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Describe an occasion you got lost that you didn’t know
You should say:
When and where you got lost
and explain why you got lost

(When and where you got lost)
I am going to talk about an incident that happened to me, which I never forget. On a trip organized
to Bach Ma national park for all students in my high school three years ago, with a view to raising
students’ awareness of the importance of protecting the environment, I got lost and could hardly
find directions to get back to the class.
(and explain why you got lost)
In retrospect, climbing the mountain was great fun, although I was a little scared at first,
apprehensive to be exact. I still remember the route to reach the mountain peak was in twist and
turns, so students in my class almost felt the terminal point was approaching but it was endless.
I got a little exhausted and had to lean against a tree. My friends encouraged me to hold on, take
deep breath and only think about the mountain peak to continue to climb. We were up at the
furthest point as the sun was starting to set. Too enthralled by the spectacular natural scenery, I
decided to go a bit further from our original reaching point to take pictures and forgot the time
until it began to turn dark. Suddenly, I realized that I was alone and I could not see any of my
classmates. Actually, I was truly scared at that very moment. Luckily, before I totally lost my
bearings, I tried my uttermost to find the trail again by using the digital map on my mobile

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device to position, and managed to make it back after about two and a half hours, by which time

it was full night. I’m glad that I did overcome my fears then to find the way back.



with a view to [expression]: with an intention to do sth: với mục đích làm gì đó

Eg: The politician reveals the truth with a view to gaining more faith from the public

apprehensive [adj]: feeling worried about something that you are going to do or that is

going to happen: lo sợ
Eg: I'm very apprehensive about tomorrow's meeting.

twist and turns [expression]: curves and frequent changes of direction: những chỗ quanh

co khúc khuỷu
Eg: The road through the mountains has many twists and turns.

approach [v]: to come near or nearer to something or someone in space, time, quality, or

amount: sắp đến
Eg: We could just see the train approaching in the distance.

(be) enthralled by sth [adj]: be attracted to sth that is so interesting, beautiful : bị mê hoặc,

cuốn hút
Eg: The child watched, completely enthralled by bright moving images.

lose one’s bearings [expression]: if you lose your bearings, you do not know where

you are: bị lạc, mất phương hướng
Eg: They lost their bearings in the dark.

tried one’s uttermost [expression]: to do something as well as you can by making a

great effort: cố gắng hết sức
Eg : Sh e tr ied h er u tmos t to f in is h o n time.

overcome [v]: to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something: vượt qua

Eg: Eventually she managed to overcome her shyness in class.

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42. Describe something you enjoyed doing with a group of people
You should say:
What it was
Where you did it and who you did it with

And explain why you think it was enjoyable
(What it was)
Today, I’m going to describe one activity I enjoy doing with my group of close friends, which is
yoga. Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated
in ancient India. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. It helps to improve
health and happiness. While some deem yoga as just another fad and associate it with new age
mysticism, others vouch for how amazing this form of exercise feels.
(Where you did it and who you did it with)
We took up yoga a year ago and have been practicing it together in the sports center since then.
The yoga club in this center is in the vicinity of my neighborhood, so my friends usually gather
at my house before coming there. At that time, after completing our first year in university, we
all felt exhausted because of the demanding workload and continuous exams. Most of us could
not do physical activities on a frequent basis. I had to endure a lot of bodily discomforts, such
as intense backaches and headaches. Then we decided to do something less exhausting than
hitting the gym and eventually enrolled in a yoga club.

(And explain why you think it was enjoyable)
Well, doing something beneficial with your close friends is such a rewarding experience. Yoga
as a practice has countless benefits that positively affect you both physically and mentally. When
you practice yoga regularly, the blood circulation in the body is enhanced. After adopting yoga
for a month, we all felt more invigorated and flexible. Yoga relaxes our mind so completely to
work on unnecessary tensions, thus facilitating better sleep. Most importantly, doing this together
gives us a tremendous incentive to maintain this good habit in the long term.
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meditation [n]: the act of giving your attention to only one thing, either as a

religious activity or as a way of becoming calm and relaxed: sự thiền
Eg: She practices meditation every day to maintain good health.

associate [v]: to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something

else: liên hệ, liên tưởng
Eg: Most people associate this brand with good quality.

in the vicinity of [expression]: in the area that is close to (a place): ở lân cận

Eg: He lives in the general vicinity of the school.

discomfort [n]: a feeling of being uncomfortable physically or mentally, or something that

causes this: sự không thoải mái
Eg: You may feel a little discomfort for a few days after the operation.

on a frequent basis [adj]: frequently: một cách thường xuyên

Eg: Slightly over a third said they took their children to libraries on a frequent basis.

hit the gym [expression]: to go to the gym: tập gym

Eg: Tran has hit the gym 4 times a week since last year.

rewarding [adj]: giving a reward, especially by making you feel satisfied that you have

done something important or useful, or done something well: xứng đáng

invigorating [adj]: making you feel healthier, less tired, and more energetic: tiếp them sinh

Eg: These yoga postures are invigorating and good for balance.

facilitate [v]: to make something possible or easier: tạo điều kiện

Eg: The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.

incentive[n]: sth that encourages you to do sth : sự khích lệ, cổ vũ

Eg: There is no incentive to continue doing this project.

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What kinds of job need people to work in a team?

(Give a direct answer to the question) Nowadays, most professions will necessitate teamwork
in one way or another. (Give an example (often a personal example)) The field of market
research is one example. As a market researcher, you’d get to work in teams with sales, marketing,
and product design to analyze large data pools for studies and to drive business initiatives in a
variety of industries including pharmaceuticals, software, and consumer products. Besides,
working in information technology also involves working with clients or other teams within the
organization or business.

What can parents do with their children to make them happy?

(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, parents should be a companion for their kids.
(Explain your reason or reasons) No matter how busy they are, the most important thing is to
build a strong relationship with kids, as this would increase the sense of togetherness. Most
importantly, showing love in a proper way is also crucial. Showing love and affection decreases
the likelihood of psychological and behavioral problems and makes the child more resilient to

How can children improve their social skills?

(Give a direct answer to the question) Firstly, children should be taught how to be assertive
when they talk to people. Besides, empathy is another important basic of social skills. (Explain
your reason or reasons) If children have a better understanding of how others feel, they are much

more likely to feel connected to other people and form positive bonds.

What are the benefits of boys and girls playing together?

(Give a direct answer to the question) There are a lot of compelling benefits when boys and girls
play together (Explain your reason or reasons) First, this can help kids work together more
effectively later in life. They learn coping skills from being exposed to and compromising with
others who play differently. Besides, if there's no separation between activities, both boys and
girls will feel more confident to explore the things they're drawn to, regardless of the gender the
activity might've originally been associated with.

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necessitate [v]:to make sth necessary: làm cho cần thiết, đòi hỏi
Eg: Increased traffic necessitates the broadening of this road.


initiative [n]: a new attempt to achieve a goal or solve a problem, or a new method for

doing this: sang kiến
Eg: The defense secretary announced a major initiative to upgrade our military preparedness.

companion [n]: someone or something you spend a lot of time with or travel with, or a

friend who lives with you: bạn đồng hành
Eg: The dog has been her constant companion these past ten years.

togetherness [n]: the state of being close to another person or other people.: sự gắn kết

Eg: The sense of family togetherness was strong in the past.

resilient [adj]: able to improve quickly after being hurt or being ill: kiên cường

Eg: Life is hard there, but the people are resilient.

assertive [adj]: having or showing a confident and forceful personality: tự tin

Eg: I've had to train myself to be more assertive at work

empathy [n]: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another: sự đồng cảm
Eg: He loves children and has a certain empathy with them.


compelling [adj]: evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully

irresistible way: hấp dẫn, thú vị

Eg: She gave a compelling and intensely dramatic performance.

compromise [v]: to agree to give up something you want if the other side, which has

different opinions from yours, gives up something it wants: thỏa hiệp
Eg: Republicans were refusing to compromise on health-care legislation.

regardless of [expression]: irrespective of: bất kể

Eg : We r ecr u it all q u alif ied emp lo y ees r egar d less of r ace.

43. Describe a film or TV program that made you laugh
You should say:
What it was
How often you watched it
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What it was about
And explain why it could make you laugh

(What it was) I’ve found the TV program Mr. Bean funny. Albeit set in the UK, the sitcom
expanded to reach other countries, including Vietnam, my home country. The drama series
went viral in Vietnam in the early 2010s when dozens of people watched and imitated Mr.
Bean’s oafish behaviour.

(How often you watched it) The series was aired every Sunday afternoon on the Disney
channel, and I don’t think I missed a single episode.

(What it was about) The central plot revolves around Mr. Bean, a neurotic Brit. Each episode
of Mr. Bean tells a totally different story, unlike a normal drama series that uses one main story
that gives birth to many other smaller and less important ones. Based on a character originally
developed by Atkinson while he was studying for his master's degree at Oxford University, the
series follows the exploits of Mr. Bean, described by Atkinson as "a child in a grown man's
body," in solving problems presented by everyday tasks, and often causing disruption in the

(And explain why it could make you laugh) The awkward and crazy behavior of Mr. Bean
makes me laugh. In one episodes that split my sides, Mr. Bean designed an oafish hairstyle for
a kid when the hairdresser was away. It was even more hilarious when the kid’s mom went back
to complain, and Mr. Bean hid in a corner. Mr. Bean is one of my favorite sitcoms so far. I still
sometimes watch it to relieve stress.
1. Albeit (conjuction) = although: mặc dù.
Example: The evening was very pleasant, albeit a little quiet.
Buổi tối hôm ấy khá thoải mái, mặc dù hơi im lắng.
2. Sitcom = situation comedy (n): hài kịch dựa trên tình huống.
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Example: Mr. Bean is a British sitcom created by Rowan Atikinson and Richard Curtis.
Mr. Bean là một bộ phim hài theo tình huống được sản xuất bởi Rowan Atikinson và Richard
3. To go viral (v): rất thịnh hành.
Example: Within days the film clip went viral.

Trong vòng mấy ngày, video clip đã rất thịnh hành.
4. Oafish (adj): lạ lạ, ngộ ngộ.
Example: Being a country bumpkin from Newfounland, Jake is often teased for his oafish
clothes and hair.
Là một người vụng về quê mùa, Jake thường bị chọc vì anh ấy mặc đồ và để tóc khá ngộ.
5. To revolve (v): xoay quanh
Example: The earth revolves around the sun.
Trái Đất quay quanh mặt Trời.
6. Neurotic (a): bị thần kinh/bị mát.
Example: neurotic behaviour/tendencies
Tính cách ngộ ngộ mát mát.
7. To split someone’s sides (idiom): cười bể bụng.
Example: Your jokes are perfect for your speech tonight. You'll have them splitting their sides!
Những bản tấu hài của bạn sẽ hồn hảo cho buổi tối hơm nay. Bạn sẽ làm mọi người cười bể
Do you think adults are likely to be happier than children?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Honestly, I don’t think so. (Explain your reason or
reasons) Given the enormous social and domestic responsibilities most adults have to shoulder,
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it would be hard for them to be as joyful and carefree as children. (Give an example (often a
personal example)) While young adults concern themselves with career prospects, the need to
balance between different relationships exhausts the middle-aged. (Explain the opposite or
alternative) Yet, irrespective of age, one’s cheerful disposition largely depends on his or her
attitude to life.
Is laughing beneficial to children, how about old people?

(Give a direct answer to the question) Scientifically, laughing does wonders to a human’s
well-being (Explain your reason or reasons) Children laugh to exhibit their emotions as well
as to interact with others. For older people, laughter is just as necessary, if not an inevitable
aspect. (Give an example (often a personal example)) A genuine laugh would help one to let
off steam and momentarily forget about the stresses and strains of adulthood. (Explain the
opposite or alternative) Without laughter, our spiritual life would be unimaginable.
What kinds of things do Vietnamese people do to be happy?
(Give a direct answer to the question) Well, this answer may vary from person to person, even
for those in the same age group. (Give an example) I guess the majority would take pleasure
from hanging out with friends or immersing themselves in hobbies and entertaining activities.
(Explain the opposite or alternative) Some, in the meantime, associate their happiness with
materialistic and career-related goals, so they may work to be happy.
Why do children like to laugh?
(Give a direct answer to the question) As I have put it, for kids, laughter is the most
spontaneous means of emotional expression (Explain your reason or reasons) The younger
people are, the more easily they laugh, as there is always a joyful element in the eyes of
innocent minds. (Explain the opposite or alternative) Besides, a child may view laughter as a
way to integrate into social groups.
What do you do when you feel sad?
(Give a direct answer to the question) When I feel low, I will treat myself to things I adore
(Give an example (often a personal example)) They can be quality time with family members
or a luxurious dinner at a Korean restaurant. (Explain your reason or reasons) When I cannot

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change the situation, I change my attitude towards it, and I think doing justice to my interests is
quite effective, at least for now.

exhaust [v]: to make someone extremely tired: làm ai kiệt sức
Eg : Billy's heart was so weak that just climbing a few steps exhausted him.
irrespective of [expression]: without considering; not needing to allow for: không kể đến,
không xét đến
Eg: The legislation must be applied irrespective of someone's ethnic origins.
disposition [n]: the particular type of character that a person naturally has: tính khí
Eg: She is of a nervous disposition.
do wonders to [expression]: to cause improvements or have a very good effect: có lợi cho
Eg: Getting the job did wonders for her self-confidence.
exhibit [v]: to show something, esp. a quality, by your behavior: thể hiện, bộc lộ
Eg: Jane did not exhibit a sense of submissiveness.
genuine [adj]: If something is genuine, it is real and exactly what it appears to be: thật, chân
Eg: He has demonstrated a genuine interest in the project.
unimaginable [adj]: Something that is unimaginable is difficult to imagine because it is so bad,
good, big, etc.: không thể tưởng tượng được
Eg: The situation was explosive to an unimaginable degree.
associate [v]: to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else:
liên hệ
Eg: Most people associate this brand with good quality.
spontaneous [adj]: happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or
without being forced: tự nhiên, không gượng gạo
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Eg: His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.

integrate into [v]: to mix with and join society or a group of people, often changing to suit their
way of life, habits, and customs: hòa nhập
Eg: It's very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so different from your
luxurious [adj]: very comfortable and expensive: xa xỉ
Eg: We spent a luxurious weekend at a country hotel.
do justice to [expression]: to treat someone or something in a way that is fair and shows their or
its true qualities: đối xử công bằng với
Eg: This postcard doesn't do justice to the wonderful scenery.

44. Describe an interesting tradition in your country

You should say

What it is

How do the people in your country follow this tradition?

And explain how you personally feel about this tradition

If you ask me about an interesting tradition in Vietnam, I will definitely talk about the traditional
new year event of my country. It’s called Tet Holiday, which is also known as Lunar New Year
in Vietnam.

Lunar New Year is the most important celebration in Vietnamese culture, marking the arrival of
spring based on the Lunar calendar, a lunisolar calendar. Tet takes place from the first day of the
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first month of the Lunar calendar (around late January or early February) until at least the third

Traditionally, Vietnamese prepare for Tet by cooking special holiday foods and cleaning their
house. There are a lot of customs practiced during Tet such as visiting friends or relatives’ houses
on the first day of the new year, ancestral worship, wishing New Year’s greetings, giving lucky
money to children and elderly people and opening a shop. Vietnamese people usually return to
their families during Tet. Some return to worship at the family altar or visit the graves of their
ancestors in their homeland.

Whenever this holiday comes, I feel a strong sense of belonging because it reminds me of how
diverse our culture can be with different rituals and food. I really love Tet.



Worship (verb) to have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a

We only worship one god


Rituals (noun) a set of fixed actions and sometimes words performed regularly, especially

as part of a ceremony.
My morning ritual includes reading the newspaper while I drink my coffee.

48. Describe a time when you were scared by an animal. You should say:

What animal it was


When and where it happened


What the animal did


And explain why you were scared

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(What animal it was) I cannot forget the time when I jumped out of my skin when seeing a
cockroach fly for the first time. Indeed, I have a cockroach phobia, which is one of the most
common phobias in the world.
(When and where it happened) I still remember the time a cockroach flew into the hair of a
colleague. This was a full-sized specimen. This very moment when I had seen a cockroach fly for
the first time happened when I was doing my internship at JW Marriott Singapore some years
ago. I couldn’t believe such a prestigious hotel had this kind of disgusting animal.
(What the animal did) The creature twitched furiously to free all of its six, spindly legs and oily
wings. It had tangled itself in her shoulder-length tresses. Everyone around her, including me,
released a staccato scream, ran around the room for fear that this disgusting filthy animal may fly
into them. To my horror and surprise, my colleague finally fished it out of her hair with her bare

hands and flung it into a nearby drain.
(And explain why you were scared) I was stunned because I hadn’t known a cockroach could
ever fly. Moreover, I have been scared of this animal since I was born so it is very understandable
that I was scared out of my wits when seeing it fly.

To twitch (v): co giật

Example: She saw his mouth twitch into a little smile that disappeared almost at once.
Cô ấy thấy miệng anh ta co lên chuẩn bị cười nhưng trở lại bình thường ngay sau đó.

Filthy (adj): dơ bẩn

Example: The whole house is absolutely filthy.
Cả căn nhà đều vô cùng dơ bẩn.

To someone’s horror (phrase): trong sự hoảng hốt của ai đó

Example: To my horror, he lost his footing and fell to the bottom of the stairs.
Anh ấy trượt chân và té xuống cuối lầu trong sự hoảng hốt của tôi.

To fish sth out (phrasal verb): lấy cái gì ra

Example: He fished out a coin from his pocket.
Anh ấy lấy một đồng xu ra từ túi.
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To stun (v): làm ai đó sốc

Example: News of the disaster stunned people throughout the world.
Tin tức về thảm họa làm sốc toàn bộ thế giới.

To frighten/scare someone out of their wits (phrase): làm ai đó rất sợ hãi

Example: That strange noise during the night scared me out of my wits.
Âm thanh kì lạ đó trong đêm tối làm tơi vô cùng sợ hãi.

49. Describe an area of science (physics, biology, psychology, etc.) that interests you. You
should say:

What it is


When you knew it


How you learned it


And explain why you are interested

(What it is) My only favourite area of science is geography. Geography is a mixture of natural
science and humanities, which makes it so special. I am still trying my best to learn Geography
more so as to improve my knowledge about natural phenomena and about the global happenings.
(When you knew it) As a child, I was exposed to some fators that later contributed to my love
for Geography. Back then, I was extremely interested in watching the weather forecast every
evening after the daily news on a national channel, VTV3, at 7.00pm.
(How you learnt it) I only realised that I had a deep passion for Geography when I was in grade
3 as I could not stop looking at the globe and learning by heart the names of countries and their
capitals. Also, I tried to remember flags of some influential countries in the world. Then, when I
proceeded to grade 7, I passed geography with flying colors and continuously topped my
Geography class. I also had a hobby of reading news that covered global happenings, which was
instrumental in broadening my horizons about population Geography.
(And explain why you are interested) I really cannot explain why I am interested in Geography.
My love for it developed from literally no known reasons. I would say that my passion for
Geography is a result of me being exposed to so many Geography-related factors such as news,
and weather forecasts during my formative years.
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To learn by heart (phrase): học thuộc lòng

Example: My father can still recite the poems he learned by heart at school.
Bố tơi vẫn có thể đọc những vầng thơ mà bố học thuộc lòng lúc còn ở trường.

With flying colours (idiom): điểm cao

Example: She passed the exam with flying colors.
Cô ấy vượt qua kì thi với số điểm cao

To top (v): đứng đầu

Example: The song topped the charts
Bài nhạc này đã đứng đầu các bảng xếp hạng.

Instrumental (adj): rất quan trọng

Example: She was instrumental in bringing about the prison reform act.
Cơ ấy đóng vai trị vơ cùng quan trọng trong chiến dịch đổi mới nhà tù.

To broaden someone’s horizons (phrase): mở rộng tầm mắt

Example: Travelling certainly broadens your horizons.
Đi du lịch chắc chắn giúp bạn mở rộng tầm mắt.

Formative (adj): nền tảng

Example: She spent her formative years in Africa.
Cô ấy dành những năm tháng nền tảng sống ở châu Phi.

Part 3

What is the best invention in the past one hundred years?

There have been some inventions that have changed our lives almost overnight in the past 100
years. However, I believe that the world wide web is the most impactful invention of humankind.

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It breaks down geographical barriers and is a prerequisite for today’s globalisation and prosperity
in the world.

What’s the influence of science on human life?

Science affects us all, every day of the year, from the moment we wake up, all day long, and
through the night. To make it clear how deeply science is interwoven with our lives, just try
imagining a day without scientific progress. We would have no electricity to power our computers
and smartphones and keep the lights on. Also, the medicines that have saved millions of lives are
also a result of scientific progress.

What can individuals do for scientific research?

While some people hold the opinion that scientific research is the responsibility of only scientists,
I believe it is the responsibility of everyone. Individuals can play their role in such research by
participating in their own projects such as being samples for research.

What influence can international cooperation in science bring about?

Cooperation between countries around the world is instrumental in the development of science
and technology. A country’s ability is limited to a certain extent, which is the reason why it must
cooperate with others to achieve the desired result.

Overnight (adv): rất nhanh

Example: She became a star overnight.
Cô ấy trở nên một ngôi sao một cách rất nhanh.

Prerequisite (n): điều kiện tiên quyết

Example: Public support is a prerequisite for/to the success of this project.

Sự ủng hộ của cộng đồng là điều kiện tiên quyết cho sự thành công của dự án này.

To interwave (v): đan xen

Example: He interweaves traditional songs with contemporary music.
Anh ấy đan xen các bài hát truyền thống với nhạc hiện đại.

Sample (v): mẫu

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Example: A random sample of voters.
Một mẫu cử tri ngẫu nhiên.

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