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Programming Android

Programming Android

Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike,
and Masumi Nakamura

Beijing • Cambridge • Farnham • Köln • Sebastopol • Tokyo

About the Authors
Zigurd Mednieks is a consultant to leading OEMs, enterprises, and entrepreneurial
ventures creating Android-based systems and software. Previously he was chief architect at D2 Technologies, a Voice over IP (VoIP) technology provider. There he led
engineering and product definition work for products that blended communication
and social media in purpose-built embedded systems and on the Android platform.
Laird Dornin is a mobile development architect with extensive experience in Java,
Android, J2ME, SavaJe, and the WebKit browser library. He was a member of the J2SE
development team at Sun Microsystems, specializing in Java RMI and Jini technology.
He is currently a senior engineer at a major wireless carrier, where he provides Android
architectural guidance and Network API support to members of the carrier’s developer
G. Blake Meike is a veteran developer with wide experience building Java applications
for a range of mobile and server-side platforms.
With more than a decade of software engineering experience, Masumi Nakamura has
worked in various positions within the mobile technology arena, from building out

mobile infrastructure to founding his own mobile company. He was one of the primary
Android developers of the WHERE Android app and is now principal architect for the
Big Data and Recommendations group at WHERE, Inc. Outside of coding, he spends
his time practicing Ba Gua Zhang and caring for his two cats.

The animal on the cover of Programming Android is a pine grosbeak (Pinicola enucleator). A member of the finch family, these largest of the so-called “winter finches” can
be found throughout the coniferous forests of the northern hemisphere: in Alaska,
Canada, Scandinavia, and Siberia. More rarely, during the winter some individuals stray
as far south as the upper Midwest and New England portions of the United States, and
on occasion even into temperate Europe.
Adult pine grosbeaks are rather distinctive looking. Both males and females have long
forked black tails and black wings with white wing bars. The remainder of a male’s
plumage is predominantly red, while females display an olive color on the head and
rump and gray on the back and underside. Conversely, colors on young pine grosbeaks
are noticeably more subdued.
Pine grosbeaks feed mostly on vegetable matter, including the buds, seeds, and fruit of
various varieties of tree, though they will also eat insects, and in fact prefer to feed such
to their young. Interestingly, breeding adults will develop pouches in the floor of its
mouth specifically designed to carry this food back to the nest.

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The cover image is from Johnson’s Natural History. The cover font is Adobe ITC Garamond. The text font is Linotype Birka; the heading font is Adobe Myriad Condensed;
and the code font is LucasFont’s TheSans Mono Condensed.
