: 611724
Ha Noi – March, 2021
I hereby declare that this paper is my own work. All results and data in this
thesis are absolutely honest and have not been submitted before to any institution
for assessment purposes. All sources used in this paper were cited in references.
To complete this thesis, I am deeply indebted to people who have been
providing me with precious support and advice.
Firstly, I would like to send my gratitude to my supervisor, MS. Nguyen
Tuan Anh, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agronomy,
Vietnam National University of Agriculture, for his enthusiastic support, helpful
advice, and considerable encouragement in the completion of my thesis.
I would also like to express sincere thanks to the lecturers from the Faculty
of Agronomy in general and lecturers in the Department of Genetics and Plant
Breeding in particular, who taught and created the best conditions for students
during the learning process and research.
Besides, my special thanks go to Dr. Pham Thi Ngoc, Department of
Genetics and Plant Breeding for her technical guidance in the field and in the
Last but not least, I want to express my sincere thanks to my family and
friends who have always been by my side, give me support and strength to
complete this graduation thesis.
Ha Noi, March 1st 2021
Do Thi Tham
DECLARATION ................................................................................................... i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................. ii
CONTENTS ......................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. vii
LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................. ix
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................... x
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1
1.1. Introduction .................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Objectives and Requirements ......................................................................... 3
1.2.1. Objectivess .................................................................................................. 3
1.2.2. Requirements ............................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER II. LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................. 4
2.1. General introduction about common bean plants .......................................... 4
2.1.1 Origin of common beans. ............................................................................. 4
2.1.2 Diversity in common bean ............................................................................ 5
2.1.3 Usage of common bean .............................................................................. 12
2.2 Bontany characteristics ................................................................................. 13
2.2.1 Roots ........................................................................................................... 13
2.2.2. Stems.......................................................................................................... 14
2.2.3. Leaves ........................................................................................................ 14
2.2.4. Flowers ...................................................................................................... 14
2.2.5. Fruits ......................................................................................................... 14
2.2.6. Seeds .......................................................................................................... 15
2.3 The requirements of cultivated condition ..................................................... 15
2.3.1. Temperature .............................................................................................. 15
2.3.2. Light........................................................................................................... 16
2.3.3. Water ......................................................................................................... 17
2.3.4. Land ........................................................................................................... 17
2.4. Production and research of common bean in the World .............................. 17
2.4.1. Production and research of common bean in the World .......................... 17
2.4.2. Research about fertilizer and density of common bean in the world ....... 20
2.5. Production and research of common bean in Vietnam ................................ 21
2.5.1. Common bean production in Vietnam ...................................................... 21
2.5.2. Research of common bean in Vietnam ...................................................... 22
2.6. Production and market of common beans ................................................... 24
2.6.1 Production .................................................................................................. 24
2.6.2. Market ....................................................................................................... 26
2.7. Desired traits of new common bean variety................................................. 31
3.1. Research materials........................................................................................ 32
3.2. Location, time and research methods ........................................................... 32
3.3.1. Experimental layout method ..................................................................... 32
3.3.2 Applying fertilizer ....................................................................................... 33
3.3.3 Growing techniques ................................................................................... 33
3.3.4. Growth stage ............................................................................................. 34
3.3.5. Agro-biological indicators:....................................................................... 36
3.3.6. Quality indicators ...................................................................................... 36
3.3.7. Yield and yield components ....................................................................... 37
3.3.8. Pests and Diseases .................................................................................... 37
3.3.9. Statistical analysis ..................................................................................... 38
CHAPTER IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION................................................ 39
4.1. The growth stages of two common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in 2020
Winter season .......................................................................................... 39
4.1.1. Time of gemination .................................................................................... 39
4.1.2. Time of flowering ...................................................................................... 40
4.1.3. Time of fruiting .......................................................................................... 42
4.2. Effects of density and fertilizer on the growth and development of two
common beans lines BH1 and BH2 in 2020 Winter season ................... 44
4.2.1. Effects of density and fertilizer on growth of main stem height of two
common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in 2020 Winter season ..................... 45
4.2.2. Effect of density and fertilizer on growth of leaves per plant of two
common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in 2020 Winter season ..................... 47
4.2.3. Effects of density and amount of fertilizer on branch formation of two
common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in Winter 2020 ................................. 48
4.3. Effects of density and fertilizer on other indicators of fruit such as shape,
size of two common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in 2020 Winter season .. 50
4.3.1. Fruit length of two common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in 2020 Winter
season ...................................................................................................... 50
4.3.2. Fruit width of two common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in 2020 Winter
season ...................................................................................................... 51
4.3.3. Fruit diameter of two common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in 2020 Winter
season ...................................................................................................... 52
4.3.4. Number of seed per fruit of two common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in
2020 Winter season ................................................................................. 53
4.4. Effect of density and fertilizer on yield of two common bean lines BH1
and BH2 in 2020 Winter season ............................................................. 54
4.3.1. Effect of density and fertilizer on the number of flowers on the two
common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in 2020 Winter season ..................... 54
4.3.2. Effect of density and fertilizer on the number of fruits on the two
common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in 2020 Winter season ..................... 55
4.3.3. Effect of density and fertilizer on the average weight of fruit and
individual productivity yield on the two common bean lines BH1 and
BH2 in 2020 Winter season .................................................................... 56
4.5. Some quality indicators of fresh fruit of two common bean lines BH1 and
BH2 in 2020 Winter season .................................................................... 59
4.6. Steam diameter final of two common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in 2020
Winter season .......................................................................................... 59
4.7. Pest and disease situation of two common bean lines BH1 and BH2 in
2020 Winter season ................................................................................. 61
5.1. Conclusions .................................................................................................. 63
5.2. Recommendation .......................................................................................... 63
REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 64
APPENDIX ......................................................................................................... 69
Table 2.1: Characteristics of some common beans ............................................. 11
Table 2.2: Table shows the temperature of common bean during the growing
periods ..................................................................................................... 15
Table 2.3: Production of common bean in the world since 2013 to 2017 .......... 24
Table 2.4: The production of common bean in some continents in the world ... 25
Table 2.5: Demographic and economic indicators of growth ............................. 27
Table 3.1: Discription of developmental stages of common bean ...................... 35
Table 3.2: Sensory evaluation of fresh fruits ...................................................... 36
Table 3.3: Evaluate levels of Root rot ................................................................. 37
Table 3.4: Evaluate the impact of Flea beetle ..................................................... 38
Table 4.1: The germination time of the two common bean lines BH1 (A) and
BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter season (days) ................................................... 39
Table 4.2: The flowering time of the two common bean lines BH1 (A) and
BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter season (days) ................................................... 41
Table 4.3: The fruiting time of the two common bean lines BH1 (A) and BH2
(B) in 2020 Winter season (days) ............................................................ 43
Table 4.4: The length of fruit in different density and fertilizer treatments of
two common bean lines BH1 (A) and BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter season
(cm) ......................................................................................................... 50
Table 4.5: The width of fruit in different density and fertilizer formulas of two
common bean lines BH1 (A) and BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter season (cm)
................................................................................................................. 51
Table 4.6: The diameter of fruit in different density and fertilizer formulas of
two common bean lines BH 1 (A) and BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter season
(cm) ......................................................................................................... 52
Table 4.7: Number of seed per fruit in different density and fertilizer formulas
of two common bean lines BH 1 (A) and BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter
season (cm) .............................................................................................. 53
Table 4.8: Number of flowers/bunches of two common bean lines BH1 (A)
and BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter season ...................................................... 54
Table 4.9: Effect of density and fertilizer on the number of fruits/plant on the
two common bean lines BH1 (A) and BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter ............ 55
Table 4.10: Average weight fruit of two common bean lines BH1 (A) and
BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter season (gram).................................................. 56
Table 4.11: Individual productivity fruit yield of two common bean lines BH1
(A) and BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter season (Gram).................................... 57
Table 4.12: Some quality indicators of fruit collected when fresh ..................... 59
Table 4.13: The final stem diameters of the two lines common bean beans
BH1 (A) and BH2 (B) in Winter 2020 (mm) .......................................... 60
Table 4.14. Pest and disease situation of two common bean lines BH1 and
BH2 in different density and fertilizer formulas in Winter 2020 ............... 61
Figure 3.1: Experimental layout table the RCBD method ................................. 33
Figure 4.1: The dynamics of growth in main stem height of the two common
bean lines BH1 (A) and BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter season (cm) .......... 44
Figure 4.2: The dynamics of growth in leaves of the two common bean lines
BH1 (A) and BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter season .................................... 44
Figure 4.3: The dynamics of growth in branches of two common bean lines
BH1 (A) and BH2 (B) in 2020 Winter season .................................... 45
Figure 4: Symbols of Fruit borer disease ............................................................ 62
: International Central for Topical Agiculture
: Fomular
: hecta
: Least significant difference
: Food Agriculture Organization
Objectives: Identity the optimal density and fertilizer level which give the best
growth and yield of pod to newly bred two common bean lines BH1 and BH2.
Research methodology: The experiment was conducted in the Winter of
2020 at the field experiment area of the Faculty of Agriculture - Vietnam National
Academy of Agriculture. The research material was conducted on 2 newly created
climbing body common bean lines: BH1, BH2. The experiment consisted of two
factors: density (primary factors) and fertilizer amount (secondary factor). The
experiment was arranged in sub-main plot with 2 replicates for each formula: the
area of each experimental plot is 5m2.
Results and discussion: Through experiments measured, assessed, and
collected the criteria and selected the optimal density is B (20cm) and the optimal
fertilizer formula is F3 (100kg N - 90kg P205 - 180kg K2O) for two common bean
lines BH1 and BH2.
Conclusions and recommendations: Continue to further evaluate the
effects of nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers to find the most suitable fertilizer
formula for the common bean lines in Gia Lam area. Continuing to evaluate the
effect of plant density, fertilization, then recommend farmers to achieve the
highest productivity as well as economic efficiency.
1.1. Introduction
The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important crop in the
world. It is an important source of calories, proteins, dietary fibers, minerals, and
vitamins for millions of people in both developing and developed countries
worldwide. It complements cereals and other carbohydrate-rich foods in
providing near-perfect nutrition to people of all ages (S. P Singh, 2013). Common
bean was domesticated approximately 8000 years ago in the Americas. It is widely
appreciated for their affordability (compared to animal protein) and its long
storage life. As a legume, common bean also has the economic and environmental
benefit of associating with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, thus reducing the use of
synthetic fertilizers, which is key for sustainable agriculture (Castro-Guerrero et
al., 2016).
With the tremendous value of this crop, The common bean is currently
estimated to be one of the most important legumes worldwide, and is an important
source of nutrients for more than 300 million people in parts of Eastern Africa and
Latin America, representing 65% of total protein consumed, 32% of energy, and
a major source of micronutrients e.g., iron, zinc, thiamin and folic acid (Petry et
al., 2015). The annual global bean production is approximately 12 million metric
tons, Latin America is the leading producer of common beans, in which the two
largest producers are Brazil and Mexico. Africa is the second most important
region, producing about 2.5 million tons/year, concentrated in Uganda, Kenya,
Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, and Congo. In Asia, the two countries with the
largest production are India and China with more than 4 million tons / year. In the
US, common beans are an economically important crop with 769,000 hectares of
acreage planted for seeds in 2012 and have generated a value of 1.5 million dollars
(Petry et al., 2015).
According to CIAT (1991) common bean have a common feature of
unstable yield due to non-biotic factors such as climate and soil, affecting the growth
and development of plants. Common bean is often grown under wet farming
conditions, in which disease is a factor in low and unstable yield. Farmers often plant
late or earlier to avoid diseases and that in turn affects the fruiting ability of the
common bean plant as flowering times fall in inappropriate climatic times leading to
a decline in the rate of growth fruiting rate causes low yield.
Luque and Creamer (2014) collaborated with CIAT to study to identify key
constraints and production and consumption trends in common bean production.
The authors have suggested that it is necessary to select varieties with some traits
such as resistance to adverse conditions, improved yield, resistance to pests and
diseases and suitable products to market requirements, and nutritional quality. In
Brazil, common bean is one of the main crops, cultivar must combine desirable
genotypes for several traits in order to be accepted by producers and consumers.
For producers, it must have high grain yield, good plant architecture, resistance to
the main pathogens and a highly marketable grain type (Lima et al., 2015).
Common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) belong to the legume or the
butterfly family (Fabaceae or legume family). The wild ancestor of common bean
is found in Central and South America. Common types of common beans are
found in climates ranging from moderately hot, arid to tropical humid lowlands
and even in cooler regions such as the mountains of South America (Navazio,
Among legumes, the genus Phaseolus is the largest, with more than 70
species native to Central America and North America (Freytag, GF, Debouck,
Daniel G, 2002). Five of these species have been domesticated as P. vulgaris; P.
dumosus, P. coccineus, P. acutifolius, P. lunatus and a few more species are
beginning to be domesticated (Delgado-Salinas et al., 2006). Common beans are
domesticated from 2 large genetic capital, Mesoamerica and Andean. In a
domesticated genetic capital, a number of eco-geographic species have been
identified on the basis of morphology, isozyme and molecular information.
Common beans grown in the North of Vietnam are limited due to the short
season, mainly from September to December every year. Therefore, the supply of
scatter vegetables is limited in the Red River Delta conditions. Currently, we still
do not have an appropriate set of varieties, yield and quality to grow early
Autumn-Winter and Late Spring crops in the high temperature conditions of the
Red River Delta. The two common bean lines BH1 and BH2 are newly-bred, so
it is necessary to study the planting procedure (density, fertilizer) to give a
standard procedure for each line.
Stemming from practical needs and scientific basis above, I conduct
research topic: “The effect of density and amount of fertilizer to the growth and
development of two common bean lines during 2020 Winter season in Gia Lam,
1.2. Objectives and Requirements
1.2.1. Objectives
Identity the optimal density and fertilizer level which give the best growth
and yield of pod to two newly bred common bean lines BH1 and BH2.
1.2.2. Requirements
Describe or measure the morphological and agronomic characteristics of
the two common beans.
Measure yield and yield components of the two common beans.
Calculate the effect of densities and the amounts of fertilizer on growth
and development of the two common beans.
Identify the optimal planting density and amount of fertilizer which give
the highest yield or highest profit for the two lines of common beans.
2.1. General introduction about common bean plants
2.1.1 Origin of common beans.
The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. 2n = 2x = 22) belongs to the
legume or butterfly family (Fabaceae family). The wild ancestor of common
beans is found in Central and South America. The ancestral forms of common
beans are found in climates ranging from moderately hot, arid to tropical humid
lowlands and even in cooler regions such as the mountains of South America.
Among legumes, Phaseolus is the largest, with more than 70 species native to
Central America and North America (Freytag, GF, Debouck, Daniel G, 2002).
Five of these species have been domesticated as P. vulgaris; P. dumosus, P.
coccineus, P. acutifolius, P. lunatus and a few more species are beginning to be
domesticated (Delgado-Salinas et al., 2006). Of these 5 species, 2 species of
Mesoamerica origin (P. dumosus and P. coccineus) are most closely related to P.
vulgaris. Between these three species a distant hybrid can occur. Based on αamylase inhibitor gene sequencing data, P. vulgaris was isolated from P. dumosus
and P. coccineus about 2 million years ago (P. Gepts et al., 2000).
(Paul Gepts, 1998) claimed that published about the origin and evolution
of common bean that, this plant is grown on all continents except Antarctica. The
principal products are dry beans (seeds harvested at complete maturity), shell
beans (seeds harvested at physiological maturity, i.e. before the desiccation
associated with complete maturity sets in), and green or snap beans (pods havested
before the seed development phase).
In Viet Nam, there was not any documents to disclose details about the presence
of common bean at what time, only traders know to bring "đậu cô ve" (Haricot vert)
with green color and "đậu cô bơ" (Haricot beurre) with yellow color have entered our
country for hundreds of years present (Ta Thu Cuc, 2006).
Genomic information on the other domesticated or wild Phaseolus species
range from scarce to null. However, the already sequenced genomes of common
bean will help in sequencing and assembling the genomes of other species of the
genus. In fact, common bean is one of the five domesticated species of the genus
Phaseolus, a genus formed by a relatively large number of species with broader
or narrower geographical distribution and some of them adapted to particular
environments. The other four domesticated species are tepary bean (P. acutifolius
A. Gray), runner bean (P. coccineus L.), lima bean (P. lunatus L.) and year-long
bean (P. dumosus Macfad.), all four originated and domesticated in America.
2.1.2 Diversity in common bean
The common bean wild
The common bean wild forms originated in Mesoamerica about 165,000
years ago and spread southwards towards the Andes (Bitocchi et al., 2012;
Schmutz et al., 2014). At least two of its independent domestication events
determined the formation of two distinct domesticated gene pools that evolved
under isolation, one in Mesoamerica and one in the Andes. These gene pools
underwent parallel evolution that was associated with partial reproducltive
incompatibility (i.e. low hybrid fertility due to gene conditioning hybrid weakness
and breakdown (Johnson and Gepts 1988; Koinange and Gepts 1992; Singh and
Molina 1996), and they spread further through the development of landraces with
distinct characteristics and specific adaptations. Such distinct and replicated
domestication events that occurred for the same species (or the same genus) that
led to morphological and functional changes represent an almost unique
experimental feature for evolutionary studies. This is different from other
examples of multiple domestications events (Meyer et al. 2012) that were not
independent due to the lack of reproductive isolation (Bitocchi et al. 2017).
However, some similarities can be seen in rice with the indica and japonica
subspecies (Vitte et al. 2004; Londo et al. 2006; but see also Molina et al. 2011;
Choi et al. 2017).
For these reasons, the common bean is an ideal model to study
domestication and evolution, and the present review aims to cover the current
knowledge of its evolutionary history. This provides an analysis of the process of
domestication, with the focus on convergent phenotypic evolution. It also
highlights current knowledge of the genetic control of the domestication
syndrome from the perspective of the new era that is associated with the release
of both the Mesoamerican (Vlasova et al. 2016) and Andean (Schmutz et al. 2014)
reference genome sequences (Pérez de la Vega et al., 2017).
Mamidi S et al,.2012; Bitocchi et al., 2013 has shown that, nearly 8,000
years common bean have been independently domesticated and formed into
Mexican and common bean South America today. Local acclimated domesticated
varieties have developed into indigenous varieties with distinct characteristics.
Native Mexican beans domesticated at the same time time with maize and is part
of the cultivating system ‘milpa’ (farming system including green beans, corn
with zucchini), this system is adapted throughout America. The domestication has
resulted in morphological changes in the green bean plant such as increasing
numbers seeds, leaf size, changes in growth behavior, cyclic and variable
reactions the seed shell color (Shree P. Singh et al., 1991; McClean et al., 2002;
(Zizumbo-Villarreal & Colunga-GarciaMarin, 2010).
Wild common bean was first described in Argentina (Burkart 1941; Burkart
and Brucher, 1953) and Guatemala ((McBryde F. W., 1947), then compiled by
Gept and Debouk in 1991. Recently, Debouck et al., (1993) and Freyre et al.,
(1996) gave a more detailed description of the behavior and genetic relationships
of wild common bean in Ecuador-Comlombia and Bolivia. Based on existing
knowledge, it has been shown that coca beans are grown in a very wide range,
from northern Mexico (380 N) to northwestern Argentina (350 S), at an altitude
of 500 to 2,000 m and with rainfall of 500 up to 1,800mm. Two subgroups have
been described as P. vulgaris var. aborigineus and P. vulgaris var. mexicanus
(Delgado-Salinas, 1985). They are distinguished both morphologically and at the
molecular level (Gepts, 1998). An international conference on the use of wild
common bean and their wild relatives to improve the variety was held in 2012 at
the CIAT Tropical Agriculture Center, because it is a legume. Although important
in the world, biotic and abiotic disagreements limit common bean yields to 600
kg/ha, reducing income in producing countries. Low productivity also affects food
security in a situation of increasing demand in proportion to population growth,
especially with the threat of climate change. Climate change is associated with
adverse events such as high temperatures, drought and diseases that strongly
affect common bean. To overcome these disagreements, new genetic variations
have been identified and used in the breeding program. The current genetic
diversity of cultivated legumes is very narrow, while wild species and wild
relatives that are not yet used are very diverse (Porch et al., 2013). Improving the
genetics of the common bean by using a genetic resource that has never been used,
wild and wild cousins is an important direction in responsive breeding. with
climate change. Gathering genes from wild relatives and wild relatives such as P.
acutifolius, P. coccineus, P. costaricensis and P. dumosus into plant species with
the help of new molecular genetic tools has resulted success.
The common bean (indigenous and improved varieties)
Archaeological evidence has proven that common bean is known about
7,000 years ago and are the oldest tree in the Mediterranean (Aguilar-Benítez et
al., 2012).
Seed common bean is grown in Latin America, in areas with an average
temperature of 17.5oC to 25oC, most of the growing areas have an average
temperature of 21oC. The evolution of the beans during domestication has made
them adaptable to warmer weather conditions and long daily cycles. For example,
common bean grown in California with an average temperature during the
growing season are 27oC (Paul Gepts, 1998).
The degree of diversity of indigenous common bean is very large and has
been published by many studies. Research on common bean genetic diversity in
Italy by Raggi et al., 2013 showed that common bean is an important crop species
native to Mesoamerica. The native Italian breeds are clearly divided into three
groups and are not associated with the original genetic capital. The observed
structure can also be due to an adaptation to the environment, possibly also by the
influence of altitude above sea level. The combination using morphological,
biochemical and molecular data showed clear differences in most native varieties.
The results obtained could facilitate the introspection of native breeds in Italy as
well as use for registration in conservation lists and geographical indications in
Europe, for commercial and fecal use better mate the native common bean. Using
genetic diversity of indigenous genetic resources also serves for breeding,
application in organic farming systems and traditional farming (Raggi et al.,
As of 2001, the common bean genome set (Phaseolus) had about 65,000
samples in the plant seed genetic banks, of which more than 90% were P. vulgaris.
The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) has the largest
collection in the world, including more than 40,000 acres, of which 26,500 are
cultivated (domesticated) common bean, about 1,300 acres are wild common bean
and the remainder are distant relatives of the common bean (CIAT, 2001).
The East African highlands is an important producer of common bean and
there is a high diversity in the varieties. Asfaw et al., (2009) evaluated the
diversity and population structure of 192 indigenous varieties of Ethiopia and
Kenya along with four genotypes control through morphological phenotyping
analysis and the use of molecular markers SSR. The analyzed genetic resources
are representative of the different common bean-producing ecoregions and
thecommon bean types of these countries. The results showed that the indigenous
varieties expressed diversity and belonged to the two genomes of Andean and
Mesoamerica, but there was very little gene transfer between these two groups.
The Mesoamerica genotypes are dominant in Ethiopia while the Andean
genotypes are dominant in Kenya. Indigenous varieties of the same country tend
to belong to the same group, indicating that the genetic resources differ at the
national level. The authors also observed that the genetic diversity was higher in
the indigenous varieties of Ethiopia than in Kenya, which means that the
Mesoamerica genotype has a higher degree of diversity than the Andean
The Turkish scientists used the SRAP (Sequence Related Amplified
Polymorphism), POGP (Peroxidase Gene Polymophism (POGP)), and cpSSR (
Chloroplast Simple Sequence Repeats) in the study of genetic diversity in this
country. The results of a tree-shaped genealogy diagram showing genetic
relationships between different varieties of common bean into 2 groups, which
can represent two distinct major genetic capitals. By using 3 molecular indicator
systems, 194 alleles were detected, of which 118 alleles are polymorphic (Ceylan
et al., 2014).
In China, Zhang et al., (2008) studied and evaluated the diversity of 229
Chinese indigenous common bean seed samples using 30 SSR molecular markers.
A total of 166 alleles were detected with an average of 5.5 alleles per locus for all
markers. Indigenous varieties were divided into two groups. The degree of
diversity for native Chinese varieties of Andean origin is higher than for Chinese
indigenous varieties of Mesoamerica origin. Brazilian scientists evaluate and
analyze samples of common bean genetic resources based on morphological traits,
agronomic traits and SSR molecular markers according to Ward-MLM (Ward
clustering method and Modified location model). A total of 57 genetic resources
samples in the Brazilian gene bank were used for the research, including 31
indigenous varieties in the Fortaleza community in Brazil; 20 genetic samples of
Embrapa Trigo and 6 commercial varieties. Evaluate on 5 agronomic traits
(growth cycle of plant, number of seeds per fruit, number of fruits per plant,
weight of 100 seeds and yield of seeds); 5 morphological properties (growth
pattern, plant size, seed shape, seed color and commercial group) were used and
used 16 SSR indicators to evaluate diversity. Results showed that there is high
genetic variation in agronomic, morphological and molecular level of 57 seed
samples studied. The Ward-MLM method divided the seed samples into 5 groups.
Andean-derived genetic samples have a heavier grain mass than other sources.
Ward-MLM analysis method is a very useful technique for evaluating genetic
resources while using morphological, agronomic and molecular indicators
simultaneously (Cabral et al., 2010).
Turkish scientists used 47 primers of the iPBS (interprimer binding sites)
directive to determine the genetic diversity of 67 samples of the common bean
gene source. The results obtained a total of 180 polymorphic alleles, averaging 4
polymorphic alleles per primer, genetic homogeneity coefficients of genetic
resources in the range from 0.09 to 0.99 and PIC index of the iPBS directive is
0.73. Through analysis, the studied genetic resources samples were divided into 4
different populations. These results indicate that, using the iPBS directive, it is
possible to successfully determine the genetic diversity level of the common bean
genomic source samples (Nemli̇ et al., 2015).
Thus, it can be seen that the assessment of genetic diversity of common
bean genetic resources has been conducted very fully by countries at all levels
from the phenotype (morphology, agronomy) to the molecular level (using
various types of molecular markers). The results showed that the common bean
plant has a high genetic diversity and are both derived from the Mesoamerica and
Andean genes.
In Viet Nam, according to author Trần Khắc Thi et al., (2005), common
beans, distinguished by shape (type of growth), have 2 types are Dwarf common
beans (limited growth) and Common beans (grow indefinitely). Dwarf common
beans group has no local varieties, mainly imported varieties from Japan and
Taiwan. Imported varieties are very suitable for natural conditions in our country,
so they are selected, propagated and widely disseminated by companies. The
dwarf common bean variety is characterized by a short plant (50-60 cm) for early
harvest 40-45 days of sowing, long straight fruit, dark green color to medium .
The current common bean cultivars have the same yield and quality as climbing
common bean (18-22 tons/ha). Dwarf common beans also come in different
colors, such as yellow beans, green beans, brown beans, white beans and black
beans. Common beans (grow indefinitely) long stems 2.5 - 3m, in cultivation must
be scaffold.
Table 2.1: Characteristics of some common beans
Name of Common beans
Ha Lan beans, Yunnan young fruits are green, white seeds, and long oval
shape. Eat young fruit.
Green beans or common young fruits are green, seeds are brown and oval.
bean pods
Eat young fruit
White beans or kidney young fruits are green, seeds are white, and are
beans, egg-shaped. Eat only nuts.
Classification by botanical characteristics, CIAT has income and is
classified into four different types of growth characteristics, number of burns after
flowering, flowering height and climbing ability. (Finite dwarf type) no main stem
nodule, short burning, short branches, short growth time. lower nodule (bovine
indeterminate) with main stem nodule after flowering. Branches are low, crawling
into dust.
2.1.3 Usage of common bean
Common bean contains high protein content, is a good source of energy
and provides folic acid, dietary fibre and complex carbohydrates (Platt, 1962,
Cited in Edje et al., 1980). Common bean protein is high in lysine, which is
relatively deficient in maize, cassava and rice, making it a good complement to
these staples in the diet. It is the main grain legume crop grown in Eastern and
Southern Africa. Consumption of common bean is high mostly because it is
relatively inexpensive compared to meat (Pachico, 1993). For the poor, common
bean plays a strategic role in alleviating alnutrition but other health related
functions exist.
Common bean is used almost entirely for human consumption but beans
require processing before they are eaten to degrade the toxic compound, lectin
phytohaemaglutinin, which would otherwise cause severe gastric upset (Ferris
and Kaganzi, 2008). In Eastern and Southern Africa, common bean is important
for staggering food supply: leaves, pods, green grains and dry beans. It is
consumed as boiled green leaves, green immature pods and/or dry grains. The
fresh form of grain is the most preferred because of its fresh flavour, good taste,
and requires considerably little time to cook (approximately 40 min). However,
fresh beans are difficult to keep, and as such they are consumed for a short time
only in season before beans dry (Katungi et al., 2009).
In some Asian countries, common beans are used in vegetarian meals,
processing dishes such as bean sweet gruel, ... In addition, common beans are also
used as medicine. The peel is used as a diuretic and can lower sugar in blood in
people with diabetes.
Young fruit contains about 2.5% protein, 0.2% fat, 7% carbohydrates and
especially vitamin A and vitamin C, minerals, fruit can be eaten fresh, canned and
frozen. In Asian countries such as India, Burma, Nepal, Sri-Lanka, Bangladesh
common beans are used in diets. Is a crop adapted in the rice rotation system. The
most important vegetable, widely available, in large quantity and potentially a
high source of income for farmers (Nguyễn Thị Hưng, 2016).
Regular consumption of common bean and other pulses is now promoted
by health organizations because it reduces the risk of diseases such as cancer,
diabetes or coronary heart diseases (Leterme, 2002 in Leterme and Munoz, 2002).
This is because common bean is low in fat and is cholesterol free. It is also an
appetite suppressant because it digests slowly and causes a low sustained increase
in blood sugar. Researchers have found that common bean can delay the
programs(Katungi et al., 2009).
In developed countries such as the U.S.A., the per capita consumption has
been increasing steadily. As awareness of the above properties of common bean
increases, consumption is likely to rise. Similarly, diversification and publicity
for processed bean products (e.g., chips for snacks, instant beans for cream or
internationalization of food habits could increase global bean production and
consumption (S. P Singh, 2013).
2.2 Bontany characteristics
2.2.1 Roots
In general, the root system of many types of common beans is
underdeveloped, the distribution of the root system is limited, mainly distributed
in the soil layer 20-30cm deep, within a radius of 50-70cm. The main roots are
short, but if grown on loose soil, they can up to 1 meter deep. The lateral roots
(secondary roots) are shallow. Rhizobium bacteria grow more on the secondary