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Good morning/good afternoon teacher!
My fullname:
I was born on
My studen ID is:

Task 1: General Interview (2 minutes)


Do you live in a town
or a city?
Do many tourists visit
your area?
Do you think your
town/city will change
much in the future?

Childhood 1. What is your most vivid
childhood memory?

2. Are you still in touch with
your childhood friend?

3. What was your favorite
toy when you were a child?

1.I live in Hanoi city.
2. On average, Hanoi welcomes more
than 10 million tourists every year.
3. Yes, I think Hanoi will have many
changes in the future, such as
developed transport infrastructure,
universities will be moved to the
1.My most vivid childhood memories
are the times I went to the river to
swim with my friends. We swam
together, splashed, caught mussels...
very happy.
2. Yes, I still keep in touch with my
childhood friends by phone, zalo,
facebook. We often ask about each
other's lives and revisit old memories.
3. My favorite toy as a child was a
doll. I often cut and sew a variety of
dresses for my dolls.
1. I usually wear simple, comfortable
clothes to school.
2. I prefer to wear casual clothes
because it suits who I am.
3. I don't like to receive gifts of clothes
from people because it usually doesn't
suit me. It can be too wide or too

1. I go to school by motorbike


1. What kind of clothes do
you wear to school?
2. Do prefer wearing formal
or casual clothes? Why?
3. Do you like to get clothes
as a gift from your friends
or family? Why/Why not?


1. How do you get to
2. Do you ever have any 2. The problem I often encounter when






3. How could your jouney
be inproved?
1. Do you try to keep fit?

riding a motorbike is traffic jams - a
specialty of Hanoi.
3. To improve the traffic jam, I usually
go to school earlier
1. Yes, I still try to stay in shape. I
usually eat healthy and exercise every
day. I usually eat less rice, eat more
vegetables and fruits.
2. Do you think it is 2. Yes, I think young people need to
important for young people keep fit to be more beautiful, stronger,
to keep fit?
more resilient. This is very important
because young people today are under
a lot of pressure in life.
3. Have you ever watched a 3. Yes, I used to watch football live.
sporting event live?
The live view atmosphere is vibrant
and exciting. I like so much
1. What do you like doing 1, I like to eat, travel, celebrate Tet...
most with your family?
with my family.
2. In my family, I am closest to my
2. Who are you close to in mother. For me, my mother is both the

your family?
person who gave birth to me and my
friend. My mother has always loved,
cared for and respected me
3. Family is important to me in every
3. In what way is your way, especially spiritually. Whether I
family important to you?
succeed or fail, my family is always by
my side.
1. Why do you choose to 1. I choose to learn English because it
study English?
is necessary for my work.
2. What is the most difficult 2. I have difficulty with pronunciation
thing about your study?
and communication.
3. What course would you 3. I want to take a conversational
like to do in the future?
English course
1. What kind of music do 1.I like lyrical music.
you like?
2. What do you like about 2. The lyrical music is very gentle and
3. Do you play or would 3. I'm not, I'm not musically gifted.
you like to play a musical

TASK 2: Individual long –run

Describe a popular
dish from your region
that you enjoy
- What this dish is?
- Why you enjoy
making it?
- When you usually
make it?
- Why it is popular in
your region?

I love to cook and often cook for my family so I know how
to make many dishes. But the popular food in my area that
I like to make is banh mi (a type of Vietnamese bread).
I love making banh mi because it's quite simple and my
family loves to eat banh mi.
I usually make banh mi in my spare time, especially in
winter. You know, on cold winter afternoons, it's great to
eat hot, crispy bánh mì.
In my opinion, banh mi is popular in my area because it's
delicious, cheap, easy to prepare, and easy to buy on every

Describe a common
leisure activity in
- What activity is?

- What type of people
do it?
- Where and when it
is possible to do it?
- Why it is popular?

1. In my opinion, the most popular entertainment activity in
Vietnam today is using social networks. According to
statistics, by January 2020, Vietnam has social network
users of 65 million (accounting for 67% of the population.
The most used social networks are Facebook, youtube,
2. Social network users are diverse, but most of them are
young people.
3. Social media entertainment can be done anytime,
anywhere, just with an internet-connected device.
4. I think the social network is popular because it brings
many benefits to people such as it is a huge store of
knowledge, it connects people together, it provides a series
of games, movies, books, stories, etc... Social networks
give people a large, diverse, cheap and accessible
entertainment space anywhere, anytime.
Email is one of the communication methods that I often use
in work and life. 1 year ago, I received a very important
It's an email from the "Like there's never been a breakup"
program. In an email, the program's liaisons confirmed that
they had found my family uncle who went missing many
years ago, and planned to meet my family and uncle.
This is an important email because my family has been

searching for my uncle for years and has found nothing
about uncle. Three years ago, we went to the program

important email you
- Who the email was
- What it was about?
- Why is was
- How you felt about


“Like there's never been a breakup” with the hope that the
program could find my uncle. So this email is exactly what
we've been waiting for for the past 3 years.
The information in the email means a lot to our family,
especially my grandmother. I am very happy and moved to
receive this email.
Today, advertising is very developed, it appears in many
ADVERTISEMENT different media.
Describe an
advertisement you
I love the advertisement for vinamilk for children. I saw

have seen or read that this ad for the first time on TV.
you like.
- What it is?
I love this ad because it's so funny with cute, chubby kids.
- Where you first saw On the other hand, since I often have to buy milk for my
baby, I am interested in the information provided by the
- Why you like it
milk advertisements.
- Whether
advertisement is
I think advertising is very necessary. Because it provides
necessary or not,
information about products to consumers, through which
consumers have information to choose products and
suppliers will sell more.
5. ENVIRONMENT Global climate change makes natural disasters more
Describe a natural
disaater you have
I once experienced a natural disaster, it was a big flood that
took place in Nghe An - my hometown - in 2021.
- What that disaster
I still remember clearly, those days it rained very heavily,
- When you
the hydroelectricity released floods, and the water rose
experienced it?

rapidly. We had to run very fast to the high hills to avoid
- What you did?
the flood and wait for help. The flood swept away many
- How you felt about houses and people's possessions.
I felt very worried and scared when all sides were water. At
the same time, I am also happy and warm when people help
and encourage me.
Task 3: Topic Discussion

FOOD (món ăn)
Do you think large fast-food companies should be allowed to target at
children in their advertising campaigns? Why

Advertising is a very important activity in any business, including fast food
companies. The question is whether large fast food companies should be
allowed to target children in their advertising campaigns, and my answer is no.
Because of:
- First of all, Fast food is not good for your health. Fast food high in sugar, salt,
and fat ... can cause weight gain, obesity, and kidney disease...
- On the other hand, children often like to watch ads and like to follow ads.
Therefore, if fast food companies advertise to children, it will cause children's
fast food consumption to increase, which is not good for children's health.
In a nutshell, big fast food companies are not allowed to target children in their
advertising campaigns, it is unnecessary and harmful to children.

How important is food as a representative of a country’s culture?

As a representative of the culture of a country, the cuisine is very important.
Each country's unique cuisine may reflect its unique history, lifestyle, values,
and beliefs. For example, banh chung, banh day represent the concept of
harmony between heaven and earth, people, and wet rice civilization in
Vietnamese culture.
Each country has its own unique dishes that represent its country's cuisine and
culture, just like Vietnam's Pho.

Compare the importance of local and imported goods for the economy of
a country?

I think, Both local and imported goods are important for the economy of a
- Domestic goods are produced in the country, taking advantage of domestic raw
materials, cheap prices, creating jobs for workers... thereby developing the
country's economy, improving people's living standards. On the other hand,
domestic goods are not dependent on foreign countries, helping the national
economy to be self-sufficient. For example, Vietnam is an agricultural country

with enough production capacity to meet the needs of the domestic people, so
our country is not greatly affected by the world food crisis.
- The role of imported goods in each country's economy is reflected in the fact
that it promotes the development of the domestic economy due to competition.
For example, Thai rice imported into Vietnam requires the Vietnamese
agricultural industry to improve the quality and output of rice production to
compete with Thai rice. At the same time, imported goods also increase the

choice of people, thereby stimulating consumption, and contributing to the
economic development of the country.
In summary, I think domestic goods and imported goods are both important to
the economy of each country, in which domestic goods are the mainstay.
A, Would you agree that it is important for older or retired people to keep
themselves busy? Can you suggest some suitable activities?
I don't think elderly or retired people need to keep themselves busy. Because,
they have had a whole life to be busy with work, children, family, and life
pressures. Old age is the time when they need to rest, relax and enjoy a
comfortable life. They should only read books, do gentle exercise, chat with
friends and play with their children and grandchildren.
B, In your opinion, do young people have enough or too much leisure time?
Why/Why not?
I think it will be difficult to say whether young people have enough or too much
leisure time. Because it depends on the person, depending on the age, depending
on the time management of each person. In general, young people today do not
have much leisure time because they have too much to learn, too much to do,
too much pressure in life. However, for those who know how to manage their
time, they still have free time to relax. On the contrary, young people who do
not know how to organize their work will always be busy and do not have

enough leisure time. Besides, there will be young people who lack a sense of
responsibility to themselves, their families and society, they do nothing, of
course they have too much leisure time.
C, What new kinds of leisure activities would you like to see introduced in
area which don’t currently exist? Why?
In the area where I live sports activities are limited due to a lack of venues.
Therefore, I really want to have sports areas so that children and adults have a

place to play sports such as football, badminton, swimming... Everyone who can
play sports will improve their physical health substance and spirit.
a. Do you think technology has changed the way we communicate?
I think technology has changed the way we communicate. First of all,
Technology has really opened up more ways for us to communicate with others.
In addition to traditional forms of communication such as email, phone, and
letters, today we can communicate via video such as skype, face time, zalo... We
can send messages, pictures, and voice lines on social networking platforms
quickly and free. Technology makes it possible for us to simultaneously
communicate with many people in many different locations at the same time
such as online classes, group calls...
b. How do job opportnities differ for those who have computer skills from
those who do not.
I think, we are living in a 4.0 era, where technology devices are widely used,
and people with computer skills will have more job opportunities than unskilled
Whether you work for a small company, a large corporate, or from home, a
computer will be one of the first pieces of office equipment you’re going to
need. People with computer skills will process work faster, more efficiently, and
perform more difficult projects... from there, the chances of success and

promotion at work will be better. So upskilling and polishing your computer
literacy can greatly increase your desirability to employers. This is the perfect
opportunity to take on roles you might not have previously considered.

Do you think the existence of computer in schools has improved the way
students learn?

Yes, I think the existence of computers in schools has improved the way
students learn. Such as:
Fostering online collaboration with other students.
Providing curriculum support and additional information to students.
Laptops help students keep track of their assignments and utilize an online
school calendar.
Allowing students to receive and view assignments online and submit their work
via e-mail rather than being required to print them.
Improving the review process: Teachers may edit student papers and return them
digitally to provide more detailed feedback.
Improving students’ computer skills.
Making learning more interesting for technology-savvy students.
a. How will climate change affect where people live in the next ten years?
I think climate change will have a big impact on where people live in the next
ten years. First of all, global warming is expected to continue, with some
regions warming faster than others. At the same time, extreme weather
phenomena such as floods, cyclones, and droughts... will occur more strongly.
The climate crisis leaves many families living in poverty with less food, less
clean water, lower incomes and worsening health.
b. What can we do to help reduce global warming?
I think, it is important that we keep learning more about how our planet works
to understand the climate, and what is causing climate change and its impacts.

We can start by changing simple things in our daily routine to minimize global
warming, such as walking or biking to school or recycling, especially planting a
lot of trees.

a. How omportant do you consider o good salary is for job satisfaction?
In my opinion, a good salary is very important for job satisfaction. You know,
most people go to work to make money, so salary is their top concern when
looking for a job. A good salary will help employees feel secure and motivated
to work better. For example, at present, Vietnam has many teachers who quit
their jobs because the salary is not enough to live on. Of course, besides salary,
working environment, promotion opportunities... are also factors affecting
people's job satisfaction.
b. Do you think that in the future people will retire at an earlier or later
than they do now?
I think in the future people will retire later. Because of the comfortable life, the
development of medicine helps people's life expectancy to increase, better
health, so people can work longer. On the other hand, because young people
today have fewer children, there will come a time when countries will all have
an aging population, meaning a lack of labor force like Japan today. This is also
one reason why people retire later.
c. How, do you think, our working hours will change in the future.
I think, with the help of technology, our working hours will be less in the future.
