Overview 1
Lesson: Introduction to Cryptography 3
Lesson: Working with Digital Certificates 15
Lab 8.1: Obtaining a Server Certificate 35
Lesson: Using the Secure Sockets
Layer/Transport Layer Security Protocols 39
Lesson: Using Internet Protocol Security 58
Review 63
Lab 8.2: Protecting Communication
Privacy and Data Integrity 65
Course Evaluation 76
Module 8: Protecting
Communication Privacy
and Data Integrity
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Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity iii
Instructor Notes
This module provides students with an overview of cryptography and digital
certificates. The module then explains how students can protect data and
communications between the Web browser and the Web server. After
completing this module, students will be able to protect the portions of a Web
application that require private communications through Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) security.
After completing this module, students will be able to:
Define the basic elements of cryptography.
Describe the purpose of digital certificates and obtain one through a
Certificate Authority (CA).
Validate user and Web server identity through the use of SSL/Transport
Layer Security (TLS).
Protect communications between Web application resources through the use
of Internet Protocol security (IPSec).
To teach this module, you need the following materials:
file 2300A_08.ppt
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Flash animation files
2300A_08_A05_1619.htm and 2300A_08_A05_1619.swf
To prepare for this module:
Read all of the materials for this module.
Complete the demonstrations and labs.
Read Module 5, “Configuring Network Security by Using Public Key
Infrastructure,” in Course 2153, Implementing a Microsoft Windows 2000
Network Infrastructure.
Read Module 6, “Configuring Network Security by Using IPSec,” in Course
2153, Implementing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure.
Read Module 5, “Implementing Security on a Web Server,” in Course 2295,
Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Internet Information Services 5.0.
Read the article “Step-by-Step Guide to Internet Protocol Security (IPSec),”
which is available at
Read the TechNet article, “Authentication and Encryption,” which is
available at
Read the Microsoft MSDN
Magazine article, “Web Security: Putting a
Secure Front End on Your COM+ Distributed Applications,” which is
available at
120 minutes
30 minutes
Required materials
Preparation tasks
iv Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
Read the MSDN article, “The Evolution of Security on the Web: An
Introduction to Cryptosystems on the Internet,” which is available at
Read the VeriSign article, “Implementing Web Site Client Authentication
Using Digital IDs,” which is available at
Read the VeriSign article, “Guide to Securing Your Web Site For
Business,” which is available at
Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity v
How to Teach This Module
Begin this module with a discussion of the types of attacks that are possible on
the communication link between the browser and the Web server.
Lesson: Introduction to Cryptography
It is an interesting sidebar to mention the role that cryptographic code breaking
played in World War II. “Enigma,” “Purple,” and “Magic” are the code names
of some of the more well-known cryptographic systems. You can find more
information about cryptography during wartime by searching for “cryptography
World War II” on the Internet.
Mention that symmetric encryption is very fast and that it is the most efficient
way to transfer larger quantities of data securely.
By using asymmetric encryption, the recipient of the encrypted data can be
assured that the data came from the owner of the public key. Therefore, not
only can asymmetric encryption be used to encrypt the data, it also provides a
guarantee of the data’s origin.
Note that the key length plays an important role in the strength of the
encryption. If the key length is long enough, it is virtually impossible to guess.
Storing private keys is the most challenging aspect of encryption. For more
information about this topic, direct students to the book, Writing Secure Code,
by Michael Howard and David LaBlanc (Redmond: Microsoft Press
), 2002.
An important distinction between encryption and hashing is that encryption
scrambles the data such that it can be unscrambled, whereas hashing cannot be
You can sign data without hashing it to guarantee that the data came from you;
however, this would not guarantee that the data was not changed en route to the
After reviewing the answers to the practice, brainstorm with the students for
more scenarios of when cryptography could be used in Web applications.
Lesson: Working with Digital Certificates
Mention briefly that one of the reasons for obtaining a certificate (personal or
server) is to use SSL to communicate with a Web server. Students will learn
more about the SSL/TLS and IPSec protocols later in this module.
You can do the steps of this practice with the students and show the
nwtraders.msft certificate, which is the certificate from the London CA.
Students may ask about the process that is required to become a CA, such as
VeriSign. Although anyone who uses Certificate Services can generate
certificates, not everyone who generates certificates is a trusted CA. Trust is
based on many factors, including the length of time that the CA is in business,
the CA’s reputation, and the process that the CA uses to verify those who
request certificates.
What Is Cryptography?
How Does Symmetric
ption Work?
How Does Asymmetric
Encryption Work?
Exchanging and Storing
Verifying Data Integrity
with Hashes
Using Digital Signatures
Practice: Using
What Are Digital
Practice: Viewing Digital
What Is a Certificate
vi Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
This animation provides an overview of the process of how certificates are
requested and granted from a CA, and then how those certificates are used to
communicate securely over SSL. You might consider postponing this animation
until the next lesson, which discusses SSL.
Note that the “random bits” referred to in the multimedia are the session key.
For certificates to be effective, they must be trusted. Certificate chains enable
users to trace a certificate back to the original CA.
If time permits, demonstrate the use of the Certificate Manager tool.
Discuss some of the reasons why a user would want to obtain a personal
The options for certificate templates offered by the Certificate Request
Wizard depend on how you installed the Microsoft Management Console
(MMC) Certificates snap-in:
If you installed the MMC Certificates snap-in to manage certificates for My
user account, as directed in the “Practice: Viewing Digital Certificates”
topic, you get Authenticated Session, Basic EFS, and User Signature
Only templates.
If you installed the MMC Certificates snap-in to manage certificates for
Computer account, you get Computer and IPSEC templates.
You will need to lead this practice and also get a personal certificate; make sure
to enter Research for your department, because this field will be used in the
client certificate mapping demonstration.
As the students submit their requests for personal certificates, you need to issue
the certificates. The issuing of certificates should be done with little explanation
and with the screen blanked so that the students do not get confused between
the request and issue processes.
To process the certificate requests with Microsoft Certificate Services
for Microsoft Windows
1. On the Start menu, click Programs, click Administrative Tools, and then
click Certification Authority.
During setup, the instructor computer was set up with Certificate Services
and was created as a stand-alone root CA.
2. Expand the nwtraders.msft CA, and then click Pending Requests.
There will be one certificate request from each student.
3. To accept the request and issue a certificate, right-click the request, click All
Tasks, and then click Issue.
The request is moved from the Pending Requests node to the Issued
Certificates node.
Multimedia: Using
Digital Certificates
Certificate Chains and
Certificate Stores
Obtaining a Personal
Instructor-Led Practice:
Obtaining a Personal
Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity vii
Show how the SSL port, 443, is disabled by opening Internet Information
Services (IIS) and viewing the Web Site tab for the Mod08 folder of the
2300Demos Web application.
Explain to students that they will obtain a server certificate in the lab; therefore,
they can just watch the demonstration now, rather than performing the steps.
When processing the certificate request with Certification Services, do not
explain what is being done. This step occurs only because you are using
Certificate Services in the classroom.
Lab 8.1: Obtaining a Server Certificate
Both the TailspinToys and TailspinToysAdmin Web applications contain Web
pages that either request private information from users or deliver private
information to users. Before students can turn on SSL for these Web pages,
they need to obtain a server certificate for their Web servers.
Students will request the server certificates from the London CA. You will need
to approve the requests as they are made by the students.
To issue certificates by using Certificate Services
After students have submitted their requests for server certificates, you must
issue the certificates:
1. On the Start menu, click Programs, click Administrative Tools, and then
click Certification Authority.
2. Expand the nwtraders.msft CA, and then click Pending Requests.
There will be a certificate request from each student.
3. To accept a request and issue a certificate, right-click the request, click All
Tasks, and then click Issue.
The request is moved from the Pending Requests folder to the Issued
Certificates folder.
Lesson: Using the Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security
Students may have heard of both SSL and TLS. It is important to note that TLS
is the most recent version of the protocol and that although SSL is the more
commonly referred-to protocol, it is most likely TLS that is being used.
Mention that SSL/TLS are the protocols that enable the secure communications
that are described in the animation “Using Digital Certificates.” You might
consider showing this animation here instead of in the previous lesson.
Mention the steps that are required before SSL can be enabled in IIS. You will
demonstrate the process of enabling SSL in the demonstration that follows this
Show how SSL is enabled in IIS. Discuss the various options that are available
for client certificates.
Obtaining a Server
Obtaining a Server
Overview of Security
How Does SSL/TLS
Enabling SSL for an IIS
Web Application
Enabling SSL
viii Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
Discuss both the Active Server Pages (ASP) method and the Microsoft
ASP.NET method of verifying the authenticity of client certificates.
Before students can view the pages in the practice, you must configure the
Mod08 folder of the 2300Demos Web application to require client certificates.
After students have accessed the WhoAmI.asp and ReadCertInfo.aspx pages in
the Mod08 folder of the 2300Demos Web application on the London computer,
examine the source code for the pages in Microsoft Visual Studio
1. In Visual Studio .NET, open the WhoAmI.asp page in the Mod08 folder of
the 2300Demos project.
2. In Visual Studio .NET, open the ReadCertInfo.aspx page in the Mod08
folder of the 2300Demos project.
The page displays information from a client certificate by using the
HttpClientCertificate object.
Client certificate mapping is a powerful authentication method that allows IIS
to perform work on behalf of the client, based on the contents of a client
certificate. Emphasize IIS client certificate mapping. Information on
Active Directory
directory service mapping is provided for those students that
have previous experience with Active Directory.
Demonstrate how to enable many-to-one client certificate mapping in the
2300Demos Web application. Note that client certificate mapping is not used in
the labs.
SSL should be used only for those portions of the Web application that require
secure communications. There is a performance cost that is associated with
using SSL, and care should be taken to ensure that SSL is used only when
necessary. Discuss the guidelines for using SSL.
Run this practice as a group brainstorming session where students determine
which pages in the TailspinToys and TailspinToysAdmin Web applications
should be protected with SSL.
Lesson: Using Internet Protocol Security
Note that although IPSec is not commonly used for securing communications
between client computers and Web applications on the IIS Web server, IPSec
does have a role in protecting communications between the IIS Web server and
the other computers and resources that are on the organization’s network.
Briefly discuss the process of implementing IPSec.
Understanding how IPSec and SSL/TLS differ is important when deciding
where to apply each protocol. Discuss each difference between IPSec and
Lab 8.2: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
In Lab 8.2, students will turn on SSL for portions of the TailspinToys and
TailspinToysAdmin Web applications.
Verifying the
Authenticity of Client
Instructor-Led Practice:
Verifying the
Authenticity of Client
Using Client Certificate
Demonstration: Client
Certificate Mapping
Guidelines for Using
Practice: Requiring SSL
for Web Application
Overview of IPSec
Implementing IPSec
Comparing IPSec and
Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity ix
Customization Information
This section identifies the lab setup requirements for a module and the
configuration changes that occur on student computers during the labs. This
information is provided to assist you in replicating or customizing Microsoft
Official Curriculum (MOC) courseware.
Lab Setup
To complete this lab, the WebUser login and the InternetStoredProcs and
IntranetStoredProcs roles must be added to Microsoft SQL Server
on the
Glasgow computer.
Configure SQL Server on the Glasgow computer
• If you did not perform the “Adding Roles and Logins to SQL Server”
demonstration in Module 7, “Securing Microsoft SQL Server,” in Course
2300, Developing Secure Web Applications, you must do it now.
To complete this lab, students can continue working in the Tailspin Toys
Visual Studio .NET projects that they used in previous labs, or they can start
with new files.
To start with new files, students must complete the following steps.
Create the Web applications for the ASP exercises
1. Copy all of the contents of the ASP starter folder install_folder\Labfiles\
Lab08_2\ASP\Starter\TailspinToys to the TailspinToys IIS virtual directory
at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TailspinToys.
2. Copy all of the contents of the ASP starter folder install_folder\Labfiles\
Lab08_2\ASP\Starter\TailspinToysAdmin to the TailspinToys IIS virtual
directory at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TailspinToysAdmin.
Create the Web applications for the ASP.NET exercises
1. Copy all of the contents of the ASP.NET folder install_folder\Labfiles\
Lab08_2\ASPXVB\Starter\TailspinToys.NET to the TailspinToys.NET IIS
virtual directory at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TailspinToys.NET.
2. Copy all of the contents of the ASP.NET folder install_folder\Labfiles\
Lab08_2\ASPXVB\Starter\TailspinToysAdmin.NET to the
TailspinToysAdmin.NET IIS virtual directory at C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\
3. Edit the file c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\TailspinToysAdmin.NET\Web.config and
change the <allow roles="London\TailspinAdmins"/> tag to be <allow
roles="machineName\TailspinAdmins"/>, where machineName is the name
of your computer.
x Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
Configure IIS authentication
1. Run the IIS administrative tool.
2. Expand the computer node and the Default Web Site node in the tree.
3. Right-click the TailspinToysAdmin virtual directory, and then click
4. Click Directory Security.
5. In the Anonymous access and authentication control group, click Edit.
6. Clear the Anonymous access check box.
7. Click OK twice to save your changes.
8. Right-click the TailspinToysAdmin.NET virtual directory, and then click
9. Click Directory Security.
10. In the Anonymous access and authentication control group, click Edit.
11. Clear the Anonymous access check box.
12. Click OK twice to save your changes.
Lab Results
Performing the labs in this module introduces the following configuration
The Login.asp and ChangePassword.asp pages are moved into a private
folder in the TailspinToys Web application.
The Login.aspx and ChangePassword.aspx pages are moved into a private
folder in the TailspinToys.NET Web application.
The private folder in each of the following Web applications is configured
in IIS to require SSL:
• TailspinToys
• TailspinToys.NET
• TailspinToysAdmin
• TailspinToysAdmin.NET
Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity 1
Introduction to Cryptography
Working with Digital Certificates
Using the Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer
Security Protocols
Using Internet Protocol Security
By using Internet Information Services (IIS), you can validate user and resource
identities, as well as protect data and communications between the Web
browser and the Web server. The communication link between the browser and
the server is susceptible to a number of security-related attacks, including:
Network monitoring. An attacker can use a network monitoring application
or device to observe and read network packets. If the packets are not
encrypted, a network-monitoring tool provides a full view of the data that is
inside the packet. Such applications and devices are useful for diagnostic
purposes, but they can be misused to obtain unauthorized access to data.
Network Monitor is an example of a network-monitoring tool.
Data modification. An attacker can modify a packet in transit and send
counterfeit data, which can prevent the receiver from receiving the correct
information or can allow the attacker to obtain secure information.
Passwords. An attacker can use a stolen password or key, or can attempt to
decipher the password if it is a simple password.
Address spoofing. An attacker can use special programs to construct Internet
Protocol (IP) packets that appear to originate from valid IP addresses that
come from inside the trusted network.
Man-in-the-middle. An attacker can actively monitor, capture, and control
the data that passes between two communicating computers without the
knowledge of the affected parties (for example, the attacker can reroute a
data exchange).
The code samples in this module are provided in both Microsoft
Visual Basic
.NET and C#.
2 Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
After completing this module, you will be able to:
Define the basic elements of cryptography.
Describe the purpose of digital certificates and obtain one through a
Certificate Authority (CA).
Validate user and Web server identity through the use of Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS).
Protect communications between Web application resources through the use
of Internet Protocol security (IPSec).
Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity 3
Lesson: Introduction to Cryptography
What Is Cryptography?
How Does Symmetric Encryption Work?
How Does Asymmetric Encryption Work?
Exchanging and Storing Keys
Verifying Data Integrity with Hashes
Using Digital Signatures
Practice: Using Cryptography
Because cryptography permeates many security-related technologies, a general
understanding of what cryptography is and how it works is valuable when
developing secure Web applications.
This lesson provides an overview of cryptography, including a description of
the functional aspects of, and the differences between, public key cryptography,
private key cryptography, hashing (digests), data signing, and digital
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Describe the purpose and uses of cryptography.
Describe how symmetric (or private key) encryption works.
Describe how asymmetric (or public key) encryption works.
Describe how session keys are typically exchanged between users.
Explain the purpose of hashing and digital signing.
Lesson objectives
4 Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
What Is Cryptography?
Cryptography is the science of protecting data
" Protects a user's identity or data from being read
" Protects data from being altered
" Verifies that data originates from a particular user
Encryption is the process of scrambling data
Encryption is only as strong as the key
Encryption algorithm
Encryption algorithm
Cryptography, the practice and study of encryption and decryption, provides the
foundation of secure communications in a Web application.
Cryptography is a mathematical science that was originally developed for
military communications with the intention of keeping secrets from the enemy
in times of war. More recently, cryptography has also been used in the
information technology (IT) industry to aid in securely authenticating users on a
network, protecting a user's identity, protecting data from being read or altered,
or verifying that the data originates from a particular user. Two forms of
cryptography are symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
Cryptography is put into practice through the use of encryption, which is the
process of scrambling data by applying an algorithm to it. By encrypting data,
you can make it difficult and time consuming, if not impossible, for an attacker
to decipher the data.
Encryption is often used in the following types of transactions:
File storage
Database connections
Web client authentication
What is cr
What is encryption?
Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity 5
An encryption algorithm, also called a cipher, is used with secret data, which is
called a key, to encrypt data. The key prevents the message from being
decoded—even if the algorithm is publicly known.
However, if the keys are compromised, even the strongest levels of
cryptographic algorithms are worthless. For cryptography to work securely, the
generation, storage, and exchange of keys must be protected. If the keys are
exchanged in plain text, it is easy for an attacker to intercept an e-mail message
or other forms of communication to obtain the keys.
For more information about encryption algorithms, see the topic
“Supported Algorithms” in the Microsoft MSDN
online documentation.
How is data encrypted?
6 Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
How Does Symmetric Encryption Work?
Same encryption algorithm and key are used to both
encrypt and decrypt the data
Fast and efficient
Difficult to safely exchange keys so they change often
Private key known by
the sender and recipient
Symmetric encryption algorithms use a single, private key (also called a session
key), which is agreed upon by both the sender and the recipient of the data. This
key is used to both encrypt and decrypt the data.
Symmetric encryption is the most commonly used form of encryption because
it is very fast and efficient. Symmetric encryption is well suited for performing
cryptographic transformations on large streams of data, because it can process
the data in a fast and efficient manner.
The disadvantage of using symmetric encryption is that it is difficult to protect
keys when they are exchanged between the sender and recipient of the data.
Because of this difficulty, session keys are frequently changed, with a different
session key created for each message that is encrypted.
Advantages and
disadvantage of
symmetric encryption
Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity 7
How Does Asymmetric Encryption Work?
Each user has both a private and a public
Messages encrypted with the public key
can be decrypted only by using the
private key
When messages are encrypted with the
private key, anyone with a public key can
verify that the owner of the private key
sent it
More secure than symmetric encryption,
but not as efficient
User A
User B
Asymmetric (or public key) encryption uses a private key, which must be kept
secret from unauthorized users, and a public key, which can be made public to
all users.
Both the public key and the private key are mathematically linked. The
mathematical complexity of the relationship between the public key and the
private key means that, provided that the keys are long enough, it is practically
impossible to determine one key from the other.
The following table shows various key sizes, the corresponding number of keys
in the keyspace, and the time that it takes to check all of the keys at 1.6 million
keys per second and at 10 billion keys per second.
size (x)
Number of keys (2
Time to check all
keys (at 1.6
million keys per
Time to check all
keys (at 10 billion
keys per second)
40 1,099,511,627,776 8 days 109 seconds
56 72,057,594,037,927,900 1,427 years 83 days
64 18,446,744,073,709,600,000 365,338 years 58.5 years
128 3.40282E+38 6.73931E+24 years 1.07829E+21 years
Using asymmetric encryption, users can be assured that:
Messages that are encrypted with the public key can be decrypted only by
using the private key.
When messages are encrypted with the private key, any user with a public
key can verify that only the owner of the private key could have sent the
8 Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
Asymmetric encryption provides a much higher level of security than
symmetric encryption. This higher level of security, however, comes at a
performance cost. Asymmetric encryption is not typically used to transmit large
streams of data because it is not as fast and efficient as symmetric encryption.
Advantages and
disadvantages of
mmetric encr
Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity 9
Exchanging and Storing Keys
Exchanging keys
" Use asymmetric encryption to transfer a key
" Use symmetric encryption for the remainder of the session
Storing keys
" ACL protected resource, DPAPI, LSA
User A
User A
User A
User A
Due to the security issues that are associated with symmetric encryption and the
performance issues that are associated with asymmetric encryption, most real-
world scenarios use a combination of these two technologies.
Asymmetric encryption is often used to transfer a session key between users,
thereby taking advantage of the stronger security that is provided by
asymmetric encryption. After the session key is transmitted between users,
symmetric encryption is then used for the remainder of the session.
The most challenging aspect of cryptography is the secure storage of private
You can store a key in a resource that can be secured through access control
lists (ACLs), such as the registry, and then you can define an ACL only on the
resource that allows your application to read it. A typical ACL contains only
Creator/Owner Full Control and Administrators Full Control.
You can also use the Data Protection API (DPAPI) to store keys. DPAPI relies
on two functions, CryptProtectData and CryptUnprotectData, which can be
used to produce user-specific or computer-specific encryptions without explicit
key management. Only a user with logon credentials matching those credentials
of the user that originally encrypted the data can decrypt the data. In addition,
decryption usually can only be done on the computer where the data was
encrypted. DPAPI is not directly wrapped by managed wrappers, so you must
use P/Invoke to call them.
For more information about running managed code in the Microsoft
.NET common language runtime, see the MSDN Magazine article, “Migrating
Native Code to the .NET CLR,” which is available at
Storing keys
10 Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
If your process runs as SYSTEM (such as an Active Server Pages (ASP) page),
you can store keys in the Local Security Authority (LSA) by using
LsaStorePrivateData and LsaRetrievePrivateData. LSA can store only a
fixed (small) number of keys, however, so this option should be used carefully.
Keys that are protected by LSA can still be viewed by administrators on the
computer by using tools such as LSADump2.exe.
Key management is one of the most challenging parts of designing a
secure system. Ultimately, the best practice is to avoid storing keys, if at all
possible. Storing keys is not covered in this course.
For more information about storing keys, see the Microsoft Press
Writing Secure Code, by Michael Howard and David LaBlanc (Redmond:
Microsoft Press), 2001.
Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity 11
Verifying Data Integrity with Hashes
User A
User B
Hash value
Hash value
Hash value
Hash value
Hash algorithm
Hash algorithm
If hash
data is valid
If hash
data is valid
Data and hash value are sent from User A to User B
Data and hash value are sent from User A to User B
Hash value
Hash value
Hash algorithm
Hash algorithm
You can use hash values (also called digests) to guarantee the validity of data as
it is transmitted over a network or over the Internet, thereby ensuring that the
data has not been tampered with.
A hash value is a digital fingerprint of data. A hash value is a unique and
extremely compact numerical representation of a piece of data. If you hash a
paragraph of plain text and change even one letter of the paragraph, a
subsequent hash will produce a different value. It is computationally
improbable to find two distinct inputs that hash to the same value.
A hash value is derived by applying a mathematical algorithm on arbitrary-
length binary data. These mathematical algorithms are called hash functions.
The result is a fixed-length hash value, which is then associated with the
original data.
When the hash value and the original data are sent to a recipient, the recipient
can verify the validity of the data by applying the same hash algorithm to the
data and then comparing the resulting hash value to the hash value that was sent
with the data. If the hash values match, the recipient is guaranteed that the data
has not been tampered with since it was first sent.
A Web application can hash passwords and store them in a database without the
original password. When the user enters his or her password, the application
hashes it, and then compares the new hash value with what is saved in the
database to determine whether the hash values are the same, thus verifying the
What is a hash value?
Verifying the validity of
data by using hash
12 Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
Using Digital Signatures
User A
User B
Hash value
Hash value
If hash values
match, data came
from the owner of
the private key
and is valid
If hash values
match, data came
from the owner of
the private key
and is valid
Hash algorithm
Hash algorithm
User B
User B
Hash value
Hash value
Hash algorithm
Hash algorithm
Hash value
Hash value
User B
User B
Digital signatures combine hash values with encryption to guarantee the
integrity of a message and to authenticate the identity of the sender.
The following steps are completed when data is signed with a digital signature:
1. A hash algorithm is applied to the data to create a hash value.
2. The hash value is encrypted with a user’s private key, thereby creating the
digital signature.
3. The digital signature and the data are sent to the recipient.
The following steps are completed when digitally signed data is decrypted:
1. The recipient decrypts the signature by using the sender’s public key and
then recovers the hash value.
If the signature can be decrypted, the recipient is assured that the data came
from the sender (or the owner of the private key).
2. The hash algorithm is applied to the data to create a second hash value.
3. The two hash values are compared.
If the hash values match, the recipient is assured that the data has not been
Decrypting data
Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity 13
Practice: Using Cryptography
Students will:
" Given scenarios, decide the type of
cryptographic service that is required
" 5 minutes
In the following scenarios, decide what cryptographic function should be used
to complete the transaction securely.
1. You receive a user name and password from a user, and then store the
password in a database.
The password should not be kept in clear text anywhere. Store a hash of
the password. Then, when you need to validate the password the next
time, hash what is entered and compare it with what is stored in the
2. You compute an employee's bonus based on his or her salary and the
amount of sales that he or she has made for the last year. Then, you store the
bonus amount in a database.
Encrypt the bonus value before storing it in the database.
3. You want to send a file to a user and have the user be sure that the file came
from you.
Sign the file by using a digital signature before sending it.
14 Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity
4. You want to send data to a user and have the user be sure that the file is
from you and has not been changed en route.
Create a hash of the file and sign the hash to send along with the file.
5. You want to send a broadcast message with important data.
You do not necessarily want to encrypt the message, because in this
case, the content is not a secret; however, clients still need to make sure
that the message came from the right server and not from an imposter.
Therefore, you can just sign the data.
Module 8: Protecting Communication Privacy and Data Integrity 15
Lesson: Working with Digital Certificates
What Are Digital Certificates?
Practice: Viewing Digital Certificates
What Is a Certificate Authority?
Multimedia: Using Digital Certificates
Certificate Chains and Hierarchies
Certificate Stores
Obtaining a Personal Certificate
Instructor-Led Practice: Obtaining a Personal Certificate
Obtaining a Server Certificate
Demonstration: Obtaining a Server Certificate
Digital certificates use asymmetric encryption to provide an extra layer of
security for your Web applications. In this lesson, you will learn what digital
certificates are and how they work.
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Explain the purpose of digital certificates.
Describe the role of a CA.
Define certificate chains and hierarchies.
Define the role of a certificate store.
Obtain a personal certificate.
Obtain a server certificate.
Lesson ob