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INDIVIDUAL ESSAY duonghuynhbaoquyen(winnie) AEn T122WSB 6 21001145

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Duong Huynh


Quyen Student

Academic English
Tutorial group:



Tutorial day and Monday

Mr. Gabriel Ryan

“ How leadership impacts business organizations in the long-term?” –
Individual Essay
1349 words
Home campus (where you are
Campus B – 279 Nguyen Tri Phuong




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Duong Huynh Bao Quyen

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ARO 00380 08/15


The adventure of enterprise has evolved extensively throughout the times and will continue to
happen as a result of worldwide profitable elaboration in the marketable system throughout time,
especially those reflected in the field of request, trade, and macroeconomy behavior. Leaders must
therefore borrow and forcefully conform to the golden rule of leadership whether they're gonna
prosper in their part as leaders. Through cogent leadership, administrators can enhance
organizational performance, productivity, as well as labor productivity of the organizations or
companies. Obviously, leadership is the primary defense of the organization in the long run.
“Leadership is a process of learning, not the position. Leaders are learners and it's a continued
process of learning to achieve organizational goals and objectives, and for career advancement.”
(JamesA. Koroma, 2015).

First of all, pushing invention among workers in the business field is the opening impact of
leadership association of a business in the long- term. As reported by Goyal and Pitt, (2007) and
Chesbrough (2013), to survive and prosper, associations must be innovative and adaptable, whether
they're youthful or well-established enough. Not unexpectedly, leaders have been suitable to give
the frame for workers to concentrate on invention, which can help organizations and businesses to
do things differently to move forward and gain remarkable achievements. In addition, the ability of
a leader to establish a vision and sense of morality, as well as to develop effective strategies that


prioritize innovation at the forefront of everything is done, can also be a method of obtaining
disruptive solutions that support the business apart from the competition. To prove the below ideal,
take Apple, for example, the colonist of Apple-Steve Jobs had a notorious quotation “ Innovation
distinguishes between a leader and a follower”. This quotation has brought Apple claims the top
spot on the list of 50 innovative companies in the rate in 2021. As can be observed, all Apple
products have been

dramatically changed as well as founded in a better and further progressive outlook throughout the
times. As can be seen, the leaders in Apple don't only concentrate on diffusing and upgrading one
product only but also attach special significance to creating and instituting further technology
products to respond to the necessary needs of all guests from every age and generation.
Additionally, thanks to the leader of Apple with numerous inventions that can meet the demand of
consumers who are concerned about the technological field, the company has now come to the peak
of being one of the most successful entrepreneurs among technological businesses. In summary, the
invention is the chine of leadership association in numerous businesses. Without innovation, the
companies can not succeed and produce further achievement products and systems to contend in
both profitable and political positions.

Not only does innovation have a vital impact on leadership organizations, but mentoring-the key to
developing talents is also an essential part of success for a business when having a leadership
organization. According to Gusto, Gupta, Roy, & Muthyala (2012), mentoring has monstrously
salutary goods on the business association in the long-term enhancement, including high situations
of hand retention and leadership development, a slight drop in the development rate, as well fleetly
acquainted new workers to give them more precious advice on organizational prospects. As can be
demonstrated, leadership styles similar to mentoring, training, or also guiding a group of different

characteristics are all essential factors of being effective leadership in a business. Multitudinous

business leaders, as offering to mature and develop into workers places also find out further
information about what they suppose and want to ask for the company’s growth and association,
therefore, they've firsthand experience abetting people from different backgrounds on a platoon in
the business. To prove this impact, according to a recent study by the Association for Talent
Development, the top benefits of formal mentoring programs were high hand engagement and
retention, support for the development of high-implicit workers, transnational relationship structure
and collaboration, and knowledge operation and transfer. Also, workers who haven't been guided

have obstacles including navigating the association and a sense of bafflement, as well as depressive
symptoms (Tolar, 2012; Vanderbilt, 2010). Not only that, but indeed Short (2014) in his exploration
also highlighted that workers who don't have instructors or leaders are more prone to the
circumstance of trade pressure, simply as a result of long-term anxiety. Accordingly, especially
since workers warrant guidance, support, and training in all aspects of labor advancement, they will
come displeased and frustrated as a matter of fact among those hassles, leading to failure in both
their task and indeed the pretensions of their enterprise. These quotations mean that after
completing a mentoring program, businesses will be suitable to retain further competent staff.
Following that, companies with high eventuality help have a lesser chance of getting profitable and
successful in the long run. On the other hand, without the tutoring and mentoring programs, those
workers will face numerous challenges and be far down from business success and the leader’s
recognition for them. To conclude, for these meaningful results, the company with that study
becomes more advanced and successful compared with other advanced businesses, and vice versa
with the companies without leaders who believe in mentoring workers.

Last but not least, employee motivation is critical to an organization's performance because it
ensures that human resources put out their stylish attempts to achieve the organization's pretensions

and objectives. Leadership styles, as reported by Gopal and Chowdhury (2014), are pivotal in

generating and maintaining high rates and situations of hand provocation. The research "Motivation
Statistics: Number in 2020" supports this view, 20% of employees work better when motivated, and
87% of them are less likely to resign or leave the business for any reason. Thereby, the way that
leader treats their workers can also have a favorable or negative impact on the company bottom’s
line. Needless to say, motivated people, especially leaders are observed to be constantly looking for
ways to boost productivity and help assist overworked employees and also overtime workers in
ensuring effectiveness to enhance and ameliorate the business's position in the domestic and foreign
profitable request. Not unexpectedly, whereas leaders give workers a suggestive and valuable price
at the end

of their effective efforts in all projects that bring high profits for the company, those workers will
feel honored and motivated to boost their productivity, work efficiently, give further benefits
choices and also make better results in numerous products. It can be seen that workers act upon
purposeful, precious labor, combined with contributing all their heart and mind to the expansion of
business, only when they're sufficiently motivated by the leaders. Also, empowerment is closely
related to the work motivation of employees. The fundamental goal of employee empowerment is
for both of them to be willing to contribute as much as possible to the company. According to Kim
et al. (2013) studies, among motivated help, the element of empowerment has an impact on
organizational commitment. Likewise, job satisfaction is told by empowerment in the same way.
Workers will be delighted if their employment fulfills their prospects. Employee motivation, career
satisfaction, as well as organizational commitment are three significant features that have been
stressed as a result of multitudinous exploration studies; hence, empowerment has constantly been
acknowledged as a critical factor in organizational effectiveness (Sahoo et al., 2010; Pelit et al.,
2011; Kazlauskaite et al., 2012; Raub & Robert, 2013; Hanaysha, 2016). To sum up, focusing on the

important part of employee motivation is also the vital necessary impact of leadership organization
in the business in the long-term.

To sum up, the technology revolution has significant consequences on leadership, not only in terms
of how the leader creates a landscape, but also in terms of how change can occur and the business
profit. As a result, organizations must constantly focus on improvement and transformation in the
ever-competitive commercial world. Given the obstacles posed by competing enterprises on the
market, leadership is critical. Leadership is a force that directs organizational operations and
coordinates personnel in order to fulfill a company's goals. To achieve good performance, leaders
and followers must have a strong relationship.

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