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1. Gi i thích đ c t i sao nhu c u dinh d ng ả ượ ạ ầ ưỡ
c a tr em l i cao h n ng i l n.ủ ẻ ạ ơ ườ ớ

2. Tính đ c nhu c u năng l ng và n c theo ượ ầ ượ ướ
tu i và cân n ng.ổ ặ

3. Nêu đ c vai trò, ngu n cung c p, nhu c u ượ ồ ấ ầ
hàng ngày c a các ch t đ m, béo, đ ng.ủ ấ ạ ườ

4. Nêu đ c nhu c u hàng ngày c a m t s ượ ầ ủ ộ ố
ch t khoáng và vitamine.ấ

Basal metabolic rate (BMR): Rate of energy
expenditure after an overnight fast, resting
comfortably, supine, awake, and motionless
in a thermoneutral environment.

Basal energy expenditure (BEE): BMR over 24

Thermic effect of food (TEF): Increase in energy
expenditure elicited by food consumption.

Energy deposition: Energy requirement for

Total energy expenditure (TEE): Sum of BEE,
TEF, physical activity, thermoregulation, and the

energy expended in depositing new tissues
and/or in producing milk.

Physical activity level (PAL): Ratio of total to
basal daily energy expenditure (TEE/BEE).
Describes and accounts for physical activity

Physical activity coefficient (PA): The physical
activity coefficient that correlates with PAL
can be used to calculate estimated energy
requirements (EER).

EER: Dietary energy intake that is predicted
to maintain energy balance in a healthy
individual. In children, it includes the needs
associated with growth. For most healthy
infants and children, the equations here can
be used to determine energy needs.

For infants, children, and adolescents, EER
(kcal/day) = TEE + energy deposition.

For most hospitalized patients, it can be
assumed PAL = sedentary, PA = 1.

Ph thu c vào: tu i, gi i, CN, nhi t đ môi ụ ộ ổ ớ ệ ộ
tr ng m c ho t đ ng th l c.ườ ứ ạ ộ ể ự

S năng l ng c n c a kh u ph n ăn ph i ố ượ ầ ủ ẩ ầ ả
cung c p đ y đ t t c các tiêu hao c a c ấ ầ ủ ấ ả ủ ơ
th g m: Chuy n hóa c th , tăng tr ng, ể ồ ể ơ ể ưở
ho t đ ng th l c.ạ ộ ể ự

Đ n v đo l ng kcal.ơ ị ườ

3 ch t cung c p năng l ng ch y u:ấ ấ ượ ủ ế

1 g Protéin cho 4 kcal

+ 1 g Glucid cho 4 kcal

+ 1g lipid cho 9 kcal

G:P:L = 60% - 13% - 27%

Theo công th c Holliday-Segar:ứ

≤ 10 kg : 100 kcal /kg

>10 –20 kg : 1000kcal + 50 kcal /kg

> 20 kg : 1500 kcal + 20 kcal /kg

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