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C# in Depth

C# in Depth

(74° w. long.)

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Copyeditor: Liz Welch
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Visual Studio 2008 (continued)
displaying inferred types 211, 225
Intellisense in LINQ 325
LINQ to SQL designer 316
reference properties window 197
update for Entity Framework 348
Visual Studio, version numbers 27
void 147, 189


warning numbers 198
warning pragmas 197
warnings 144, 197
weak typing 42, 211
of interface 74
web page, comparison with reference types 49
web service proxies 187
web services 179, 269, 344, 346
web site of book 30
WebRequest 258
WebResponse 258
where 15
type constraints 75
Where. See Standard Query Operators, Where
whitespace 147, 203, 218–219, 267
wiki 49
wildcards 110
will 34, 38
Windows 19, 26, 199, 347
Windows Forms 26, 184
Windows Live ID 24
Windows Presentation Foundation
used to write Snippy 30
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) 21, 187
Windows Server 2008 200
workflow, of iterators 167
WPF. See Windows Presentation Foundation


for faking nullity 13
for value types 115
write once, run anywhere 19
WriteLine 67

XAML. See Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML)
XAttribute 338, 340, 342
XComment 338
XDocument 338–339, 343
XElement 338–339, 342
axis methods 342
XML 16, 222, 277, 338
declaration 339
documentation 209
mapping files for ADO.NET Entity
Framework 348
metadata for LINQ to SQL 316
used to describe standard libraries 26
XName 338
XPath 343

yield statements 165
finally blocks 170–172
restrictions 166
yield break 169–170
yield return 165–169

yield type 166

representation of null 113
result of comparison 134
