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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
Question 1: Despite their ubiquitous character, the relation of these features to one another and
to other features in the geometry has remained unclear.
A. reverent

B. transparent

C. apparent

D. omnipresent

Question 2: The government has only made a token gesture towards helping the unemployed.
A. jobless

B. powerless

C. foodless

D. homeless

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions
Mua trọn bộ đề thi thử tốt nghiệp THPT 2020 cấu trúc tinh giản – Liên hệ:

Question 3: Doctors have been given permission to implant five mechanical hearts in patients
too ill to qualify for a live organ transplant.

A. insert

B. repair

C. establish

D. remove

Question 4: I've had a look at the dresses in the new boutique, but they're nothing to write
home about. A. unfamiliar

B. really special 124

C. not impressive

D. extremely tedious Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your
answer sheet to indicate the correct answer of the questions.
Urbanization results in more, large cities. Lager cities create a new set of transportation
sanitation and infrastructure requirement and change the fundamental market dynamics for
companies in a wide variety of industries. New technologies, process, products and engineering
solutions are being created to address the unique issues resulting from the unprecedented rate
and scale of urbanization that is happening now.
The impact of urbanization falls into three primary categories. The first is infrastructure, as
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

public officials and city planners need to build infrastructure to support large populations in a
sustainable fashion, which private companies will ultimately build and manage. The second are

private development companies, which compete with their peers to build and manage large
dwellings, venues and facilities that people live, shop, eat and are entertained in. The third are
consumer products companies that sell goods and services to people whose consumption
patterns are influenced by where and how they live.
Urbanization in the United States coincides with a deep need to modernize city infrastructure.
The infrastructure for many American cities was created in the post-war era and has neared or
surpassed its planned lifespan. Additionally, this infrastructure often supports a large
population than projected and new technologies are available but have not yet been incorporated
into infrastructure projects. We see abundant evidence that cities across the United States are
looking for solutions to these issues. Among this evidence is the American Society of Civil
Engineers, which scores United States infrastructure broadly as a D+, starting the United States
requires 3.6 trillion dollar in needed investment by 2020.
Urban markets are different from suburban or rural markets for companies who build and
sell goods and services. This is not a new challenge and some companies have adapted better
than others as this new reality has started to take shape in recent years. However, the rate of
change continues to increase and the collision of more people and new types of infrastructure
will impact markets and force companies to continue to adapt. There will be companies that
gain and lose market share resulting from the decisions they make to prepare for shifting
markets. There will also be companies that fail and new companies that emerge resulting from
shifting market dynamics.
Cities, urban planner and related public also face major challenge to accommodate
sustainable growth and incorporate new technological in an appropriate, cost-efficient and
environmentally sustainable fashion. Some cities will likely over-invest in the wrong
technologies and design approaches. Others will underestimate the scale of impending change
and fail to plan accordingly resulting in deteriorating and dangerous cities.
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

In summary, urbanization represents a structural change to the global system that both
companies and public institutions will spend money to plan for. Unlike some of our more earlystage themes, urbanization is occurring now and will continue for the foreseeable future.
Question 5: The word "surpassed" in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _________
A. reached

B. maximized

C. assured

D. exceeded

Question 6: The phrase "take shape" in paragraph 4 means _________
A. develop and become more complete or organized




dealt with
C. become worsene

D. have more influences

Question 7: Which of the following is least likely to happen?
A. There will be an intense competition among companies who build and sell goods and
B. None of the companies will be acquainted with urban markets.
C. The market share for each company will gradually become the same.

D. The United States will invest a huge amount of money in modernizing infrastructure.
Question 8: The author mentions American Society of Civil Engineer as an example to support
which of the following?
A. Cities in the US are finding ways to deal with infrastructure problems.
B. Many projects failed to improve infrastructure to support megacities.
C. The United States doesn't spend enough money on modernizing infrastructure.
D. American Society of Civil Engineers is the only organization that possesses new
technologies to support infrastructure problems.
Question 9: It can be inferred from the passage that _________
A. urbanization doesn't happen in small cities
B. the development of the cities is accompanied by urbanization, which means companies don't
have to make any changes to develop
C. the basic system and services in cities will become better and better
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D. urbanization which is occurring now is a short-term problem
Question 10: This passage is most likely to be seen in _________
A. a global development journal

B. a science journal

C. a college catalog

D. a business company brochure

Question 11: Which title best reflects the main idea of the passage?
A. How industrialization leads to Urbanization.







C. Urbanization in the United States.

D. Urbanization in large cities

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Why is culture important and how does it answer the question "What is cultural identity? "?
Culture is the underlying foundation of traditions and beliefs that help a person relate to the
world around them. It is the basis for any superstitions they may have. It is the aversion to (12)
_____ types of meat, or which days you can work on. Culture gives us a (13) _____ starting
point when beginning to search for our roots. Knowing (14) _____ a person comes from will
help to define how they look at their family obligations as well as how they celebrate important
milestones in life. As a person has given up their cultural identity, they no longer can identify
themselves with the things that were (15) _____ the most important things in their lives. They
lose direction. As time (16)_____ by and they continue to forget about their past and their
natural traditions, their identity becomes less and less pronounced.

Question 12: A. typical

B. specific

C. especial

D. special

Question13: A. definitive

B. definition

C. definitively

D. definite

Question 14: A. by which

B. how

C. where

D. when

Question 15: A. once

B. one time

C. at once

D. for once

Question 16: A. flies

B. goes

C. passes

D. walks

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Question 17: It has cost them _______ money and time to develop this software
A. a great many

B. a bazillion of

C. a great deal of

D. a large number of

Question 18: We're having a small drinks party for one of our _______who's retiring next week
after 30 years with the company.
A. colleagues

B. candidates

C. examiners het

D. delegates

Question 19: She was out of 115 applicants for the position of managing director.
A. short-changed

B. shorted-sighted

C. short-handed

D. short-listed

Question 20: Climate accounts for the _______ of vast areas of grass and trees which
inevitably involve different ways of life.
A. alternately

B. alternation

C. alternate

D. alternating

Question 21: It's been at the back of my mind to call José for several days now, but I haven't it
A. went down with

B. put up with

C. got round to

D. made up for

Question 22: "No, that's not what I heard," he said, _______ if there was any substance to the
A. when asking

B. when he asked

C. on asked

D. upon being asked

Question 23: I'm trying to my account, but I can't remember the password.
A. shut down

B. reboot

C. log into

D. burn

Question 24: Glucose does not have to be digested, ______ it can be put directly into the
bloodstream. A. so

B. in spite of

C. while

D. because of

Question 25: Had she kept the camera focused on the river bank, she ______ a vital scene.
A. would capture

B. will capture

C. had captured




Question 26: Although ______ , individuals with the willingness to learn will make a
difference in the foreseeable future.
A. having little experience

B. inexperienced

C. being inexperienced

D.theyhad no experience

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Question 27: He made me hit the roof as he ordered drinks and then left me to ______ the bill.
A. hand

B. foot

C. back

D. shoulder

Question 28: They had to change some of the wording in the document to ______ the
A. address

B. reject

C. allocate

D. resolve

Question 29: Rachel said she was taking her IELTS test _________
A. the next day

B. tomorrow

C. yesterday

D. last day

Question 30: The majority of people accept that modern drugs are the most effective way to
cure a(n) ______ .
A. sicken

B. illness

C. symptom

D. treatment

Question 31: I would rather ______ the individuals than let the money go to the State by
A. pay

B. to pay

C. paid

D. paying

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
completes each of the following exchanges.
Question 32: Mai: "Do you think your school days are the happiest days of your life?
Jim: “ _________________________”
A. What a shame! Were you happy during your school days?
B. I think so. We are worry-free and full of ambitions in the school days.
C. I'm not sure. I wish school days would last forever.
D. I'll say! We are always under pressure of studying.
Question 33: Simon: "Would you like to register for an online course on extensive reading?"
Nhung: “ ___________________”

A. Fat chance! We should improve our extensive reading.
B. Extensive reading courses are available online.
C. Online courses are really popular these days.
D. Yes, I'd love to. How can I register?
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or Don your answer sheet to indicate
the correct answer of the questions.
In today's fast-paced industry, learning will most likely involve seeking new skills in ways
that challenge the norm. But thankfully, there is a promise for such lifelong learning online - the
promise that will save you time and money while helping you earn more of both.
Provided you have access to a decent computer and the Internet, the barrier to getting started
is probably lower than it ever has been. And with those things in place, it is a matter of finding
the content you wish to learn. So, to help others who may be looking to maximize their own
learning efforts, I have listed some quick tips below.
First, set achievable goals. When you start learning, a good idea to set goals about what you
want to learn or what you might do with your newly acquired knowledge. It might be landing
that new job, building a tangible product, or impressing your current management. The goals
may vary in size and complexity, but do revisit these goals throughout your learning process.
Within a couple of weeks ask yourself, "Am I getting closer to my goal?" or "Am I learning the
skills necessary to reach my goals?" If you are not, then you may need to look elsewhere.
Second, learn with others. By yourself, learning anything has a high propensity to become
frustrating. Try teaming up with friends or colleagues. They can often be your best resource for
maintaining motivation while you learn.
Third, make it a habit. Online habits often include scrolling through social media or watching
videos on YouTube. If you have the downtime for such activities, then you could spend that
downtime learning something. And why not learn something? If you do, then you will have

plenty more to talk about on social media anyways. So, make learning your new online habit by
making a commitment to learn something new each day.
Question 34: According to the passage, what are the basic conditions for online learning?
A. A goal and learning efforts

B. A content and the wish to learn

C. A smartphone and a 4-G sim card

D. A computer and the Internet

Question 35: According to the passage, what is the first step of learning online?
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

A. Setting practical goals and checking them regularly.
B. Buying a computer and having it checked every two weeks.
C. Landing a new job and building a tangible product.
D. Varying your goals in size as well as complexity.
Question 36: What is the passage mainly about?
A. Changes of technology

B. Advantages of the Internet

C. Tips for lifelong learning

D. Effects of social media

Question 37: What is the word "commitment" in the last paragraph closest in meaning to?
A. a rule

B. a chance

C. a need

D. a situation

Question 38: What does the word "both" in paragraph 1 refer to?
A. Time and money

B. Lifelong and online learning

C. New skills and ways

D. Industry and technology

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.


A. B. pursues

C. establishes

D. devices


A. B. increase

C. occasion

D. conservation

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.


A. B. overcook

C. faraway

D. paperwork

C. academic

D. compassionate


B. navigation

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
Question 43: People said that the manager would return next Monday.
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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí

A. The manager was said to have returned on Monday.
B. The manager was said to return next Monday.
C. The manager is said to return next Monday.
D. The manager is said to have returned on Monday.
Mua trọn bộ đề thi thử tốt nghiệp THPT 2020 cấu trúc tinh giản – Liên hệ:

Question 44: Scarcely had we opened the door when we realized we shouldn't have left the dog
home alone.
A. The moment we opened the door, it became obvious that the dog had not really been alone in
the house.
B. We knew leaving the dog at the house by herself had been a bad idea as soon as we opened
the door. C. We used to leave the dog by herself in the house only rarely, and even then would
regret it upon our return home.
D. Every time we have to go out, we wonder whether leaving the dog in the house by herself
would be a good idea
Question 45: Mr. Brown said to me "Make good use of your time. You won't get such an
opportunity again."
A. Mr. Brown advised me to make use of my time as I wouldn't get such an opportunity again.
B. Mr. Brown ordered me to make use of my time, said that I wouldn't get an opportunity again.

C. Mr. Brown offered me such an opportunity so that I could make use of my time.
D. Mr. Brown let me make use of my time, knowing that I wouldn't get an opportunity again.
418044 Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best
combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.
Question 46: She gave a great performance at the festival. We now know she has artistic talent.
A. Hardly had we known about her artistic talent when she gave a great performance at the
B. Although she gave a great performance at the festival, now we still don't know she has
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artistic talent. C. But for her great performance at the festival, we wouldn't know about her
artistic talent now.
D. Amazing as her artistic talent is, we don't know about her great performance at the festival.
Question 47: The woman wanted to have more time for her new-born grand-daughter. She left
her job as an accountant.
A. The woman left her job as an accountant in order to have more time for her new-born granddaughter. B. Having left her job as an accountant, her new-born grand-daughter could have
more time.
C. The woman wanted to have more time for her new-born grand-daughter because she left her
job as an accountant.
D. The woman had more time for her new-born grand-daughter, even though she left her job as
an accountant.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
Question 48: It seems that almost everyone in the company is concerned about this matter,
doesn't it?
A. It

B. almost everyone

C. concerned about

D. doesn't it

Question 49: The trial court found that her demands were not petty or unreasonable, since they
involved practices she felt were racially discriminating.
A. found that

B. petty and unreasonable C. since


Question 50: More and more information about the accidents are being collected at the moment.
A. more and more

B. about

C. are being collected

D. at the moment













13. C

14. C

15. A

16. B

17. C






23. C

24. A

25. D

26. B

27. B




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Thư viện Đề thi - Trắc nghiệm - Tài liệu học tập Miễn phí



33. D

34. D

35. A

36. C

37. C














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