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Bài giảng tiếng anh unit 7 fame

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Welcome to the presentation
Group 1


Group members


Lê Đức Mạnh


Nguyễn Văn Hiêp


Phạm Thị Huỳnh Như


Trần Thị Hồng Loan


Lê Nguyễn Thúy Ngân


Dương Thế Tài


Đào Nguyễn Nhât Nguyên


Phạm Thanh Tâm


A. Grammar
B. Reading
C. Listening

A.GRAMMAR (Mạnh,Hiệp_page 129,130_Present Perfect and Past Simple)
1.Present perfect tense:
This tense is used to describe an action that has been completed up to the present time without
discussing its duration.

1.Present perfect tense:
1.1 Form:

(Mạnh-page 129)

Have/has + V-ed ( past participle ).
1.2 Use of Present Perfect:

1. The Present Perfect looks back from the present into the past, and expresses what has happened
before now. The action happened at an indefinite time in the past.


1. I’ve met a lot of famous people. ( before now )
2. She has won awards. ( in her life )
3. She’s written 20 songs. ( up to now )

1.Present perfect tense:

(Mạnh-page 129)

The action can continue to the present, and probadly into the future.

1. She … here for 20 years. ( She still lives here )

A. live
B. have lived
C. has lived
D. is lived

1.Present perfect tense:

(Mạnh-page 129)

2. The Present Perfect expresses an experience as part of someone’s life.



I’ve traveled
… a lot in Asia.

has traveled
am traveled
have traveled

D. have been traveled

1.Present perfect tense:

(Mạnh-page 129)

The Present Perfect expresses an action or state which began in the past and continue to the

1. I’ve known Alice for six years.
2. How long have you worked as a teacher?

We use for with a period of time.

3. We’ve lived here for two years. ( a period of time )

We use since with a point in time.

4. I’ve had a beard since I left army. ( a point in time )

1.Present perfect tense:

(Mạnh-page 129)

The Present Perfect expresses a past action with results in the present. It is often a
recent past action.


1. I've lost my wallet. (I haven't got it now.)
2. The taxi's arrived. (It's outside the door now.)
3. Has the postman been? (Are there any letters for me?)

1.Present perfect tense:

(Mạnh-page 129)

Ever and Never are common with this use.
The adverbs just, already, and yet common with this use. Yet is used in questions and

1. She's just had some good news.
2. I've already had breakfast.
3. Has the postman been yet?
4. It's 11.00 and she hasn't got up yet.
5. Have you ever been in a car crash.

1.Present perfect tense:

(Mạnh-page 129)


In many languages, this use is expressed by a present tense. But in English
we say:


1. Peter has been a teacher for 10 years.

NOT Peter is a teacher for ten years.

2.Past Simple:

(Hiêp-page 130)

2.Past Simple:

(Hiêp-page 130)

1. Action finished in the past (single or repeated):

Explain :
1. I visited Berlin last week.
2. Andrew watched TV yesterday.
3. My friends went to Paris a week ago.
4. My parents ate a lot of junk food when they were young.

2.Past Simple:

(Hiêp-page 130)

2. Series of completed actions in the past:

1. First I got up, then I had breakfast.
2. This morning, I got up early, then I brushed my teeth and had my breakfast.

2.Past Simple:

(Hiêp-page 130)

Signal words for the Simple Past

These words tell you what tense you have to use. For the Simple Past these are expressions of tme in the past : yesterday, last week, a

month ago, in 2010
, this morning
Here are some examples:

1. What did you do in your last holidays?
2. His parents married in 2004.
3. I didn't text my friend yesterday.
4. Did you miss the bus this morning?


(Loan __page 53,55__Vocabulary,Summary the text,)

1.Vocabulary: (Loan_page 55_ Davina Moondy)

1.Vocabulary: (Như_page 55_ Davina Moondy)
Los Angeles +A Serie

s of Disasters

Artist (n): nghệ sĩ
Attend (v): tham gia = take part in
Bodyguard (n): vệ sĩ
Calm (adj): điềm tĩnh, bình tĩnh
Chaffeur (n): tài xế
Chef (n): đầu bếp
Dietcian (n): người ăn uống kiêng cử
Disaster (n): thảm họa
Disastrous (adj): tai hại
Drama queen (n): nữ hoàng nhạc kịch
Entourage (n): đoàn tùy tùng
Fame (n): Danh tiếng = Renown (n) : tiếng tăm

1.Vocabulary: (Loan_page 55_ Davina Moondy)
Los A


A Ser

i e s of

Famous (adj): nổi tiếng = well known
Havoc (n): sự rối loạn, sự tàn phá – ( play havoc with sth )
Masseuse (n): người đấm bóp
Manicurist (n): thợ sửa móng tay
Moody (adj): buồn rầu

Nervous breakdown (n): sự suy nhược thần kinh
PA ( personal assistant ): trợ lí riêng
Patient (adj): kiên nhẫn
Patient (n): bệnh nhân
Perform (v): trình diễn
Performance (n): màn trình diễn
Private jet (n): phi cơ riêng
Series (n): chuỗi, loạt
Staff (n): nhân viên
Temperamental (adj): thuộc về tính chất


1.Vocabulary: (Loan_page 55_ Davina Moondy)

1.No red carpet !

Sidewalk (n): đường đi

Coridor (n): hành lang = hall (n)

2. No white roses !
3. The wrong lighting !
Fire (v): sa thải ( from a job ) = dismiss (n): bãi chức
Lighting (n): ánh sáng

4. Fire! Fire!

Danger (adj): nguy hiểm

1.Vocabulary: (Loan_page 55_ Davina Moondy)
5. The worst disaster of all
Explain (v): giải thích
Explaination (n): sự giải thích (5)
Industry (n): ngành Công nghiệp
Reception (n): quầy lễ tân, chỗ tiếp khách Upset (adj): buồn bã. =
distressed (adj)
Movie (n): bộ phim
Movie premiere (n): buổi chiếu phim
Flopped (adj): không thành công
= be unsuccessful

2.Sumary the text (Loan_page 55)
2.Sumary the text (Loan_page 55)
Los Angeles

Wednesday, February 8


Drama Queen, Davina Moody arrived by private jet with a 20-strong entourage, including her PA, from her
hairdresser to her bodyguards, and a vet for her six-month-old King Charles Spaniel, Pooksie.
Just by Sunday evening, the most experienced staff at California’s Hollywood Hills Hotel felt that Miss
Moody deserved an Oscar for her off-screen performance. The moodiest movie star.

A Series of Disasters:

2.Sumary the text (Loan_page 55)
2.Sumary the text (Loan_page 55)

Miss Moody is in Hollywood to attend the premiere of her lastest movie.
She has spent a lot of money to rent rooms in the hotel for her and her
entourage. But since her arrival, there have been a series of disasters.
These have brung a lot of trouble to this hotel.

2.Sumary the text (Loan_page 55)
2.Sumary the text (Loan_page 55)

1.No red carpet !
The first disaster came very early. As soon as she got out of
her limousine onto the sidewalk, she realized that there was
No red carpet. She hasn’t walked on a sidewalk since she
became a child star nearly 30 years ago.

2.Sumary the text (Loan_page 55)
2.Sumary the text (Loan_page 55)
2. No white roses !
Worse was to follow! The corider leading to her room was lined with yellow roses.
But she hates yellow.

3. The wrong lighting !
Davina travels with a “ lighting director “. But he decorated her room with the
wrong lighting color, yellow. That made Miss Moody move her room and fire
the lighting director.

2.Summary the text (Ngân_page 55)
2.Summary the text (Ngân_page 55)

4. Fire! Fire!
A real disaster happened when Miss Moody was sleeping. A fire started
from the hotel kitchens but no one woke her up because they was too
afraid of Miss Moody. Fortunately, The fire was small but once again
no one has had courage enough to inform her of the danger she was in.
