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Capstoneproject nguyễn minh trí AEN T122WSB 6 WSU21000292

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SCHOOL OF Western Sydney University Vietnam

Student name:

Nguyễn Nguyễn Minh Trí

Student ID number: WSU21000292

Unit name:

Academic English

Tutorial group:

Unit number:


Tutorial day and time:

Lecturer or Tutor name:

and Thursday(8am11:15am)

Gabriel Ryan


Capstone project


Due date:

Home campus (where you are enrolled):


Date submitted:


Campus B

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Full name: Nguyễn Minh Trí

Student ID: WSU21000292
Class: AEn-T122WSB-6

Table of contents
01. QUIZ




01. QUIZ

● Topic:

While some companies believe that
engaging in e-commerce is the way forward,
others resist change and struggle to adapt.
Discuss the statement.


Another aspect of why some companies believe that e-commerce is the future is the way to develop more is
operating expenses. According to Kenton (2021), “operating expenses include rent, equipment, inventory
costs, marketing, payroll, insurance, step costs, and funds allocated for research and development.” For most
firms, operating expenses are necessary and inevitable. Reducing operating costs gives an edge in a
competitive market and increases employee income. With the development of technology, people today have
more and more access to social networks, which makes it convenient for businesses to promote products
through the website. Therefore, they do not have to spend money to print advertising paper. Moreover, the
company's earnings improve because it is easy for people to find products online. Besides, enterprises do not
pay the cost of renting space for shops and hiring employees to work directly at the factories.

In conclusion, scientific technology advances constantly resulting in the development of e-commerce. People
trust online shopping due to its convenience and ease of use. E-commerce, on the other hand, is difficult for

individuals who are not used to using social networks. Finally, despite the limitations, businesses should
maximize the benefits and minimize the disadvantages to promote e-commerce further.


=> Critically analyze
and assess
presented in both
scholarly and
popular texts.


03. Poster presentation

Topic: The influence of AI on


=> Develop a
understanding of
the academic

research process.


04. Group debate

Topic: plastic should be banned


Plastic has a long lifespan and it is durable
Many plastic products also have quite long lifespans.
Plastics are also quite durable and resistant to all kinds of adverse outside factors.
For instance, plastics are quite resistant to heavy rain, storms and so on.
Thus, they are perfect packaging material.
Moreover, many products for daily life which are made out of plastics will last for a long time.
Hence, if manufactured properly, plastic items can also be of quite good quality and may last for a quite long
According to Bibek Pokharel in 2019, PVC piping has a life span of more than a hundred years and
Household products that are made of plastics have a normal lifespan of more than 25 years.
When we continue to use these items instead of throwing them away, then we can promote a lower waste
rate instantly.
Brandon Miller in 2020 stated that if you reuse plastic items at least seven times, then you’re saving just as
many energy resources than if you’d recycled the product.
No methane emissions from plastic
An additional upside of plastics is that they do not emit methane in the degradation process.

For instance, when organic materials end up in landfills, they usually emit significant amounts of methane,
which is a harmful greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. In Brandon's 2019 research. When
compared to CO2, methane is up to 20 times more potent as a reflecting atmospheric product.

=> Formulate coherent
arguments and present
evidence based on
analysis of information
to develop and support
a position.


05. Individual essay

Topic: the influence of AI on


To begin with, thanks to the fourth industrial revolution, people focus on digital technology combined with the internet, ecommerce develops rapidly, which makes it easier for people to buy and sell. Referring to e-commerce, it is impossible to
ignore the fact that businesses use AI in their operations, which brings convenience to both enterprises and consumers.
According to NewVantage in 2022, 91% of top businesses invested in AI. Data is so numerous and overwhelming today that
analyzing it can take many days. AI assists organizations in collecting massive volumes of data in real time and providing
precise analysis and predictions. For example, analyzing the needs of the majority of customers and forecasting the amount of
goods that can be sold to avoid inventory. Making appropriate decisions based on accurate analysis may give a competitive

edge. Moreover, AI facilitates business process automation, which transfers to the machines simple and manual duties.
Employees have more time to concentrate on specialized work rather than wasting time on trivial matters. Chatbots are a
particular example of this aspect. Soni (2020) stated that the system automatically asks questions and based on the answers of
buyers, gives best advice which are suitable with their wishes. The customer's shopping experience is enhanced because they
can be supported by chatbots 24/7, which makes the company sell more products and increases revenue.
Nonetheless, It is undeniable that small businesses struggle to raise the necessary capital to put AI to work. Moreover, AI is devoid of imagination. It
just has its creator's thinking, and AI only does what humans have taught it to do, so it is difficult to give AI complicated jobs (MacAraig, 2019).
Besides, workers are concerned that technology will increasingly replace humans, resulting in an increase in unemployment rates. McKinsey (as cited
in Duggal, 2022) stated that roughly 30% of people will lose their jobs in 2030 due to technology. Another disadvantage of AI is that workers depend
on the results of machines, and programs, like humans, can make mistakes, how they are built may have a big impact on this. Programs may contain
loopholes that impact the data produced by AI. Other competitors take advantage of loopholes to get access to your company's data, putting you at a
competitive disadvantage. However, the use of advanced technologies in jobs that require highly qualified employees, thereby driving people to upskill
to construct and control more modern machinery. In addition, staff must double-check the results of the technology's work to ensure that there are no
errors and they should pay particular attention to the security of the programs. Thus, there are still limitations, AI has great promise as a tool for
motivating efforts that enables companies to be highly profitable, providing convenience for employees and a good shopping experience for

Referencing – APA 7

Amos, Z. (2021, September 13). 6 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Cut Business Costs.
Techvera. />Duggal, N. (2022, March 3). Advantages and Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence.
Simplilearn.Com. />
Kenton, W. (2021, September 2). What Is an Operating Expense? Investopedia. Retrieved
March 11, 2022, />

Referencing – APA 7

Lin, Y. (2022, March 14). 10 Artificial Intelligence Statistics You Need to Know in 2022
[Infographic]. Oberlo. />MacAraig, M. (2019, October 18). 11 Pros and Cons of AI for Businesses.
/>Soni, V. D. (2020, July 11). Emerging Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Ecommerce. SSRN.


=> Use sources to support
an argument as well as
avoid plagiarism in writing.
Write an academic essay
using appropriate academic
writing style, citations, and
a reference list based on
APA 7 format.



