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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210



Đi học

do the homework

/gəʊ tə sku:l/
/du: ðə 'həʊmwɜ:k/

talk with friends

/tɔ:k wið frendz/

nói chuyện với bạn bè

brush the teeth

/brʌ∫ ðə ti:θ/

đánh răng

do morning exercise

/du: 'mɔ:niŋ 'eksəsaiz/

tập thể dục buổi sáng

cook dinner

/kuk 'dinə/

nấu bữa tối

watch TV

/wɒt∫ ti:'vi:/

xem ti vi

play football

/plei 'fʊtbɔ:l/

đá bóng

surf the Internet

/sɜ:f tə ‘ɪntənet/

lướt mạng

look for information

/lʊk fɔ:[r] infə'mei∫n/

tìm kiếm thơng tin

go fishing

/gəʊ 'fi∫iη/

đi câu cá

ride a bicycle

/raid ei 'baisikl/

đi xe đap

come to the library

/kʌm tu: tə 'laibrəri/

đến thư viên

go swimming

/gəʊ 'swimiη/

đi bơi

go to bed

/gəʊ tə bed/

đi ngủ

go shopping

/gəʊ '∫ɒpiŋ/

đi mua sắm

go camping

/gəʊ 'kæmpiŋ/

đi cắm trại

go jogging

/gəʊ 'dʒɒgiη/

đi chạy bộ

go to school

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làm bài tập về nhà


Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tơ Thủy. 0374.758.210

play badminton

/plei 'bỉdmintən/

chơi cầu lơng

get up

/'get ʌp/

thức dậy

have breakfast

/hæv 'brekfəst/

ăn sáng

have lunch

/hæv lʌnt∫/

ăn trưa

have dinner

/hæv 'dinə/

ăn tối

look for

/lʊk fɔ:[r]/

tìm kiếm



dự án






hận rộn



bạn cùng lớp

sports centre

/'spɔ:ts 'sentə[r]/

trung tâm thể thao



thư viện



bạn cùng nhóm, cặp



ln ln



thường thường



thường xun



thỉnh thoảng



mỗi ngày

1. Hỏi xem ai đó làm gì vào lúc nào

(?) What + do/does + S + do ...?
(+) s + always/usually/...
• What do you do in the morning?
I usually have some lessons at school.
• What does she do in the afternoon?
She always goes shopping in the afternoon.
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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tơ Thủy. 0374.758.210

2. Hồi về tần suất làm gì đó của ai
(?) How often + do/does + S + V?
(+) S +... every day/ once/ twice... a week/ a month
• How often do you play football?

Bạn chơi bóng đá bao lâu một lẩn?
Tớ chơi bóng đá 1 lán 1 tháng.

I play football once a month.
• How often does Jimmy go to school?

Jimmy đi học bao lảu một lẩn?
Jimmy đi học 5 lần 1 tuấn.

He goes to school five times a week.
3. Cách viết tần suất
Once/twice + a + day/ week/ month/y ear
Một/hai lẩn một ngày/tuẩn/tháng/nảm

Three/four/five/... + times + day/ week/ month/ year
Ba/bốn/năm lần một ngày/tuần/tháng/năm
Once a week

Một lần một tuần

Four times a month

Bốn lẩn một tháng

I. Complete each word.
a. O/ R

b. O/ N

c. A/ U

d. A/ N

b. J/ I

c. G/ E

d. G/ I

a. N/ I

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

a. A/ T

b. A/ M

c. D/ N

d. D/ L

b. P

c. R

d. L

b. R/ L

c. S/ R

d. R/ T

a. B
5. U_UA_LY
a. S/ L

II. Choose the odd one out.
6. a. Classmate
7. a. Always

b. Centre
b. Often

8. a. Go jogging

d. Pupil

d. Partner

c. Usually

d. Rarely

b. Do my homework

c. Go to library

d. Look for information

9. a. Pretty

b. Nice

c. early

10. Badminton

b. Volleyball

c. Basketball

d. beautiful
d. Bicycle

III. Choose the correct answer.
11. James often get up ________ in the morning.
a. Early

b. Bad

c. Lately

d. Nice

12. She like _______ the internet in her free time.
a. Doing

b. Surfing

c. Surf

d. To surf

13. _________ do you go to school? – I go to school five times a week.

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

a. When

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

b. How much

c. How

d. How often

14. __________? – She usually has some lessons at school.
a. How often does she do at school?

b. What does she do in the morning?
c. How often does she have in the morning?
d. What do she do in the morning?
15. Jimmy _______ basketball four times a week.
a. Plays

b. Study

c. Goes to

d. Play

16. Do you have school _______?
a. Five times a week

b. Five time a week

c. One times a week

d. Five time a weeks

17. How often ________ your brothers go to library?
a. Are

b. Does

c. Do

d. Is

18. Do you _______ to the cinema centre in the evening?
a. Usually go

b. Go usually

c. Sometime goes

d. Go always

19. What ______ your sister’s friend do in the afternoon?
a. Do

b. Does

c. Am

d. Is

20. She __________ a teeth twice a day.
a. Goes

b. Has

Fanpage. Học giỏi Tiếng Anh cùng cô Tô Thủy

c. Takes

d. Brushes


Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

21. Do you go to school on Saturday? – ___________
a. I often go

b. No, I do

c. No, I do not

c. Another answer

22. _________? – I am reading books.
a. What are you doing?

b. What do you do in the morning?

c. How often do you read books?

c. Are you reading books?

23. Hoa: It’s time for class. ________
Ann: Ok, bye!
a. Nice to meet you!

b. Nice to see you again!

c. Yes, I do

d. See you soon!

24. Is your school yard big? – __________
a. Yes, they are

b. No, you aren’t

c. No, it isn’t

d. No, they aren’t

25. _________ does he do every morning?
a. Which

b. What

c. What time

d. When

26. Mary __________ helps her mother cook dinner.
a. How

b. Does

c. Sometimes

d. Once a day

IV. Find the mistake in each sentence.
27. How many chair there are in your house?

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

a. How many

b. Are

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

c. In

d. Chair

28. What do your mother do in the morning?
a. Do

b. What

c. In

d. Your

c. Teeth

d. Every day

29. He brush his teeth every day.
a. He

b. Brush

30. My friend lives with Tran Phu Street.
a. My friend

b. lives

c. Street

d. With

31. My brother plays football twice a months.
a. plays

b. Months

c. Twice

d. My brother

32. How usually does your father go swimming?
a. How

b. Does

c. Usually

d. Go

33. She always go shopping in the afternoon.
a. Go

b. Always

c. Shopping

d. In

V. Translate into English.
34. Bốn lần trên một tháng
a. Four times one months

b. Four time one month

c. Four time one months

d. Four times one month

35. Tony chát với bạn bè bao nhiêu lần một tuần?
a. How often does Tony chat with his friend?

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

b. How usually does Tony chat with his friend?
c. How often do Tony chat with his friend?
d. What does Tonny do in the morning?
36. Bố của tôi đánh răng một lần một ngày.
a. My brother brushes a his teeth once a day.
b. My father brushes his teeth once a day.
c. My father brushes a his teeth once a day.
d. My father brushes her teeth once a week.
37. Tom luôn luôn làm bài tập về nhà của anh ấy.
a. Tom sometimes does his homework.
b. Tom always do his homework.
c. Tom usually does his housework.
d. Tom usually does his homework.
VI. Recorder the words to make the correct sentence.
38. sometimes/ go/ park/ my/ to/ the/ parents
a. My parents sometimes go to the park.
b. My parents go sometimes to the park.
39. does/ in/the/ morning/ often/ do/ the/ what/?
a. What does she often do in the morning?

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LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

b. What often does she do in the morning?
40. his/ dinner/ mother/ James/ always/ and/ at night/ cook
a. James and mother always cook his dinner.
b. James and his mother always cook dinner.
41. do/ do/ the/ in/ you/ afternoon/ what/?
a. What the afternoon do you do in?
b. What do you do in the afternoon?
42. always/ morning/ does/ he/ exercise/ the/ in/ morning
a. He always does morning exercise in the morning.
b. He always does the morning exercise in morning.
43. I/ in/ usually/ the/ play/ afternoon/ football
a. I usually play football in the afternoon.
b. I usually play in the football afternoon.
44. What/ school/ does/ finish/ time/?
a. What does school time finish?
b. What time does school finish?
45. his/ free/ what/ does/ he/ do/ in/ time/?
a. What time does he do in free?
b. What does he do in free time?

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

46. Hoa/ does/ never/ her/ after/ homework/ school
a. Hoa never does her homework after school.
b. Hoa never does her after school homework.
47. are/ modern/ there/ towers/ my/ in/ town
a. There are towers in my modern town.
b. There are modern towers in my town.
48. always/ is/ he/ home/ at/ Sunday/ on
a. He always is at home on Sunday.
b. He is always at home on Sunday.
49. He/ with/ his/ lives/ family/ Nam Dinh/ in
a. He lives with his family in Nam Dinh.
b. He lives in his family with Nam Dinh.
50. goes/ Andrew/ Green market/ often/ to
a. Andrew often to goes Green market.
b. Andrew often goes to Green market.

Fanpage. Học giỏi Tiếng Anh cùng cô Tô Thủy


Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

I. Complete each word.
a. O/ R

b. O/ N

c. A/ U

d. A/ N

b. J/ I

c. G/ E

d. G/ I

b. A/ M

c. D/ N

d. D/ L

b. P

c. R

d. L

b. R/ L

c. S/ R

d. R/ T

a. N/ I
a. A/ T
a. B
5. U_UA_LY
a. S/ L

II. Choose the odd one out.
6. a. Classmate
7. a. Always

b. Centre
b. Often

8. a. Go jogging

d. Pupil

d. Partner

c. Usually

d. Rarely

b. Do my homework

c. Go to library

d. Look for information

9. a. Pretty

b. Nice

c. early

10. Badminton

b. Volleyball

c. Basketball

Fanpage. Học giỏi Tiếng Anh cùng cô Tô Thủy

d. beautiful
d. Bicycle


Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

III. Choose the correct answer.
11. James often get up ________ in the morning.
a. Early

b. Bad

c. Lately

d. Nice

12. She like _______ the internet in her free time.
a. Doing

b. Surfing

c. Surf

d. To surf

13. _________ do you go to school? – I go to school five times a week.
a. When

b. How much

c. How

d. How often

14. __________? – She usually has some lessons at school.

a. How often does she do at school?
b. What does she do in the morning?
c. How often does she have in the morning?
d. What do she do in the morning?
15. Jimmy _______ basketball four times a week.
a. Plays

b. Study

c. Goes to

d. Play

16. Do you have school _______?
a. Five times a week

b. Five time a week

c. One times a week

d. Five time a weeks

17. How often ________ your brothers go to library?
a. Are

b. Does

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c. Do

d. Is


Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

18. Do you _______ to the cinema centre in the evening?
a. Usually go

b. Go usually

c. Sometime goes

d. Go always

19. What ______ your sister’s friend do in the afternoon?
a. Do

b. Does

c. Am

d. Is

20. She __________ a teeth twice a day.
a. Goes

b. Has

c. Takes

d. Brushes

21. Do you go to school on Saturday? – ___________
a. I often go

b. No, I do

c. No, I do not

c. Another answer

22. _________? – I am reading books.
a. What are you doing?

b. What do you do in the morning?

c. How often do you read books?

c. Are you reading books?

23. Hoa: It’s time for class. ________
Ann: Ok, bye!
a. Nice to meet you!
c. Yes, I do

b. Nice to see you again!
d. See you soon!

24. Is your school yard big? – __________
a. Yes, they are

b. No, you aren’t

c. No, it isn’t

d. No, they aren’t

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

25. _________ does he do every morning?
a. Which

b. What

c. What time

d. When

26. Mary __________ helps her mother cook dinner.
a. How

b. Does

c. Sometimes

d. Once a day

IV. Find the mistake in each sentence.
27. How many chair there are in your house?
a. How many

b. Are

c. In

d. Chair

28. What do your mother do in the morning?
a. Do

b. What

c. In

d. Your

c. Teeth

d. Every day

29. He brush his teeth every day.
a. He

b. Brush

30. My friend lives with Tran Phu Street.
a. My friend

b. lives

c. Street

d. With

31. My brother plays football twice a months.
a. plays

b. Months

c. Twice

d. My brother

32. How usually does your father go swimming?
a. How

b. Does

c. Usually

d. Go

33. She always go shopping in the afternoon.
a. Go

b. Always

Fanpage. Học giỏi Tiếng Anh cùng cô Tô Thủy

c. Shopping

d. In


Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

V. Translate into English.
34. Bốn lần trên một tháng
a. Four times one months

b. Four time one month

c. Four time one months

d. Four times one month

35. Tony chát với bạn bè bao nhiêu lần một tuần?
a. How often does Tony chat with his friend?
b. How usually does Tony chat with his friend?
c. How often do Tony chat with his friend?
d. What does Tonny do in the morning?
36. Bố của tôi đánh răng một lần một ngày.
a. My brother brushes a his teeth once a day.
b. My father brushes his teeth once a day.
c. My father brushes a his teeth once a day.
d. My father brushes her teeth once a week.
37. Tom luôn luôn làm bài tập về nhà của anh ấy.
a. Tom sometimes does his homework.
b. Tom always do his homework.
c. Tom usually does his housework.
d. Tom usually does his homework.

Fanpage. Học giỏi Tiếng Anh cùng cô Tô Thủy


Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

VI. Recorder the words to make the correct sentence.
38. sometimes/ go/ park/ my/ to/ the/ parents
a. My parents sometimes go to the park.

b. My parents go sometimes to the park.
39. does/ in/the/ morning/ often/ do/ the/ what/?
a. What does she often do in the morning?
b. What often does she do in the morning?
40. his/ dinner/ mother/ James/ always/ and/ at night/ cook
a. James and mother always cook his dinner.
b. James and his mother always cook dinner.
41. do/ do/ the/ in/ you/ afternoon/ what/?
a. What the afternoon do you do in?
b. What do you do in the afternoon?
42. always/ morning/ does/ he/ exercise/ the/ in/ morning
a. He always does morning exercise in the morning.
b. He always does the morning exercise in morning.
43. I/ in/ usually/ the/ play/ afternoon/ football
a. I usually play football in the afternoon.
b. I usually play in the football afternoon.

Fanpage. Học giỏi Tiếng Anh cùng cô Tô Thủy


Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

44. What/ school/ does/ finish/ time/?
a. What does school time finish?
b. What time does school finish?
45. his/ free/ what/ does/ he/ do/ in/ time/?

a. What time does he do in free?
b. What does he do in free time?
46. Hoa/ does/ never/ her/ after/ homework/ school
a. Hoa never does her homework after school.
b. Hoa never does her after school homework.
47. are/ modern/ there/ towers/ my/ in/ town
a. There are towers in my modern town.
b. There are modern towers in my town.
48. always/ is/ he/ home/ at/ Sunday/ on
a. He always is at home on Sunday.
b. He is always at home on Sunday.
49. He/ with/ his/ lives/ family/ Nam Dinh/ in
a. He lives with his family in Nam Dinh.
b. He lives in his family with Nam Dinh.
50. goes/ Andrew/ Green market/ often/ to

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Chuyên ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh Tiểu học và THCS

LH. Cô Tô Thủy. 0374.758.210

a. Andrew often to goes Green market.
b. Andrew often goes to Green market.

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