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Gen Z là gì? Tìm hiểu đặc điểm, tính cách và cách nhận biết một Gen Z

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of generation z


Group member


I. definition
Gen Z (also known as Generation Z), is a term used to refer to a
group of people born between 1996 and 2010.


II. main characteristics
1.Gen Z - the generation of the technology era:

They were born and raised at the time when the internet exploded. Facebook,
Instagram or Youtube are like daily dishes of Generation Z. Gen Z has been
exposed to the technology environment since childhood. They feel comfortable
and always ready to embrace new technologies. That's also why Gen Z is also
known by another name iGen - Internet generation.

2.Gen Z – A generation that loves interactive content
Instead of watching TV shows, reading newspapers or movies like previous
generations, Gen Z tends to engage

in more interactive content. They like to watch football live stream on Facebook,
interact with people also in the form of livestream, exchange and reply right on the

air. Games played instead of offline like before, gen Z chooses games to experience
with many players, increasing interaction. Concepts like streamer, eSport are often
mentioned in the world of Gen Z but are quite unfamiliar concepts to previous
generations. For example, nowadays many people prefer to chat with friends. They
like to interact with each other through websites.

3.Gen Z – a generation that actively learns and creates
Gen Z's creative thinking, self-learning ability and dynamism are undeniable. Gen
Z has English as well as other foreign languages very well, so the opportunity for
contact and interaction is much wider.


4.Gen Z- generation capable of creating many new trends
Thanks to technology exposure, interaction, and the ability to create good
content, Gen Z has great influence and ability to spread behaviors and trends in the
community. And this creates new trends in society – the gen Z trend. This can be

easily seen when most of the trends (trends), hot trends come from members of
this generation.

5.Gen Z - generation that has a great influence on
The trends and content they create have a significant impact on people's
purchasing decisions. And it cannot be denied that the consumption behavior of
Gen Z's genes affects the consumption behavior of society.


6.Gen Z likes freedom
Gen Z likes freedom,breaking rules; Working, socializing with a multidimensional
view; Likes a challenge; promote ego and personal freedom, love self-control, both
in life and in finance. As we can see, today many young people often plan to travel
with friends, relatives and even alone.


iii.What is the difference
between gen Y and gen Z


iv. How to work with Gen Z
To recruit and retain Gen Z workers, companies must adapt and transform their
culture. It begins with leading by example, incorporating the values that

Gen Z

holds close and dear.
Let's start their need to improve the world. A diverse workforce from the top
down, equal pay, and an ecofriendly mission all appeal to Generation Z.
Companies can't escape paying these problems to this group. Gen Zers may not
need constant recognition for a job well done, but they want to be heard.
Employers need to interact with their young workers, noticing if they have a real
Retaining Generation Z employees may be easier in times of economic
uncertainty, but this group ultimately stays with an organization based on an
employer-created environment. The good news is that companies are listening
and responding.
Companies that provide the environment Gen Z aspires to earn loyalty. That
means embracing diversity and inclusion in the office, providing them with the
tools and training to succeed, and empowering them to make a difference in
their communities.

_The end_
