mechanism,
in the form of a Training Management Information System, including:
1. An integrated database management system (always up to date)
2. Operating systems for all functions during training
3. An internal communication system, convenient, secure and safe.
4. Internal and external exchange forums.
In the system, management information is classified into three
categories: strategic, tactical, and operational information.
1. Strategic information used for long-term policy of the school,
mainly for senior management subjects, is well kept confidential and has
limited access.
2. Tactical information is used for short-term policies and guidelines,
mainly serving middle-level managers in making action plans, monitoring
developments in system performance. , on the changes of the environmental
situation ... in the short term.
3. Operational information used for operating day-to-day operations
in the organization, serving the grassroots management subject and the
object - the person who directly performs the system's activities. This is the
kind of information that needs to be updated and provided regularly
A perfect management information system, in theory, can support
doing all the necessary work in the CBST management process, can create a
friendly and easy virtual communication environment: that is the ideal
desire for everyone. participate in open training.
1.5. Factors affecting IT application and IT application management
Credit based system training.
Theoretical studies and practical observations have shown a number
of factors that have an important influence on the organization and
operation of the training management information system in schools:
- The first is Human - Manspower. All members participating in the
training management process must have the correct awareness and ability to
participate in the training management with IT applications.
- Second is Software Engineering. A fully functional software system
to manage all the activities according to Credit Based Training System.
- The third is the Technical infrastructure. Hardware configuration is
strong enough, working smoothly with high speed, good security.
- Fourth is about Organization. There is a core organization that
implements IT application activities in school management.
- The fifth is the System of legal documents- regulations system:
Clear regulations on the mechanism
responsibilities of each partner.
rights and
Conclusion - Chapter 1
An overview of the theoretical research situation on 3 basic contents:
The credit based system traing and the management of CBST; IT and IT
application in training and in management of CBST; Characteristics of open
training and content ITAM in CBST for open training.
The author emphasizes on the features of open training compared to
traditional annual face-to-face intensive training. Next, the author has
elaborated on the process approach in training management and in the
ITAM of CBST, including 7 stages. In each stage, there is an analysis
integrating the system approach, the PDCA approach and the CIPO model
into the IT application in IT training and in training management, for open
The final analysis to clearly see 5 important influencing factors in
the management CBST are: Awareness and capacity of the Staff, Software
Technology, Technical Infrastructure, Support Organization and Legal
Regulation System.
2.1. International experiences in some open universities in IT application in
training and training management
The Open training Schools in Southeast Asia and Asia, gathered in
the ISODEL and AAOU: - similar to Hanoi Open University, were
established at the end of the 20th century, are responsible for research and
development of open training for the country. Initially, mainly using radio
and television technology in combination with mailing and telephone
communication, then gradually introducing more and more a number of IT
Early XXIst century: KNOU- Korea National Open University, together
with OUJ – Open University of Japan - created the application named
e.Campus - using 4th generation website on mobile devices, with security
Virtual private network – VPN. E.campus may be also used for Home
education - learners do not go to school - in far away islands in Pacific Ocean.
KNOU has supported the“National KOIKA project" for HOU.
United Kingdom e.University - UKeU, established in 1969, is the
oldest open university in the world. With the project "Smart School", UKeU
has applied IT comprehensively in training and training management. In
2001 - 2002, UKeU sent experts to help Hanoi Open University and in 2005
staff from Hanoi Open University and Ho Chi Minh City Open University
came to work for a while. UKeU has suggested the idea for Hanoi Open
University to create an online training environment: - Hanoi Open
University - FITHOU Cyberschool" at the websites
and http: / / operates successfully from 2003 to 2010.
The quality of training of UKeU is internationally recognized and
accredited: From 2018, UKeU has entered the top 100 of Europe's top
Before 2000, Utah State University (USU) established Online
Instructional Technique Center (OITC) to research and develop online
training technology and online management. The Online Technique and
Service Center established at HOU since 2004 is based on the will of OITC
at the FSU. Florida State University (FSU) since 2002 has managed an
e.Campus for more than 200,000 distance students.
The preliminary international situation also allows to believe that IT
can effectively support training and managing training in CBST effectively.
2.2. Overview of Hanoi Open University
2.2.1. The formation process of Hanoi Open University
In the early period of socio-economic reform at the end of the last
century, Vietnam was severely short of skilled human resources. In 1990,
the Ministry of Education decided to pilot the establishment of the Institute
of Expanding Training I – IET No1- Viện Đào tạo mở rộng I - in Hanoi,
which are assigned the task of researching and piloting new training types.
In 1992, the Ministry allowed university degree training in the pilot
type for 4 disciplines: Accounting, Business Administration, Information
Technology and English at IET No1.
From the initial results, the Ministry of Education and Training
submitted to the Prime Minister to sign Decision N o. 535 / TTG dated
November 3, 1993 to establish Hanoi Open University Institute, later
changed its name to Hanoi Open University under Decision No. 960 / QDTTg dated August 6, 2018 by the Prime Minister.
2.2.2. Functions and duties of Hanoi Open University
Hanoi Open University – HOU - is a public university, directly under
the Ministry of Education & Training, is assigned two important functions:
1. Researching new types of training to meet the learning needs of
society, contributing to increasing the country's human resources.
2. Carry out pilot projects to expand new forms of training and draw
experience, ready to discuss with training institutions in need.
Hanoi Open University has been researching and implementing the
following types:
- Distance training according to traditional methods – periodical
concentration, education by mail, via radio and television.
- Distance training by online mode, e-Learning
- Training focusing on formal application of new training technology
- Training system by studying and applying new technology
- Train by module according to the needs of learners (non credited)
On August 14, 2017, the Rector of Hanoi Open University issued
Decision No. 275 / QD-DHM to promulgate a university-level training
program for 12 majors, according to the credit based system training,
deploying IT applications in training and training management.
2.2.3. The organizational structure of Hanoi Open University
According to the regulations, Hanoi Open University has the University
Council and the University Board, the Advisory Councils of Science and
Training, the apparatus of the Departments and the Faculties and Training
Centers. Due to the research characteristics of non-traditional training types,
there are also more separate functional departments and centers.
2.2.4. Training activities of Hanoi Open University
Up to now, Hanoi Open University has provided undergraduate training
for 18 majors and postgraduate (Master, Doctor) for 10 disciplines.The total
number of students in the 2017-2018 academic year is about 36,000, with a:
- Full-time training system: 30%
- In-service Part-time training (both studying and working): 10%
- Distance learning system according to traditional methods: 30%
- Open training system according to E-Learning method: 30%
From 1993 to 2016, there were about 120,000 graduates, the
graduation rate with jobs in the right suitable industries was 92%.
2.3. Survey the current situation of IT application management in
training according to the credit based system at Hanoi Open University
From 2014 - 2015 Hanoi Open University has piloted and then to
2016 - 2017 expand Credit based system training and pilot IT application
management. The author has surveyed the situation in the school over the
2015-2016-2017 years.
2.3.1. The purpose of the survey is to collect information on the current
status of IT application and of IT application management in credit based
system training along with factors affecting the IT application management
in CBST at Hanoi Open University.
2.3.2. Survey content, objects, tools and methods The content of the survey: The current situation of IT application in
CBST and in CBST management through 7 stages of the training process.
1 / IT application in Credit based system training
2 / IT application management in CBST for each stage of the training process
The effectiveness of management is assessed through the satisfaction
of management subjects and management objects with regard to activities. Objects and tools, survey methods
Respondents: The following 8 types of subjects were surveyed and
- Subject 1: 64 people - leaders of schools, faculties, offices, centers.
- Subject 2 includes 354 full- time lectures and 104 contracted lecturers.
- Subject 3 is visiting lecturers, approximately 400 people.
- Subject 4: Training manager staff: a total of 117 people.
- Subject 5: Newly enrolled regular full-time students.
- Subject 6: Newly enrolled students of other training systems.
- Subject 7: Former full-time student, studying from the second year
- Subject 8: Former student of other training systems, studying from
the second year
Survey tools and methods. Used:
- Proposal form for staff and teachers (Appendix - Form 1)
- Assessment form of IT competency for students (Sample 2).
- Interview with all subjects directly (form 3)
All criteria are rated on 4 levels from high to low:
- Level A: Very good, very agree, highly satisfied.
- Level B: Good, agree and satisfied.
- Level C: Fair, satisfied but not high.
- Level D: Ineffective. Do not agree, not satisfied.
Combined collecting comments through Questions and Answers on
the websites of the College and Faculties, using Google Forms (form 4).
IT application capacity is also assessed by 4 levels:
- A - Very good: Operate well, know about installation, maintenance
- B - Good: Operate well, use well.
- C - Fair: Can use common applications
- D - Poor: Still having trouble self-using.
2.3.3. Select a sample and conduct a survey
- Select statistical samples: According to mathematical statistics, the
sample size used ensures the estimated error σ = 0.05 and the reliability is
over 1- β = 95%.
2.3.4. Data processing
Results of detailed data processing in the tables numbered from 2.1 to 2.16
The survey interview results are considered separately for comparison and
2.4. Analyze survey results
2.4.1. Current situation of IT application in CBST
Take turns to analyze survey results according to each stage. Apply IT for pre-production and post-production activities
* Comments on Top IT application in activities: curriculum
improvement, open research and training, social information monitoring: 7278%, weakest in targeting and summarizing training courses less than 50%.
* Survey more IT applications to create online communication
connecting the school with social reality at home and abroad. Usage level is
also rated on a 4-step scale: A: Used very often - B: Quite often - C: Used D: Very few, hardly used. The following results:
Table 2.2: Evaluation of the level of creating and using the IT
application, internal and external communication environment for staff,
teachers and students
No Scope of activities proposed to evaluate
1 For internal students - schools, faculties and centers
2 Internal Teacher - Student
3 External communication forum
4 Alumni Community Communication
5 Virtual social community: website, blog, fanpage
6 I have applied IT myself to create the environment
D Fair and good
0% 24% 66% 10% 24%
0% 44% 56% 0% 44%
0% 32% 68% 0% 32%
0% 28% 68% 4%
12% 39% 49% 0%
24% 58% 42% 0%
82% Current situation of IT application in input and output stages
Comment . 100% IT application for administration, 90% appreciate
communication. Still 35% of the subjects use the services very little or little. Current situation of IT application in Teaching and Learning
Comment. 92% of teachers use ICT for teaching, 15% of teachers
participate in creating electronic materials, 70% regularly look up
information, and 64% communicate academically. There is too little interest
in communicating with social related objects - 23%. Apply IT in teaching and learning activities
Comment. Application Arrangement of learning plan and operating facilities
has not reached 50% of level A, B. Clerical, financial-.70 -74% level A. B. IT application in Inspection - Inspection activities
Comment. The school has not had a specific policy of applying IT in
inspection and examination. Staff in charge of inspection and check based on the
database and management software of the units to work, limited efficiency.
2.4.2. The current situation of IT application management in Credit
based system training according to financial support at Hanoi Open
University Current situation of ITAM in pre-action and post-action activities
Comment. Over 80% admitted that the efficiency was good in
updating curriculum and textbooks, 89% used IT to manage activities, 46%
very often. However, in macro problems it is too low: 4 -8%. However, the
management of the university connection with alumni and society is not
good: 43% and 57% are not interested. Managing IT application in activities in Stage 2 - Input, and Stage 5 - Output
Comment. The survey data is not satisfactory: In the input job, the
level of C. D for regular new students is 29%, for new students with other
systems up to 31%, related employees also 22% . Former students complain
about output work: 41% of regular students rate C level, 34% of other
students rate 22% of C level, 12% of D level. Current status of IT application management for activities at
Teaching and learning and Teaching and Learning services
Comment: Second year students complaining about Teaching and
Learning service management: 26% and 28% of the system students rate C
and D. Even worse Teaching and Learning Management: 32% and 41%
rated C and D, even visiting teachers - 24%, management staff - 28% also
complained, mainly about scheduling, classroom layout, etc.
* In-depth investigation of the IT application of infrastructure
Comment: Currently the university is quite strong in terms of
technological equipment and technical staff but lacks regulations and
regulations on use and preservation: current documents only regulate 2325% of operations. Facility management: 88% of level C and D, detection
and troubleshooting: 72% of level C, D. On the Internet environment,
security, transaction safety, and legal regulations of the State, the Ministry
of Information and Communication is very important, in this regard, the
rating A and B are only 23%. Current situation of IT application management in inspection,
examination and evaluation of teaching implementation according to
training objectives
The University has a Quality Control & Inspection Department. The
Training Department and the Faculties also cooperate to perform bar - check.
The effectiveness of IT application management in Inspection - Testing is also
assessed by the satisfaction level of objects in activities: enrollment, teaching
regulations, exams, testing, score management, study processing. practice,
graduate. Financial inspector. Resolve the complaint report.
Reviews. Level A, B for admission inspectors are 89%, graduation is
82%. The lowest effect was in monitoring the module with 34% dissatisfied
and 18% dissatisfied.
2.4.3. Factors affecting the implementation of IT application in training
and ITAM for CBST
In order to clearly see the relevance and importance of a number of
factors likely to affect the effectiveness of IT application in training and
management in CBST, the survey data was separated by 11 specialized
faculties for comparison. The influencing factors investigated are: Human factor:The current status of the awareness level and the
current status of the IT application capacity of the lecturers and students to
implement the IT application in the training management in CBST.
Regarding the general perception, there is no denying the effect of IT
application in activities at all 7 stages, especially in input and output
activities. Social connection apps are rated the worst – 23% D, Teaching
and Learning 12% D, in-depth analysis with clear differences between
faculties. The survey subjects all have average IT application skills;
Approximately 30-40% of new students are still weak, 1 year later they
have all achieved good and good levels. There is a large disparity between
the faculty units in the school between the majors related to IT. (The two
criteria use the same survey form) Current situation of IT infrastructure - Hardware and Software used in training and training management at Hanoi Open University. (The
two criteria use the same survey form)
In terms of software technology, the University's weakest point is the
lack of a specialized multi-purpose management software: 52% rate it at D.
The level of use of individual management software varies widely across
departments. In terms of IT hardware infrastructure, there are a few faculties
that excel. No area was rated completely satisfied, but all areas were rated
quite satisfied or above, B and C levels. The situation of organization, management and administration of IT
application in training and training management in the whole school.
Currently, at the university level, Hanoi Open University does not have a
Administration Department. In the school, there are quite a few highly skilled
technicians, but no organization has the right and responsibility for general
mobilization. Regarding the legal document system regulating IT application
activities in training and management for CBST at Hanoi Open University
Surveying the evaluation of objects on the existing system of
regulations and regulations related to the IT application in training and IT
application management. Also rated according to 4 levels A, B, C, D from
high to low.
Currently in the University there are only a few regulations in each unit,
even no documents, 91% rated at D level. The archiving of state legal documents
on network security is only rated 46% of C level and 20% D level
2.5. Results achieved and cause analysis
2.5.1. These achievements
IT application in training management at Hanoi Open University has
some results.
- Managing IT application has been deployed in the entire process of
CBST, achieving some results recognized by the majority of schools.
- In many fields of training work and training management, IT
application has been an effective and frequently used support tool.
- Especially for the administrative work, archive and search of
clerical records, most of them acknowledge the benefits of IT application.
2.5.2. Analyze the cause
Find the cause of success in applying IT in training management
according to the financial system at the school, we consider the relationship
with the factors mentioned in Section 2.4.
1 / Human – Manspower: Perception of objects and capacity to use IT
2 / Software technology.
3 / Technological Infrastructure - Hardware.
4 / Support Organization.
5 / Regulatory system governing activities.
The factors surveyed are all qualitative factors, so use the Rank
correlation number or the Rank correlation - according to Spearman.
ГR = 1 - 6Σdi2 / (n3 - n)
According to the calculation results, with the correlation number
from 0, 8272 to 0.9727 – the 5 factors above are very closely related and are
the cause that affects the efficiency of IT application in training
management according to the financial system in the school.
2.6. A few of the other open training institutions in Vietnam
2.6.1. Similarities between Hanoi Open University and Ho Chi Minh City
The Ho Chi Minh City Open University was the former Institute of
Expanding Training No2 established in 1990, and was decided to change to
a semi-public university in Ho Chi Minh City on July 26, 1993 and then on
June 22, 2006, the Prime Minister continued to issue Decision No. 146/2006
/ QD-TTg transformed into the Ho Chi Minh City Open University, also a
public school, with the same political duties and functions as Hanoi Open
University, is assigned to operate in the South.
Implementing the general policy of the Ministry of Education and
Training from the school year 2014 - 2015, at the Ho Chi Minh City Open
University also started implementing CBST. The situation through the
development stages is quite similar to Hanoi Open University.
Conclusion - Chapter 2
Through a survey of the current status of IT application and IT
application management in CBST at Hanoi Open University from the
school year 2014 - 2015 to the school year 2017-2018, the following
conclusions can be drawn:
1. IT application and IT application management at Hanoi Open
University was deployed quite early when switching to the training system.
2. Most staff, lecturers and students clearly see the benefits and
importance, but a part of the application capacity is still weak.
3.The university's IT facilities are pretty good but lack of regulations
and organizational management. Lack of integrated software solutions ..
3.1. The principles of proposed solution: Efficiency; Possibility; Inheritance;
Openness, Confidentiality, Comprehensive and Security of information.
3.2. Proposing solutions for the IT application in management for
CBST at Hanoi Open University
3.2.1. Solution 1 on Human resources: Fostering capacity building for IT
application and awareness raising for staff, lecturers and students in the university
on the effectiveness of IT application in training and training management. Objectives: Fostering and improving capacity of IT application and
awareness raising for staff, lecturers and students in the school. Content and implementation measures:
- Raise the ground of basic informatics skills in general throughout
the University through short-term topics, mentoring, combining using
YouTube, facebook.
- After installing and transferring CTMS to the concerned units, it is
necessary to organize a thoughtful "technology transfer", ensuring that the
transferred units can operate well as well as being able to handle some
common errors. When making a transfer decision to each unit, the technical
support team - TST - will say in solution 5 - hold "trainings", each of which
needs to appoint at least 2 qualified people. These people will acquire the
system and are assigned to work as administrators of the Faculty / Center in
the future. During the trial and long term, TST will assign its staff the
responsibility to regularly monitor and advise each unit, which will be
discussed in detail in solution 5. organization
3.2.2. Solution 2 on Sofwware technology: Organizing and directing the
development of a software system for training management according to the
credit system Objectives : Due to the characteristics of Hanoi Open University,
there is currently no full-package software for credit training management
available in the market that meets all requirements, there is no suitable
versatile software system. can support throughout all management activities
in the credit based system training process in Hanoi Open University. So
this solution includes Building the Credit Training Management System –
CTMS - integrated credit training management software system Content and implementation measures: Analyzing in detail the
sequence of activities in the training process according to the credit system
at Hanoi Open University to serve as the content basis for the construction
of CTMS. Credit based system training is a successive series of activities.
closely related to each other. With a specific training course that can list the
next activities in each stage, the management software system should be
designed to perform the function of managing all activities in those stages.
approach the process as analyzed in chapter 1 to complete the training
objectives of the University.
- Building credit training management software - CTMS has the
function of integrated management of all activities in 7 training stages, can
be connected to softwares currently in use.
- The system is currently located on the website at: .
and there are several video manuals on YouTube. Access and use are strictly
protected, but the members who are registered and authorized can easily
access and use. In the condition that Hanoi Open University's training
facilities are dispersed according to each Faculty, Center, with geographical
distance, the system can also be installed to operate in the internal LANs of
each faculty or center.
3.2.3. Solution 3 on Hardware – Infrastucture. Organizing and directing
the completion of technical infrastructure to ensure the effective operation
of the management software system Objectives: Review and supplement if necessary, preserve and well
exploit the infrastructure of IT and information technology throughout the
University to create a smooth operating system, promptly detect and correct
any arising problems. . Content and implementation measures: In terms of infrastructure,
the current situation survey results, in the short term, do not need large costs to
supplement and upgrade, but mainly to promptly solve requirements such as
checking and rationalizing the connection. existing systems, install new
application software, operate properly, regularly maintain and maintain, promptly
detect problems and failures to repair, replace, make recommendations.
Investing if it is necessary to ensure that the credit training
management software system is in use, can work effectively and safely.
With the current status of the existing facilities of HOU, it is not
difficult to do. Assign the TST - Technical support team - say in solution 4
- review the report of the investigation of IT equipment at the whole school,
the general technical inspection reports for handling.
TST coordinated with OTSC ( Online Technique and Service
Center) to study the records of investigation of the current situation, review
the actual situation of equipment in units: e.Learning training center, Da
Nang Center, centers, affiliated units, especially facilities in remote
mountainous areas such as Lai Chau, Lao Cai, Ha Giang, Thai Binh ...
propose plans to support and supplement if necessary. Assign coordinator
connected to the TST
3.2.4. Solution 4 on Organization of Implementation. Building a Technical
Support Team to implement the management of IT application in training
under the financial system Objectives: is to build and form an organization operating
throughout the school, taking on the above functions, named the Technical
Support Team for IT application in CBST, referred to as the Technical
Support Team - Technical Support Team - TST, which helps to operate,
monitor, urge, and inspect the application of IT in training and training at
the school, responsible for the Board of the Rector. Content and implementation measures: Without increasing the
payroll, the Rector decided to establish a TST under the Faculty of
Information Technology, with part-time members. TST members are still on
the payroll of the old unit and work normally at their unit, frequently in
contact with each other and with the captain and vice captain. The team
command has a plan to regularly keep up with all of the university's training
units, including local centers, via online or telephone communication.
Periodically or irregularly, it is possible to organize an inspection in a
number of units when a problem arises that requires attention.
Whenever there is a change in the training system such as opening a
new industry, establishing a new unit, changing the training program to a
small extent, TST needs to update information promptly to propose a
systematic adjustment. At the same time, reviewing whether the hardware
system is capable of performing the newly arising functions or not. In case
of need, it shall proactively propose a plan to the Board of the Rector for
consideration and settlement. When the team is too capable of handling, the
team command, along with the committee in charge of the Faculty, the
Center unit, directly reports to the Rector.
3.2.5. Solution 5 on a system of regulations on the operational mechanism
of information technology application management in training according to
the credit system Objectives: Build internal legal document system to create a legal
corridor for IT application activities. Content and implementation measures: Explanation describing all
management activities in all stages of the credit training process;
Regulations on data security and confidentiality; Specific provisions on the
regime of preservation and use of assets - civil service; Regulations on
interaction and support mechanism between system members; Mechanism
of inspection, examination ...
The editorial department with the help of the Legal Center of the
University collects, systematizes the existing legal documents issued by
superiors and internal to the University. Proposals for supplementing,
adjusting to the University Council approved for testing, reviewing, editing
and submitting to the Rector for official promulgation of the legal system in
addition to the usual administrative regulations necessary to ensure the legal
and legitimate character of the people and teams. When implementing
groups of overall solutions to manage IT application management in credit
based system training in Hanoi Open University, but also includes a system
of relevant legal regulations. In general, when it comes to the application of
ICT, the scope of activities is of course an open environment relevant to the
entire society - including the international environment. pay attention to the
procedures and regulations on the decentralization of the functions in the
system and the right to access and process mechanical parts. database, soft
security procedures (username, password, captcha, OTP ...) and hard security
(office management, device lock, etc.)
3.3. Testing IT application management solutions in credit based system
training at Hanoi Open University
3.3.1. Test purpose and object Test purpose. Solution evaluation in terms of:
- Have you really guaranteed the 5 set out principles?
- Satisfaction level of objects about the effectiveness of the solution. Test subjects: - Phase 1 of 2015-2016 at the IT and Law Faculty, the
Economics Faculty with 2000 students, 50 lecturers and 20 administrators.
Phase 2 of school year 2016 - 2017: with 16,000 students, nearly 600
lecturers, 120 management staff with 36 training programs.
3.3.4. Evaluate the test results
The test in 2015 - 2016 is mainly to learn from adjusted experience
to use for the next extended test. In the second trial, a questionnaire was
made to collect the evaluation opinion of nearly 100% of lecturers and staff.
Students take samples at random.
The evaluation criteria used a qualitative scale according to 4 levels:
A: Very good, satisfied in all aspects + B: Good, satisfied C: Average, some
are not very satisfied + D: Poor, unsatisfied. The results shown in the
figures in 2 tables 3.1 and 3.2
Table 3.1. High satisfaction level of training management solution using
CMTS (A + B)
Content rated
Good Fairly Normal Poor
Easy and convenient access to use
Fast and reliable information exchange 86%
Finding convenient information
Support expansion implementation
100% 0%
Suggested ideas (send separate recommendations)
Good + Fair
100% good
Table 3.2. Statistics on the high satisfaction of management subjects for
the stages in CTMS application credit training management (including A
và B level)
Finance stage TKB
The rate of satisfaction of new regular students
Percentage of new students' satisfaction
Regular former student satisfaction rate
Percentage of satisfied former students/other students
Rate of satisfaction in- university teachers
Satisfaction rate of visiting lecturers
Rate of satisfaction of employees
Academic Schedule Exam / Graduation Examination
Evaluation of each principle of management solution system with
CTMS software:
1. About efficiency. Using ITAM for CBST has achieved high
efficiency, convenience and speed.
- A clear effect: When the percentage of students in the open training
system increases, the faculties are worried about increasing staff, but in fact 2
years, the administrative payroll has not increased but everything is still good.
- Because it is just an experiment, the solutions: the legal system,
fostering awareness and skills, organizing creative innovation are all
temporary, so the effect is limited.
2. About feasibility. There are concerns about difficult and costly
investment in infrastructure and human resource training. The confirmation
test is workable.
3. In terms of comprehensiveness. Most of the training activities and
other activities are well managed. In terms of Finance, there are still a lot of
cash transactions, transactions via post, and transactions through
intermediaries, not fully integrated into the system, some things still have to
be done manually and manually.
4. About inheritance. Easily integrate and extend applications with parts
of the current software technology market without conflict, excluding financial
management software, record management software in use.
5. On openness.- Open in volume: In the first version, the
management object is 800 people, with about 40 credit modules. Pilot phase
2: 16,000 students, 720 faculty members with nearly 200 modules. Capacity
can continue to expand, as long as the hardware is secure.
- Open on functions. The new early versions focus on training
management functions such as credit scheduling, learning storage and
retrieval. The test has integrated many other diverse functions: CTMS is
completely capable of integrating new functions.
- Open the device. Smart mobile devices are evolving. Smartphone
application creation is an effective research direction to support training
management in open and distance training.
6. Data security and transaction safety. Personal data, training
management data all need to be confidential and ensure transaction safety.
In CTMS, there is a strict decentralization, decentralization is protected by a
transaction name, password, CAPTCHA. In the tests, the information stored
or embed the website in SSL is not encrypted, but actually these are not
difficult to do. After all, when participating in the Internet environment, we
face the same risk of secure transaction as everyone else and can only
handle everyone currently doing.
Conclusion - Chapter 3