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Books for professionals by professionals ®

Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008
Dear Reader,

Joseph C. Rattz, Jr.

Accelerated C# 2008

Beginning C# 2008

Pro C# 2008 and the
.NET 3.5 Platform

Silverlight and .NET 3.5
Recipes in C# 2008

C# 2008 Databases

Pro LINQ: Language
Integrated Query
in C# 2008

Pro .NET 3.5 Scalable
Application Design

Beginning ASP.NET 3.5
Data Access, 2e

Pro WPF in C# 2008, 2e

Expert Service-Oriented
Architecture, 3e

Companion eBook

See last page for details
on $10 eBook version

eBook Available

Language Integrated
in C# 2008
LINQ Query

Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008 is all about code. Literally,
this book starts with code and ends with code. In writing this book, it has been
my desire to create a treasury of meaningful LINQ examples. Rather than show
you a single, simplest case example, I’ve strived to fill in the whole picture and
demonstrate the breadth of LINQ operators and prototypes that are available

to you. With this information, you will be able to put LINQ to use as it was
intended and reap the maximum rewards for your investment.
Throughout this book, it is my aim to give you the information that actually
matters in a form that you can use. So, rather than obscure the relevant LINQ
principles by focusing on a complex demonstration application you can’t put to
practical use, Pro LINQ cuts right to the chase of each LINQ operator, method,
or class. However, where complexity is necessary to truly demonstrate an issue,
the examples are right there in the thick of it. For example, code samples demonstrating how to handle concurrency conflicts actually create concurrency
conflicts, so you can step through the code and see them unfold.
This book is for anyone with an elementary understanding of C# who wants
to understand LINQ and LINQ-relevant C# 3.0 language features. You need not
be up on all the latest C# 2.0 or 3.0 features to understand Pro LINQ. When a
deeper knowledge of an advanced language feature is necessary, I begin from
the ground up to make sure everyone is well equipped for the discussion.

The EXPERT’s VOIce ® in .NET


Language Integrated Query
in C# 2008
Learn to use the power of Microsoft’s
ground-breaking new technology.

Illustrated C# 2008



Joseph C. Rattz, Jr.

ISBN-13: 978-1-59059-789-7
ISBN-10: 1-59059-789-3

US $44.99


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spine = 1.176" 624 page count

Rattz_789-3FRONT.fm Page i Thursday, October 25, 2007 8:59 AM

Language Integrated Query
in C# 2008


Joseph C. Rattz, Jr.

Rattz_789-3FRONT.fm Page ii Thursday, October 25, 2007 8:59 AM

Pro LINQ: Language Integrated Query in C# 2008
Copyright © 2007 by Joseph C. Rattz, Jr.
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage or retrieval
system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner and the publisher.
ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-59059-789-7
ISBN-10 (pbk): 1-59059-789-3
Printed and bound in the United States of America 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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Lead Editor: Ewan Buckingham
Technical Reviewer: Fabio Ferracchiati
Editorial Board: Steve Anglin, Ewan Buckingham, Tony Campbell, Gary Cornell, Jonathan Gennick,
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Senior Project Manager: Tracy Brown Collins
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Compositor: Pat Christenson
Proofreader: Dan Shaw
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Rattz_789-3FRONT.fm Page iii Thursday, October 25, 2007 8:59 AM

For my amazing wife Vickey, who managed to keep our house
a home all by herself for these past, long 17 months.
Thank you for doing the things that gave me time to work on this book.

Rattz_789-3INDEX.fm Page 599 Wednesday, October 31, 2007 3:06 PM

■I N D E X

XComment.Value, on XComment objects, 250

XElement.SetAttributeValue() method, 262–263

XContainer class, creating containers with, 210

XElement.SetElementValue() method, 253–255

XContainer.Add() (AddLast) method, 243

XElement.Value, on XElement objects 250

XContainer.AddFirst() method, 243–244

XElement.XElement(XName name, object
content); 206

XContainer.Descendants() method, traversing
XContainer.Elements() method, 232–234
vs. Extensions.Elements operator, 273–274

XLinq. See LINQ to XML
additional capabilities, 301–336

XContainer.Nodes() method, 228–229

desired structure, 188

XDeclaration class, 210–211

LINQ to, 187–192

XDocument class, 212–213

querying with XPath syntax, 335

XDocument.Load() method, 220–222

simple example, 187–188
XML annotations, 263–267

XDocumentType class, 211–212

XML attributes, 255–263

XDocumentType.InteralSubset, 251

XML data

XDocumentType.Name, 251

modifying, 242–253

XDocumentType.PublicId, 251

query joining database data with, 583

XElement class, 4
XElement object
accessing XML document from, 226–227

instantiating, 206
traversing down recursively from, 236–237
traversing up from, 227–228, 235–236
XElement.AddFirst method, 215
XElement.AncestorsAndSelf() method, 235–236
XElement.Attribute() method, 257–258
XElement.Attributes() method, 258
XElement.DescendantsAndSelf() method,

XML documents. See also documents
allowing user edit of book participant,
creating for validating, 330–331
creating new for transformed version, 311
creating with book participants, 311
transforming using function construction,
transforming with XSLT, 310–311
unsuccessfully validating against XSD
schema, 325–329
unsuccessfully validating XML element,
validating, 322–325, 331

XElement.FirstAttribute property, 255

XML element, successfully validating, 330

XElement.LastAttribute property, 257

XML events

XElement.Load() method, 222–223

examples, 268–272

XElement.RemoveAll() method, 249

registering for, 267

XElement.ReplaceAll() method, 252–253

XML external mapping, file schema, 484–485

XElement.Save() methods, 219–220

XML input, 220–222

Find it faster at

XDocument.Save() methods, 218–219

XDocumentType.SystemId, 251


Rattz_789-3INDEX.fm Page 600 Wednesday, October 31, 2007 3:06 PM


■I N D E X

XML mapping files

XNamespace class, 214

abbreviated external, 517–518

XNode.AddAfterSelf() method, 246

considerations for using, 393

XNode.AddBeforeSelf() method, 244–245

vs. DBML intermediate file, 398

XNode.Ancestors() method, 234–235

XML namespaces. See namespaces

XNode.ElementsAfterSelf() method, 239–240

XML output, 218–220

XNode.ElementsBeforeSelf() method, 241–242

XML schema

XNode.NextNode property, 225

creating, 321–322

XNode.NodesAfterSelf() method, 238–239

creating using functional construction,

XNode.NodesBeforeSelf() method, 240–241

obtaining, 321–334
XML strings, parsing, 223
XML transformations. See also transformations
simplifying with helper methods, 314
tips for performing, 314–319
XML traversal, 224–242
properties, 225–228
XML tree

XNode.PreviousNode property, 225–226
XNode.Remove() method247–248
XNodeDocumentOrderComparer class, 202
XNodeEqualityComparer class, 202
XObject event handling, 269–272
XObject.AddAnnotation() method, 263
method, 263
XObject.Changed event, 268

adding nodes to, 242–243

XObject.Changing event, 268

for examples in LINQ to XML, 312

XObject.Document property, accessing XML
document via, 226–227

generating with a LINQ query, 207–208
problems removing nodes from, 203–205
producing, 200
recursively traversing up, 234–235
traversing backward, 225–226
traversing down, 228–229
traversing forward through, 225
XML tree construction
deferred execution of, 217
immediate execution of, 216

XObject.Parent property, 227–228
XObject.RemoveAnnotations() method, 264
XProcessingInstruction class, 214–215
XProcessingInstruction.Data, 252
XProcessingInstruction.Target, 252
XSLT trasformations, advantages of, 309–310
XStreamingElement class, 216–217
XText object, creating text node with, 217–218
XText.Value, on XText objects, 250

XMLHelper method, 191


XmlMappingSource object, 518

yield keyword, for writing enumerators, 55

XName object

[Your]DataContext class, 499–500

creating, 213
for XML elements, 198–199

constructor prototype connecting to
database, 511–512
