The word “ghoul” often conjures grotesque images
was lost, both in their habit of aping old customs and
that shock and nauseate. Dwellers in graveyards and
in regaining memories forgotten by feeding upon the
connoisseurs of flesh and bone, these hooved eaters
of the dead move with hungered poise, slaver for the
Many suspect these ghouls to have first come to
living, and exude the stench of a charnel house. And
this world by tunneling into graveyards from below,
yet, those who suspect a ghoul of being nothing more
after digging deep into areas of the Dreamlands. Some
than a savage monster are often surprised to learn
believe ghouls are a fragment of an ancient past or
otherwise. Mythos ghouls are not savage or feral, but
the manifestation of a new future. Whatever the case,
possess a keen intellect and a complex society steeped
ghouls have been with us since we first began burying
in lore and custom. A Mythos ghoul is just as likely to
our dead, and are likely to remain among us until after
aid visitors as attack, if not more so.
the last of our graves have been filled.
Unlike the more well-known grave-gorging undead
that share the same name, these ghouls are
living creatures. While their demeanor and
nature would seem to make them natural
allies to undead ghouls, competition for food
and the undead hatred of the living makes
living ghouls and their undead counterparts
bitter enemies. Nonetheless, living
ghoul necromancers are fond of
using undead as minions, and
undead ghouls often appeal to the
sardonic sense of irony so many
ghouls possess.
Ghouls are sardonic and dark-humored.
They enjoy eating carrion for the flavor
and the fragments of memory they
can absorb, and take delight in
knowing others are discomforted
by this fact. They are not
ashamed of their nature as
ghouls, but are somewhat envious
of humanoid cultures, which they
often find very intriguing. They
have a passion for history.
the text below, when the word
If you’re a ghoul,
you likely:
“ghoul” is used, it is used to refer
have a dark sense of
to the living ghouls of Lovecraft’s
humor and are amused by
Unless otherwise noted in
traditions, rather than monstrous
undead ghouls.
As long as humanity has lived, hungered, and died,
there have been ghouls dwelling in the shadows, eager
to feed on flesh and memories. The history of the ghoul
race can be read in every boneyard, every necropolis,
and every anonymous grave. They preserve that which
Playing a Ghoul
death rather than frightened by it.
enjoy making others uncomfortable,
often via odious eating habits.
are immensely eager to learn more
about the world’s history.
find graveyards to be pleasant places, and aren’t
particularly afraid of the idea of undeath.