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Thien Lam - />
- biology /bai'ɔləʤi/( n ): sinh vật/ sinh học biologist[bai'ɔlədʒist] (n ): nhà sinh vật học
biological /ˌbaɪəˈlɒdʒɪkl/ (adj ): thuộc về sinh học
- lab/lỉb/ (n): = laboratory: phịng thí nghiệm
- join hands: = work together : cùng làm việc, chung sức, cùng nhau
- household chores = housework: công việc nhà
- take out = remove: dời đi, bỏ, đổ
- obedient (adj/ə'bi:djənt/) >< disobedient (adj): vâng lời
- make a decision = make up one’s mind = decide: quyết định
- solve /sɔlv/ (v): giải quyết solution/sə'lu:ʃn/ ( n ): sự giải quyết
- come up = happen : xảy ra
- Come up with (an idea): nảy ra ( một ý tưởng)
- Look after = take care of: chăm sóc, trơng nom
Exercise 1: Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences
1. He has been very interested in doing research on _______ since he was at high school.
A. biology
B. biological
C. biologist
2. Are you sure that boys are more _______ than girls?
A. act
B. active
C. action
3. It is generally believed that "Men make _______ house and women make _______ home".
A. Ø / Ø
B. a / an

C. the / the
D. an / the
4. Most doctors and nurses have to work on a _______ once or twice a week at the hospital.
A. solution
B. night shift
C. household chores
special dishes
5. We enjoy _______ time together in the evening when the family members gather in the living
room after a day of working harD.
A. spending
B. caring
C. taking
D. doing
6. It is parents' duty and responsibility to _______ hands to tae care of their children and give
them a happy home.
A. shake
B. hold
C. join
D. take
7. He is a _______ boy. He is often kind and helpful to every classmate.
A. frank
B. lovely
C. obedient
D. caring
8. My husband and I both go out to work so we share the _______.
A. happiness
B. household chores
C. responsibility

9. _______ sure that you follow the instructions carefully.
A. Believe
B. Try
C. Do
D. Make
10. You are old enough to take _______ for what you have done.
A. responsible
B. responsibility
C. responsibly
Exercise 2: Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences
1. These quick and easy _______ can be effective in the short term, but they have a cost.
A. solve
B. solvable
C. solutions
D. solvability
2. John is _______ only child in his family so his parents love him a lot.
A. a
B. an
C. the
D. no
3. According to the boss, John is the most _______ for the position of executive secretary.
A. supportive
B. caring
C. suitable

4. She got up late and rushed to the bus stop. ( Find closest meaning)

Thien Lam - />A. came into
B. went leisurely
C. went quickly
dropped by
5. Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking. ( Find closest meaning)
A. help
B. prepared
C. be busy
D. attempt
6. Whenever problems come up, we discuss them frankly and find solutions quickly. ( Find
closest meaning)
A .happen
B. encounter
C. arrive
7. What are the _______ of that country? - I think it is some kinds of cheese and sauces.
A. drinks
B. beverages
C. grains
D. special
8. Peter tried his best and passed the driving test at the first _______.
A. try
B. attempt

C. doing
D. aim
9. Bill and Ted ________ each other when their parents are away.
A. took after
B. held together
C. take care of
D. let in
10. Students are ______ less pressure as a result of changes in testing procedures.
A. under
B. above
C. upon
D. out of

Exercise 1: Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question:
If parents bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius (thiên tài), they will
cause a disaster. According to several leading educational psychologists, this is one of the biggest
mistakes which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what his
parents expect, and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to
However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are
ambitious in a sensible way, the child may succeed in doing very well – especially if the parents
are very supportive of their chilD. Michael Collins is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and
his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin
lessons for him. They even drive him 50 kilometers twice a week for violin lessons. Michael’s
mother knows very little about music, but his father plays the trumpet in a large orchestrA.
However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling. Winston Smith,
Michael’s friend, however, is not so lucky. Both his parents are successful musicians, and they
set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so
they enter him for every piano competition helD. They are very unhappy when he does not win.

Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and
1. One of the serious mistakes parents can make is to ______.
A. push their child into trying too much
B. help their child to become a genius
C. make their child become a musician
D. neglect their child’s education
2. Parents’ ambition for their children is not wrong if they ______.
A. force their children into achieving success
B. themselves have been very successful
C. understand and help their children sensibly
D. arrange private lessons for their children
3. Who have criticized the methods of some ambitious parents?
A. Successful musicians.
B. Unrealistic parents.
C. Their children.
D. Educational psychologists.
4. Michael Collins is fortunate in that ______.
A. his father is a musician
B. his parents are quite rich
C. his mother knows little about music
D. his parents help him in a sensible way
5. The phrase "crazy about" in the passage mostly means ______.
A. "surprised at"
B. "extremely interested in"

Thien Lam - />C. "completely unaware of"
D. "confused about"

6. Winston’s parents push their son so much and he ______.
A. has won a lot of piano competitions
B. cannot learn much music from them
C. has become a good musician
D. is afraid to disappoint them
7. The word "They" in the passage refers to ______.
A. concerts
B. violin lessons
C. parents in general D. Michael’s parents
8. All of the following people are musical EXCEPT _____.
A. Winston’s father
B. Winston’s mother C. Michael’s father
Michael’s mother
9. The word "unwilling" in the passage mostly means ______.
A. "getting ready to do something"
B. "eager to do something"
C. "not objecting to doing anything"
D. "not wanting to do something"
10. The two examples given in the passage illustrate the principle that ______.
A. successful parents always have intelligent children
B. successful parents often have unsuccessful children
C. parents should let the child develop in the way he wants
D. parents should spend more money on the child’s education
Exercise 2: Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question:
Jean spent her first few years in Hooper and her family moved to Otsego early in her life.
She was only ten when her father died unexpectedly, leaving her mother to raise and support
their family alone. Her mother soon went to work outside the home to provide for the family, and
Jean, being one of the oldest, had to help care for her younger siblings. Although she had much
responsibility at home, Jean thoroughly enjoyed school and was an excellent student. She went

on to graduate 10th in her class at Otsego High School in 1953.
While still in high school, Jean met a young man named Charles "Chuck" Holly, at a dance
in Alamo; and they were quite taken with each other. Over the next few years, their love for each
other blossomed and they were married on February 24, 1953, while Jean was still in school. At
the time, Chuck was serving his country in the military, and had come home on leave to marry
his sweetheart. Unfortunately, shortly thereafter, he was sent overseas to serve in Korea for the
next fifteen months.
Upon his discharge, the couple settled into married life together in the Plainwell, Otsego
areA. To help make ends meet, Jean went to work at the collection bureau in Kalamazoo for a
while, before taking a job at the cheese company in Otsego. In 1964, Chuck and Jean were
overjoyed with the birth of their son, Chuck, who brought great joy into their lives. Jean
remembered how her mother was always gone so much working after her father died and she did
not want that for her son, so she left her job to devote herself to the role of a mother.
1. Before Jean's father passed away, her mother used to _______.
A. work outside the home
B. be a housewife C. support the family alone D. work as a
2. Which is not referred to Jean?
A. She was a responsible girl.
B. She never helped her mother with household
C. She often did well at school. '
D. She went to high school.
3. Jean's husband was a _______.
A. teacher
B. dancer
C. soldier
D. servant
4. Jean _______.
A. served in the military

B. lived in Korea for fifteen months
C. had a daughter
D. got married when she was a student
5. Which is not true about Jean?
A. She disliked staying at home and taking care of her child.
B. She worked outside the home before she had a child.
C. She was very happy when she got a baby.

Thien Lam - />D. She quit her job to look after her baby.
Exercise 3: Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question:
The traditional definition of a nuclear family is a family unit that includes two married
parents of opposite genders and their biological or adopted children living in the same residence.
However, the term “nuclear family” can mean several different things in today’s society.
Understanding the classic roles in this type of family and how it is defined can help you
understand the relationships in your own family, whether it’s nuclear or not.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, the term “nuclear family” was first used in
1947, but the concept of a family that consists of just parents and children is much older. This
basic unit of a family’s structure has existed for millennia, but it wasn’t until the 1960s and
1970s that the nuclear family became the majority situation. At that time, industrial economic
booms and rising wages made it possible for young parents to afford their own homes without
living with extended family members. At the same time, better healthcare contributed to the
nuclear family, as elderly members became more self-sufficient and independent for decades
after their children were grown.
Today, the era of the nuclear family is often glamorized, complete with mom in the
kitchen, dad out earning the paychecks, and the kids building a tree house or hosting a stuffed
animal tea party. In reality, there is no ideal type of family, and today’s definition of a nuclear
family can greatly differ from that it was a few decades ago.

1. Nuclear family is ______.
A. a family that includes not only parents and children but also other relatives.
B. a family that includes only the father, mother, and children.
C. a family that includes a person’s parents, spouse, children and siblings.
D. a family that includes children from a previous marriage of the wife, husband, or both parents.
2. When was the term “nuclear family” officially used?
A. in 1947
B. in 1960
C. in 1970
D. until the 1960-1970
3. The word “millennia” in paragraph 2 means ______.
A. 200 years
B. 500 years
C. about 10000 years
D. about 1000 years
4. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?
A. The children should take care of their elderly members after they are grown.
B. The nuclear family didn’t become the majority situation until the 1960s and 1970s.
C. Understanding the roles in nuclear family helps you understand the relationships in your family.
D. Young parents afford their own homes because of industrial economic booms and rising wages.
5. The word “glamorized” in paragraph 3 mostly means ______.
A. unexpected
B. disclaimed
C. desirable
D. admirable
6. What do we need for a nuclear family?
A. Mother takes the responsibility for running the household.
B. Father brings home money earned at a job.
C. The children play around the house.
D. All of the above

Exercise 4: Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank.
There are many reasons (1) _____ taking regular time with our family is important: It (2) _____
a place to listen, teach, learn, and (3) _____ ourselves freely and safely.It provides (4) _____ to
discuss family joys, issues, and problems.Family members can practice skills in a nonthreatening atmosphere.Families are a basic part of our society and the fabric of our communities
- we spend (5) _____ time together to get our feelings of belonging, our values, support and
understanding.It helps keep family members together and feel safe in today's world where
pressure can lead to family disintegration
1. A. that
B. why
C. when
D. which
2. A. creates
B. invents
C. develops
D. makes
3. A. think
B. show
C. express
D. say

Thien Lam - />4. A. opportunities
B. conditions
C. situations
5. A. a
B. an
C. the

D. no
Exercise 5: Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each blank
On December 10, 2006, I was going through some hard time. The landlady did not want to
release the house any more so I had to (1) _____ and only had one month to find a place.
Because Christmas was coming and it was difficult for me to (2) _____ a suitable
accommodation. I had only some money (3) _____. I could not buy a Christmas tree and some
presents for my three boys, (4) _____ I had to use the money to find a place to live. Tome, it
broke my heart as I could not prepare the Christmas for my three boys. I have been their only
parent since my husband (5) _____ away two years ago. I was so sad and everything was getting
on my nerves.
1. A. transfer
B. convert
C. move
2. A. notice
B. watch
C. find
D. see
3. A. leave
B. to leave
C. leaving
D. left
4. A. because
B. although
C. as though
D. if
5. A. passes
B. passed

C. has passed
D. was


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