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WEEK 1: (11/9 - 15/9/2017)
Unit 1

Lesson 1(1,2)

Period 1

Date of teaching: 11/9/2017
Class: 4A, 4B, 4C
Page 6

Lesson 1: ( 1,2)
I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to greet and respond to greetings
formallly, using Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening and Nice see you again.
1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: morning, afternoon, evening
- Sentence Patterns: Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening and
Nice see you again.
2. Language skills:
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.
II. Preparations:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually), work in
pairs/ groups.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Student’ activities

I. Warm up (5’)
- Greeting by saying Hello/Hi. How are
- Ss respond with Hello. I’m fine.
Thank you. And you?
- Encourage Ss to greet each other in pairs.
II. New lesson (25’)
1. Look, listen and repeat:
- Tell Ss that they are going to learn greet
- Listen to the T.
and respond to greetings formally.
- Ask them look at the four pictures to
- Discuss the pictures.
discuss the context.
- Listen to the recording. Do choral and
- Play the recording a few times for Ss to
individual repetition, pointing to the
listen and repeat.
characters speaking.
- Play the recording for them to listen and
- Listen and repeat again.
2. Point and say:
- Tell Ss that they are going to practise
- Listen to the T.
greeting and responding to each other
formally by using Good morning, Good
afternoon and Good evening.
- Have them look at the pictures.
- Look at the pictures.

- Point to the first picture and elicit the
- Practise greetings.
formal greeting used in the morning.

- Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in
- Practise in pairs.
front of the class.
- Check as a class and correct pronunciation.
III. Consolidation: (4’)
- T summerizes the main points of the lesson .
- Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart.
- Prepare next lesson
--------------------------------------------------------------------Date of teaching: 13/9/2017
Class: 4A, 4B, 4C
Unit 1
Lesson 2(1,2,3)
Period 2
Page 8

Lesson 2: ( 1,2,3)
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to say and respond to
1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: tomorrow, later, again, see.
- Sentence Patterns:
Nice to see you again.

Goodbye/ Bye/ Good night.
See you tomorrow/ See you later.
2. Language skills:
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.
II. Preparations:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually), work in
pairs/ groups.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Student’ activities
I. Warm up (5’)
- Ask Ss sing the song Good morning to you - Ss sing the song.
II. New lesson (25’)
1. Look, listen and repeat
- Listen to the T.
- Tell Ss that they are going to learn greet
and respond to goodbye.
- Discuss the pictures.
- Ask them look at the four pictures to
understand the context.
- Listen to the recording. Do choral and
- Play the recording a few times for Ss to
individual repetition, pointing to the
listen and repeat.
characters speaking.
- Listen and repeat again.
- Play the recording for them to listen and

2. Point and say
- Listen to the T.

- Tell Ss that they are going to practise
greeting and responding to Goodbye.
- Have them look at the pictures.
- Point to the first picture and elicit the
formal greeting used in the morning.
- Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in
front of the class.
- Check as a class and correct pronunciation.
3. Let’s talk:
- Tell Ss that they are going to revise what
they have learnt in Lesson 1 and 2.
- Remind Ss how to use Good morning/
Good afternoon/ Good evening to greet each
other formally and how to use See you
tomorrow/See you later/Good night to
respond to goodbye/ good night.
- Get one pupil to act as a teacher. Ask them
to greet each others formally.
- Ask Ss to say goodbye to each other.

- Look at the pictures.
- Practise greetings.
- Practise in pairs.
- Ss listen.
- Ss remind how to use these phrases.

- Act as a teacher and greet each others.
- Practise say goodbye to each others.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs, acting out how to
greet and say Goodbye.
- Work in pairs.
- Call on a few pairs to act out the dialogue
- Act out the dialogue in front of the
in front of the class.
3. Let’s talk:
- Tell Ss that they are going to revise what - Listen to the T.
they learnt in lesson 1 and 2.
- Guides Ss to practice greeting and
- Ss listen.
- Practice
- Asks Ss to practice in small groups.
- Call someone to perform at the front of the - Work in group
- Perform
- Listen
- Check ss’ pronounciation
III. Consolidation: (4’)
- T summerizes the main points of the lesson .
- Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart.
- Prepare next lesson

--------------------------------------------------------------------WEEK 2: (18/9 - 22/9/2017)
Date of teaching: 18/9/2017
Class: 4B, 4A, 4C
Unit 1
Lesson 3(1,2,3)
Period 3
Page 10

Lesson 3: ( 1,2,3)

I. Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
 Use the words and phrases related to the topics Meeting people.
 Pronounce the sounds of the letter l and n in the words Linda and night respectively.
1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: review
- Sentence Patterns: review
- Phonics: Linda and night .
2. Language skills:
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.
II. Preparations:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually), work in
pairs/ groups.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities

Student’ activities
I. Warm up (5’)
- Spend a few minutes revising Good
- Remind these phrases.
morning/ Good afternoon/ Good evening
and See you tomorrow/ See you later.
- Get Ss to do dictation, using the phrases
- Do dictation.
learnt in the previous lessons.
II. New lesson (25’)
1. Listen and repeat:
- Tell Ss that they are going to practise - Ss listen to the T.
saying the sounds of the letters l and n in the
words Linda and night respectively.
- Put the letters l and n on the board.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to repeat a
- Listen to the recording and repeat.
few times.
- Write the words Linda and night and the - Listen to the recording and repeat.
sentences Hello, Linda and Goodnight on
the board
- Play the recording a few times and let Ss
- Do choral and individual repetition of
say the words and phrases, paying attention the sounds.
to the target sounds.
- Call Ss repeat again.
- Repeat again.
2. Listen and circle. Then write and say
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the - Listen to the T.

recording, circle the correct options and then
write the words in the blanks.
- Give them a few seconds to read the - Read the sentences in silence and guess
sentences in silence and guess the words to the words to fill the gaps.

fill the gaps.
- Play the recording more than once.
- Listen to the recording.
- Give Ss time to write the words in the gaps - Write the words in the gaps
- Have them swap their answers before - Swap their answers before checking as
checking as a class.
a class.
- Ask Ss to read the sentences aloud.
- Read the sentences aloud.
Key: 1b 2b 3b 4a
3. Let’s chant:
- Tell Ss that they are going to say the chant. - Ss listen.
- Play the tape a few times.
- Ask Ss to read aloud each line in the chant - Ss read and clap
and clap their hands.
-Listen and repeat
- Ask them to listen again and repeat
- Have Ss practice the chant in pairs
- Call three pairs to the front of the class to
chant and do actions.
-Listen and correct

- Correct and comment
III. Consolidation: (4’)
- T summerizes the main points of the lesson .
- Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart.
- Prepare next lesson
--------------------------------------------------------------------Date of teaching: 20/9/2017
Class: 4A, 4B, 4C
Unit 2
Lesson 1(1,2)
Period 4
Page 12

Lesson 1: (1,2)
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer questions
about where someone is from, using Where are you from? I’m from.....
1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: Malaysia, America, Australia and England.
- Sentence Patterns: Where are you from?
I’m from .......
2. Language skills:
- Develop Ss speaking, writing , reading and listening skills.
3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.
II. Preparations:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually), work in
pairs/ groups.

IV. Procedures:
Teacher’s activities
Student’ activities

I. Warm up (5’)
- Chatting.
- Ss reply
- Say “How are you?” with the class then
ask them to reply.
II. New lesson (25’)
1. Look, listen and repeat
- Tell Ss that they are going to read a story - Listen to the T.
in chich the characters ask and answer
questions about where they are from.
- Ask Ss look at the four pictures and - Look at the four pictures and identify
identify the characters.
the characters.
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen - Listen and repeat.
and repeat.
2. Point and say
- Tell Ss that they are going to practise
- Listen to the T.
asking and answering questions about where
someone is from, using Where are you
from? I’m from....
- Have them look at the pictures.
- Look at the pictures.
- Point to the first picture and do the task
- Listen to the T.

with one pupil.
- Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in
- Practise in pairs.
front of the class.
- Check as a class and correct pronunciation.
III. Consolidation: (4’)
- T summerizes the main points of the lesson .
- Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart.
- Prepare next lesson

Kí duyệt của BGH

Kí duyệt của tổ trưởng

Ngày_ _ _ /_ _ _ /201_ _

Ngày_ _ _ /_ _ _ /201_ _











WEEK 3: (25/9 - 29/9/2017)
Unit 2

Date of teaching: 25/9/2017
Class: 4B, 4C, 4A
Page 14

Lesson 2 (1,2,3)
Period 5
Lesson 2: Part 1-2-3
I. Objectives: After the lesson, students are able to asking and answering questions
about one’s nationality, using What nationality are you?- I’m...
1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: nationality, American, Malaysian, Japanese, English, Australian.
- Sentence patterns: What nationality are you?- I’m...
2. Language skills:
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.

II. Preparations:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, teaching plan.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually),
work in pairs/ groups, discuss.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher ’s activities
Students ’s activities
I. Warm up (5’)
- Have ss play the game: Jumbled letters.
- Play the game:
+ Show ss words in which all the letters have got Chian
mixed up.
+ Have ss put the letters in the correct order to
make a word.
+ Call ss to give the answer.
- Have ss read aloud all words.
- Read in chorus.
II. New lesson (25’)

1. Look, listen and repeat:
- Tell Ss that they are going to read a story in which
the character ask and answer questions about one’s
- Have Ss to look at the book at page 14.
- Have pupils look at pictures. Elicit the character
and have Ss guess what they are saying.
- Play the recording a few times for Ss to listen and
2. Point and say:
- Tell Ss that they are going to practise the
question and answer What nationality are you?I’m + (nationality).
- Have ss look at the picture and identify the
- Teach vocabulary:
American Malaysian
English Australian Vietnamese
- Sentence: What nationality are you?- I’m...
- Do picture a as a model.
- Have Ss work in pairs to practice.
- Call some pairs to talk in front of the class.

- Ss listen.
- Ss look at the picture , listen and
- Ss listen and repeat after the tape.

- Ss listen.

- Ss look at and identify
- Ss listen and take note
- Ss repeat
- Ss practise asking and answering
in pairs.
- Ss speak in front of the class.

3. Let’s talk:
- Tell Ss that they are going to practise more with
- Ss listen
the questions Where are you from?
What nationality are you?
- Have Ps work in pair to ask and answer
- Ss work in pairs.
+ What’s your name?
+ Where are you from?
- Some Ss volumteer come to the
+ What nationality are you?
class, the other give the comment.
- Listen and correct.
III. Consolidation: (4’)
- T summerizes the main points of the lesson .
- Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart.
- Prepare next lesson
--------------------------------------------------------------------Date of teaching: 29/9/2017
Class: 4A, 4B, 4C

Unit 2
Lesson 3 (1,2,3)
Period 6
Page 16

Lesson 3: Part 1-2-3
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to pronounce correctly the letters
j and v in words Japan and Vietnamese.
1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: review
- Structures: review
- Phonics: Japan
2. Language skills:
- Develop Ss writing and listening skills
3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.
II. Preparations:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, teaching plan.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually),
work in pairs/ groups, discuss.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher ’s activities
Students ’s activities
I. Warm up (5’)
- Asks Ss write names of some countries.
- Ss write names of some

II. New lesson (25’)
1. Listen and repeat:
- Tell Ss that they are going to practise saying the
letters(j,v) in the words Japan and Vietnamese
- Put the phonics letters j and v on the board.
- Play the recording a few times for Ss to listen
and repeat.
2. Listen and tick. Then say aloud:
- Tell Ss that they are going to do a dictation.
- Ask Ss to read the text in silence.
- Play the recording twice for Ss to listen and do
the task.
- Have Ss to compare their answers.
- Play the recording again pupils check their
- T give the answer: Key: 1- b
2- a
3. Let’s chant:
- Tell Ps that they are going to say the What
nationality are you? chant.
- Say the chant and check comprehension.
- Have Ps repeat every line of the chant. When
they are familiar with the rhythm, show them how
to say the chant and do the actions.
- Divide the class into three groups to say the

- Ss listen.
- Ss listen and repeat.

- Ss listen.
- Ss read the sentences in silence.
- Ss listen and do the task.
- Ss compare the answers.
- Ss listen and check the answers.
- Ss listen.

-Listen and repeat

- Get groups of Ps to sit face to face and practice
chanting and doing the actions. Get around and
offer help, if necessary.
- Call two groups to the front of the class to chant.
The whole class claps along the rhythm.


-Listen and correct
III. Consolidation: (4’)
- T summerizes the main points of the lesson .
- Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart.
- Prepare next lesson
--------------------------------------------------------------------WEEK 4: (2/10 - 6/10/2017)
Date of teaching: 2/10/2017
Class: 4B, 4C, 4A

Unit 3
Lesson 1 (1,2,)
Period 7
Page 18

Unit 3: What day is it today?
Lesson 1: Part 1+2
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to ask and answer questions about
days of the week using What day is it today? - It’s… .
1. Language contents:
- Vocabulary: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
- Sentence patterns: - What day is it today? - It’s ….
2. Language skills:
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills
3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.
II. Preparations:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, teaching plan.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually),
work in pairs/ groups, discuss.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher ’s activities
Students ’s activities
I. Warm up (5’)
- Repeat the What nationality are you? chant
- Ss repeat .
II. New lesson (25’)
1. Look, listen and repeat:
- Tell Ps that they are going to practice asking and
answering questions about days of a week, using

What day is it today? - It is Monday.
- Draw Ps’ attention to the first picture and elicit the
names of characters and what are they saying.
- Play the recording a few times for Ss to listen and
2. Point and say:

- Ss listen.
- Ss look at the picture , listen and
- Ss listen and repeat after the tape.

- Tell Ps that they are going to practice asking and - Ss listen.
answering questions What day is it today? - It is
- Point to each picture and elicit the meaning of
new words. Point to the first picture and elicit the - Ss look at and identify
word to fill the gap.
New words
- Ss listen and take note
- Put the question and answer on the board

Modal sentence What day is it today? - It is
- Have the Ss to repeat the sentences a few times
- Ss repeat
- Repeat the steps with the second picture
- Ask the Ss to work in pairs
- Ss practise asking and answering
- Call some pairs to practice
in pairs.
- Listen and correct.
- Ss speak in front of the class.
III. Consolidation: (4’)
- T summerizes the main points of the lesson .
- Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart.
- Prepare next lesson
--------------------------------------------------------------------Date of teaching: 6/10/2017
Class: 4A, 4B, 4C
Unit 3
Lesson 2 (1,2,3)
Period 8
Page 20

Unit 3: What day is it today?
Lesson 2: Part 1,2,3
I. Objectives: By the end of this lesson, Students will be able to ask and answer the
questions about weekly activities, using What do you do on( name of the day)?
I... in the morning/ in the afternoon...
1. Language contents:

- Vocabulary: go to the zoo, help my parents, play the guitar, go swimming, visit
- Sentence Partners: What do you do on( name of the day)?
I... in the morning/ in the afternoon..
2. Language skills: Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.
II. Preparations:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, teaching plan.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually),
work in pairs/ groups, discuss.
IV. Procedures:

Teacher ’s activities
I. Warm up (5’)

Students ’s activities

Slap the board



-Slap the board


II. New lesson (25’)
1. Look, listen and repeat:
- Tell Ps that they are going to practice asking and
answering questions weekly activities.
- Draw Ps’ attention to the first picture and elicit the
names of characters and the activities.
- Play the recording a few times for Ss to listen and
2. Point and say:
- Tell Ps that they are going to practice asking and
answering questions What do you do on…….?
- Point to each picture and elicit the meaning of
new words. Point to the first picture and elicit the
word to fill the gap.
go to the zoo
help my parents
play the guitar
go swimming
- Put the question and answer on the board and
have Ps repeat them a few times.
Sentence Partners: What do you do on…….?
- I help my parents at home.
- Repeat the steps with the second picture
- Ask the Ss to work in pairs
- Call some pairs to practice
-Listen and correct.
3. Let’s talk:

- Tell ps that they are going to practise more with
their friends.
- Give a few seconds for Ps to read the questions
and check comprehension.
- Call a pair to give a demonstration of the answer
before starting the activity.
- Have Ps work in pairs. Go around to offer help
and correct the pronunciation, if necessary.
- Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of
the class.

- Ss listen.
- Ss look at the picture , listen and
- Ss listen and repeat after the tape.
- Ss listen.
- Ss look at and identify

- Ss listen and take note

- Ss repeat
- Ss practise asking and answering
in pairs.
- Ss speak in front of the class.

- Ss listen.
- Read the questions
-Work in pairs
-Practice in front of the class.

III. Consolidation: (4’)

- T summerizes the main points of the lesson . Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart. Prepare next lesson

Kí duyệt của BGH

Kí duyệt của tổ trưởng

Ngày_ _ _ /_ _ _ /201_ _

Ngày_ _ _ /_ _ _ /201_ _











WEEK 5: (9/10 - 13/10/2017)
Unit 3

Lesson 3 (1,2,3)

Period 9

Date of teaching: 9/10/2017
Class: 4B,4C,4A
Page 22

Unit 3: What day is it today?
Lesson 3: Part 1,2,3
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to :
- Pronounce correctly the sound of the letters “ ir ” and “ ur” “ er”.
- Listen and read for specific information.
1. Language contents:
- Sentence Partners: review
- Vocabulary: review
- Phonics: the letters “ ir ” and “ ur”: er” .
2. Language skills: Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.
II. Preparations:

1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually), work in
pairs/ groups.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher ’s activities
Students ’s activities
I. Warm up (5’)
- Have Ss play the game: Slap the board.
- Work in groups to play the




II. New lesson (25’)
1. Listen and repeat
-Tell Ps that they are going to practice saying the
letters, words, sentences in the book.
-Put the phonics letters ir, ur and er on the board
and say them a few times.

-Ask Ps to repeat after you. Prompt Ps to say the
words and sentences, paying attention to the target
phonics letters. Do choral repetition of the words
and sentences unit Ps feel confident.
2. Listen and circle. Then say aloud.
-Tell Ps that they are going to do a dictation.
-Give Ps a few seconds to read the in the silence
before starting the dictation.
-Get Ps to swap and check their answers before
checking as class. Write the correct answers on the
board for Ps to copy down their notebooks.
-Get Ps practice saying sentences.
Answer 1. b
2. b
3. a
3. Let´s chant:
-Tell Ps that they are going to say the What do you
do on…? chant. Say the chant and check
comprehension. Have Ps repeat every line of the
chant. When they are familiar with the rhythm,
show them how to say the chant and do the
-Divide the class into three groups to say the
-Get groups of Ps to sit face to face and practice
chanting and doing the actions. Get around and
offer help, if necessary.

-Read the letters ir, ur and er the

words and the sentences corectly
-Listen to the tape and repeat.

Listen to tape do exercise
Read aloud

-Whole class
-Read the sentences in the chant
-Listen to the tape and read after
-Groups work
-Groups work

-Call two groups to the front of the class to chant.
The whole class claps along the rhythm.
III. Consolidation: (4’)
- T summerizes the main points of the lesson .
- Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart.
- Prepare next lesson
--------------------------------------------------------------------Date of teaching: 11/10/2017
Class: 4A,4B,4C
Unit 4
Lesson 1 (1,2,3)
Period 10

Page 24
Lesson 1: part 1-2
I. Objectives: After the lesson, students are able toask and answer questions about dates,
using ‘What is the date today?’.
1. Language contents:
- Sentence Partners: What is the date today? - It is the first of October.
-Vocabulary: October, first, second, third, fourteenth, twenty-second, twenty- first, date
2. Language skills:
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.
II. Preparations:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually), work in
pairs/ groups.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher ’s activities
Students ’s activities
I. Warm up (5’)
- Asks Ss read the chant: What do you do on….?
The whole class
II. New lesson (25’)
1. Look, listen and repeat:
Have them look at the four pictures to discuss the
- Ss listen.
contexts in which the language is use. Ask them
questions such as Who are they?, Where are they? - Ss look at the picture , listen and
and What are they talking about? Draw Ps’

attention to the first picture and elicit the names of
characters and what are they saying.
Play the recording for Ps to listen and say along.
- Ss listen and repeat after the tape.
Have Ps repeat the text a few times.
Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the
characters speaking.
Have Ps to find out the new structure. Whole class -The whole class
repeats it for several times

2. Point and say:
New words
twenty- first
Modal sentence What is the date today? - It is
the first of October.
Tell Ps that they are going to practice asking and
answering questions about dates,using What is
the date today? - It is ……..
Point to each picture and elicit the meaning of
new words. Point to the first picture and elicit the Repeat after T
word to fill the gap. Put the question and answer
on the board and have Ps repeat them a few times.
Do choral and individual repetition, using the

Work in pairs
pictures in the book.
Get Ps to work in pairs ask and answer partner
‘what is the date today?’. Check as a class.
The whole class
Tell Ss that they are going to practice asking and
answering question about the real date
Work in pairs
Asks Ss to work in pairs, one point to the calendar
and asks the question, the other looks at the
The whole class
calendar and answers.
Calls one pupil to write the answer on the board.
Work in pairs
Calls some pairs to act out in front of the class.
III. Consolidation: (4’)
- T summerizes the main points of the lesson .
- Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart.
- Prepare next lesson
--------------------------------------------------------------------WEEK 6: (16/10 - 20/10/2017)
Date of teaching: 16/10/2017
Class: 4B,4C,4A
Unit 4
Lesson 2 (1,2,3)
Period 11
Page 26
Lesson 2: part 1-2-3

I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to ask and answer about
someone’s birthday, When is your birthday? - It’s on…….
1. Language contents:
- Sentence Partners: When is your birthday?-It’s on……..
-Vocabulary: birthday, January,February, March, April, May, June, July, August,
September, October, November, December.
2. Language skills:
- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.

3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.
II. Preparations:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually), work in
pairs/ groups.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher ’s activities
Students ’s activities
I. Warm up (5’)
- Play recording a song: Happy birthday .
- Listen and sing.
II. New lesson (25’)
1. Look, listen and repeat:
Tell Ps that they are going to read a story in which
pupils ask and answer questions about birthdays,
using When is your birthday?-It’s on the……..
Has them look at the three pictures and answer
some questions such as Who are they? Where are

are they saying?
Play the recording for Ps to listen and say along.
Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the
characters speaking.
Have Ps repeat the text a few times. Repeat the
procedure with the second picture. Give feedback
and check the new vocabulary.
Play the recording again for Ps to listen and
2. Point and say:
January,February, March, April, May, June,
July, August, September, October, November,
Sentence Partners: When is your birthday?
-It’s on……..
Tell Ps that they are going to practice asking and
answering questions about someone’s birthday
Asks Ss to look at the pictures and focus on the
months and the circled dates, teach the months of
the year. Check comprehension.
Point to each picture and asks Ss to say the dates.
Point to the first picture and elicit the word to fill
the gap.
Put the question and answer on the board and have
Ps repeat them a few times.
Do choral and individual repetition, using the

pictures in the book.

- Ss listen.
- Ss look at the picture , listen and
- Ss listen and repeat after the tape.

The whole class

- Ss listen.

- Ss look at and identify
- Ss listen and take note
- Ss repeat
- Ss practise asking and answering

Get Ps to work in pairs.
in pairs.
Calls a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of
the class.Check as a class and pronunciation, if
- Ss speak in front of the class.
3. Let’s talk
Tell pupils that they are going to revise what they
have learnt in Lessons 1 and 2 in real
- Ss listen.
contexts.Remind Ss of the questions What is the
date today? And When’s your birthday? And how -Look and identify
to respond to them.

Asks them to work in pairs and ask and answer the
above two questions.
Go around to offer help and correct the
pronunciation, if necessary.
-Pairs work
Call a few pairs to act out the dialogue in front of
the class.
III. Consolidation: (4’)
- T summerizes the main points of the lesson .
- Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart.
- Prepare next lesson
--------------------------------------------------------------------Date of teaching: 18/10/2017
Class: 4A,4B,4C
Unit 4
Lesson 3 (1,2,3)
Period 12
Page 28
Lesson 3: part 1-2-3
I. Objectives: By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to pronounce the sound of the
letters th and ch in the words fourth and March respectively.
1. Language contents:
- Sentence Partners: review
- Vocabulary: review
- Phonics: “th” and “ ch ”
2. Language skills: Develop Ss speaking and listening skills.
3. Attitude: Ss must love subject English.

II. Preparations:
1. Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette.
2. Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks, pen, eraser, pencil…
III. Methods: Communicative approach, ask and answer (say individually), work in
pairs/ groups.
IV. Procedures:
Teacher ’s activities
Students ’s activities
I. Warm up (5’)
Has Ss sing the chant Months of the year
The whole class

II. New lesson (25’)
1. Listen and repeat
Tell Ps that they are going to practice saying the
letters, words, sentences in the book. Put the
phonics letters th and ch in the word fourth and
Read the letters th, ch the words
March the board and say them a few times. Ask
and the sentences corectly
Ps to repeat after you. Prompt Ps to say the words
and sentences, paying attention to the target
Listen to the tape and repeat.
phonics letters.
Do choral repetition of the words and sentences
unit Ps feel confident.
2. Listen and circle. Then say aloud.
Tell Ps that they are going to do a dictation. Give
Work in pair

Ps a few seconds Ps a few seconds to read the in
the silence before starting the dictation.
Listen to tape do exercise
Get Ps to swap and check their answers before
checking as class. Write the correct answers on the
board for Ps to copy down their notebooks.
Get Ps practice saying sentences.
Read aloud
Answer 1. b
2. A
3. Let´s chant:
Tell Ps that they are going to say the When’s your Whole class
birthday? chant. Say the chant and check
Read the sentences in the chant
comprehension. Have Ps repeat every line of the
chant. When they are familiar with the rhythm,
Listen to the tape and read after
show them how to say the chant and do the
Groups work
Divide the class into three groups to say the chant.
Get groups of Ps to sit face to face and practice
Groups work
chanting and doing the actions. Get around and
offer help, if necessary.

Call two groups to the front of the class to chant.
The whole class claps along the rhythm.
III. Consolidation: (4’)
- T summerizes the main points of the lesson .
- Asks Ss to say the model again.
IV. Homework (1’)
- Learn the lesson by heart.
- Prepare next lesson

Kí duyệt của tổ trưởng

Kí duyệt của BGH

Ngày_ _ _ /_ _ _ /201_ _

Ngày_ _ _ /_ _ _ /201_ _











WEEK 7: (23/10 - 27/10/2017)
Date of teaching: 23/10/2017
Class: 4B,4C,4A

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