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I  I
EXERCISE 1: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. It isn't necessary to finish the work to day.
You don't _______________________________________________________________________
need to finish the work today
2. Sally finally managed to get a job.
in getting a job
Sally finally succeeded _____________________________________________________________

3. That's the last time I go to that restaurant.
I certainly _______________________________________________________________________
not going to that restaurant again.
4. "I advise you to take a holiday," the doctor continued.
better take a holiday
You'd __________________________________________________________________________

5. If you don't rest yourself you really will be ill.
you rest yourself, you really will be ill
Unless __________________________________________________________________________

6. I should like someone to take me out to dinner.
like is being taken out to dinner
What I should ____________________________________________________________________

7. Martin may not be very well but he still manages to enjoy life.
Martin's poor ____________________________________________________________________
can't prevent him enjoying life

8. They'll have to take the dog on holiday with them.
They can't leave __________________________________________________________________
their dog behind when they are on holiday
9. My aunt got heavily stressed because her marriage broke up.
made my aunt heavily stressed
The break-up of the marriage ________________________________________________________

10. I can't believe that he passed the exam.
it hard to believe that he passed the exam
I find ___________________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 2: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. This is the fastest way to get to the city center.
is no faster way than this to get to the city centre
There __________________________________________________________________________

2. If anyone succeeds in solving the problems, it will probably be him.
He is the most ____________________________________________________________________
likely person to succeed in solving the problems
3. We arrived too late to see the first film.
arrive early enough to see the first film
We didn't _______________________________________________________________________

4. "Would you mind not smoking in here?"
I'd rather ________________________________________________________________________
you did not smoke in here
5. He wrote the letter in two hours.
It took _________________________________________________________________________
him 2 hours to write the letter

6. "Why don't we go out for a walk?"
going out for a walk
My father suggested _______________________________________________________________

7. In spite of his age, Mr. Benson runs 8 miles before breakfast.
Mr.Benson is old, he still runs 8 miles before breakfast
Though _________________________________________________________________________

8. I was very interested in our conversation.
to talk to you
It was interesting _________________________________________________________________

9. Why did you do that ?
did you do that for
Whatever _______________________________________________________________________

10. These bookshelves are my own work.
these bookshelves by myself
I made __________________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 3: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. Don't play tennis as well as you do.
play tennis better than I do
You ____________________________________________________________________________

2. I haven't been to the dentist's for two years.
2 years since I last went to the dentist's
It's _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Whenever she went to Paris she bought a new dress.
She never _______________________________________________________________________
went to Paris without buying a new dress
4. I spent seven years at secondary school and then I went to university.
having spent 7 years at secondary school, I went to university
After ___________________________________________________________________________

5. It's not worth living to make her change her mind.
no need to make her change her mind
There's _________________________________________________________________________

6. He said he was not guilty of stealing the car.
He denied _______________________________________________________________________
for stealing the car
7. Is this the only way to reach the city centre?
Isn't there _______________________________________________________________________
another way to reach the city centre
8. He never suspected that the money had been stolen.
did he suspected that the money had been stolen
At no time _______________________________________________________________________

9. It's my opinion that you should take more exercise.
If I ____________________________________________________________________________
were you, I would take more exercise.
10. I was going to leave, but because of what he said, I didn't.
She persuaded ___________________________________________________________________
me not to leave
EXERCISE 4: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. He was very sorry that he didn't see Andrey on her trip to London.

that not seeing Andrey on her trip to London
He greatly regretted _______________________________________________________________

2. It's thought that the accident was caused by human error.

have been
The accident is ___________________________________________________________________
thought to caused by human error

3. "Will you be visiting the Taj Mahal when you go to India?" he asked Elizabeth.
if she would be

Elizabeth visiting the Taj Mahan when she went to India
He asked ________________________________________________________________________

4. "I think you should try the chicken Marengo," said the waiter.
trying the chicken Marengo
The waiter recommended ___________________________________________________________

5. This is the most delicious cake I have ever tasted.
never tasted such a delicious cake like this
I have __________________________________________________________________________

6. Just after solving one problem, I was faced with another.
had I solved one problem, I was faced with another
Scarcely ________________________________________________________________________

7. Without his help, we would all have been in worse trouble.

Had it __________________________________________________________________________
not been for his help, we would all have been in worse trouble
8. No students in my class can speak English as fluently as she does.
English the most fluently in my class
She speaks ______________________________________________________________________

9. My father started to read that book two weeks ago. He’s still reading it.
been reading that book for 2 weeks
My father has ____________________________________________________________________

10. “I don’t want to be criticized by non-professionals”, said the film star.
The film star objected _____________________________________________________________
to be criticized by non-professionals
EXERCISE 5: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. The questions are so easy that everyone can answer them.
easy questions that everyone can answer them.
They're such _____________________________________________________________________

2. The boy will receive some money to continue his study. His parents died in a traffic accident.
parents died in a traffic accident will receive some money to continue his study
The boy whose ___________________________________________________________________

3. They are producing motorbikes in Vietnam.
being reduced in Vietnam
Motorbikes are ___________________________________________________________________

4. I wasn't there yesterday, so I didn't know who he was.
had been there yesterday, I would have known who he was
If I _____________________________________________________________________________

5. If you do not try hard, you can't pass the examination.
you try hard, you can't pass the examination
Unless __________________________________________________________________________

6. They spent more money, they had to work harder.
The more _______________________________________________________________________
they spent money, the harder they had to work
7. People thought that the cover was made of iron.
was thought to have been make of iron
The cover________________________________________________________________________

8. He went to London. He had lived there when he was a boy.
He went to London where ___________________________________________________________
he had live when he was a boy
9. Jane was absent from class because of her sickness.

sick, she was absent from class
Because Jane was _________________________________________________________________

11. The package was too heavy for Peter to carry.
heavy that Peter couldn't carry it
The package was so _______________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 6: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. You should take the train instead of the bus.
If ______________________________________________________________________________
I were you, I would take the train instead of the bus
2. I'm sure that someone forgot to lock the door.

Someone must ___________________________________________________________________
have forgotten to lock the door
3. They bought this house ten years ago.
They have _______________________________________________________________________
had this house for ten years
4. The course finished with a big party.
of the course, there was a big party
At the end _______________________________________________________________________

5. We invited a pop star onto the chat show, but he didn't turn up.
who we invited onto the chat show didn't turn up
The pop star _____________________________________________________________________

6. Although she said that she would come, I don't think she ever will.
Despite _________________________________________________________________________
her saying that she would come, I don't think she ever will
7. The plane had hardly left the airport when the accident happened.
had the plane left the airport than the accident happened
No sooner _______________________________________________________________________

8. You feel tired now because you didn't sleep very well last night.
you slept well last night, you wouldn't feel tired now
Had ____________________________________________________________________________

9. When did you start the project?
is it since you started the project
How long _______________________________________________________________________

10. Their wedding will be held in a lovely church.
The church ______________________________________________________________________

where their wedding will be held is lovely
EXERCISE 7: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. My father used to play football when he was young.
My father doesn't _________________________________________________________________
play football anymore
2. Jane gave me a present on my last birthday.
I was ___________________________________________________________________________
given a present on my last birthday by Jane
3. "Let's go swimming"
She suggests _____________________________________________________________________
going swimming
4. "Would you like a cup of coffee?"
He _____________________________________________________________________________
invited me to drink a cup of coffee
5. We got lost in the jungle because we didn't have a map.

had a map, we wouldn't have gotten lost in the jungle
If we had ________________________________________________________________________

6. I last saw Bob when I was in Ho Chi Minh City.
Bob since I was in Ho Chi Minh City
I haven't seen ____________________________________________________________________

7. It is a three-hour drive from Hanoi to Namdinh.
It takes _________________________________________________________________________
me three-hour to drive from Hanoi to Namdinh
8. It's a pity you didn't tell us about this.
you had told us about this

I wish __________________________________________________________________________

9. They think the owner of the house is abroad.
of this house is thought to be abroad
The owner _______________________________________________________________________

10. The children couldn't go swimming because the sea was very rough.
The sea was too __________________________________________________________________
rough that the children couldn't go swimming /rough for children to swim
EXERCISE 8: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. When did you first know him?
long is it since you first know him / have you known him?
How ___________________________________________________________________________

2. Their trip lasted three day.
a three-day trip
a trip for 3 days
They had ________________________________________________________________________

3. It may rain hard this afternoon, so take the rain coat with you.
it rain hard this afternoon, take the rain coat with you
In case _________________________________________________________________________

4. She had to do the washing up but she didn't.
doing the washing up
doing the washing up
She forgot _______________________________________________________________________

5. English is easy to learn.
is easy to...

It ______________________________________________________________________________
easy to learn English

6. Don't leave the lights on all night, you will waste electricity.
you leave the lights on all night, you will waste electricity
If ______________________________________________________________________________

7. The furniture was too old to keep.
not young furniture enough to keep
such old furniture that we couldn't keep it
It was __________________________________________________________________________

8. Gary is the best guitarist in her class.
in Gary's class plays the guitar as well as her
play the guitar more than Gary
No one else ______________________________________________________________________

9. Since the invention of computer, people have saved a lot of time.
Since the computer was ____________________________________________________________
invented, people have save a lot of time
10. It's necessary for everybody to clean up their neighborhood once a week.
needs to clean up their neighborhood once a week
Everybody ______________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 9: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. It is necessary to finish the work today.
You need _______________________________________________________________________
to finish the work today
2. Sally finally managed to get the job.

in getting the job
Sally finally succeeded _____________________________________________________________

3. This is the last time I go to this restaurant.
not going to that restaurant again
I certainly _______________________________________________________________________

4. "I advise you to take a holiday," the doctor continued.
better to take a holiday
You'd __________________________________________________________________________

5. "If you don't rest yourself you really will be ill.
you rest yourself, you really will be ill
Unless _______________________________________

6. The doctor told him that he work too hard.
shouldn't work too hard
You ____________________________________________________________________________

7. Those pictures are beautiful.
How ___________________________________________________________________________
beautiful pictures are
8. It was an interesting film.
an interesting film
What ___________________________________________________________________________

9. What is the weight of your suitcase?

How ___________________________________________________________________________
heavy is your suitcase
10. How tall is Peter's father?
is the height of Peter's father
What ___________________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 10: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. He can't afford to buy the car.
The car _________________________________________________________________________
too expensive for him to buy
2. Shirley didn't begin to read until she was eight.
It wasn't ________________________________________________________________________
until Shirley was eight years that she began to read
3. Mrs. Taylor regretted buying the second-hand washing-machine.
Mrs. Taylor wished _______________________________________________________________
she hadn't bought the second-hand washing-machine
4. Nobody can deny that she has a beautiful voice.
can't be denied that she has a beautiful voice
It ______________________________________________________________________________

5. Jane is the tallest girl in her class.
in Jane's class is as tall as her
Nobody _________________________________________________________________________

6. They couldn't find the manager anywhere.
The manager was _________________________________________________________________
no where to be found
7. Their teacher is making them study hard.
They ___________________________________________________________________________
are being made to study hard

8. As I get older, I want to travel less.
I get, the less I want to travel
The older _______________________________________________________________________

9. I have never been to Liverpool in my life.


have I been to Liverpool in my live
Never __________________________________________________________________________

10. My father speaks very little French.
any French
My father speaks hardly ____________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 11: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. “You were cheating, “ said Carol to June.
June of cheating
Carol accused ____________________________________________________________________

2. Don’t you wish you could get out more in the evenings?
up with staying at home in the evening
Don’t you get fed _________________________________________________________________

3. This car is too expensive for Peter to buy.
have enough money to buy this car
Peter does not ____________________________________________________________________

4. Tom is a more careful driver than Tim.

Tim drives ______________________________________________________________________
more carelessly than Tom does
5. It was such a long dress that my sister could not wear it.
The dress was not _________________________________________________________________
short enough for my sister to wear
6. I’ve never met such a famous person before.
It is ____________________________________________________________________________
the first time I've met such a famous person
7. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.
Apples are not ___________________________________________________________________
as expensive as oranges
8. I am always nervous when I travel by air.
Traveling _______________________________________________________________________
by air makes me nervous
9. Remind me to water the plants.
forget to ask me to water the plants
Don’t __________________________________________________________________________

10. I tried to eat the cake, but it was too sweet.
was too sweet for me to eat
The cake ________________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 12: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. James doesn’t play football as well as he used to.
James used ______________________________________________________________________
to play football better than he does now
2. She doesn’t enjoy travelling any more.
does she enjoy travelling
No longer _______________________________________________________________________

3. I regret not going to the airport to say goodbye to him.
I wish __________________________________________________________________________
I had gone to the airport to say goodbye to him
4. It is said that he escaped to a neutral country.
is said to have escaped to a neutral country
He _____________________________________________________________________________

5. My suit needs to be cleaned before the interview
I must
have been cleaned my suit before the interview


6. You will catch a cold if you don’t keep your feet dry.
you keep your feet dry, you will catch a cold
Unless __________________________________________________________________________

7. They were still playing tennis after three hours.
had been playing tennis for 3 hours
They ___________________________________________________________________________

8. It will be impossible to avoid pollution if we don’t find other fuels.
avoid pollution if we don't find other fuels
We can’t ________________________________________________________________________

9. People say that nuclear energy has caused lots of problems.
to have caused lots of problems
Nuclear energy is supposed _________________________________________________________

10. I’m sure you were surprised when you heard the new.
have been surprised when you heard the new
You must _______________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 13: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. It is extremely difficult for them to cut down on smoking.
it extremely difficult to cut down on smoking
They find _______________________________________________________________________

2. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.
our regret, your application has not been successful
Much to ________________________________________________________________________

3. The last time I met her was in 1999.
met her since 1999
I haven’t ________________________________________________________________________

4. Speaking English fluently is not easy.
is not easy to speak English fluently
It ______________________________________________________________________________

5. She didn’t know you were in hospital, so she didn’t visit you.
known you were in hospital, she would have visited you
If she had _______________________________________________________________________

6. “Why didn’t you pay your bills?” Mr. Jackson asked his son.
why his son had not paid his bills
Mr. Jackson wanted to know ________________________________________________________

7. He wore glasses and a false beard, He didn’t anyone to recognize him.
nobody could recognize him
He wore glasses and a false beard so that ______________________________________________

8. We wore warm clothes. We didn’t want to get cold.
We wore warm clothes in order ______________________________________________________
not to get cold
9. Unless you water these plants everyday, they will die.
don't water these plants everyday, they will die
If you __________________________________________________________________________

10. The furniture was so expensive that I didn’t buy it.
expensive for me to buy
The furniture was too ______________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 14: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. It was such hot tea that I couldn’t drink it.
The tea _________________________________________________________________________
was so hot that I couldn't drink
11. The fire has destroyed many houses.

have been destroyed by the fire
Many houses ____________________________________________________________________

2. Someone pained this house last month.
had his house painted last month
He _____________________________________________________________________________

3. They paid no attention to her lecture.
lecture was paid no attention to
Her ____________________________________________________________________________

4. Mrs. Hoa is proud of her cooking.
of herself on her cooking
Mrs. Hoa prides __________________________________________________________________

5. If you don’t hurry, you will miss your bus.
I think you ______________________________________________________________________
had better hurry or you will miss your bus
6. It looks as if nobody’s at home.
be anybody at home
There doesn’t seem to _____________________________________________________________

7. They were unable to finish their tennis game because of the heavy rain.
was so heavy that they couldn't finish their tennis game
The rain ________________________________________________________________________

8. The flight to Moscow lasted three hours and a haft.
me 3 hours and a haft to fly to Moscow
It took __________________________________________________________________________

9. I have never seen such beautiful pictures before.
are the most beautiful ones I've ever seen
These pictures ___________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 15: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. I haven’t seen Henry for two years.
2 years since I last saw Henry

It’s ____________________________________________________________________________

2. I’m sorry that I didn’t finish my homework.
I had finished my homework
I wish __________________________________________________________________________

3. Please don’t turn on the radio.
you didn't turn on the radio
I’d rather ________________________________________________________________________

4. I’ve never read such an interesting poem.
the most interesting poem that I've read
This is __________________________________________________________________________

5. Mary doesn’t speak English so well as Jane.
Jane ____________________________________________________________________________
speaks English better than Mary does
6. Tom is the best programmer in his company.
in Tom's company is as programmer as Tom is
No one _________________________________________________________________________

7. Alcohol is bad for you and so are cigarettes.
Both ___________________________________________________________________________
alcohol and cigarettes are bad for you
8. The postman was bitten by our dog.
bit the postman
Our dog ________________________________________________________________________

9. I can’t cook as well as my mother does.


better than I do
My mother cook __________________________________________________________________

10. Are you sure that jacket is the right size for you?
really fit you
Does that jacket __________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 16: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. Although his leg was broken, he managed to get out of the car.
of his broken leg, he managed to get out of the car
In spite _________________________________________________________________________

2. I gave Ted the message, but he already knew about it.
had given Ted the message because he already knew about it
I needn’t ________________________________________________________________________

3. We didn’t go because it rained.
rained, we would have gone
If it hadn’t _______________________________________________________________________

4. Mary rang hours and hours ago.
and hours since Mary rang
It’s hours _______________________________________________________________________

5. Lola said she was sorry she had not attended the meeting.
not attending the meeting
Lola apologized for _______________________________________________________________

6. We know that feudalism lasted for hundreds of years in Europe.
is known to have lasted for hundreds of years in Europe
Feudalism _______________________________________________________________________

7. I am very sorry I wasn’t able to see him off at the station.
I wish __________________________________________________________________________
I had been able to see him off at the station
8. What particularly impressed me was her knowledge of world history.
knowledge of world history makes me particularly impressed
It was her _______________________________________________________________________

9. “Shall I carry the suitcase for you , Pauline?’ said John.
if he carried the suitcase for Pauline
John offered _____________________________________________________________________

10. I’m sorry now that I didn’t tell you the truth.
I wish __________________________________________________________________________
I could tell you the truth
EXERCISE 17: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. I feel uncomfortable to be in a room where everybody is shouting.
I can’t stand _____________________________________________________________________
being in a room where everybody is shouting
2. Man continues to take minerals from the earth in immense quantities.
continued to take from the earth in immense quantities
Minerals ________________________________________________________________________

3. She never seems to succeed even though she works hard.
she works hard, she never seems to succeed
However ________________________________________________________________________

4. The Picasso painting was so expensive that nobody could buy it.
So _____________________________________________________________________________
expensive was the Picasso painting that nobody could buy it.
5. “Where is the head waiter? I must speak to him”
on speaking to him
The customer insisted ______________________________________________________________

6. These old men can’t be made to change.
hard to make these old man change
It is ____________________________________________________________________________

7. When she heard the news, she broke down.
hearing the news, she broke down
On _____________________________________________________________________________

8. Ann could not find the right job.
unable to find the right job
Ann was ________________________________________________________________________

9. The people who were there didn’t notice anything unusual.
there noticed anything unusual
No one _________________________________________________________________________

10. He spends so much money on clothing.
were you, I would not spend so much money on clothing
If I _____________________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 18: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.

1. Weather conditions influence most people’s lives.
influenced by weather conditions
Most people’s lives are ____________________________________________________________

2. I had to spend the whole evening to finish the homework.
took me the whole evening to finish the homework
It ______________________________________________________________________________

3. I don’t find it difficult to study late at night.
to studying late at night
I am used _______________________________________________________________________

4. I’ll be happy to give you a lift.
giving you a lift
I don’t mind _____________________________________________________________________

5. There were lots of people in the square.
crowed with people
The square was ___________________________________________________________________

6. Mary is proud of the fact that she is never late.
Mary prides _____________________________________________________________________
of herself on never being late
7. We didn’t realise how serious the situation was.
did we realise how serious the situation was
Little ___________________________________________________________________________

8. Someone broke into John’s flat last week.
flat was broken into last week
John’s __________________________________________________________________________

9. We haven’t seen one another for a long time.
We stopped ______________________________________________________________________
seeing one another a long time ago
10. If the police had found out, I would have been in trouble.
Were ___________________________________________________________________________
the police to have found out, I would have been in trouble
EXERCISE 19: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. I’m quite happy to look after the baby for you.
looking after the baby for you
I don’t mind _____________________________________________________________________
2. Parking is not permitted here.

You are _________________________________________________________________________
not allowed to park here
3. I burst into tears when I heard the bad news.
down when I heard the bad news
I broke _________________________________________________________________________

4. Most people are on holiday at that time of the year.
It’s the _________________________________________________________________________
time of the year when people are on holiday
5. “I think you’d better not come to work for a few days, Jane.”
Jane not to come to work for a few days
I advised ________________________________________________________________________

6. People think that the jewels were stolen by one of the guests.
is thought to have stolen the jewels

One of the guests _________________________________________________________________

7. There is a rumour that you stole it.
rumoured that you stole it
It’s ____________________________________________________________________________

8. I was kept waiting for half an hour by the bank manager.
kept me waiting for half an hour
The bank manager ________________________________________________________________

9. I can’t cook as well as my mother does.
better than I do
My mother cooks _________________________________________________________________

10. I don’t find it difficult to study late at night.
I am used _______________________________________________________________________
to studying late at night
EXERCISE 20: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. It took him an hour to travel to Paris by train.
an hour travelling to Paris by train
He spent ________________________________________________________________________

2. I made a lot of mistakes because I didn’t study carefully.
studied carefully, I wouldn't make a lot of mistakes
If I _____________________________________________________________________________

3. Have you got a cheaper watch than this?
Is this __________________________________________________________________________
4. I’ll be happy to give you a lift.
I don’t mind _____________________________________________________________________

giving you a lift
5. Staying at home is better than going to see that film.
I’d rather ________________________________________________________________________
stay at home than go to see that film
6. It’s not necessary for you to wear a uniform.
You ____________________________________________________________________________
7. Jim can’t afford to buy a cheap bike.
Jim doesn’t ______________________________________________________________________
8. I’ve never met such a famous person before.
It is ____________________________________________________________________________
9. We couldn’t drive because of the fog.

The fog prevented ________________________________________________________________
10. Bob will be twenty next week.
It is Bob’s _______________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 21: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. Apples are usually cheaper than oranges.
Apple are not ____________________________________________________________________
2. I am always nervous when I travel by air.
Traveling _______________________________________________________________________
3. As a student he had known great poverty.
When __________________________________________________________________________
4. “Why don’t you apply for the job, Minh?” said Lan.
Lan suggested ____________________________________________________________________
5. Remind me to water the plants.
Don’t __________________________________________________________________________
6. I tried to eat the cake, but it was too sweet.
The cake ________________________________________________________________________

7. “You had better go there immediately.”
She advised _____________________________________________________________________
8. Although Bill took a taxi, he still arrived late.
In spite _________________________________________________________________________
9. The stamps are so beautiful that all of us want to buy them.
They are such ____________________________________________________________________
10. The boy threw the ball through the window.
The ball ________________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 22: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. Barbara asked me: “Why do you leave without saying goodbye?”
Barbara wanted to know ___________________________________________________________
2. It is not a habit of mine to sleep in the afternoon.
I’m not _________________________________________________________________________
3. Nam has difficult in studying physics.
It is ____________________________________________________________________________
4. The remark was so unexpected that she didn’t know what to say.
It was __________________________________________________________________________
5. You’re the worst guitarist in the world.

No one _________________________________________________________________________

6. It was a waste of time writing that letter.
I needn’t ________________________________________________________________________
7. “Let’s check everything once more,” said the man in chief.
The man in chief suggested _________________________________________________________
8. Although the fish appears to be harmless, it is quite dangerous.
Contrary ________________________________________________________________________
9. The students really appreciate the teacher’s sense of humor.

What ___________________________________________________________________________
10. It is acknowledge that Vietnam had a complete control over SARS from a very early stage of
the epidemic.
Vietnam is ______________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 23: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. He didn’t remember anything about it, and neither did she.
He forgot _______________________________________________________________________
2. We couldn’t have managed it if our father hadn’t encouraged us.
If it ____________________________________________________________________________
3. I wished I had applied for that job.
It is a ___________________________________________________________________________
4. Mr. Smith spent four hours repairing his house.
It took __________________________________________________________________________
5. As I didn’t know all the facts, I rang the police.
If ______________________________________________________________________________
6. She didn’t work hard enough, so she lost the job.
The reason ______________________________________________________________________
7. We couldn’t drive because of the fog.
The fog prevented ________________________________________________________________
8. She asked John how he liked her new dress.
“How __________________________________________________________________________
9. John missed the ferry because his car broke down.
If ______________________________________________________________________________
10. Women in developed countries no longer bear many children.
No longer _______________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 24: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. I prefer Vietnamese food to English food.

I’d rather ________________________________________________________________________

2. Peter can run faster than I.
I can’t __________________________________________________________________________
3. “I think you should look for a better job” Jill said to Alison.
Jill advised ______________________________________________________________________
4. Women nowadays no longer depend on their husband.
No longer _______________________________________________________________________
5. We haven’t had any intention of having a vacation so far this year.
We haven’t ______________________________________________________________________
6. My mobile phone is more expensive than yours.
Your mobile phone ________________________________________________________________
7. Nobody here thinks learning English is easy.
Everybody here thinks it ___________________________________________________________
8. They have bought that old villa by the sea.
That old villa ____________________________________________________________________
9. Without Jack’s help, I wouldn’t have been able to move the table.
If ______________________________________________________________________________
10. “Is your little son good at computer?” said the teacher to Mrs. Johnson.
The teacher asked _________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 25: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. The gate will be widened to let the cars run into the yard easily.
The gate will be widened so that _____________________________________________________
2. School uniforms must be worn at all times by young pupils.
Young pupils ____________________________________________________________________
3. I’m more interested in the people than the job.
It’s ____________________________________________________________________________
4. We started cooking for the party 4 hours ago.
We have ________________________________________________________________________
5. She knows a lot more about it than I do.

I don’t know _____________________________________________________________________
6. “Which one do you want, the blue or the green?” John said to her.
John asked ______________________________________________________________________
7. I’m always nervous when I travel by air.
Travelling _______________________________________________________________________
8. It seems that no one predicted the correct result.
No one _________________________________________________________________________

9. There was such a frightening atmosphere in that house that we had to leave immediately.
The atmosphere __________________________________________________________________
10. When the Prime Minister was asked about the strike, he declined to comment.
On _____________________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 26: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated in Waterloo. It is a place in Belgium.
Waterloo ________________________________________________________________________
2. It is impossible to learn a language in a week.
Learning ________________________________________________________________________
3. Although he is old, he often plays tennis.
In spite of _______________________________________________________________________
4. The man was too tired to say a word.
If he were _______________________________________________________________________
5. He can’t get the job because he isn’t good at English.
If he were _______________________________________________________________________
6. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one could recognize him.
The film start avoided _____________________________________________________________
7. As she gets older, she wants to travel less.
The older _______________________________________________________________________
8. She didn’t say a word as she left the room.

She left the room _________________________________________________________________
9. The cupboard was so expensive the I didn’t buy it.
The cupboard was too _____________________________________________________________
10. This novel was written by Joan Brady.
Joan Brady ______________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 27: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. Peter said: “Why don’t you go to the booking office yourself?”
Peter said: “How about ____________________________________________________________
2. It’s common knowledge that he has been in prison several times.
He is known _____________________________________________________________________
3. “I hate to be criticized by non-professionals,” the film star said.
The film star objected _____________________________________________________________
4. She can’t get into the habit of studying every evening.
She can’t get used ________________________________________________________________
5. I regret not paying much attention to the lecture.

I wish __________________________________________________________________________
6. Perhaps I didn’t get a better job because I didn’t study hard enough.
I might _________________________________________________________________________
7. Please don’t mention it again.
I’d rather ________________________________________________________________________
8. Ms. Quyen began teaching Chinese ten years ago.
Ms. Quyen has ___________________________________________________________________
9. We haven’t visited the museum before.
This is __________________________________________________________________________
10. Peter missed the train because he woke up too late.
If Peter _________________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 28: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.

1. The robber forced the cashier to hand over the money.
The cashier ______________________________________________________________________
2. It is cheaper to go by train than by car.
Going by car _____________________________________________________________________
3. We must go now because our train leaves at 8 A.M.
It’s ____________________________________________________________________________
4. Although he made great efforts, he failed to win the race.
In spite _________________________________________________________________________
5. Since she was careless, Mary lost her job.
Because of ______________________________________________________________________
6. Workers are building a new factory.
A new factory ____________________________________________________________________
7. Who broke the window?
By _____________________________________________________________________________
8. “What’s your job?” Mary asked Tom.
Mary wanted to know _____________________________________________________________
9. The bust couldn’t run because of the fog.
The fog _________________________________________________________________________
10. Tim will be eighteen next week.
It is Tim’s _______________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 29: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. Peter said to Paul, “I didn’t use your mobile phone! Someone else did, not me”.

Peter denied _____________________________________________________________________

2. I’m always nervous when I travel by car.
Traveling _______________________________________________________________________
3. “Why don’t you put your luggage under the seat?” he asked.

He suggested ____________________________________________________________________
4. They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again.
The date ________________________________________________________________________
5. There is always trouble when he comes to visit us.
Whenever _______________________________________________________________________
6. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.
The less ________________________________________________________________________
7. “Do come again next weekend,” the host said to us.
The host ________________________________________________________________________
8. I am sorry I was rude to you yesterday.
I apologise ______________________________________________________________________
9. I can’t cook and John can’t either.
Neither _________________________________________________________________________
10. A train leaves for Hue at 7 o’clock every morning.
There is _________________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 30: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. The garage is going to repair the car for us next week.
We are going ____________________________________________________________________
2. Mathematics improves the way we think, it is a basic tool of thinking.
Since mathematics ________________________________________________________________
3. Huynh Duc plays so well that we all admire him.
Huynh Duc ______________________________________________________________________
4. Women in developed countries no longer bear many children.
No longer _______________________________________________________________________
5. Safeguarding our natural resources is now a must.
It is ____________________________________________________________________________
6. It’s a pity he didn’t take his doctors advice.
He wishes _______________________________________________________________________
7. I prefer Vietnamese food to English food.
I’d _____________________________________________________________________________

8. My teacher made me study for my exams.
I was ___________________________________________________________________________

9. I can’t afford to buy the house.
The house _______________________________________________________________________
10. She started learning English 10 year ago.
She was ________________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 31: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. I was very busy. I couldn’t go to the cinema.
If I _____________________________________________________________________________
2. You will catch a cold if you don’t wear your fur coat.
Unless __________________________________________________________________________
3. Is there any likelihood of their passing the exams?
Are they likely ___________________________________________________________________
4. We haven’t received confirmation of hotel booking yet.
Our hotel booking hasn’t ___________________________________________________________
5. I haven’t seen that man here before.
This ____________________________________________________________________________
6. It was a bit difficult to get into work this morning.
Getting _________________________________________________________________________
7. It's possible that he didn't get my letter.
He might ________________________________________________________________________
8. We had planned to visit grandmother, so we left early in the morning.
We were ________________________________________________________________________
9. It's sad, but unemployment is unlikely to go down this year.
Sad ____________________________________________________________________________
10. We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.
Much to ________________________________________________________________________

EXERCISE 32: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. "Why hasn't Peter phoned?" she wondered.
She wondered ____________________________________________________________________
2. I'm only interested on why he did it.
The only thing ___________________________________________________________________
3. He tried to escape but the police stopped him.
The police prevented him ___________________________________________________________
4. She has ordered a new outfit from her dressmaker.
She is having ____________________________________________________________________
5. Couldn't you find a better hotel?

Is this __________________________________________________________________________
6. John began playing the piano ten years ago.
John has ________________________________________________________________________
7. They won't be able to come on Sunday.
It will be ________________________________________________________________________
8. She needs to study harder.
She doesn't ______________________________________________________________________
9. I only paid a few hundred pounds for the car.
The car _________________________________________________________________________
10. My mother made these curtains.
These curtains ___________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 33: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. He started investigating the case a week ago.
He has __________________________________________________________________________
2. I'm quite sure that she didn't steal the necklace.
She can't ________________________________________________________________________
3. The flat's very noisy but we enjoy living there.

Even ___________________________________________________________________________
4. "If I were you, I wouldn't trust Peter", she told John.
She advised _____________________________________________________________________
5. Her grief was so great that she almost fainted.
So _____________________________________________________________________________
6. You can leave only when I tell you.
Until ___________________________________________________________________________
7. She prefers Italian food to French food.
She'd ___________________________________________________________________________
8. Sarah is better at chemistry than Susan.
Susan isn't _______________________________________________________________________
9. When is John and Mary's wedding?
When are _______________________________________________________________________
10. Most people can understand him when he speaks English.
He can make _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 34: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. We arrived too late to see the first film.

We didn't _______________________________________________________________________

2. "I'm sorry that I broke the glass", said Peter.
Peter apologised __________________________________________________________________
3. I was drowning, but he saved me.
If he ___________________________________________________________________________
4. Sally is the cleverest student in the class.
Nobody _________________________________________________________________________
5. I have never read such a romantic story.
This is __________________________________________________________________________

6. We can't afford to buy the car.
The car _________________________________________________________________________
7. His parents made him study for his exams.
He was _________________________________________________________________________
8. We started cooking for the party four hours ago.
We have ________________________________________________________________________
9. He has never behaved so violent before.
He is behaving ___________________________________________________________________
10. We couldn't get nearer because of the police.
The police _______________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 35: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. I'll help you if you promise to try harder.
Unless __________________________________________________________________________
2. "You were treating", said Carol to June.
Carol accused ____________________________________________________________________
3. She bought that house in 1973.
She has _________________________________________________________________________
4. They believe he is armed.
He _____________________________________________________________________________
5. Our house is going to be painted by a local firm.
We are _________________________________________________________________________
6. "I think you should go by train", he told us.
He advised ______________________________________________________________________
7. She can't have any more children because of her age.
She is too _______________________________________________________________________
8. It isn't necessary to shout.
You ____________________________________________________________________________

9. It was such a dull play that he fell asleep.
The play ________________________________________________________________________
10. "Where is the nearest tube?" she asked.
She enquired _____________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 36: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. "Don't forget to phone the office", she told him.
She reminded ____________________________________________________________________
2. I'm afraid I haven't got time to listen to you.
I wish __________________________________________________________________________
3. The police has just released John.
John ___________________________________________________________________________
4. I couldn't hear them because they were speaking too softly.
They were speaking _______________________________________________________________
5. We spent five hours getting to London.
It took __________________________________________________________________________
6. She doesn't usually stay up so late.
She's not used ____________________________________________________________________
7. If I were you I'd look for another job.
I suggest ________________________________________________________________________
8. He lost his money simply because he wasn't careful.
If ______________________________________________________________________________
9. They last visited me five years ago.
They haven't _____________________________________________________________________
10. All his suit were made in Paris.
He _____________________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 37: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. This is his first visit to England.
He is ___________________________________________________________________________
2. I think it may rain.
It looks as _______________________________________________________________________

3. He will come because he wants to be sure of meeting you.
He will come so __________________________________________________________________
4. Walking in the rain gives him pleasure.
He enjoys _______________________________________________________________________
5. Most of a child's life is spent in playing.

A child spends ___________________________________________________________________
6. The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes.
The fox tried in ___________________________________________________________________
7. His briefcase was too full for the zip fastener to close properly.
His briefcase was so full ___________________________________________________________
8. People say that he beats his wife.
It is ____________________________________________________________________________
9. He appears to be running away from your fierce dog.
It looks _________________________________________________________________________
10. He got down to writing the letter as soon as he returned from his walk.
No sooner _______________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 38: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. She just had time to put up her umbrella before the rain came down in torrents.
No sooner _______________________________________________________________________
2. "Why didn't you report the incident to the police last week?" the officer asked the
frightened witness.
The officer wanted to know _________________________________________________________
3. The Presidential visit attracted such an enormous crowd that all traffic came to a standstill.
So many ________________________________________________________________________
4. A fire destroyed most of the old city of London in the 1960s.
The destruction ___________________________________________________________________
5. He hasn't been back to his home town for over 20 years now.

It is ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Travelling by plane is much more expensive than traveling by train.
Travelling by train ________________________________________________________________
7. I would love to be rich and famous.
If only __________________________________________________________________________
8. It took a long time for them to decide to get married.
They ___________________________________________________________________________
9. "Is it, or is it not true that you have been misappropriating company funds?" the managing director
asked the accountant.
The managing director wanted _______________________________________________________
10. If you want to save your eyesight, we must operate immediately.
Only by _________________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 39: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. It was his own fault that he lost his job. He was late for work every morning.


If ______________________________________________________________________________
2. Attendances at the exhibition has been down this year.
The exhibition ___________________________________________________________________
3. I'm more interested in the people than the job.
It's not the _______________________________________________________________________
4. They declared war on the pretext of defending their territorial right.
The excuse ______________________________________________________________________
5. Although Johnny Brax drives carefully on public roads, he is a terror on the racetrack.
Johnny Brax is a __________________________________________________________________
6. Our science correspondent sees this new invention as the answer to many of our problems.
According to _____________________________________________________________________
7. Christmas won't be the same if we don't have any snow.

I'll be ___________________________________________________________________________
8. We have a six o'clock deadline for this work.
This work _______________________________________________________________________
9. I don't see the point of re-decorating this room.
Re-decorating ____________________________________________________________________
10. Cheques should only be accepted with proof of identity.
Never __________________________________________________________________________
EXERCISE 40: Rewrite the following sentences that keep the same meaning.
1. "If you don't take it easy, you'll have another heart attack", the doctor said to the patient.
The doctor warned the patient _______________________________________________________
2. I know this reporter's background well and he's 100% honest.
This reporter, ____________________________________________________________________
3. They stretched a rope from one side of the crevasse to the other in order to haul their equipment.
By _____________________________________________________________________________
4. People no longer smoke so many cigarettes as they used to.
The ____________________________________________________________________________
5. We've been thinking the matter over and have finally come to a decision.
We've given _____________________________________________________________________
6. Why isn't this TV working?
What ___________________________________________________________________________
7. I've never tasted pheasant before.
This ____________________________________________________________________________
8. If there's an emergency, ring this number.
