Language Integrated Query
An Overview
White Paper
Sachin K Vishwakarma
( 247841 )
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About the Author
Having 1 years experience in Developing application in .net.
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 5
Introduction to LINQ Queries ................................................................................. 5
The Data Source ....................................................................................................... 6
Query.......................................................................................................................... 6
LINQ TO OBJECTS.................................................................................................................................... 7
LINQ TO XML ............................................................................................................................................. 8
LINQ TO DATASET ................................................................................................................................... 9
Distinct ..................................................................................................................... 10
Except....................................................................................................................... 12
Intersect................................................................................................................... 12
Union ........................................................................................................................ 12
LINQ TO SQL ............................................................................................................................................ 12
SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................. 14
As the Microsoft .NET platform, and its supporting languages C# and VB, have matured, it has
become apparent that one of the more troublesome areas still remaining for developers is that of
accessing data from different data sources. In particular, database access and XML manipulation
is often cumbersome at best, and problematic in the worst cases.
The database problems are numerous. First, there is the issue that we cannot programmatically
interact with a database at the native language level. This means syntax errors often go
undetected until runtime. Incorrectly referenced database fields are not detected either. This can
be disastrous, especially if this occurs during the execution of error-handling code. Nothing is
more frustrating than having an entire error-handling mechanism fail because of syntactically
invalid code that has never been tested. Sometimes this is unavoidable due to unanticipated error
behavior. Having database code that is not validated at compile time can certainly lead to this
A second problem is the nuisance caused by the differing data types utilized by a particular data
domain, such as database or XML data types versus the native language in which the program is
written. In particular, dates and times can be quite a hassle.
XML parsing, iterating, and manipulation can be quite tedious. Often an XML fragment is all that
is desired, but due to the W3C DOM XML API, an XmlDocument must be created just to perform
various operations on the XML fragment.
Rather than just add more classes and methods to address these deficiencies in a piecemeal
fashion, the development team at Microsoft decided to go one step further by abstracting the
fundamentals of data query from these particular data domains. The result was LINQ. LINQ is
Microsoft's technology to provide a language-level support mechanism for querying data of all
types. These types include in-memory arrays and collections, databases, XML documents, and
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) is a technology that bridges the gap between front end and
back end. LINQ can be used with any data source. Developers can express efficient query
behavior in their programming language of choice, optionally transform/shape data query results
into whatever format they want, and then easily manipulate the results. LINQenabled languages such as c# and vb can provide compile-time checking, thus full type safety of
query expressions and development tools can provide debugging, intellisense and rich
Introduction to LINQ Queries
A query is an expression that retrieves data from a data source. Queries are usually expressed in
a specialized query language. Different languages have been developed over time for the various
types of data sources, for example SQL for relational databases and XQuery for XML. Therefore,
developers have had to learn a new query language for each type of data source or data format
that they must support. LINQ simplifies this situation by offering a consistent model for working
with data across various kinds of data sources and formats. In a LINQ query, you are always
working with objects. You use the same basic coding patterns to query and transform data in
XML documents, SQL databases, ADO.NET Datasets, .NET collections, and any other format for
which a LINQ provider is available.
// 1. Create the DataContext.
Northwind db = new Northwind(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Northwind");
// 2. Instantiate an entity object.
Customer cust =
new Customer
CustomerID = "LAWN",
CompanyName = "Lawn Wranglers",
ContactName = "Mr. Abe Henry",
ContactTitle = "Owner",
Address = "1017 Maple Leaf Way",
City = "Ft. Worth",
Region = "TX",
PostalCode = "76104",
Country = "USA",
Phone = "(800) MOW-LAWN",
Fax = "(800) MOW-LAWO"
// 3. Add the entity object to the Customers table.
// 4. Call the SubmitChanges method.
Select Query : Performing a Single LINQ to SQL Query : -
Northwind db = new Northwind(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Northwind");
Customer cust = (from c in db.Customers
where c.CustomerID == "LONEP"
select c).Single<Customer>();
INQ to SQL Query Returning an IQueryable<T> Sequence : Northwind db = new Northwind(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Northwind");
IQueryable<Customer> custs = from c in db.Customers
where c.City == "London"
select c;
foreach(Customer cust in custs)
Console.WriteLine("Customer: {0}", cust.CompanyName);
Delete :To delete a record from a database using LINQ to SQL, you must delete the entity object from
the Table<T> of which it is a member with the Table<T> object's DeleteOnSubmitmethod. Then,
of course, you must call the SubmitChanges method.
Northwind db = new Northwind(@"Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=Northwind");
// Retrieve a customer to delete.
Customer customer = (from c in db.Customers
where c.CompanyName == "Alfreds Futterkiste"
select c).Single<Customer>();
customer.Orders.SelectMany(o => o.OrderDetails));
LINQ raises the impression (further development assumed) to solve a big and wide spread
problem: the paradigm change between relational and object model. Now that object oriented
programming has already reached a stable point it is only a question of time when the according
data access methods would get thought over . The more followers this new technology will get,
the more time and cost will be invested by the programming industry and the usability as well as
the performance of emerging competitor products will arise. Even now there exist object to
relational mappers of other originators .The deficit of these is simply that they are not embedded
in any programming language.