Microwave assisted hydrothermal synthesis of single crystalline ZnO nanorods for
gas sensor application
Prabhakar Rai, Hyeon-Min Song, Yun-Su Kim, Min-Kyung Song, Pyong-Rok Oh,
Jeong-Mo Yoon, Yeon-Tae Yu
Division of Advanced Materials Engineering and Research Centre for Advanced Materials Development, College of Engineering, Chonbuk National University,
Jeonju 561-756, Republic of Korea
abstractarticle info
Article history:
Received 9 August 2011
Accepted 6 October 2011
Available online 13 October 2011
ZnO nanorods
Microwave-assisted hydrothermal synthesis
Single crystalline
Gas sensing property
Single crystalline ZnO nanorods were synthesized via microwave assisted hydrothermal method using zinc
hydroxide as starting material, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as structure directing agents,
and water as solvent. As synthesized ZnO was characterized using X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), Raman
spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The SEM
images showed that the diameter of the nanorods falls in the range of about 100–150 nm and length in the
range of 1–2 μm. The TEM study showed that as prepared ZnO nanostructures are single crystalline in nature.
Gas sensors were prepared and tested for the detection of CO (1000–200 ppm), ethanol and acetaldehyde
(250–50 ppm) in air. Results demonstrate that as synthesized ZnO nanorods can be selectively used for the
detection of ethanol at 200 °C testing temperature.
© 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Metal-oxide semiconductor (MOS) based gas sensors have been
widely used in industry, ecology, medicine, etc. [1– 3]. ZnO is an im-
portant semiconductor material with extensive applications in elec-
tronics, photoelectronics, sensors, and optical devices. It is well
known for its wide band gap of 3.37 eV, large exciton binding energy
of 60 meV at room temperature, and excellent chemical and thermal
stability. ZnO has been proved to be a kind of highly sensitive material
for the flammable or toxic gas detection [4,5]. Recently, 1D ZnO nano-
crystals are considered to be the most promising highly sensing mate-
rials of sensors due to the slow electron/hole recombination rate, as
well as their high surface-to-volume ratio. Extensive studies have
been put on improving the sensing performance of 1D ZnO based
gas sensors. Consequently, synthesis of 1D ZnO nanostructure with
different morphologies and sizes is of significant importance from
the basic fundamental research and the novel devices development
[6]. To date, various synthetic approaches have been developed to
synthesize 1D ZnO nanocrystals [7–10]. Microwave irradiation as a
heating method has found a number of applications in chemistry. As
an environmentally benign technology with wide applications, mi-
crowave synthesis has the advantages of homogeneous volumetric
heating, and high reaction rate.
Here, we report a simple microwave assisted hydrothermal meth-
od to synthesize ZnO nanorods in short reaction time and investigate
its gas sensing properties. The results demonstrate that as prepared
ZnO nanorods can be used for the selective detection of ethanol gas
at low operating temperature.
2. Experimental
ZnO nanorods were synthesized similar to our previous work with
a little modification [11]. In a typical procedure, Zn(NO
O (Re-
agent Grade, 98% Sigma-Aldrich) was dissolved in 100 ml of deio-
nized water to make 0.1 M solution. Ammonia water was added to
this solution to make pH 7, followed by vigorous stirring for 1 h. A
white precipitate (Zn(OH)
) was produced which was collected by
centrifugation and washed thoroughly with deionized water. Then
the precipitate was transferred into 35 ml water containing 0.1 M of
CTAB (Aldrich) and charged in a 100 ml capacity autoclave with Tef-
lon liner. Microwave assisted hydrothermal reaction was carried out
at 150 °C for 1 h in microwave oven (MARS; CEM). After completion
of the reaction, it was cooled to room temperature and powder sam-
ple was collected by centrifugation. Powdered sample was thorough-
ly washed with deionized water and ethanol. Finally, sample was
dried at 80 °C for 12 h.
The crystal structure of the powder was studied by powder X-ray
diffraction (D/Max 2005, Rigaku), and Raman spectroscopy (Perkin
Elmer-Spectrum GX). The particles morphology was investigated by
scanning electron microscopy (SEM; JSM-5900, JEOL) and transmis-
sion electron microscopy (TEM-JEM-2010, JEOL).
Materials Letters 68 (2012) 90–93
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 63 270 2288; fax: +82 63 270 2305.
E-mail address: (Y T. Yu).
0167-577X/$ – see front matter © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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To measure the sensor response of the ZnO nanorods for CO/
ethanol/acetaldehyde gases, a sensor device was prepared as follows;
ZnO powder (0.1 g) was mixed with α-terpinol (500 μl) and grinded
in agate mortar for 30 min. The ZnO paste was pasted by doctor blad-
ing method onto the cleaned alumina circuit board with interdigitat-
ed platinum electrodes (Fig. S1). The device was dried at 80 °C for 5 h.
The ZnO loaded device was sintered at 500 °C in an electric furnace
for 5 h. The change in resistance of the device due to the presence
of test gas was measured using a high resistance meter (Agilent
34970A). The device was tested at the temperature range of 100 to
400 °C at various concentrations of CO (200–1000 ppm) and etha-
nol/acetaldehyde (50–250 ppm) in a temperature-controlled envi-
ronment. The balance gas was N
, and air was mixed to be 5% of
oxygen. The total gas flow rate was 100 ml/min. Before injection of
test gas, device was stabilized in air for 2 h, to stabilize the base
line. The sensor response (R
) was calculated using (R
), where
is the resistance in air with 5% O
, and R
is the resistance in the
test and mixed gas.
3. Results and discussion
Typical powder XRD pattern of as prepared ZnO nanostructure is
shown in Fig. 1a. All the diffraction peaks are indexed to the hexago-
nal phase of ZnO (JCPDS 36-1451) and no other crystalline phases are
detected. The Raman spectra are sensitive to crystallization, structural
disorder, and defects in micro- and nanostructures. As shown in
Fig. 1b, the presence of a sharp and strong non-polar optical phonon
mode at 438 cm
− 1
confirms that the products formed are wurt-
zite hexagonal ZnO. Two very small peaks at 332 and 376 cm
− 1
were also obtained which were assigned as E
and A
modes, respectively [12]. The absence of the E
(LO) mode
of ZnO crystal at 583 cm
− 1
which is associated with oxygen deficien-
cy reveals the high quality of the ZnO nanorods [13,14]. SEM images
of ZnO nanorods are shown in Fig. 1c which shows the formation of
well dispersed ZnO nanorods. The length and width of these ZnO
nanorods varied from 1–2 μm and 100–150 nm respectively. The
morphology and structure of the ZnO nanostructures have been char-
acterized in further detail using TEM. The TEM images of as prepared
ZnO nanostructures are shown in Fig. 1d and their corresponding
high resolution TEM (HRTEM) images are shown in Fig. 1e, along
with selected area electron diffraction (SAED) pattern (inset). The
HRTEM image of as prepared ZnO nanostructures revealed a spacing
of 0.281 nm between two fringes, which corresponds to the (01–10)
plane of the bulk wurtzite ZnO crystal. From the HR-TEM images
and SAED patterns, it is seen that these ZnO nanorods are single crys-
talline in nature, with a growth direction along the c-axis.
Fig. 2 shows the resistance change of ZnO nanorods at various
temperatures and concentrations of test gases. It shows that resis-
tance is very high at low temperature and it decreases with increasing
testing temperature. This generally happens due to the increase of
electron concentration on the surface of ZnO nanorods with increas-
ing temperature. Furthermore, the response increased and recovery
time decreased with increasing testing temperature as well as gas
concentration in case of CO gas while in case of ethanol and acetalde-
hyde, response as well as recovery time both increased. These ZnO
nanorods show response as low as 100 °C for CO and ethanol gas
but for acetaldehyde it does not show response below 200 °C (resis-
tance change for CO and ethanol at 100 °C is shown in Fig. S2).
Although, the concentration of ethanol is lower than the CO gas but
it shows better response at almost every test temperature. However,
recovery time for CO is better than the ethanol at every testing tem-
perature. Furthermore, reproducibility is an important factor for gas
sensor and it is checked by repeating the test three times at every
test temperature for 1000 ppm of CO and 250 ppm of ethanol as
well as acetaldehyde. As can be seen from Fig. 2, ZnO nanorods
show good reproducibility at every testing temperature for these
Fig. 3a shows the comparison of response of ZnO for 1000 ppm of
CO and 250 ppm of ethanol as well as acetaldehyde at different test-
ing temperatures. The highest response for CO gas is 4.93 at 200 °C
testing temperature. The response increases from 100 to 200 °C and
then sharply decreased at 300 °C while again increased at 400 °C.
Fig. 1. (a) XRD pattern of as prepared ZnO nanorods; (b) Raman spectroscopy; (c) SEM; (d) TEM; and (e) HRTEM along with SAED patterns.
91P. Rai et al. / Materials Letters 68 (2012) 90–93
ZnO nanorods show good response even at 150 °C and it was 4.80.
However, in case of ethanol the highest response was 6.83 at
400 °C. In this case also response increased with increasing tempera-
ture except 300 °C. Similarly, in case of acetaldehyde also, the highest
response was obtained at 400 °C and it was 5.30. However, in this
case response decreased linearly with decreasing testing tempera-
ture. Furthermore, selectivity is an important issue for the real use
of metal oxide gas sensor. Therefore, response of ZnO nanorods for
200 ppm of CO ethanol and acetaldehyde is compared at different
testing temperatures. The response for ethanol is higher at every test-
ing temperature as compared to CO and acetaldehyde as shown in
Fig. 3b. For each gas, response increased with increasing testing tem-
perature except 300 °C. At 200 °C testing temperature the response
for ethanol (3.7) is almost three times higher than the CO (1.36)
and acetaldehyde (1.05). Hence as prepared ZnO nanorods can be
selectively used for ethanol at 200 °C testing temperature.
4. Conclusions
Single crystalline, ZnO nanorods are synthesized by microwave
assisted hydrothermal method in short reaction time. These ZnO
nanorods are applied for the sensing of three reducing gases namely
CO, ethanol and acetaldehyde. These ZnO nanorod gas sensors
showed high response for these gases and their response increased
with increasing gas concentration as well as testing temperature.
For low concentration of gas response for ethanol was better than
the CO and acetaldehyde gas at low testing temperature.
Fig. 2. Resistance change of ZnO nanorods at various temperatures and concentrations of either CO, ethanol or acetaldehyde gas.
Fig. 3. Response of ZnO nanorods at different testing temperatures for (a) CO (1000 ppm), ethanol (250 ppm) and acetaldehyde (250 ppm) (b) 200 ppm of CO, ethanol and
92 P. Rai et al. / Materials Letters 68 (2012) 90–93
This study was supported by the Post BK21 program in the Minis-
try of Education, Human Resources Development, and also supported
by the Korea National Research Foundation (NRF) grant funded by the
Korea Government (MEST) (NRF-2010-0028802, 2010-0019626).
Appendix A. Supplementary data
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at doi:10.
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