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Team 01
Class: FE63 - Financial Economics
Lecturer: Tran Thi Hong Nhung

Hà Nội, 2021

Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam





1. Origins


2. Term of the National Assembly


3. Sessions of the National Assembly






1. The Legislative Function


2. The function of deciding the important issues of the Nation


3. The supervision function



1. The standing committee




Council on ethnic minorities and committees of the National Assembly
Secretary general, office of the National Assembly
Other agencies
The chairman and the vice chairman of the National Assembly


1. Background
2. Agendas of National Assembly sessions



Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

3. Convening National Assembly sessions
4. Person invited to National Assembly sessions; observers at National


Assembly sessions

Forms of working at National Assembly sessions
Responsibility for presiding over National Assembly meetings
Voting at plenary meetings
Documents of National Assembly sessions


1. The rejuvenation of National Assembly
2. Gender equality of National Assembly
3. Impacts and future plans


Structures and Committees
Powers and functions







Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

The purpose of this report is to analyse the position, function and organizational structure
of the National Assembly (Vietnam).
Background and context
Vietnam, officially the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, is a country in Southeast Asia.
Vietnam is a unitary Marxist-Leninist one-party socialist republic. Under the constitution,
the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) asserts their role in all branches of the country's
politics and society. The National Assembly is the highest representative body of the
People and the highest state power body of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Headed by
a chairman, the National Assembly is superior to both the executive and judicial
branches; exercises the right to supreme supervision of all activities of the State.
Scope of research
This report utilizes a sociological perspective to identify two issues of the National
Assembly, make a comparison and recommendations to optimize the performance of the
National Assembly - the highest state power body of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

1. Origins
The precursor of the current National Assembly of Vietnam was the National
Representatives’ Congress (Đại hội đại biểu quốc dân), convened on August 16, 1945, in
the northern province of Tuyên Quang. This Congress supported Viet Minh’s nationwide
general uprising policy against Japanese and French forces in Vietnam. It also appointed
the National Liberation Committee (Uỷ ban dân tộc giải phóng) as a provisional
2. Term of the National Assembly
The term of the National Assembly is five years, counting from the opening date of the
first session of the National Assembly of a term to the opening date of the first session of
the National Assembly of the succeeding term.
Sixty days before the expiration of the term of the National Assembly, a new National
Assembly shall be elected.
In special cases, the National Assembly shall decide to shorten or extend its term at the
proposal of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, if at least two-thirds of the
total number of National Assembly deputies vote for it. The extension of a term of the
National Assembly must not exceed twelve months, except in wartime.

3. Sessions of National Assembly
3.1. The First National Assembly (1946–1960)

After a series of events which was later called collectively the “August Revolution”, Viet
Minh seized the power all over the country, and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
(Việt Nam dân chủ cộng hồ) was declared by Hồ Chí Minh in Hanoi on September 2,
1945. On January 6, 1946, the first general election ever in Vietnam was held all over the
country in which all people 18 years old or older were eligible to vote.
The first session of the First National Assembly (Quốc hội khoá I) took place on March 2,
1946 with nearly 300 deputies in the Great Theatre of Hanoi. Nguyễn Văn Tố was


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

appointed as the Chairman of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee. The First
National Assembly approved Hồ Chí Minh as the head of government and his cabinet,
and the former Emperor Bảo Đại as “the Supreme Advisor”. The second session, Bùi
Bằng Đoàn was appointed to be the Chairman of the National Assembly’s Standing
Committee. Tôn Đức Thắng was Acting Chairman from 1948, and from 1955, when
Đoàn died, he was Chairman of the Standing Committee.
The first and second Constitutions of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam were passed
by this National Assembly in 1946 and 1960, respectively. The term of the First National
Assembly was prolonged (14 years) due to the war situation in Vietnam, particularly the
partition of Vietnam according to the Geneva Accords of 1954. From 1954 to 1976, the
National Assembly’s activities were only effective in North Vietnam.
3.2. The Two Vietnams
3.2.1. North Vietnam
The Second National Assembly (1960–1964): Due to the partition of Vietnam and the
declaration of the Republic of Vietnam in the South, a nationwide general election could

not be organized. The Second National Assembly was formed by 362 elected deputies of
the North and 91 deputies of the South from the First National Assembly who continued
their term. Trường Chinh was appointed as the Chairman of the National Assembly’s
Standing Committee and held this position until 1981.
The Third National Assembly (1964–1971): The Third National Assembly consisted of
366 elected deputies from the North and 87 deputies continuing their term. The Third
National Assembly’s term was prolonged due to the war situation. President Hồ Chí Minh
died during the Third National Assembly’s term, and was succeeded by Tôn Đức Thắng.
The Fourth National Assembly (1971–1975): 420 deputies were elected for the Fourth
National Assembly. During the fourth term, the U.S. withdrew its troops from Vietnam in
accordance with the Paris Peace Accords 1973.
The Fifth National Assembly (1975–1976): The Fifth National Assembly consisted of
424 elected deputies. The fifth term was the shortest National Assembly’s term as it was
shortened to organize the nationwide general election after the reunification of Vietnam.
3.2.2. South Vietnam
When the Republic of Vietnam existed, it had the National Assembly as its sole
legislature. After the new constitution was passed in 1967, it had two parliamentary


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The National Assembly of Vietnam

chambers: the Senate (Thượng nghị viện) and the House of Representatives (Hạ viện),
largely modeled after the United States Congress.
3.3. Since 1976
The Sixth National Assembly (1976–1981)
This was the first election following the reunification of the North and South and the

voters selected 492 members, of which 243 represented the South and 249 the North. In
this term, the National Assembly adopted the name “the Socialist Republic of Vietnam”
(Cộng hoà xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam) for the re-unified country, merged corresponding
organizations between the Government of North Vietnam and the Provisional
Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam, and renamed Saigon as Ho
Chi Minh City. It also approved the new Constitution in 1980.
The Seventh National Assembly (1981–1987)
The Seventh National Assembly and its 496 members witnessed the end of the
Vietnamese centralized and heavily-planned economy and the CPV’s launch of the
Renewal Policy (Đổi mới) to adopt market economy. Trường Chinh was elected as
Chairman of the State Council and Nguyễn Hữu Thọ was elected as Chairman of the
National Assembly.
The Eighth National Assembly (1987–1992)
In previous elections, because successful candidates were chosen in advance, the electoral
process was not genuine. No one could run for office unless approved by the Communist
Party, and in many cases the local body of the party simply appointed the candidates.
Nevertheless, every citizen had a duty to vote, and, although the balloting was secret, the
electorate, through electoral study sessions, received directives from the party concerning
who should be elected. The elections in 1987, however, were comparatively open by
Vietnamese standards. It was evident that the party was tolerating a wider choice in
candidates and more debate. The 1987 election chose 496 deputies for the Eighth
National Assembly. In this term, the National Assembly approved the 1992 Constitution,
in which the citizen’s personal ownership of properties in business was guaranteed. Lê
Quang Đạo was appointed to be the National Assembly’s Chairman.
The Ninth National Assembly (1992–1997)
The 1992 election established the first National Assembly after the 1992 Constitution
came into effect. From this term, the National Assembly’s agenda has been filled with
law-making procedures to serve the Đổi mới Policy. Nông Đức Mạnh was elected as the
National Assembly’s Chairman and he served this position until 2001.
The Tenth National Assembly (1997–2002)

During the tenth term, Chairman Nông Đức Mạnh was chosen to be the CPV’s Secretary-


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The National Assembly of Vietnam

General in its Ninth Congress and ceased his role as the National Assembly’s Chairman.
Nguyễn Văn An was appointed to replace Mạnh.
The Eleventh National Assembly (2002–2007)
The National Assembly consisted of 498 elected deputies. In 2002 Nguyễn Văn An was
elected as the Chairman of the National Assembly. On June 26, 2006, Mr. Nguyễn Phú
Trọng was elected as the Chairman of the National Assembly.
The Twelfth National Assembly (2007–2011)
The Twelfth National Assembly (2007–2011) had 493 members. In this term, Nguyễn
Phú Trọng was elected as the Chairman of the National Assembly.[1]
The Thirteenth National Assembly (2011–2016)
National Assembly consisted of 500 elected deputies. In this term, Nguyễn Sinh Hùng
was elected as the Chairman of the National Assembly. NA Vice Chairpersons: Tịng Thị
Phóng, Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân, ng Chu Lưu and Huỳnh Ngọc Sơn.
The Fourteenth National Assembly (2016–2021)
National Assembly consisted of 496 elected deputies. In this term, Nguyễn Thị Kim Ngân
was elected as the first Chairwoman of the National Assembly. NA Vice Chairpersons:
Tịng Thị Phóng, ng Chu Lưu, Phùng Quốc Hiển and Đỗ Bá Tỵ.
The Fifteenth National Assembly (2021–2026) - Latest election:
The Communist Party won 485 seats, while non-party members affiliated with the
Communists won the remaining 14.
In this term, Vương Đình Huệ was elected as the Chairman of the National Assembly.

Vice Chairpersons are Trần Thanh Mẫn (first), Nguyễn Khắc Định, Nguyễn Đức Hải and
Trần Quang Phương.


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

The National Assembly is the highest representative body of the People and the highest
state power body of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

The National Assembly decides the fundamental domestic and foreign policies, the socioeconomic tasks, national defense and security issues, the major principles governing the
State machinery, the social relations and activities of citizens. The National Assembly
exercises the right to supreme supervision of all activities of the State.
The National Assembly has the highest authority to make Constitution and Laws. Legal
documents promulgated by the National Assembly are the Constitution, codes, laws and
The National Assembly has three main functions: legislative, deciding the important
issues of the country and carrying out the supreme supervision power of all activities of
the State.
1. The Legislative Function
The National Assembly is the sole body empowered to adopt the Constitution and the
laws. The National Assembly not only adopts and amends the Constitution and the law,
but also decides on the legislative program.
According to the 1992 Constitution, the President of the Republic, the Standing

Committee of the National Assembly, the Ethnic Council, the Committees of the National
Assembly, the Government, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's
Procuracy, the VietNam Fatherland Front and its members, as well as the individual
Deputies to the National Assembly have right to present bills to the National Assembly.
Before being presented to the National Assembly, bills are first examined and commented
on by the Ethnic Council or the relevant Committee of the National Assembly. The bills
are then sent to all Deputies to the National Assembly not later than 20 days before the
opening date of the National Assembly session.
The bills which require public discussion are published and aired by the mass-media, so
that the people and the state organs at all levels are able to have comments before
presentation of those bills to the National Assembly.


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

All bills are discussed at the National Assembly session, first by groups of members, and
then by all the members at a plenary session.
A bill becomes duly-adopted law when a single majority of the Deputies to the National
Assembly vote in favor of its adoption.
After being adopted by the National Assembly, the bill must be signed by the President of
the National Assembly. The President of the Republic promulgates the law, which
becomes effective no later than 15 days from the date of its adoption.
2. The function of deciding the important issues of the Nation
As the highest state authority, the National Assembly makes decisions on the socioeconomic development plans of the country; on the national financial and monetary
policies and on the estimates of the national revenue and expenditure plans. It also
decides the State budget, approves the national revenue and expenditure balance of

account, and levies, amends and abolishes taxes.
The National Assembly elects the President of the Republic, the Chairman of the National
Assembly and the Prime Minister. It approves all appointments of Ministers upon the
recommendation of the Government.
The National Assembly has the authority to establish and dissolve ministries and
ministerial level agencies of the Government, as well as to establish, merge, divide and
adjust the boundaries of the provinces and cities directly under the central authority. It
can also establish or dissolve special administrative economic establishments.
The National Assembly decides issues of war and peace. It also has the power to declare
an emergency situation and may take other special measures to ensure national defense
and security.
The National Assembly decides on amnesties and referendums.
With respect to foreign affairs, the National Assembly decides on fundamental external
policies. At the request of the President of the Republic, it ratifies or revokes those
international treaties that VietNam has signed or adhered to.
3. The supervision function
The National Assembly exercises the supreme power of supervision over all activities of
the State. This function is carried out through the activities of the National Assembly, the
Standing Committee of the National Assembly, the Ethnic Council, the Committees of the
National Assembly and individual deputies to the National Assembly.


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

The National Assembly examines all working reports of the President of the Republic, the
Standing Committee of the National Assembly, the Government, the Supreme People's

Court and of the Supreme People's Procuracy.
The National Assembly considers Activity Reports of the President of the Republic, the
Standing Committee of the National Assembly, the Government, the Supreme People's
Court and the Supreme People's Procuracy. It is entitled to abolish any legal documents
issued by the President of the Republic, the Standing Committee of the National
Assembly, the Government, the Prime Minister, the Supreme People's Court and the
Supreme People's Procuracy, that is not conformed to the Constitution, the Laws and
Resolutions of the National Assembly.
The Standing Committee of the National Assembly supervises the implementation of the
Constitution, the Laws, and the Resolutions of the National Assembly, as well as the
Ordinances, and Resolutions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly. It also
supervises the activities of the Government, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme
People's Procuracy. It may suspend the effect of any legal document of the Government,
the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuracy, which is not in
conformity with the Constitution, the Laws or the Resolutions of the National Assembly,
and may request the National Assembly to consider abolishing any such documents, and
to abolish any such documents of the Government, the Prime Minister of the
Government, the Supreme People's Court, and the Supreme People's Procuracy, which
are not conformity with the Ordinances and the Resolutions National Assembly of the
Standing Committee of the National Assembly.
The Ethnic Council and the Committees of the National Assembly supervise the
implementation of the Constitution, the Laws and the Resolutions of the National
Assembly within their respective fields of responsibility. They may require the agencies,
organizations and individuals under their supervision to provide documents and reports
on the subjects under consideration. .
If any violation of the law is discovered, the Ethnic Council and the Committees of the
National Assembly are entitled to require the violating organization or individual to cease
such violation. They may also recommend measures against the authorities or/and and
may also report the matter to the Standing Committee.
The results of the supervision, together with the recommendations of the Ethnic Council

or the Committees, are reported to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly and
the relevant agencies are notified.
The Deputies to the National Assembly may question the President of the Republic, the
President of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister, Ministers and other members of
the Government, the President of the Supreme People's Court and the Procurator General.


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The National Assembly of Vietnam

The person who is questioned must answer in person to the National Assembly at its
session. In case investigation is required, the National Assembly may decide to convey
the question either to the Standing Committee or to the next session, or by written
response. The deputies to the National Assembly may also require the state agencies,
social organizations, economic organizations, and the armed forces units to answer any
questions put to them. The Head of such agencies, organizations and units are obliged to
answer within the period of time as provided by the law.

1. The standing committee
1.1. Position
The Standing Committee of the National Assembly is the permanent body of the National
Assembly between the two sessions.
1.2. Function
The Standing Committee supervises the implementation of the Constitution, laws and
resolutions approved by the National Assembly, ordinances and resolutions issued by the


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

NA Standing Committee; and the performance of the Government, Supreme People’s
Court, Supreme People’s Procuracy.
The National Assembly Standing Committee shall issue ordinances to clarify the
Constitution, laws and ordinance.
1.3. Organizational Structure
The Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall be composed of the
Chairperson, who is the Chairperson of the National Assembly, Vice Chairpersons, who
are Vice Chairpersons of the National Assembly, and Members. Members of the Standing
Committee of the National Assembly must be National Assembly deputies who work on a
full-time basis and may not concurrently be members of the Government. The numbers of
Vice Chairpersons and Members of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly
shall be decided by the National Assembly.
1.4. Term
The term of office of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly must start from
the time the Standing Committee is elected by the National Assembly and end when a
new Standing Committee is elected by the new National Assembly.
1.5. Agencies of the standing committee of the National Assembly
1.5.1. Formation
1. The Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall establish its agencies to
advise and assist it in specific affairs.
2. The Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall define the organizational
structures, tasks and powers of, and policies applicable to cadres, civil servants and
public employees and other employees working at these agencies in conformity with

specific characteristics of the National Assembly.

1.5.2. Structure
Commission on People’s Aspiration (Ban Dân Nguyện): This is a subordinate of the
Standing Committee. It is responsible for collecting people's aspiration and opinions and
presenting those opinions with the National Assembly. It is headed by a Chief.


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

Commission on Delegate Affairs (Ban Công tác Đại biểu): This is a subordinate of the
Standing Committee. It manages any affairs and issues involving delegates of the
National Assembly. It is headed by a Chief.
Legislation Research Institute (Viện Nghiên cứu Lập pháp): This is a subordinate of the
Standing Committee
1.6. Other responsibilities
The Standing Committee of the National Assembly preparing, convening and presiding
over National Assembly sessions:
1. Making of laws and ordinances.
2. The Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall enact ordinances on
matters assigned by the National Assembly.
3. Interpretation of the Constitution, laws and ordinances.
4. Oversight by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.
5. Suspension and annulment of documents of central state agencies.
6. The Standing Committee of the National Assembly directing, harmonizing and

coordinating activities of the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National
7. Responsibility of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for the
election, relief of duty, removal from office and approval of positions in the state
8. Responsibility of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for activities
of National Assembly deputies and National Assembly deputies’ delegations.
9. The Standing Committee of the National Assembly overseeing and guiding
activities of People’s Councils.
10. Establishment, dissolution, consolidation, separation, and adjustment of
boundaries of administrative units under provinces or centrally run cities.
11. Decision on state of war and general or partial mobilization; declaration or
cancellation of state of emergency.
12. Responsibility of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for external
relations of the National Assembly.
2. Council on ethnic minorities and committees of the National Assembly
2.1. Position and Function
The Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly are agencies of the
National Assembly which shall take responsibility before and report on their work to the
National Assembly; when the National Assembly is in recess, they shall report their work
to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.


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The National Assembly of Vietnam


2.2. Working principles, term of office and reporting responsibility
The Ethnic Council or a Committee of the National Assembly shall work on a collegial
basis and make decisions by a vote of the majority.
The term of office of the Ethnic Council or a Committee of the National Assembly must
follow the term of the National Assembly.
At the year-end session of the National Assembly, the Ethnic Council and Committees of
the National Assembly shall send their work reports to the National Assembly deputies
and the Standing Committee of the National Assembly. At the final session of each
National Assembly, the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly shall
send summary reports on their activities to National Assembly deputies.

2.3. Organizational Structure
2.3.1. The Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly
The Ethnic Council shall be composed of the Chairperson, Vice Chairpersons and
standing, full-time and other Members. A Committee of the National Assembly shall be
composed of the Chairperson, Vice Chairpersons and standing, full-time and other
The Chairpersons of the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly shall
be elected by the National Assembly; Vice Chairpersons and standing, full-time and other
Members of the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly shall be
approved by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.
The standing body of the Ethnic Council or a Committee of the National Assembly shall
assist the Ethnic Council or Committee in dealing with regular affairs of the Council or
Committee when the latter is in recess.
The standing body of the Ethnic Council must comprise the Chairperson, Vice
Chairpersons and standing Members. The standing body of a Committee of the National
Assembly must comprise the Chairperson, Vice Chairpersons and standing Members.
The Ethnic Council or a Committee of the National Assembly shall establish

subcommittees to study and prepare matters under its field of work. The head of a subcommittee must be a member of the Ethnic Council or a Committee while other members


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The National Assembly of Vietnam

may be other than members of the Ethnic Council or the Committee or National
Assembly deputies.

2.3.2. Committees of the National Assembly includes:
a/ The Law Committee
b/ The Judicial Committee
c/ The Economic Committee
d/ The Finance and Budget Committee
e/ The National Defense and Security Committee
f/ The Committee for Culture, Education, Youth, Teenagers and Children
g/ The Social Affairs Committee
h/ The Science, Technology and Environment Committee
i/ The External Affairs Committee
2.4. Tasks and powers
2.4.1.The Ethnic Council
To verify bills and draft ordinances on policies on ethnicities; to verify other draft
documents as assigned by the National Assembly or its Standing Committee; to verify the
assurance of the policies on ethnicities in bills and draft ordinances before they are
submitted to the National Assembly or its Standing Committee.
To contribute opinions on the promulgation of the Government’s regulations to

implement policies on ethnicities.
To oversee the implementation of laws and resolutions of the National Assembly and
ordinances and resolutions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly in the
field of ethnicity; to oversee the implementation of policies on ethnicities, programs and
plans for socio-economic development in mountainous regions and ethnic minority areas.
To oversee ethnic work-related documents of the Government, the Prime Minister,
ministers and heads of ministerial-level agencies.


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

To submit bills before the National Assembly and draft ordinances before the Standing
Committee of the National Assembly on matters under the charge of the Ethnic Council.
To make proposals on the State’s policies on the State’s policies on ethnicities and the
organization and operation of concerned agencies and proposals related to ethnic work.
2.4.2. Committees of the National Assembly

2.4.3. Responsibilities of The Ethnic Council and Committees of the National
1. Responsibility for verification and coordination among the Ethnic Council and
Committees of the National Assembly
2. Responsibility of the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly for
protecting the Constitution
3. Plenary meetings of the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly
The Ethnic Council or a Committee of the National Assembly shall hold a plenary

meeting to verify bills, draft ordinances or resolutions or other reports or documents for
submission to the National Assembly or its Standing Committee; and consider and decide
on other matters falling within its tasks and powers.
4. Request for reporting, provision of documents and assignment of members for
consideration and verification
5. Explanation at meetings of the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National
Requesting members of the Government, the Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s
Court, the Procurator General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, the State Auditor
General and concerned persons to explain matters in the fields under the charge of the
Council or Committee.
Requested persons shall report and make explanations at meetings of the Ethnic Council
or Committee.


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The National Assembly of Vietnam

The Ethnic Council or a Committee of the National Assembly shall make conclusions on
explained matters, which shall be sent to the Standing Committee of the National
Assembly, National Assembly deputies and concerned agencies and organizations.
6. Work coordination with local agencies and organizations
7. External relations and international cooperation
Maintaining relations with concerned agencies of the national assemblies of other
countries, other concerned foreign agencies and international organizations in order to
study and exchange professional experience, contributing to enhancing external relations
and international cooperation in line with the State’s external policies.

Proposing and planning annual programs on external and international cooperation
Reporting on the results of their external and international cooperation activities to the
Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

2.5. Ad-hoc Committee
2.5.1. Establishment of an Ad-hoc Committee
1. An Ad-hoc Committee of the National Assembly shall be established in the following
a/ To verify bills, draft ordinances or other reports or documents submitted by the
Standing Committee of the National Assembly to the National Assembly or with contents
related to the fields under the charge of the Ethnic Council and other Committees of the
National Assembly;
b/ To investigate a specific matter when deeming it necessary.
2. The Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall propose the National
Assembly to consider and decide on the establishment of an ad-hoc Committee at the
proposal of the Ethnic Council, a Committee of the National Assembly or at least onethird of the total number of National Assembly deputies.


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The National Assembly of Vietnam

2.5.2. Organizational structure, tasks and powers of an Ad-hoc Committee
1. An Ad-hoc Committee shall be composed of its Chairperson, Vice Chairpersons and
Members. Members of the Ad-hoc Committee are National Assembly deputies. The
composition, number of members and specific tasks and powers of the Ad-hoc

Committee shall be decided by the National Assembly at the proposal of its Standing
2. An Ad-hoc Committee shall report to the Standing Committee of the National
Assembly and the National Assembly on the results of performance of its tasks and
exercise of powers assigned by the National Assembly. The Ad-hoc Committee’s report
on investigation results shall be verified by the Ethnic Council or a Committee of the
National Assembly. The National Assembly shall consider and adopt a resolution on
investigation results of the Ad- hoc Committee.
3. An Ad-hoc Committee shall terminate operation after fulfilling its tasks.

3. Secretary general, office of the National Assembly
3.1. Secretary general of the National Assembly
3.1.1.Position and Function
The Secretary General of the National Assembly shall be elected, relieved of duty and
removed from office by the National Assembly. The Secretary General shall advise on
and serve activities of the National Assembly, its Standing Committee and National
Assembly deputies and perform the tasks and exercise the powers below:
a/ To advise the Chairperson of the National Assembly and the Standing Committee of
the National Assembly on tentative working programs of the National Assembly and the
Standing Committee of the National Assembly; and on the order and procedures for
carrying out activities of the National Assembly and its Standing Committee;
b/ To coordinate with the Ethnic Council, Committees of the National Assembly and
concerned agencies and organizations in drafting resolutions regarding contents assigned
by the National Assembly or its Standing Committee;
c/ To be the speaker of the National Assembly and its Standing Committee; to organize
the information provision, press, publication, library and museum work and information


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The National Assembly of Vietnam

technology application to serve activities of the National Assembly and its agencies and
d/ To organize secretarial work at National Assembly sessions and meetings of the
Standing Committee of the National Assembly; to collect and summarize opinions of
National Assembly deputies; to sign minutes of sessions and meetings;
dd/ To perform other tasks and exercise other powers as assigned by the Chairperson of
the National Assembly or its Standing Committee.
3.1.2. Formation
The Secretary General of the National Assembly shall be assisted by a Secretariat. The
organizational structure, tasks and powers of the Secretariat shall be specifically defined
by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

3.2. Office of the National Assembly
3.2.1.Position and Function
The Office of the National Assembly is the administrative agency providing general
advice and services for the National Assembly and the Standing Committee, Ethnic
Council, Committees and deputies of the National Assembly. The Office of the National
Assembly has the following tasks and powers:
a/ To organize services for National Assembly sessions, meetings of the Standing
Committee of the National Assembly and other activities of the National Assembly and
its Standing Committee, Ethnic Council and Committees;
b/ To manage cadres, civil servants, public employees and other employees serving the
National Assembly and its agencies;
c/ To manage the operation funds of the National Assembly;

d/ To ensure physical foundations and other conditions for the activities of the National
Assembly and its agencies, offices of the National Assembly deputies’ delegations and
National Assembly deputies; to create conditions for National Assembly deputies to
propose bills and draft ordinances and motions on laws and ordinances.
3.2.2. Term


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The National Assembly of Vietnam

The Secretary General cum Chairperson of the Office of the National Assembly shall take
responsibility before the National Assembly and its Standing Committee for the activities
of the Office of the National Assembly.
Vice Chairpersons of the Office of the National Assembly shall be appointed, relieved of
duty and dismissed at the proposal of the Secretary General-Chairperson of the Office of
the National Assembly.
3.2.3. Formation
The Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall specifically define the
organizational structure, tasks and powers of the Office of the National Assembly; decide
on the payroll of cadres, civil servants and public employees and stipulate regimes and
policies applicable to cadres, civil servants and public employees and other employees of
the Office of the National Assembly in conformity with specific characteristics of the
activities of the National Assembly.

4. Other agencies
Other agencies that are elected by the National Assembly, but function independently,

National Election Council (Hội đồng Bầu cử Quốc gia), headed by a Chairperson
State Audit Office (Kiểm toán Nhà nước), headed by a Chief State Auditor
5. The chairman and the vice chairman of the National Assembly
5.1. Tasks and powers of the Chairperson of the National Assembly
1. To preside over National Assembly sessions, to ensure the implementation of
regulations on activities of National Assembly deputies and on National Assembly
sessions; to sign for authentication the Constitution, laws and resolutions of the National
2. To lead the work of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly; to direct the
preparation of tentative agendas of and convene and preside over meetings of the
Standing Committee of the National Assembly; to sign ordinances and resolutions of the
Standing Committee of the National Assembly.


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

3. To preside over conferences of full-time National Assembly deputies and other
conferences held by the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.
4. To convene and preside over conferences of the Chairperson of the Ethnic Council and
Chairpersons of Committees of the National Assembly to discuss programs of activities
of the National Assembly, the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National Assembly;
when necessary, to attend meetings of the Ethnic Council and Committees of the National
5. To maintain relations with National Assembly deputies.
6. To direct the use of the operation funds of the National Assembly.

7. To direct and organize the implementation of the National Assembly’s external
relations work; to represent the National Assembly in its external relations; to lead
activities of Vietnamese National Assembly delegations in international and regional
inter-parliamentary organizations.
5.2. Tasks and powers of Vice Chairpersons of the National Assembly
Vice Chairpersons of the National Assembly shall assist the Chairperson of the National
Assembly in performing tasks as assigned by the latter. When the Chairperson of the
National Assembly is absent, a Vice Chairperson authorized by the Chairperson shall
perform the tasks and exercise the powers of the latter.

6. Deputies
6.1. Position and role of National Assembly deputies
1. A National Assembly deputy shall represent the will and aspirations of the People of
his/her constituency and of the whole country and exercise the state power in the National
Assembly on behalf of the People.
2. A National Assembly deputy shall take responsibility before voters and the National
Assembly for the performance of his/her tasks and exercise of his/her powers as a deputy.
3. National Assembly deputies are equal in discussing and deciding on matters within the
tasks and powers of the National Assembly.


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

6.2. Criteria of National Assembly deputies

1. To be loyal to the Fatherland, the People and the Constitution, to strive to carry out the
renewal cause for the goal of a prosperous people and a strong, democratic, equitable and
civilized country.
2. To possess moral qualities, to be diligent, thrifty, incorruptible, public-spirited and
selfless, exemplary in the observance of law; to have the spirit and be determined to
control corruption, waste and all manifestations of bureaucracy, imperiousness and
authoritarianism and other illegal acts.
3. To possess educational and professional qualifications, to have full capacity, health,
work experience and prestige to perform the tasks of a National Assembly deputy.
4. To keep close ties with the People, to listen to opinions of the People, to gain
confidence of the People.
5. To have the conditions to participate in the activities of the National Assembly.
6.3. Number of National Assembly deputies
The total number of National Assembly deputies must not exceed 500, including fulltime
and part-time National Assembly deputies.
6.4. Term of office of National Assembly deputies
1. The term of office of National Assembly deputies must follow the term of the National
2. The term of office of additionally elected National Assembly deputies must last from
the date of opening of the session following the by-election to the date of opening of the
first session of the National Assembly of the succeeding term.

6.5. Some rights of Vietnamese National Assembly deputies
1.The right to submit bills and draft ordinances and motions on laws and ordinances.
2. The right to join as members in, and participate in the activities of, the Ethnic Council
and Committees of the National Assembly.


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

3. The right to stand for election and nominate candidates for election for the positions
elected by the National Assembly.
4. The right to question
5. The right to propose
6. The right to request when detecting illegal acts
7. The right to request provision of information
8. The right to attend People’s Council sessions
9. The right to immunity of National Assembly deputies


Plan Report - Team 01

The National Assembly of Vietnam

1. Background
1.1 The National Assembly shall hold its sessions in public.
1.2. The National Assembly shall hold two regular sessions a year.
1.3. The National Assembly shall discuss and decide on matters falling within its tasks
and powers at its sessions according to the procedures provided in the Rules on National
Assembly sessions and other related laws.
2. Agendas of National Assembly sessions

2.1. On the basis of the National Assembly’s resolution and proposals of the President,
the Prime Minister, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, the Chief Justice of
the Supreme People’s Court, the Procurator General of the Supreme People’s Procuracy,
the State Auditor General, and the Ethnic Council, Committees and deputies of the
National Assembly, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly shall prepare the
agenda for a National Assembly session. The Standing Committee of the ongoing
National Assembly shall prepare the agenda for the first session of the succeeding
National Assembly.
2.2. The tentative agenda of a National Assembly session shall be published in the mass
media no later than 15 days before the session opens, for a regular session, and no later
than 4 days before the session opens, for an extraordinary session.
2.3. The National Assembly shall decide on the agenda of its session.
3. Persons invited to National Assembly sessions; observers at National Assembly
4.1. The Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court, the Procurator General of the
Supreme People’s Procuracy, members of the Government, the State Auditor General and
heads of agencies established by the National Assembly other than National Assembly
deputies who are invited to National Assembly sessions shall attend. Plenary meetings of
the National Assembly session which discuss matters related to the sectors or fields under
their charge.

