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Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server Express database Version 6 Release 3 pptx

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IBM Systems Director
Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and
migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL
Server Express database
Version 6 Release 3

IBM Systems Director
Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and
migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL
Server Express database
Version 6 Release 3
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page 49.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1999, 2012.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
About this publication v
Conventions and terminology v
Publications and related information v
Web resources vii
How to send your comments ix
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems
Director Server 1
Acquiring IBM Systems Director Server 1
Acquiring an installation image or DVD 1
Downloading the installation package 2
Preparing to upgrade and migrate the management

server to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 2
Determining your upgrade path to IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2 3
Determining your database migration path for
IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 5
Preparing the Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft
SQL Server Express database for upgrading and
migrating to IBM Systems Director 6.3.x 8
Estimating free storage space required for the
Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server
Express databases 9
Determining your upgrade and migration path
for IBM Systems Director plug-ins 10
Running the Pre-Installation Utility (PIU) 11
Running the IBM Systems Director
Pre-Installation Utility on the management server
(Windows) 12
Windows pre-installation checks 14
Port availability 14
Promotion check 15
Migration checks 15
RSA check 16
Host name check 16
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director
Server on Windows 16
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director
Server on Windows using the installation wizard . 16
Performing an unattended or silent upgrade and
migration of IBM Systems Director Server on
Windows 18

Tips for user authorities and passwords for
Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server
Express 21
Database configuration attributes for Microsoft
SQL Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express. . 23
Tips for creating the server response file for IBM
Systems Director Server 26
Starting the installation wizard for IBM Systems
Director Server on Windows by using the
keyboard 27
Verifying the successful upgrade of IBM Systems
Director on the management server 27
Activating or upgrading the advanced plug-ins of
IBM Systems Director 28
Switching the database that IBM Systems Director
uses 29
Switching the database to a non-default database 30
Verifying a successful database connection . . 32
Switching the database to the managed IBM DB2
database 33
Database configuration attributes 36
Database configuration attributes for the
managed IBM DB2 database 36
Database configuration attributes for IBM DB2 37
Database configuration attributes for Oracle
Database 40
Tips for database user authorities and passwords 42
Tips for user authorities and passwords for
the managed IBM DB2 database 42
Tips for user authorities and passwords for

Tips for user authorities and passwords for
Oracle Database 44
Recovering from a failed upgrade and migration of
IBM Systems Director Server 46
Notices 49
Trademarks 51
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 iii
iv Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server database
About this publication
This publication provides information about upgrading IBM
Systems Director
Server to 6.3.x and migrating the database. It also covers the following topics:
v Preparing the environment for upgrade and migration
v Switching the database that IBM Systems Director uses
v Activating or upgrading the advanced plug-ins of IBM Systems Director
Conventions and terminology
These notices are designed to highlight key information:
Note: These notices provide important tips, guidance, or advice.
Important: These notices provide information or advice that might help you avoid
inconvenient or difficult situations.
Attention: These notices indicate possible damage to programs, devices, or data.
An attention notice appears before the instruction or situation in which damage
can occur.
Publications and related information
You can view the same content in the IBM Systems Director Information Center as
PDF documents. To view a PDF file, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, which can
be downloaded for free from the Adobe Web site at />Information centers and topic collections
v IBM Systems

/>View the IBM Systems information center landing page, which provides
integrated information for multiple IBM Systems products.
v IBM Systems Director
Updated periodically, the IBM Systems Director topic collection contains the
most up-to-date documentation available for IBM Systems Director.
v IBM Systems Director plug-ins
View the IBM Systems information center for information about how to install
and use plug-ins that extend the functionality of IBM Systems Director.
v IBM Systems Director Upward Integration Modules (UIMs)
Read the IBM Systems Director Upward Integration Modules (UIM) topic
collection to learn about how to install and use upward integration modules and
management packs that enable non-IBM workgroup and enterprise-management
products to interpret and display data that is provided by Common Agent and
Platform Agent.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 v
v IBM Systems Director API Licensing
/>View the license information regarding use of IBM Systems Director APIs and
their associated documentation. Fill out the form to request API access. After
your information is reviewed, you will be contacted with additional information
regarding access to and use of the APIs.
Release Notes 6.3.2
Provides an easy reference to planning, install and troubleshooting
information for IBM Systems Director
IBM Systems Director Planning Guide
Provides planning information, including hardware requirements for
running IBM Systems Director components, supported IBM Systems

Director hardware, operating systems, databases, and workgroup and
enterprise systems-management software.
PDF files for installing IBM Systems Director Server
Provides detailed instructions to prepare for, install, and configure the IBM
Systems Director Server.
PDF files for installing IBM Systems Director agents
Provides detailed instructions to prepare for and install IBM Systems
Director agents on your managed systems, as well as, prepare for agentless
managed systems.
PDF files for upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server
Provides detailed instructions to upgrade and migrate the IBM Systems
Director Server.
PDF files for upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director agents
Provides detailed instructions to upgrade and migrate IBM Systems
Director agents.
IBM Systems Director Systems Management Guide
Provides detailed instructions for using the Web interface and managing
systems and resources in your environment.
IBM Systems Director Troubleshooting Guide
Provides information about problems and how to solve them, and
strategies for troubleshooting common problems.
IBM Systems Director Events Reference
Provides information about IBM Systems Director events, including the
event type, description, severity, and extended details.
IBM Systems Director Commands Reference
Provides detailed information about the systems management
command-line interface (smcli) commands, and other commands that can
be run directly from the command line, including configuring the database,
and starting and stopping IBM Systems Director.
IBM Systems Director Hardware Command Line User's Guide

Provides information about installing and using the Hardware Command
Line (formerly known as the IBM Management Processor Command-Line
Interface). Command output in this release might vary from command
output in previous releases.
vi Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server database
White papers and briefs
v IBM Systems Director
This paper provides a detailed overview of the changes in IBM Systems Director
V6.1, including the new Web interface, security features, operating system
agents, integrated plug-ins and additional plug-ins that can be separately
v Value Proposition for IBM Systems Director
This paper describes the challenges of operational management for enterprise
server installations and the value provided IBM Systems Director.
v Performance Tuning and Scaling Guide for IBM Systems Director 6.3
Hardware requirements for running IBM Systems Director Server
Provides information about how to plan, implement, configure, and use an IBM
Systems Director Server to manage a large configuration with optimal
performance. The Performance Tuning and Scaling Guide also contains
information about the following topics:
– Running IBM Systems Director plug-ins, such as IBM Systems Director Active
Energy Manager
and IBM Scalable Systems Manager
– Integration with Tivoli
– Implementing high availability

IBM Redbooks
You can also search this Web page for documents that focus on IBM Systems
Director and specific IBM hardware; such documents often contain
systems-management material. The following book is available for IBM Systems
Director V6.1:
Implementing IBM Systems Director 6.1
Tip: Be sure to note the date of publication and to determine the version of IBM
Systems Director software to which the Redbooks publication refers.
Further information
See Searching knowledge bases for more resources for further information about
IBM Systems Director.
Web resources
Listed here are the websites and information center topics that relate to IBM
Systems Director.
v IBM Systems Director
About this publication vii
View the IBM Systems Director website on ibm.com
which provides links to
downloads and documentation for all currently supported versions of IBM
Systems Director.
v IBM Systems Director Downloads
View the IBM Systems Director Downloads website on ibm.com which provides
links to download code IBM Systems Director, IBM Systems Director plug-ins,

and IBM Systems Director upward integration modules.
v IBM Systems Director Documentation and Resources
View the IBM Systems Director Documentation and Resources website on
ibm.com which provides links to product documentation, Redbooks, redpapers,
white papers, and learning modules that are related to IBM Systems Director,
IBM Systems Director plug-ins, and IBM Systems Director upward integration
v IBM Systems Director Upward Integration
View the IBM Systems Director Upward Integration website on ibm.com which
provides more information about IBM Systems Director upward integration
modules that are created by IBM and other companies. IBM Systems Director
UIMs enable third-party workgroup and enterprise systems-management
products to interpret and display data that is provided by IBM Systems Director
Platform Agent managed system.
v IBM Systems Director Best Practices Wiki
View updated documentation and best practices for IBM Systems Director on
various systems.
v IBM Servers
View the IBM Servers website to learn about IBM Systems server and storage
v IBM ServerProven
View the IBM ServerProven website to learn about hardware compatibility of
IBM System x

and BladeCenter
systems with IBM applications and
middleware, including IBM Systems Director.
v IBM Systems Director Forum (System x, System z
, Power Systems

View the IBM Systems Director Forum website on ibm.com to discuss
product-related issues that pertain to IBM Systems Director, IBM Systems
Director UIMs, and IBM Systems Director extensions. This website includes a
link for obtaining the forum by using a Rich Site Summary (RSS) feed.
v IBM Systems Director 6.x SDK Forum
viii Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server database
View the IBM Systems Director 6.x SDK Forum website to discuss issues that
pertain to the IBM Systems Director Software Development Kit (SDK). This
website includes a link for obtaining the forum by using a Rich Site Summary
(RSS) feed.
v IBM Systems Forums
View the IBM Systems Forums website on ibm.com to learn about various
forums that are available to discuss technology-related and product-related
issues that pertain to IBM Systems hardware and software products. This
website includes a link for obtaining the forum by using a Rich Site Summary
(RSS) feed.

How to send your comments
Your feedback is important in helping to provide the most accurate and highest
quality information.
If you have any comments about this book or any other IBM Systems Director
publication, go to the IBM Systems Director information center Web site at
publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/director/pubs/index.jsp. There you will find
the feedback page where you can enter and submit comments.
About this publication ix
x Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server database
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server
You can upgrade IBM Systems Director Server to version 6.3 and migrate the
database application. Upgrading to 6.3 is necessary before you can use update
manager to update to the latest 6.3.x point release.
The following figure shows the overall task flow for upgrading IBM Systems
Director Server and migrating the database application.
Related tasks:
Installing IBM Systems Director on the management server
Planning to upgrade or update IBM Systems Director
Acquiring IBM Systems Director Server
You can either download an installation package or acquire an installation DVD.
Then, you can use the 6.3.0 installation package or the 6.3.0 DVD to upgrade to
version 6.3.0 and migrate the database application. Upgrading to 6.3.0 is necessary
before you can use update manager to update to the latest 6.3.x update release.
Related tasks:
Preparing to upgrade and migrate the management server to IBM Systems Director
Acquiring an installation image or DVD
If you do not already have an installation image or DVD for IBM Systems Director
Server 6.3.0, complete the following steps:
Acquiring Systems Director

- Download site
- Media
- Preparing to upgrade
- Running the PIU tool
- Upgrading
Checking for updates
Configuring and
activating plugins
Verifying a successful
Figure 1. Overall task flow for upgrading IBM Systems Director Server and migrating the database application
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012 1
1. Download the 6.3.0 DVD image from the IBM Systems Director Downloads
website at />mgmtservers.html.
2. If you are using Windows or AIX
5.3, burn the image onto a DVD.
After you have an installation DVD, finish preparing to upgrade the management
server to IBM Systems Director 6.3.0. For instructions, see “Preparing to upgrade
and migrate the management server to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2.”
Downloading the installation package
To download the IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.0 installation package for
upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server, complete the following
1. Download the 6.3.0 installation package from the IBM Systems Director
Downloads website at />downloads/mgmtservers.html.
2. To extract the contents of the installation package, type the following command
depending on your operating system:

v Windows:
3. If you are using Windows, change to the directory in which the installation
script, dirinstall.server, is located by typing the following command and
pressing Enter:
cd \installed_files\server\i386|x64
Where installed_files is the path to the extracted installation files.
After you finish downloading the installation package, finish preparing to upgrade
the management server to IBM Systems Director 6.3.0. For instructions, see
“Preparing to upgrade and migrate the management server to IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2.”
Preparing to upgrade and migrate the management server to IBM
Systems Director 6.3.2
Before upgrading IBM Systems Director Server and migrating database data, make
sure that your management server and database application meet the applicable
To prepare to upgrade the management server to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2,
complete the following tasks:
1. Determine your upgrade path. For instructions, see “Determining your upgrade
path to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2” on page 3.
2. Determine your database migration path. For instructions, see “Determining
your database migration path for IBM Systems Director 6.3.2” on page 5.
3. Run the Pre-Installation Utility and fix the errors that it identifies. For
instructions, see Running the Pre-Installation Utility.
4. Prepare your database for migration. For instructions, see the Preparing the
database for upgrading and migrating topic in this PDF.
5. Optional: Back up the system by running the smsave command. The upgrade
process of IBM Systems Director Server automatically creates a backup before it
2 Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server database
starts the upgrade. However, if you choose to also make your own backup,

keep in mind the following considerations:
v If you have a remote database, you must include the -dbTargetDir option.
v Ensure that you have enough available storage space for an additional
backup. In general, you can double the amount that you calculated when
you completed the previous step of preparing to migrate your database.
6. Determine your upgrade and migration path for IBM Systems Director
plug-ins. For instructions, see “Determining your upgrade and migration path
for IBM Systems Director plug-ins” on page 10.
7. If you are upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows, complete the
following steps:
a. If the system has IBM Storage Configuration Manager installed, you must
uninstall IBM Storage Configuration Manager. After the upgrade, you can
reinstall IBM Storage Configuration Manager on a different system.
b. Ensure that the system clocks on the systems that contain IBM Systems
Director Server and Common Agent remain synchronized.
8. Acquire IBM Systems Director Server. You can upgrade and migrate IBM
Systems Director Server from either a downloaded installation package or from
an installation DVD. Depending on which method you choose, you must either
download the installation package or prepare to use the installation DVD. For
instructions, see “Acquiring IBM Systems Director Server” on page 1.
9. Review the Release Notes for IBM Systems Director 6.3.2. To view and
download the Release Notes, see Release Notes 6.3.2.
After you have prepared your management server, upgrade and migrate IBM
Systems Director. For instructions, see “Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems
Director Server on Windows” on page 16.
Related reference:
smsave command
Related information:
IBM Storage Configuration Manager Planning, Installation, and Configuration

Determining your upgrade path to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2
The upgrade path to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 depends on which version of IBM
Systems Director or IBM Director is already installed on your system and whether
you plan to migrate your data.
This procedure assumes that a version of IBM Systems Director or IBM Director is
already installed on your system and you want to upgrade to IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2.If neither IBM Systems Director nor IBM Director is installed on your
system, there is nothing to upgrade or update. Instead, follow the standard
installation path and use the ISO image to install IBM Systems Director 6.3.2. See
“Installing IBM Systems Director” for more information.
To determine your upgrade path, complete the following steps:
1. Determine which previous versions of IBM Systems Director or IBM Director
are already installed on your system.
2. Determine your upgrade path for your environment:
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server 3
Table 1. IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 upgrade paths
If your system has
If you want to reuse your
data and migrate it, follow
this path
If you do not want to
migrate your data, follow
this path
IBM Systems Director 6.3 or
Update to IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2 using update
Updating to IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2 automatically

preserves your data without
the need for any migration.
Therefore, to not migrate any
data, start over:
1. Uninstall your current
version of IBM Systems
Director. For instructions,
see Uninstalling IBM
Systems Director Server
2. Install IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2 by
following the standard
installation path. For
instructions, see Installing
IBM Systems Director
IBM Systems Director 6.2.x You cannot directly migrate
user information from IBM
Systems Director 6.2.x to IBM
Systems Director 6.3.2.
Instead, you must
1. Upgrade to IBM Systems
Director 6.3 using
standard installation and
follow the migration
2. Update to IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2 using
update manager.
1. Upgrade to IBM Systems

Director 6.3 by following
the standard installation
path and specify that you
do not want to migrate
your data. For
instructions, see Installing
IBM Systems Director
2. Update to IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2 using
update manager.
IBM Systems Director 6.1.x You cannot directly migrate
user information from IBM
Systems Director 6.1.x to IBM
Systems Director 6.3.2.
Instead, you must:
1. Upgrade to IBM Systems
Director 6.2.x. For
instructions, see
Upgrading and migrating
IBM Systems Director in
the IBM Systems Director
6.2.x information center.
2. Upgrade to IBM Systems
Director 6.3 using
standard installation and
follow the migration
3. Update to IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2 using

update manager.
1. Uninstall IBM Systems
Director 6.1.x. For
instructions, see
Uninstalling IBM Systems
Director 6.1.x.
2. Install IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2 by
following the standard
installation path. For
instructions, see Installing
IBM Systems Director
4 Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server database
Table 1. IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 upgrade paths (continued)
If your system has
If you want to reuse your
data and migrate it, follow
this path
If you do not want to
migrate your data, follow
this path
IBM Director 5.20.x You cannot directly migrate
user information from IBM
Director 5.x to IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2. Instead, you
1. Upgrade to IBM Systems
Director 6.1.x. For
instructions, see

Upgrading and migrating
IBM Systems Director in
the IBM Systems Director
6.1.x information center.
2. Upgrade to IBM Systems
Director 6.2.x. For
instructions, see
Upgrading and migrating
IBM Systems Director in
the IBM Systems Director
6.2.x information center.
3. Upgrade to IBM Systems
Director 6.3 using
standard installation and
follow the migration
4. Update to IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2 using
update manager.
1. Uninstall IBM Systems
Director 5.20.x. For
instructions, see
Uninstalling IBM Director
2. Install IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2 by
following the standard
installation path. For
instructions, see Installing
IBM Systems Director

After you determine your upgrade path, return to “Preparing to upgrade and
migrate the management server to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2” on page 2 to finish
preparing to upgrade the management server to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2.
Related tasks:
Planning to upgrade or update IBM Systems Director
Related reference:
Version compatibility of IBM Systems Director components across releases
Determining your database migration path for IBM Systems
Director 6.3.2
The database migration path to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 depends on which
database you are currently using with IBM Systems Director 6.2.x or 6.3 and which
database you want to use with IBM Systems Director 6.3.2.
To determine your database migration path, complete the following steps:
1. Determine which database application you are currently using with IBM
Systems Director 6.2.x or 6.3.
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server 5
2. Determine your database migration path for your environment:
Table 2. Database migration paths for IBM Systems Director 6.3.2
Current database application Your goal Migration options
Apache Derby
This database is the default database
of IBM Systems Director 6.2.x.
You want to continue to use the
default database with IBM Systems
Director 6.3.x.
The upgrade process automatically
migrates your Apache Derby

database to the managed IBM DB2
database. The managed IBM DB2
database is the default database of
IBM Systems Director 6.3.x.
You want to use a non-default
database instead of the default
v Migrate your default Apache
Derby database to the default
managed IBM DB2 database and
then switch your database to a
non-default database. The upgrade
process automatically migrates
your Apache Derby database to the
managed IBM DB2 database.
However, when you switch to a
non-default database, you lose
your data.
v Do not upgrade and migrate to
IBM Systems Director 6.3.x.
Instead, uninstall IBM Systems
Director 6.2.x, install IBM Systems
Director 6.3.x , and configure IBM
Systems Director 6.3.x to use your
desired non-default database.
6 Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server database
Table 2. Database migration paths for IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 (continued)
Current database application Your goal Migration options
Any non-default database

application, including:
v Microsoft SQL Server
v Microsoft SQL Server Express
v Oracle
You want to continue to use your
non-default database with IBM
Systems Director 6.3.x.
IBM Systems Director 6.3.x continues
to use your non-default database. The
upgrade process automatically
migrates your data to IBM Systems
Director 6.3.x.
You want to use the default database
with IBM Systems Director 6.3.x,
which is the managed IBM DB2
v During the upgrade process,
specify that you want to migrate
your non-default database to the
managed IBM DB2 database.
Restriction: You cannot migrate
your non-default database to the
managed IBM DB2 database if all
of the following statements are
true for your non-default database:
– Your non-default database is the
Microsoft SQL Server or the

Microsoft SQL Server Express
– Your non-default database is
– IBM Systems Director Server
connects to your non-default
database by using Windows
Instead, you must complete a
post-installation configuration on
IBM Systems Director Server 6.3.2
to switch your non-default
database to the managed IBM DB2
v Migrate your database to IBM
Systems Director 6.3.x and then
complete a post-installation
configuration to switch your
database to the managed IBM DB2
database. By default, your data
will be migrated to the managed
IBM DB2 database.
After you determine your database migration path, finish preparing to upgrade the
management server to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2. For instructions, see “Preparing
to upgrade and migrate the management server to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2” on
page 2.
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server 7
Related concepts:
Database application
Related tasks:

Choosing the database application
Configuring the database
Switching the database
Preparing the Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server
Express database for upgrading and migrating to IBM
Systems Director 6.3.x
Before upgrading to IBM Systems Director 6.3.x, ensure that you properly prepare
your database for migration.
Prepare the Microsoft SQL Server database or the Microsoft SQL Server Express
database for upgrading and migrating by completing the following steps:
1. Ensure that you have enough free storage space to save your data with the
smsave command. To estimate the amount of free storage space that you need,
see “Estimating free storage space required for the Microsoft SQL Server and
Microsoft SQL Server Express databases” on page 9.
2. Determine the location in which you want to save your migrated data. For
example, C:\ProgramData\ISD63x\. Ensure that the available space in this
location has at least twice as much space as the size of your current database.
3. Keep the Command Line tool installed and unchanged.
4. Ensure that you know the database name, the administrator user ID and
password, and the database server machine name. The IBM Systems Director
6.3 upgrade process uses this information to connect to the database.
5. If your database is on a remote server, ensure that you create a folder on that
database server with permissions such that the IBM Systems Director smsave
process has write access.
6. Determine whether the following statements are true for your database:
v Your database is remote.
v Your database connects to IBM Systems Director by using Windows
If both of the previous statements are true, verify that you are logged in to
Windows with the active directory user ID that you use to authenticate to the

After you have prepared the database for upgrading and migrating to IBM
Systems Director 6.3.x, finish preparing to upgrade the management server. For
instructions, see “Preparing to upgrade and migrate the management server to IBM
Systems Director 6.3.2” on page 2.
8 Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server database
Related reference:
smsave command
smrestore command
Database configuration attributes for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft SQL
Server Express
Tips for user authorities and passwords for Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft
SQL Server Express
Estimating free storage space required for the Microsoft SQL
Server and Microsoft SQL Server Express databases
You can estimate the amount of free storage space that the smsave command needs
to save your data.
Each system has its own set of storage needs that depend on many factors,
including the following factors:
v The current size of the database.
v If the database server is remote to the management server, the disk space needs
are split across the management server and the database server. In this situation,
database storage consumes most of the smsave data. Therefore, most of the disk
space needs fall on the database server and you do not need as much space on
the management server.
v If you are migrating any plug-ins along with IBM Systems Director, the presence
of plug-in data most likely greatly increases your storage needs.
As a rule, you can take the size of your current database plus 1 GB, and use that
as your storage space requirement for the smsave data.
To estimate the required amount of free storage space for the Microsoft SQL Server

database or the Microsoft SQL Server Express database, complete the following
1. Determine the size of the current Microsoft SQL Server database or the current
Microsoft SQL Server Express database:
a. Determine the database name from the install_root\lwi\conf\overrides\
database.properties file.
b. Open the SQL Management Studio. If you do not have the SQL
Management Studio, download it for free from www.microsoft.com.
c. Log in to the SQL Management Studio by using your database
administrator credentials.
d. Navigate to the database you are using.
e. Right-click on the database and select Properties. The size of the database is
shown in MB.
2. Add 1 GB to the result of Step 1. This number is the approximate amount of
free storage space that the smsave command requires to save your data.
After you have determined the required storage space, continue preparing the
database for upgrading and migrating to IBM Systems Director 6.3.2. For
instructions, see one of the following procedures depending on the database type
to which you plan to migrate:
v Preparing the Microsoft SQL Server or Microsoft SQL Server Express database
for upgrading and migrating to IBM Systems Director 6.3.x
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server 9
v Preparing to migrate to the managed IBM DB2 database that is installed with
IBM Systems Director 6.3.x
Related concepts:
IBM Systems Director plug-ins
Related reference:
smsave command
smrestore command
Determining your upgrade and migration path for IBM

Systems Director plug-ins
The upgrade and migration path for IBM Systems Director plug-ins depends on
which plug-ins you currently use with IBM Systems Director 6.2.x and which
plug-ins you want to use with IBM Systems Director 6.3.2.
To determine your upgrade and migration path for IBM Systems Director plug-ins,
complete the following steps:
1. Determine which IBM Systems Director plug-ins you are currently using with
IBM Systems Director 6.2.x.
2. Determine which IBM Systems Director plug-ins you intend to use with IBM
Systems Director 6.3.x. For information about IBM Systems Director plug-ins,
see Base function and extensible plug-ins.
3. For each plug-in that you intend to use with IBM Systems Director 6.3.x,
determine your upgrade and migration path:
Table 3. Upgrade and migration paths for IBM Systems Director plug-ins
If your 6.2.x system has Follow this upgrade and migration path
Base plug-ins
v Automation manager
v Configuration manager
v Discovery manager
v IBM BladeCenter Chassis management
v IBM System Storage
v IBM System x management
v Network management
v Remote access manager
v Status manager
v Update manager
Upgrade IBM Systems Director Server to

These plug-ins are automatically upgraded
and migrated with IBM Systems Director
Advanced plug-ins
10 Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server database
Table 3. Upgrade and migration paths for IBM Systems Director plug-ins (continued)
If your 6.2.x system has Follow this upgrade and migration path
Service and Support Manager Upgrade IBM Systems Director Server to
This plug-in is automatically upgraded and
migrated with IBM Systems Director Server.
Note: If you upgrade and migrate by using
the smsave migrating script and the
smrestore migration script, you lose all
existing Service and Support Manager data,
including saved problem and support file
data. You do not lose this data when you
upgrade and migrate Service and Support
Manager by upgrading IBM Systems
Director Server to 6.3.x.
v IBM Systems Director Active Energy
v IBM Systems Director VMControl
If you used these plug-ins with IBM Systems
Director 6.2.x, upgrade IBM Systems
Director Server to 6.3.x. These plug-ins are
automatically upgraded and migrated with
IBM Systems Director Server.
If you did not use these plug-ins with IBM

Systems Director 6.2.x, keep in mind that the
upgrade process to 6.3.x automatically
installs these plug-ins. After the upgrade of
IBM Systems Director Server, you can
activate a free trial period of each plug-in or
leave the plug-ins deactivated.
IBM Systems Director Storage Control 4.2.3 If you are using version or later,
upgrade IBM Systems Director Server to
6.3.x. The upgrade process preserves your
plug-in data for use with IBM Systems
Director Server 6.3.x.
If you are using a version before
1. Upgrade IBM Systems Director Server to
6.3.x. The upgrade process automatically
preserves your data.
2. Install IBM Systems Director Storage
Control or later. The installation
process detects your preserved data and
migrates it to IBM Systems Director
Storage Control
v IBM Systems Director Network Control 1. Upgrade IBM Systems Director Server to
2. Upgrade the plug-in.
Related concepts:
IBM Systems Director plug-ins
Running the Pre-Installation Utility (PIU)
Use the Pre-Installation Utility to ensure that your system meets the IBM Systems
Director requirements.
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server 11
The IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility scans the local system to identify

potential problems that might prevent IBM Systems Director from installing
successfully. The utility runs checks on disk space, memory, prerequisite software,
processors, and more. It does not scan for device drive or firmware requirements.
The tool is run automatically during the installation process; however, you can
choose to run the tool before starting the installation wizard as well. This practice
is a good way to find and fix possible problems in advance.
Note: If you are using a local database, the requirements might be slightly higher
than what is checked by the Pre-Installation Utility. See the hardware requirements
topics for information related to database considerations.
Related tasks:
Preparing to upgrade and migrate
Related reference:
Hardware and software requirements
Pre-Installation Utility
Systems Director Downloads
Running the IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility on
the management server (Windows)
To run the IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility on Windows, complete the
following steps.
You can obtain or run the Pre-Installation Utility from three locations.
Table 4. Obtaining the Pre-Installation Utility
Location Action
IBM Systems Director 6.3.2 DVD If you do not already have the DVD, you
can burn the image onto DVD from the IBM
Systems Director Downloads website.
SysDir_PreInstUtil_6_3_2_Windows.zip Download the Pre-Installation Utility
directly from the IBM Systems Director
Downloads website.
Included in the
SysDir6_3_2_Server_Windows.zip file

Download the entire IBM Systems Director
installation package from the Downloads
website. The Pre-Installation Utility is
automatically started as part of the
installation process on the management
Note: The IBM Systems Director downloads website always contains the most recent
version of the Pre-Installation Utility.
1. To start the IBM Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility, choose the applicable
v Directly from the Pre-Installation Utility download
v Included with the installation package
Complete the following steps.
12 Upgrading IBM Systems Director Server on Windows and migrating to a Microsoft SQL Server database
a. Insert the DVD into the DVD-ROM drive.
b. If the IBM Systems Director Welcome window automatically opens, then
complete the following steps:
1) Select your language.
2) Click Systems Director Server.
3) Click Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility.
c. If the IBM Systems Director Welcome window does not automatically
open, then complete the following steps, as applicable:
1) Click Start > Run
2) In the Open field, type the following command and press Enter:
e:\server\{i386 or x64}\checkds\checkds.bat
where e is the DVD-ROM drive letter on your system. The IBM
Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility starts.
v Directly from the Pre-Installation Utility download

a. Extract the contents of the Pre-Installation Utility package, type the
following command, and press Enter:
unzip SysDir_PreInstUtil_6_3_2_Windows.zip
b. Change to the directory where the Pre-Installation Utility script is located
by running the following command:
cd checkds
c. Start the Pre-Installation Utility by running the following command:
v Included with the installation package
These steps assume you already downloaded IBM Systems Director and
extracted the installation package.
a. Change to the directory where the launchpad*.exe file resides, type the
following command (as applicable), and press Enter:.
The IBM Systems Director Welcome window appears.
b. On the Welcome window, complete the following steps to start the
Pre-Installation Utility:
1) Select your language.
2) Click Systems Director Server.
3) Click Systems Director Pre-Installation Utility.
2. Reports are generated and results are displayed in the command window or
the default browser. Refer to the \checkds\readme.txt file for more information
about checkds.bat options, the reports that are generated, and return codes. The
\checkds.bat -? command also displays supported syntax.
Upgrading and migrating IBM Systems Director Server 13
