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Thuyết trình Đền thờ Hai Bà Trưng 2,3

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Initially, the temple was built with bamboo and cork
leaves. During the Đinh Dynasty (970-979), it was
rebuilt with bricks and roof tiles. During the reign of
King Ly Thai Tong, the temple was restored/rɪˈstɔːr/
and built in the present appearance/ơˈpɪə.rəns/.
To get to Hai Ba Temple, from the center of Hanoi,
visitors can go by themselves in the direction of
Thang Long bridge - National Highway 23 or take
bus number 35B, then go for about 1 hour.
2. Các cơng trình kiến trúc trong Đền
More than a century has passed, Hai Ba Temple is
more or less lost. In 2004, this architectural work
was embellished/ɪmˈbel.ɪʃ/ and expanded. Currently,
the complex of Hai Ba temple relic site covers an
area of up to 11 hectares, located along the Red
River dyke, next to the immense rose fields. The
relic area includes 11 architectural works, where
visitors rest and relax. And the first place we talk
about is the temple gate.
- Temple gate: built with 2 floors, the lower floor
creates 3 rolling arch doors, the upper floor is built
in a match stack style, with 2 floors and 8 roofs. The
roof edge is decorated with a pair of dragons adoring

the sun, the neck of the match is decorated with 4petal flowers, the corners are decorated with fire
leaves, and the body of the column/ˈko.ləm/ is
shaped like flowers and leaves.
- Guesthouse: including 7 compartments, built in
the style of a back wall.
- The outermost part of the relic is Tam Mon Ngoai

built in a co-pillar, also known as the four pillars/
ˈpɪl.ər/. The top of the column /ˈko.ləm/ is
decorated with four phoenixes/ˈfiː.nɪks/ in the style
of flipped leaves, below the decorative lights. The
four-pillar system is divided into one main gate and
two auxiliary gates.
- Going inside is Tam Mon Noi. It consists of a
compartment, two sides, with the roof bank, the strip
is with lemon flowers, the two sides of the gable/
ˈɡây.bəl/ are covered with two dragon heads, the
corner is covered with two porcelain/ˈpɔː.səl.ɪn/
attached in the position of adoration, four corners are
bent because the roof is supported, it is the style of
"thượng chồng rường, hạ kẻ chuyền".
- The left and right sides, respectively, when
stepping through Tam Mon Noi are the belltower,

drum attic. They are made in the style of four
curved roofs, the strip banks are covered with lemon
flowers, and the two sides of the gable are covered
with tiger shapes, the upper floor opens four doors
facing four directions.
-The main temple of Hai Ba: includes 3 parts
+ The front hall consists of 7 compartments, 2
floors, built in the style of a back wall, the roof is
covered with nails, the two ends are covered with the
shape of a battle, the two ends of the strip are
decorated with the shape of phoenix dance. In front
of the offering, there are two stone elephants

kneeling in front of each other. Two small gates with
roofs made in the style of "chồng diêm", curved
roofs. Connecting the two small gates are two
paintings of "cánh phong", in front of which there is
a symbolic pillar, the top of the pillar is left-shaped,
and the lanterns are embossed with four spirits.
+ The central priest's house consists of 5
compartments, 2 floors, built in the style of a back
wall, the roof is covered with lemon flowers, the
middle is covered with tigers, two roofs of matches,
in front of the center there is a stone incense burner...

+ Connected to the middle compartment is the
harem - a three-room, one-way house, built
vertically, in harmony with the center to form an
overall architecture in the form of Dinh. The harem
roof support frame consists of four sets because it
carries the structure of " thượng giá chiêng hạ chồng
rường”, and the "thượng giá chiêng hạ cốt". The
rows of columns have a diameter of 35cm, on the
armpits carved the letter Tho, flowers and leaves.
- Next, we come to visit the Temple of Hai Ba
Trung's father and mother. It has a surface in the
shape of the word Đinh, including the sacrifice/
ˈsæk.rɪ.faɪs/ and the harem. The sacrifice consists of
a 5-room house, built in the style of a back wall, the
roof bank is covered with two dragons adorning the
moon, and the banks are decorated with nail banks.
The harem consists of 1 compartment and 2 rooms.

- Located to the left of Hai Ba Trung temple is the
temple of Thi Sach's father and mother. The
temple rotates/ˈroʊ.teɪt/ to the southwest/ˌsaʊθ
ˈwest/, and has an architectural plan in the shape of
the word Dinh, including the sacrifice and the

- A place not to be missed when visiting this relic is
the Memorial /mơˈmô.ri.əl/ House - Comrade/
ˈkɒm.râyd/ Truong Chinh's secret /ˈsiː.krət/
mailbox: built with four roofs, the corners of the
roof are curved/kɜːvd/, in the middle there are eight
commemorative /kəˈmemə.rə.tɪv/ plaques/plɑːk/
with the content: “This is an old tree with a hollow
trunk to make a mailbox - Secretary/ˈsek.rə.teri/
Truong Chinh - General Secretary of the Communist
Party of Vietnam in the years 1943-1945, even
Truong Chinh used the worship of Hai Ba Trung as
one of the secret meeting places to prepare for the
victory of the General uprising profit. Hanoi Capital
Government August 19, 1945"
- Temple of the female generals of the Hai Ba
Trung period: has the most word-shaped floor plan
and includes 5 compartments, built in the style of a
birch gable wall. The two sides have doors in the
shape of the word Tho to get light for the relic. The
roof support system consists of 6 sets because it is
structured in the form of "thượng giá chiêng, trung
kẻ truyền, hạ bẩy hiên, hậu gối tường". In the middle

of the altar, a high pedestal is built to decorate the
throne, and tablets in front of the altar are arranged.

- Temple of Southern generals of Hai Ba Trung
Dynasty: facing the Northeast, has an architectural
plan in the form of the letter Nhat, includes 5
compartments, a wall of a gilt, with 6 sets. In the
middle of the altar a high pedestal was built to
arrange the altar and tablet.
- Left/organic house: is nestled with 7
compartments, built with bald wall style, roof bank,
long bank in the shape of lemon flowers. In front of
the porch on the right, there is a poem about 8
elephants, horses, and lions, inside displaying some
relics excavated in Me Linh’s ancient citadel.
- Me Linh Ancient Citadel: There are still traces of
the ancient citadel filled with earth, shaped like a
"bending snake", 1,750m long, 500m wide at its
widest place, 200m at its narrowest point, landing
with refined earth, about 1 inch thick (about 2m), 1
zhang high (about 4m). Because of this "passage"
road, the city is named "Tube citadel". The
outermost ring is the pride of the bamboo. Legend
has it that in the past, there was a palace of Trung
Vuong, outside the city there were army and naval
camps. The citadel has been excavated and has
obtained many valuable artifacts.

- Elephant, semicircular lakes: Legend has it that
this area was built on a piece of land where an
elephant's head can be pictured so it has the above
names. This area is now decorated with stones and
bricks, surrounded by greenstone lotus flowers to
create a landscape for the relic.
3. Ý nghĩa trong đời sống nhân dân và các dịp lễ
đặc biệt.
Besides historical works, Hai Ba Trung Temple also
plays an extremely important role in the life and
spirit of the people here.
Hai Ba Trung is also a place to keep many precious/
ˈpreʃ.əs/ relics, diverse/daɪˈvɜːs/ and rich in both
types and materials such as wood, stone, bronze,
paper in which the wooden relics account for the
number. Relics dating back to the Nguyễn Dynasty
include the phoenix, the incense/ˈɪn.sens/ stick, and
the wild self. Coupled sentences, examination,
palanquin/ˌpa.lənˈkiːn/, other elaborately /ə
ˈlab.ə.rêt.ly/carved worshiping statues, finely
sauteed/soˈtây/, with decorative elements/
ˈel·ə·mənts/: clouds, flowers, leaves, seals, and
lakes. These are works of art showing the talented,
skillful and delicate hands of our ancestors in the art

of making, reflecting many aspects of social life and
aspirations/ˌæs.pɪˈreɪ.ʃən/ for a better life.
Coming to Hai Ba Trung is a place of cultural and
spiritual activities of local people, through which

intangible/ɪnˈtæn.dʒə.bəl/ cultural values have been
crystallized/ˈkrɪs.təl.aɪzd/ and expressed in festivals
and folk games. The festival to Hai Ba Trung is held
every year, from the 4th to the 10th day of the first
lunar month (lunar calendar). In particular, the
festival itself is on the 6th, according to legend, this
is the day Hai Ba Trung held a banquet/ˈbæŋ.kwɪt/
to celebrate/ˈse.lə.breɪt/ the army, so later the
villagers held a festival to celebrate that event/ɪ
ˈvent/, aiming to review the gallant tradition of the
ancestors people in the early days of building and
defending the country.
Every five years at a shack, people in the village
organize a procession of Hai Ba Trung palanquin/
ˌpa.lənˈkiːn/, Hạ Lôi village's Thanh Hoang
palanquin, and Hai Ba Trung relics containing
special values of history, culture, science, and art,
architecture. This is a place closely associated with
community life in cultural activities and beliefs,
demonstrating the ethics of drinking water from its

source, national pride of Ha Loi village. The prime
minister ranked the relic as a special national
monument in 2013.
Well, here comes the final word of today's
presentation. We have just learned about the general
history of the establishment of the temple, explored
the typical architectural works in the relic site, and
learned more about the significance of the temple in

present life. I hope that the knowledge I bring to you
will help you feel better about the temple and also
hope that you will visit this place in person to enjoy
it more deeply.
