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giao an tieng anh 8 bai 14 tiet 1

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Lesson 1: Listen and read
1. Aim: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to listen and read a
dialogue among Hoa, Nga and Nhi about the famous place in the USA
then complete the summary.
- Standard: Practice and understand the dialogue to complete the
- Higher: Ask and answer some questions about the dialogue.
2. Knowledge:
+ Vocabulary: clue(n); Asia(n); bored(a); explain(v); rule(n).
+ Structures: Question words before to- infinitive.
+ Pronunciation:
3. Skills: Speaking, Listening and reading.
1. Teacher: Lesson plan, text book, cassette, tape.
2. Students:
+ Vocabulary: clue(n); Asia(n); bored(a); explain(v); rule(n).
+ Structures: Question words before to- infinitive.
1. Warm up: (4’) Getting started
- Ask Ss to look at the pictures, match the names of the famous world
landmarks to the correct pictures.
* Answer:
a. The Pyramid b. Sydney Opera House c. Stonehenge
2. New lesson:
Teacher’s activities
Ss’ activitives
I. Pre-stage: ( 10’)
1. Vocabulary:
- Elicit the words first, says out then instruct Ss

- Try to give them out and repeat
to read the words.
chorally- individually.
- Write and check the words.
- Copy down and give the
+ clue (n)
meaning, stress.
+ Asia (n)
+ bored (a)
+ explain (v)
+ rule (n)
* Checking vocabulary: R.O.R
- Repeat the words, remember
and go to the board to rewrite
2. Presentation dialogue:
(Listen and read – P.131-132)
- Introduces the dialogue and ask Ss to open their - Open their books and read the

book, read the dialogue while listening.
- Ask Ss to work in groups of three to practice
the dialogue.
- Call on some groups to practice before class.
- Comment and correct.
II. While-stage: ( 15’)
Gapfill (Listen and read 2 P.132)
- Ask Ss to open their books and read the
dialogue on page 131, 132 again to do

- Get feedback and correct.
* Answer:
1. game
2. place
3. clue
4. Vietnam
5. American
6. Gold
7. right
III. Post-stage: ( 10’)
- Give out the model sentence and elicit the form
and use from Ss.
* Model sentences:
I don't know
to play it
* Form:
S + V + question word + to - infinitive...
* Use: Reduced form of an indirect question
Ex: I don't know
how can I play it
how to
play it
Please tell me where I can go
during the
where to go

- Ask Ss to use the word cues to make sentences
using the model sentence.
a. Nga/ show/ Nhi/ where/ get tickets.
b. Nga/ point/ Nhi/ where/ buy/ souvenirs.
c. Nga/ advise/ Nhi/ how/ go/ My Son/ Hoi An.
d. Nga/ tell/ Nhi/ what/ do/ during the visit.

dialogue on page 131, 132 while
listening to the tape.
- Work in groups.
- Practice before class
- Listen.
- Read the dialogue again and
complete the summary.
- Give answer.

- Read the model and give out the
form and use.

- Make sentences with the cues.
* Answer:
a. Nga showed Nhi where to get
b. Nga pointed out where to buy
c. Nga advised Nhi how to go
from My Son to Hoi An
d. Nga told Nhi what to do there
during the visit.

- Learn the vocabulary and grammar points by heart
- Have them to prepare Unit 14 - Lesson 2: Speak and Listen.

+ Vocabulary: barrier reef (n); heritage (n); jungle (n); crystal- clear (a);
coral (n); snorkel (n); marine (a); Coconut Palm Inn.
+ Structures: The reported speech with Yes/ No questions.
