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1 . Preamble
1.1 The reason for choosing the topic
Different cultures in the world. Learn English you can communicate with
all your friends in Europe. From that, formed in the children who live, who
know ... to broaden the vision of the world around.
In order to achieve the education publisher, education for primary pupils
is a comprehensive education, not a major subject, a minor. Therefore, along
with other subjects, English subjects have contributed significantly to the
formation and development of students.
To teach well distributed in English, the teacher needs to know the coordination
of teaching methods such as observation method, the method group, incense used
method in the child table game…which means learning measures "Use the table to
be effective in some learning games gym with English” one of the teaching
methods to be effective, consistent with the psychological age elementary
students, encourage curiosity, the habit of asking questions, looking for the
explanation when they are Access to reality, so that they easily remember the content
of the lesson.
But some comments that using this method will cause noisy, disorderly
affect other activities. On the other hand, some teachers use Dives legal Use child
table in t leak didactic re not the selected content instruction to apply methods of
learning games for rational, or game launched no practical effect service of lesson
objectives should the organization use the table in leakage learning the game is
not effective .
Personally, I think that the method using the child table in leakage play
learning has many advantages, not only helps students to discover, shape, system
knowledge, but also provide them with the competition, Beingnumble, open, and
fun to go to school to create conditions for comprehensive development in
primary school pupils.
After many years of teaching, I found most of the students wanted to be
"Use the table to be effective in some learning games gym with English”

But many students still passive, self-deprecating, yet boldly engage in
this activity.

On the other hand, section 3 subjects English clarification in has many
lessons need to use a method
"Use the table to be effective in some learning games gym with English”
to discover new knowledge or to reinforce the knowledge learned.
For the above reasons, I chose the topic
" Effective use of sub tables in some English class 3 learning games "
1.2 . Research purposes:
1.Help students initially understand the game content and explain the words,
the content of the game that know about the world through some games.
2. Help students have the ability to confident, good communication when
handling work.
3. Equip students with basic skills: learning to learn, learning to do,
learning to assert themselves and learning to live together.
1.3 . Research subjects:
1. Research documents related subjects English and books organized some
games for primary students.
2. Study on the status of learning and play of students in NgaVinh Primary
School, Nga Son district, ThanhHoa province.
3. Research and consult on the Internet.
1.4 . Research Methods:
1. Methodology of theoretical research:
1.1. Read the links to English language .
1.2. Training on topics organized by Education and the School.
2. Research methodology:
2.1. Observe the actual situation of studying and playing in the school.
2.2. Hours colleagues.

3. Experimental method:
3.1. Applying lessons learned in class.
3.2. Drawing experience at school.

2.1 . Theoretical basics of theexperiences initiative
2.1.1. What is a game? : Play is understood as the activities to satisfy the needs
of human beings, first of all have fun and entertainment.

From an educational point of view, the game is both a means of developing the
personality and the organization of life. For children, games are activities that
help children reproduce adult actions and their relationships, object orientation
and social awareness. In the game, the needs and qualities of the child
physically, intellectually, morally and willfully are formed, fulfilled, expressed
and developed. Children due to play should develop. Thus, playing is the
dominant activity in children's education.
2.1.2. What is a learning game ? The game is not just a "tool" to teach, but a
creative path through the learning process of students. The method of organizing
the game is not only the evaluation in the teaching and learning of teachers and
pupils but it also gives us the feeling of comfort, confidence, creativity, quick
mind, thinking mind statue of the student. Teaching together with game
organization is the teacher's guiding students to successfully fulfill the qualities
of the new human being: Socialist Man.
* The negative psychology British KunKel said: "The game learning is
a teaching method would help them fun to, like active. When the rules are
closed, they gradually have more order and discipline ... "
2.1.3. Role of Learning Game : There is a huge role in each lesson because:
+ It changes the class atmosphere, the collective atmosphere is fun, cordial,

+ The learning process becomes an attractive form of play.
+ Students are more agile.
+ Students are receptive, positive.
+ Students are systematically and strengthened knowledge.
* Organizing a game is a form of teaching and learning, which is an effective
way for students to learn. Through the game, students are trained, work
individually, work in team units according to the assignment with the spirit of
cooperation. These are the new learning methods that primary schools need to
form in learners.
2.1.4. The requirement for the organization of a learning game for 3 graders
in English .
For teachers to organize learning games for students to achieve good
results, teachers must study and build set specific requirements that are
appropriate for each student's age and purpose. As a result, through teaching as
well as daily activities, teachers have to follow up to identify limited groups of

students .On that basis, the teacher should have a specific plan:
1. Learn born under the name of the game learned in the lower classes, know
how to play, the rules of the game
2.Students know how to organize simple games everywhere, anytime.
3.Thanks to the first step students can apply some things learned in the course of
living and studying at school as well as at home.
2.2 . The situation before adopting the innovation initiative
a. On the teacher side .
What the hour English courses now distributed by a comrade's abominable 34 blocks teacher in schools as well as in other units in the school year notice the
- Teachers are influenced by the old teaching method: heavy lecture lectures, not
selected teaching methods appropriate to enrich the teaching which basically uses
the method: question, teach, show, illustrate. ... not to focus on organizing games

for students.
- Grade 3 has a relatively high amount of knowledge, sometimes teachers do not
have enough time to transmit knowledge so the game is often overlooked,
leading to heavy classes , stress .
- Sometimes the game is organized just form. Play through the forms of learning
to enable students to express their thoughts.
- Using monotonous teaching is mainly taught as a class. During the lessons,
teachers often hesitate to organize games because they have to invest time,
equipment and equipment.
- Some teachers in the teaching process have also organized games but these
games are often inappropriate, ineffective or formal.
b. On the student side .
- Some students ignore the subject. So that quality is not high.
- Students are shy, not presented in front of the class.
- Some parents are not interested in participating in learning activities.
c . Recommended
d. first perfect quality control subjects English Classification:
(Time 15 minutes)
Question1 : Read and match.
1, Who is that?
a, I'm eight
2, How old are you?
b, He's fifty.

3, How old is your father?
c, She is forty-five.
4, How old is your mother?
d, that’s my mother
Question 2 : read and complete.

(1) ......... ..! My (2) .......... is Mai. I'm eight years old.
There are my (3) ............Peter and Linda. Peter is seven years old, Linda
is (4) .............
Question 3 : Circle the correct words
1, Mai, this is my friends / friend
2, Who are (they / name) ?
3, (Yes / No), they are my friends
* Results:
Number of



Do not coplete


According to the above survey, the quality of English dictionaries has not
been satisfactory . So how to increase the excitement for the students and
improve the quality of learning, I myself was anxious, selected some of the
learning games and later to teach .
2.3. The solution was use to solve the problem.
A student with Primary amniotic game has a lot of meaning and application. It
"stimulates excitement in the cognitive process". The game in the study, if prepared
well, will have the effect of expanding, deepening knowledge in each article, of the
textbook. Moreover, if used in a systematic way and based on a scientific content,
games in the discipline will excite students, leading to the desire to broaden
understanding, collect and read more different sources.
Special emphasis on teaching English in the school subjects and content is
quite rich to be able to compile and organize games. However, the use of
inappropriate games sometimes has the opposite effect of making noise and
losing teachers time .
To create interest and excitement in learning for students to play joyful
atmosphere in each activity need to use some games have positive effects on
their learning.

2.3.1. English content program 3.
- English Program 3 consists of 2 volumes :
- Volume one contains 10 system articles on two topics: Me and my friends and
Me and my school.
- The second set consists of 10 system tracks in two topics: Me and my family
and Me and the world around .

- All English lessons are mainly about: family, friends, schools in Vietnam and
the world
2.3.2 . Select a number of matching games: . Game: Line-up
a) Scope:
- For this type of game is often used weak fashioned writing short sentences to
strengthen knowledge, practice skills after the formation of new knowledge ,
usually held at the end of class. Specifically, that is:
+ Lesson 3 : This is Tony.
b) Meaning :
- Helps students to practice writing skills on the board
- Create an atmosphere of learning, which will help students have more love for
the subject, with different cultures.
c) Preparation:
- For teachers: The preparation of the content of the game must be appropriate
for each lesson, including:
Writing tools: chalk, pastels, tables. (may be prepared in advance).
+ Study cards, magnets
- For students: Prepare at the request of the teacher.
d) Organizing the game:
- Teach the rules and how to play.
- Limit play time (if needed)
- Teachers , acting as referees, give marks to products.
e) Example: Unit 8 : This is my pen. ( students book - page 52 )
1. Purpose :
- Used to reinforce the post when the teacher taught new knowledge.
2, Play time : 5 minutes
3, Preparation:
- Teacher : Prepare pictures, or school supplies are available

- Students prepare chalk, child table.
4, Procedure :
- Price :
+ Divide class 4 ( all team members )
(Each student prepares a child table, chalk. )
+ Hang up the study materials on the board
At the same time, all four teams use the prepared characters to form the
words on the board in turn according to each of the pictures that she asks for .
When she orders the groups start writing on the child table.
She gives the students a table and asks them to go back to the test team.
- Teacher:
+ Per-word scoring for each team,
+ Winner Citation nest, nest collecting Encourage a try next time.
5, Results:
- They deepen the position of the words as well as the meaning of the words that
we just played .
- Create dynamic learning atmosphere and emulate in class.
- Practice reading the words that you just formed
- The preparation process at home helps children to learn new knowledge and
content actively. The game "Find the missing word "
a) Scope :
- For the game " Find the missing word "is often used to consolidate
knowledge, to practice the following skills the formation of new
knowledge or reinforce theforward is not learned in the Post has learned.
b) Meaning:
- Use letterbox, right answer. Highly teamed game. Having sound creates joy,
excitement and passion in recalling the learned knowledge .
c) Preparation:

- Teacher : Crosswords, questions and answers on e-learning ( screen)
- Student: Knowledge learned. chalk, chalk.
d) Organizing the game:
- Teachers division teams, gaining the name teams, stating l point play and game
manuals, game play.
Students only need to write the missing words into the child table

- Limit play time (if needed)
- Teacher Act as the referee, score points after each correct answer .
- Sum points after the end of the game, reward .

Students at 3B play find the missing word
e) Example: Unit 4: How old are you? (page 16 )
1- Objective: Strengthen knowledge of numbers .
2 - Playing time: 10 minutes
3 - Preparation: Crosswords , numbers and answers on e-lesson plans (screen)
- The letters are numbers : 7, 1, 3, 4, 6 , Number
Row 1: (There are 3 letters before N).
Row 2: (There are 4 letters for U before ).
Row 3: (There are 5 letters for E ).
Row 4: (There are five letters before the letter R ).
Row 5: (There are 3 letters before the letter S ).
From the horizontal line we have the word vertical : (There are 7 letters).
4 - How to proceed: - Teachers can share issue clarification in t 2 teams, each
team appointed six direct students to play, the children remaining on duty to

cheer andsupport.
- 6 students of 2 teams play on 2 tables set bell to prepare to answer.

- Two teams to win to pick the first box.
- When the team started teams are entitled to select the cell number and
the teacher will read the clue crossword answer it. However, the right hand of
the cross will be given to the team who raised their hands the earliest. If the
player's team is in the correct word, then a flower, if the wrong or slow, the
second team is answered, if is correct also a flower, in both cases the second
team is the next cell selection.
- After guessing the crossword, the teams immediately gave the answer to the
vertical crossword. The team that writes the vertical line will have 5 flowers .
- The game ends when all of the tiles are selected. Which team more
flowers than the team wins.
* Teacher Rating :
+ Review the play process, reminding the children to remember, insight
knowledge .
+ Brief, reward the winning team, motivate the team loses next time try.

Do the puzzle
5 - Results:
- Students reinforce the knowledge they have learned in semester 1.
- Students compete with each other, there is competition, remember the

knowledge, answer right, fast.
- Through pictures to help students deep knowledge.
e) Example: Unit 13: Where's my book? (page 52 )
1- Purpose: Let students know some of the nouns in the lesson
2 - Playing time : 5 minutes
3 - Preparation: Pictures of items, such as dresses, chairs, paintings, balls, beds.
4- How to proceed
- The teacher placed the picture on the board and asked the students to write in

the sub-table according to her orders ,
- Before playing the teacher can introduce some rules of play such as:
+ Write content, beautiful presentation.
+ Time to play correctly.
5- Results : After the game , students are very sure of the nouns in the article . The game writes the correct word .
a) Scope:
This game can be used in many prepositions or prepositions.
(Use in part to enhance the knowledge, skills practice after all forming
new knowledge. On practice,strengthen the forward is not learned in the study,
or all school clubs).
b) Meaning:
- Practice writing skills for students at all levels.
- Forged for the children in self-writing words, sentences
- Forging ability, fast word sort, fast writing. .
c) Preparation:
- Teacher:
+ Preparation,pictures ...
- Students: Prepare for knowledge. Board, chalk
d) Organization:
- Participants: the whole class
- The teacher makes a request for his students.
- Time: (No more than 5 minutes)
e) Example : Lesson 9 : What color is it? (Noterbook, page 3 and 6)
1- Objective: Help students grasp the color of objects ,
2 - Playing time : 7 minutes
3 - Preparation: Pictures of colors ,

4 - How to proceed

The teacher presents a colorful learning tool , then hangs things up on the
board .
Execution time no more than 1 minute.
For example: Teacher hangs up the red board and asks the class to make a
quick roll
Result : After the game, students are very excited. Not only helps students grasp
the knowledge they have learned but also gives students curiosity, and remember
many colors.

Students at 3A find word . Game: Look and write :
a) Scope :
- Use this game in the revision or practice to reinforce the knowledge have
b) Meaning:
- Forged the ability to reason, to judge.
- Create exciting learning atmosphere and self-exploring ability.

c) Preparation:
- Teachers: the image on the electronic lesson plans (screen)
- Student: Knowledge learned.
d) Organizing the game:
- Teachers divide the team, name the team, give tips and instructions on how to
play, try.
- Limit discussion time to each question.
- Teacher Act as the referee, score points after each correct answer .
- Sum points after the end of the game, reward.

Look and write the board

* In teaching there is no teaching method that is multidisciplinary. Use subtables
in the learning game is just one of the teaching methods ... Although there are
certain advantages as stated in on but also should not abuse that the teacher must
know how to apply flexible, coordinated socks know of different
teaching methods.Use the table in t leak didactic commonly used end of the lesson
to consolidate, deepen knowledge, creates relaxed atmosphere after each school
stress. However, it is also possible to use learning games to explore and explore
new knowledge. Whatever it is used for, it should only be used at one stage , a
certain activity of the lesson.Abuse of classroom learning games will be noisy,
resulting in student learning habits play ... So, in the same school hours, depending
on the type of lesson, the content of the lesson that teachers should apply the
method appropriate teaching and learning methods : The method of working with

the child table so that all students can participate in the game without distinction of
good students. close,
2.4 . The effect of the initiative:
From the beginning of the school year 2017-2018. I was applies to: “Use the
table in the learning game” above to teach English third grade subjects as a
result :
- Thanks to knowing how to put the game in the teaching, the hours of
teaching English have become more exciting, creating excitement for students
who are eager to build lessons, explore and discover knowledge. which makes
the quality of the teaching hours improved.
- The English classes that I teach, the colleagues are appreciated and learning,
- Lecturers and students have a good coordination, between learning and
learning. From then on they are more excited and in class right now.
The student:

Compared with the previous year , I noticed that the students are interested,
interested and interested in learning English . After each lesson, students acquire
solid knowledge, deeper, so that when this subject they have collected more
learning materials, learn a lot of things around.
* Survey topic as of March14- 2018 : (15 minutes)
Question1 : Read and match.
1, What do you
a. a ship.
2, I have
b. have a plane?
3, Does Mai
c. has a robot.
4,No, He does not. He.
d, have?
Question 2 : Put the words in order.
1, are / where / the chairs
.......................................... ..?
2, near / they / the bed / are
.......................................... ..
3, the/ coat / is / where
4, is / behind / it / the door

Question 4 : Match the sentences .
1, Do you have a train?
2, Does Mai have a kite?
3, Does Peter have a ship?
Survey results:

Number of


a. No, he does not. He has a Robot.
b. Yes, she does.
c. Yes, I do.
Do not complete


Looking at the table above shows that the quality of English teaching
in my class taught me a good transition from good to good at the beginning of
the school year because I know how to properly use learning games. In teaching
English, I also know how to apply and coordinate rhythmic with other
methods and forms of teaching.

3.1 .Conclusion:
So, just by the simple textures such as children, white chalk , pictures ...
teachers can use the game to match each type, stimulate students in learning and
Explore knowledge, create exciting learning atmosphere. This helps students to
love the subject, avoid feeling bored or monotonous in learning. At the same
time achieve high results in the teaching process. Through the study of some
measures to improve the effectiveness of the Game Method in English Class 3. I
draw the following experience:
1. Teachers and students need to clearly define the purpose of each game in each
lesson , from which the right direction for their next work.
2. Teachers need to be well prepared for learning materials to serve the games,
the scientific and aesthetic contents, and the physiological characteristics of the
children, the teachers should have. the preparation of space, time, the time of the
game, not abuse the game turns the lesson into a play or organize too many
games during the lesson to make students outrageous. Teachers should be
prepared in terms of organization, clear rules, simple, easy to remember, easy to
implement, do not require long time for training. Teachers should determine the
number of students to participate so that all subjects are active.
3. Know how to use the game properly, create excitement and passion for the

3.2. Request.
- In order to improve the quality of teaching English class 3. I would like
to propose some ideas as follows:
- The teacher must carefully study the content requirements of each lesson, and
then choose the method of teaching appropriate to students of their class. Must
havestrong knowledge of the games .

- Ask the school to purchase additional materials for teachers refer to knowledge
related to instruction to help students learn better distribution English subjects.
- The c forward the thematic sessions of English in primary schools have used
the methor.Use the table to be effective in learning games gym with Englishwe
learn from experience.
- The above are some of my own experiences. I am looking forward to the
comments of the administrators, the professional team, and my colleagues to get
bettergrades in English class 3 .
I would like to thank you!

ThanhHoa, date 12 Apirl 2018

Mai Thi Sen



English Students book 3(1,2)
English Teacher's Book 3
English Exercise Book 3
English Book 4 (Book 1,2)
English Exercise Book 4 (Book 1)
English Teacher's Book 4 (Book 1)


Education publisher
Education publisher
Education publisher
Education publisher
Education publisher
Education publisher



The season for choosing topic
Research Purposes
Research Subjects
Research Methods
Theoretical basics of the experience initiative
The situation before adopting the innovation initiative
The solution was use to solve the problem
The effect of the initiative







Người thực hiện:
Chức vụ: Giáo viên
Đơn vị công tác: Trường Tiểu
Sáng kiến kinh nghiệm thuộc lĩnh vực: Tiếng Anh

