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Handbook of materials selection

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Handbook of
Copyright Ó 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., NewYork.
Handbook of
Edited by
Myer Kutz Associates, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Handbook of materials selection/Myer Kutz, editor.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 0-471-35924-6 (cloth : alk. paper)
1. Materials—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Kutz,
TA403.4.H368 2001
Ј1—dc21 2001046821
Printed in the United States of America.
To Merrilyn, Bill, and David
The Future Is Yours
Preface xi
Contributors xv
1. Quantitative Methods of Materials Selection 3
Mahmoud M. Farag

2. Carbon and Alloy Steels 27
Bruce L. Bramfitt
3. Stainless Steels 67
James Kelly
4. Aluminum Alloys 89
J. G. Kaufman
5. Copper and Copper Alloys 135
Konrad J. A. Kundig
6. Selection of Titanium Alloys for Design 201
Matthew J. Donachie
7. Nickel and Its Alloys 235
T. H. Bassford and Jim Hosier
8. Magnesium and Its Alloys 259
Robert S. Busk
9. Corrosion and Oxidation of Magnesium Alloys 267
D. Eliezer and H. Alves
10. Selection of Superalloys for Design 293
Matthew J. Donachie and Stephen J. Donachie
11. Plastics: Thermoplastics, Thermosets, and Elastomers 335
Edward N. Peters
12. Composite Materials 357
Carl Zweben
13. Smart Materials 401
James A. Harvey
14. Overview of Ceramic Materials, Design, and Application 419
R. Nathan Katz

15 How to Find Materials Properties Data 441
Patricia E. Kirkwood
16. Sources of Materials Data 457
J. G. Kaufman
17. Managing Materials Data 475
Deborah Mies
18. Information for Materials Procurement and Disposal 505
J. H. Westbrook
19. Testing of Metallic Materials 519
Peter C. McKeighan
20. Plastics Testing 545
Vishu Shah
21. Characterization and Identification of Plastics 591
Vishu Shah
22. Professional and Testing Organizations 615
Vishu Shah
23. Ceramics Testing 623
Shawn K. McGuire and Michael G. Jenkins
24. Nondestructive Inspection 649
Robert L. Crane and Ward D. Rummel
25. Failure Modes: Performance and Service Requirements for Metals 705
J. A. Collins and S. R. Daniewicz
26. Failure Analysis of Plastics 775
Vishu Shah
27. Failure Modes: Performance and Service Requirements for Ceramics 787
Dietrich Munz
28. Mechanical Reliability and Life Prediction for Brittle Materials 809
G. S. White, E. R. Fuller, Jr., and S. W. Freiman

29. Interaction of Materials Selection, Design, and Manufacturing Processes 831
Ronald A. Kohser
30. Production Processes and Equipment for Metals 847
Magd E. Zohdi, William E. Biles, and Dennis B. Webster
31. Metal Forming, Shaping, and Casting 925
Magd E. Zohdi, Dennis B. Webster, and William E. Biles
32. Plastic Parts Processing I 969
William E. Biles
33. Plastic Parts Processing II 993
Dean O. Harper
34. Composites Fabrication Processes 1037
Michael G. Bader
35. Advanced Ceramics Processing 1113
Lisa C. Klein
36. Spacecraft Applications of Advanced Composite Materials 1131
Kevin R. Uleck, Paul J. Biermann, Jack C. Roberts, and
Bonny M. Hilditch
37. Selection of Materials for Biomedical Applications 1165
Michele J. Grimm
38. Selecting Materials for Medical Products 1195
Sherwin Shang and Lecon Woo
39. Materials in Electronic Packaging 1223
Warren C. Fackler
40. Advanced Materials in Sports Equipment 1253
F. H. Froes
41. Materials Selection for Wear Resistance 1275
Andrew W. Phelps

42. Diamond Films 1287
Andrew W. Phelps
43. Advanced Materials in Telecommunications 1303
Glen R. Kowach and Ainissa G. Ramirez
44. Using Composites 1343
Hans J. Borstell
45. Composites in Construction 1369
Ayman S. Mosallam
46. Design for Manufacture and Assembly with Plastics 1423
James A. Harvey
INDEX 1437
Invention is often born of the need, or just the desire, to improve something.
This simple statement (a restatement, in a way, of the old saw ‘‘necessity is the
mother of invention’’) is the driving force behind the development of the Hand-
book of Materials Selection. The audience for this handbook consists of prac-
ticing engineers and the people who work with them, all of whom need to
determine what materials they might specify, order, and use to make something
better, whether it’s a dental implant, an electronic package, an airplane, or a
highway overpass. The choices are not always as clear cut, nor are they as
straightforward, as they once were. In the past, one material (e.g., steel) or a
class of materials (e.g., metals) might have been all an engineer would have
needed to consider for a particular application. But now different classes of
materials compete for consideration, in order that a manufactured part or assem-
bly be as inexpensive, or as light, or as long-lasting as possible, to name just a
few factors that might have to be taken into account. So whereas an engineer
might have turned in the past to a single supplier’s materials properties tables
to make a selection, now he or she might first turn to the engineer’s most trusted

information source—colleagues, whose collective expertise can be brought to
bear on an improved materials selection procedure.
So an important purpose of a publication such as this handbook is to assemble
a collection of experts to provide advice to an engineer. If a handbook is to do
this job effectively, its assigned experts should have a wide range of professional
experience. They should have worked in a variety of settings. In keeping with
this concept, the Handbook of Materials Selection is the product of the efforts
of over 50 contributors who have experience in five different environments: a
little over 40 percent are from mainly industrial backgrounds; a little under 30
percent are U.S. university faculty members, many with some experience in
industry, while another 10 percent are, or have been until recently, on the faculty
of academic institutions in Egypt, Israel, Germany, and England; the rest work
at U.S. government installations or at research institutes, both private and uni-
versity affiliated.
Whatever their background and experience may be, the contributors to this
handbook have written in a style that reflects practical discussion informed by
real-world experience. The intent is for readers to feel that they are in the pres-
ence of experienced engineers, materials specialists, teachers, researchers, and
consultants who are well acquainted with the multiplicity of issues that govern
the selection of materials for industrial applications. At the same time, the level
is such that students and recent graduates can find the handbook as accessible
as experienced engineers.
As much as practicable, contributors have employed visual displays, such as
tables, charts, and photographs, to illustrate the points they make and the ex-
amples they draw on. They have discussed current trends in the specification,
availability, and use of materials. Also, wherever appropriate, discussion enables
readers to look into the near-term future.
Nevertheless, no information resource, I mean no handbook, no shelf of
books, not even a web site or a portal on the Internet (not yet, at least), can

hope to inspire every new product whose successful introduction and long ser-
vice life are predicated on innovative and adroit materials selection, much less
inspire every new version of existing products that is cheaper, lighter, or flashier
than its predecessors because of a clever material substitution. Why, then, de-
velop a one-volume Handbook of Materials Selection? The powerful premise
driving this 1,500-page handbook is that, in terms of materials selection, what
works now, as well as what has failed in the past, can serve as an experiential
platform on which practicing engineers can employ the modern multidisciplinary
training they now receive.
My intention has been to create a practical reference for engineers wanting
to explore questions about selecting materials for specific industrial applications.
In my view, there are two sets of useful questions worth exploring. One set
covers practical examples of the what, why, and how of materials selection:
What materials have been used in particular industrial applications?
Why were these materials selected?
Were the materials processed in special ways?
How did material properties relate to performance in service?
Were there any problems initially, and did any develop later?
What precautions are recommended?
What were the key tradeoffs between properties and performance?
What were the limitations imposed by the selected materials?
A second set of questions relates to a practicing engineer’s particular design
What materials might have the characteristics that meet the needs of the
application I’m working on?
Where would I find information about such materials?
What processing techniques might I use to create parts or components from
these materials?
How do I take into account properties and manufacturing processes in the
design process?

How would I confirm that the materials I specify and purchase have the
properties I’m looking for?
How does the organization I’m working for go about supplying the materials
required by the design I’m proposing, and what limitations may be imposed
on my selection by such factors as cost, environmental degradation, etc.?
The emphasis in the handbook is on practical issues rather than on basic
science, on design and manufacturability issues, on where to find properties
information, much of which is now electronic, and on instructive applications
and case studies where engineers have taken advantage of distinctive properties
offered by different classes of materials. Metals, nonmetallic materials, including
plastics and ceramics, and composites get equal coverage, as appropriate.
In order to answer such questions as the ones I have posed above, I arranged
the contents of the handbook in seven parts. The first part, just one chapter long,
but important nonetheless and a good introduction to the field of materials se-
lection, is on quantitative methods that a practitioner can apply to materials
selection problems. The second part covers the range of major materials—
metallic, nonmetallic, and composite, from the tried and true to the new and
novel—that engineers use nowadays to make things. A couple of these chapters
deal specifically with the potential problems that practitioners should be aware
of when selecting particular materials.
The third part of the handbook covers sources of materials data, including a
librarian’s advice on finding, as well as evaluating the reliability of, such data,
methods for managing the data that an organization has acquired, and how the
data are used for procuring materials. Once you’ve obtained a material, what
exactly do you have? The fourth part of the handbook deals with the issue of
testing—what equipment is used to determine the properties of the different
classes of materials, what standards govern test procedures, and what organi-
zations are in the business of providing testing services.
What about the life expectancy of the thing you’ve designed and made from

the material you selected? Another important factor in materials selection is
knowing how different classes of materials fail, which is the subject of the
chapters that comprise the fifth part of the handbook. The final aspect of ma-
terials selection involves knowing about the manufacturing processes used to
make things from available classes of materials, which is the subject of the
chapters that make up the sixth part of the handbook.
The handbook’s last, and largest, section, which sets it apart from other hand-
books in the materials field, includes 11 chapters that deal not only with a broad
range of industrial applications, but also with design and assembly issues in-
volved in using composites and plastics, as well as chapters on materials that
provide improved wear resistance. The applications chapters cover aerospace,
medical, electronic, telecommunications, sports, and construction industries.
A few chapters in this handbook, which are not more than a few years old,
have been repurposed from the second edition of another Wiley publication that
I have developed, the Mechanical Engineers’ Handbook. For the most part, how-
ever, the contributions in the Handbook of Materials Selection were cooked to
order, so to speak. All of them are miracles, and I am eternally grateful to the
busy men and women who took the time and trouble to write them.
My thanks to Wiley’s internal and external production personnel for their
speed and diligence. They, too, are in the business of making something better.
Special thanks to my acquiring editor, Bob Argentieri, who shepherded the proj-
ect through the corporate labyrinth. Not long after I drove down to Manhattan
with the handbook manuscript in file folders in two cartons on the back seat of
my car, Bob and his wife, Anne, had their third child. She will grow up in a
world changed and improved by the materials-selection decisions that engineers
make every day. I hope this handbook helps to make some of those decisions
the best that they can be.

Albany, NY
H. Alves
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Dortmund
Dortmund, Germany
Michael G. Bader
School of Mechanical and Materials
University of Surrey
Guildford, Surrey, UK
T. H. Bassford
Inco Alloys International, Inc.
Huntington, West Virginia
Paul J. Biermann
Applied Physics Laboratory
The Johns Hopkins University
Laurel, Maryland
William E. Biles
Department of Industrial Engineering
University of Louisville
Louisville, Kentucky
Hans J. Borstell
Milledgeville, Georgia
Bruce L. Bramfitt
Bethlehem Steel Corporation
Homer Research Laboratories

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania
Robert S. Busk
Hilton Head, South Carolina
J. A. Collins
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
Robert L. Crane
Air Force Wright Laboratory
Materials Directorate
Nondestructive Evaluation Branch
Wright Patterson Air Force Base
Dayton, Ohio
S. R. Daniewicz
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Mississippi State University
Starkville, Mississippi
Matthew J. Donachie
Rensselaer at Hartford
Hartford, Connecticut
Stephen J. Donachie
Special Metals Corporation
New Hartford, New York
D. Eliezer
Department of Materials Engineering
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Beer-Sheeva, Israel
Warren C. Fackler
Telesis Systems
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Mahmoud M. Farag
The American University in Cairo
Cairo, Egypt
S. W. Freiman
Ceramics Division
Materials Science and Engineering
National Institute of Standards and
Gaithersburg, Maryland
F. H. Froes
Institute for Materials and Advanced
Processes (IMAP)
University of Idaho
Moscow, Idaho
E. R. Fuller, Jr.
Ceramics Division
Materials Science and Engineering
National Institute of Standards and
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Michele J. Grimm
Bioengineering Center
Wayne State University
Detroit, Michigan
Dean O. Harper
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Louisville

Louisville, Kentucky
James A. Harvey
Under the Bridge Consulting
Corvallis, Oregon
Bonny M. Hilditch
Applied Physics Laboratory
The Johns Hopkins University
Laurel, Maryland
Jim Hosier
Inco Alloys International, Inc.
Huntington, West Virginia
Michael G. Jenkins
University of Washington
Seattle, Washington
R. Nathan Katz
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Worcester, Massachusetts
J. G. Kaufman
Kaufman Associates, Inc.
Columbus, Ohio
James Kelly
Southfield, Michigan
Patricia E. Kirkwood
Pacific Lutheran University
Tacoma, Washington
Lisa C. Klein
Department of Ceramic and Materials
Rutgers University

Piscataway, New Jersey
Ronald A. Kohser
Department of Metallurgical
University of Missouri-Rolla
Rolla, Missouri
Glen R. Kowach
Agere Systems
Murray Hill, New Jersey
Konrad J. A. Kundig
Randolph, New Jersey
Shawn K. McGuire
Stanford University
Stanford, California
Peter C. McKeighan
Southwest Research Institute
San Antonio, Texas
Deborah Mies
MSC.Software Corporation
Santa Ana, California
Ayman S. Mosallam
Division of Engineering
California State University
Fullerton, California
Dietrich Munz
Universita¨t Karlsruhe
Institut fu¨r Zuverla¨ssigkeit und
Schadenskunde im Maschinenbau
Karlsruhe, Germany
Edward N. Peters

General Electric Company
Selkirk, New York
Andrew W. Phelps
University of Dayton Research Institute
Dayton, Ohio
Ainissa G. Ramirez
Agere Systems
Murray Hill, New Jersey
Jack C. Roberts
Applied Physics Laboratory
The Johns Hopkins University
Laurel, Maryland
Ward D. Rummel
D&W Enterprises
Littleton, Colorado
Vishu Shah
Brea, California
Sherwin Shang
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
McGaw Park, Illinois
Kevin R. Uleck
Department of Aerospace Engineering
University of Maryland
College Park, Maryland
Dennis B. Webster
Department of Industrial and
Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, Louisiana
J. H. Westbrook
Brookline Technologies
Ballston Spa, New York
G. S. White
Ceramics Division
Materials Science and Engineering
National Institute of Standards and
Gaithersburg, Maryland
Lecon Woo
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Round Lake, Illinois
Magd E. Zohdi
Department of Industrial and
Manufacturing Systems Engineering
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Carl Zweben
Devon, Pennsylvania
Copyright Ó 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., NewYork.

Mahmoud M. Farag
The American University in Cairo
Cairo, Egypt
2.1 Analysis of Material Performance
Requirements 4
2.2 Quantitative Methods for Initial
Screening 7
3.1 Weighted-Properties Method 11
5.1 Material Performance
Requirements 14
5.2 Initial Screening of Materials 14
5.3 Comparing Alternative Solutions 14
5.4 Selecting the Optimum Solution 15
6.1 Pugh Method 19
6.2 Cost–Benefit Analysis 20

8.1 Computerized Materials
Databases 22
8.2 Computer Assistance in Making
Final Selection 22
8.3 Expert Systems 23
It is estimated that there are more than 40,000 currently useful metallic alloys
and probably close to that number of nonmetallic engineering materials such as
plastics, ceramics and glasses, composite materials, and semiconductors. This
large number of materials and the many manufacturing processes available to
the engineer, coupled with the complex relationships between the different se-
lection parameters, often make the selection of a materials for a given component
a difficult task. If the selection process is carried out haphazardly, there will be
the risk of overlooking a possible attractive alternative material. This risk can
be reduced by adopting a systematic material selection procedure. A variety of
quantitative selection procedures have been developed to analyze the large
amount of data involved in the selection process so that a systematic evaluation
Copyright Ó 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., NewYork.
can be made.
Several of the quantitative procedures can be adapted to use
computers in selection from a data bank of materials.
Experience has shown that it is desirable to adopt the holistic decision-making
approach of concurrent engineering in product development in most industries.

With concurrent engineering, materials and manufacturing processes are consid-
ered in the early stages of design and are more precisely defined as the design
progresses from the concept to the embodiment and finally the detail stages.
Figure 1 defines the different stages of design and shows the related activities
of the material and manufacturing process selection. The figure illustrates the
progressive nature of materials and process selection and defines three stages of
selection—namely initial screening, developing and comparing alternatives, and
selecting the optimum solution. Sections 2, 3, and 4 of this chapter discuss these
three stages of material and process selection in more detail, and Section 5 gives
a case study to illustrate the procedure.
Although the materials and process selection is often thought of in terms of
new product development, there are many other incidents where materials sub-
stitution is considered for an existing product. Issues related to material substi-
tution are discussed in Section 6 of this chapter.
Unlike the exact sciences, where there is normally only one single correct
solution to a problem, materials selection and substitution decisions require the
consideration of conflicting advantages and limitations, necessitating compro-
mises and trade-offs; as a consequence, different satisfactory solutions are pos-
sible. This is illustrated by the fact that similar components performing similar
functions, but produced by different manufacturers, are often made from differ-
ent materials and even by different manufacturing processes.
In the first stages of development of a new product, the following questions may
be posed: What is it? What does it do? How does it do it? To answer these
questions it is necessary to specify the performance requirements of the different
parts involved in the design and to broadly outline the main materials perform-
ance and processing requirements. This allows the initial screening of materials
whereby certain classes of materials and manufacturing processes may be elim-
inated and others chosen as likely candidates.
2.1 Analysis of Material Performance Requirements

The material performance requirements can be divided into five broad categories,
namely functional requirements, processability requirements, cost, reliability,
and resistance to service conditions.
Functional Requirements
Functional requirements are directly related to the required characteristics of the
part or the product. For example, if the part carries a uniaxial tensile load, the
yield strength of a candidate material can be directly related to the load-carrying
capacity of the product. However, some characteristics of the part or product
may not have simple correspondence with measurable material properties, as in
the case of thermal shock resistance, wear resistance, reliability, etc. Under these
conditions, the evaluation process can be quite complex and may depend upon
Fig. 1 Stages of design and the related stages of materials selection.
predictions based on simulated service tests or upon the most closely related
mechanical, physical, or chemical properties. For example, thermal shock resis-
tance can be related to thermal expansion coefficient, thermal conductivity, mod-
ulus of elasticity, ductility, and tensile strength. On the other hand, resistance to
stress corrosion cracking can be related to tensile strength, K
, and electro-
chemical potential.
Processability Requirements
The processability of a material is a measure of its ability to be worked and
shaped into a finished part. With reference to a specific manufacturing method,
processability can be defined as castability, weldability, machinability, etc. Duc-
tility and hardenability can be relevant to processability if the material is to be
deformed or hardened by heat treatment, respectively. The closeness of the stock
form to the required product form can be taken as a measure of processability

in some cases.
It is important to remember that processing operations will almost always
affect the material properties so that processability considerations are closely
related to functional requirements.
Cost is usually an important factor in evaluating materials because in many
applications there is a cost limit for a material intended to meet the application
requirements. When the cost limit is exceeded, the design may have to be
changed to allow for the use of a less expensive material. The cost of processing
often exceeds the cost of the stock material. In some cases, a relatively more
expensive material may eventually yield a less expensive product than a low-
priced material that is more expensive to process.
Reliability Requirements
Reliability of a material can be defined as the probability that it will perform
the intended function for the expected life without failure. Material reliability is
difficult to measure because it is not only dependent upon the material’s inherent
properties, but it is also greatly affected by its production and processing history.
Generally, new and nonstandard materials will tend to have lower reliability than
established, standard materials.
Despite difficulties of evaluating reliability, it is often an important selection
factor that must be taken into account. Failure analysis techniques are usually
used to predict the different ways in which a product can fail and can be con-
sidered as a systematic approach to reliability evaluation. The causes of failure
of a part in service can usually be traced back to defects in materials and proc-
essing, to faulty design, unexpected service conditions, or misuse of the product.
Resistance to Service Conditions
The environment in which the product or part will operate plays an important
role in determining the material performance requirements. Corrosive environ-
ments, as well as high or low temperatures, can adversely affect the performance
of most materials in service. Whenever more than one material is involved in

an application, compatibility becomes a selection consideration. In a thermal
